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苗木全封闭造林技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用药剂或材料对造林苗木从起苗直至造林成功,进行封闭式的全面保护及其相应的造林方法,形成了一套新的造林技术─—苗木全封闭造林。本文阐述了该技术的由来,所含内容、实施方法、对造林的影响和发展前景。  相似文献   

在造林时 ,要达到栽一株活一株 ,造一片活一片的目的 ,其关键在于提高植苗的成活率。通过多年的生产实践 ,并结合外地的先进经验 ,总结归纳出提高造林苗木成活率的几项基本措施。1 选林前的苗木准备1 1 苗木的秋季管理起苗 起苗要做到起 1把 ,选 1把 ,假植 1把 ,苗木根系曝光的时间不得超过 5min ,假植必须灌水。从掘苗到栽植的整个过程中 ,苗根在外的曝露时间不能超过 35min。外调苗木的运输及管理 凡是外调苗木 ,在长途运输前必须将包装后的苗木捆 (或草袋 )进行逐一洒水 ,且水要灌足 ;装车后再进行 1次彻底灌水 ,达到包装物、苗根全…  相似文献   

国营苗圃作为苗木生产重点单位,保证苗木质量,提高苗木造林后的生命力和苗木成活率,是苗圃生产者的首要目标,起苗管理自然成为提高苗木质量最重要的环节。多年来,通过起苗对造林成活率影响的观察以及不同苗木购买者的信息反馈,笔者认为加强起苗管理是一项十分重要的工作。  相似文献   

在一定时期内 ,影响造林绿化苗木市场供求的因素有政府部门对造林绿化的重视程度、木材及林产品的市场价格和社会苗木的生产量。具体到各个树种、品种的市场情况 ,则受到林业专家的导向、造林绿化部门的需求及各品种的供应量的影响。1  2 0 0 1年春季苗木市场回顾2 0 0 1年春季绿化苗木十分畅销。由于山东省各级政府对环境绿化的高度重视 ,人们对绿化、美化意识的提高 ,以及以北京为主的周边省、市和西部地区苗木需求量的增加 ,使我省苗木调剂调拨量之大 ,是近几年来少有的。除了部分果树苗、银苗等小苗有剩余之外 ,其它常用的造林绿化苗木…  相似文献   

通过 10多年来造林工作实践 ,总结出针叶树造林有关如何利用苗木的问题。油松、樟子松造林一般采用 2年生移植苗造林 ,这将有利于提高造林成活率和幼树生长量 ;采用不合格苗造林 ,将显著降低一次性造林成活率 ;苗木在出圃前要灌足“三水”即解冻水、化冻水和起苗水 ,只有提高苗木的含水量 ,才能保证造林的成活率 ,苗木的含水率与造林的成活率呈正相关 ;在造林实践中 ,不可忽视苗木的保湿 ,应尽可能做到随起苗随运输 ,随栽植 ,缩短苗木在外裸露时间  相似文献   

采用金佛山方竹母竹分株单株蔸苗、1年生营养袋实生苗、1年生实生裸根苗造林,对造林后竹苗的地径生长、苗高生长、新发苗(笋)数量进行对比研究。结果表明,不同类型苗木对苗木地径生长、苗高生长、新发苗数量均有显著影响。对苗木地径生长的影响为:母竹分株苗造林>裸根苗造林>营养袋苗造林;对苗高生长的影响为:母竹分株苗造林>裸根苗造林>营养袋苗造林;对新发苗(笋)数量的影响为:营养袋苗造林>裸根苗造林>母竹分株苗造林。  相似文献   

为提高红椆苗木质量和造林成活率,对红椆2年生直播苗和2年生撒播苗移栽容器苗苗木质量进行对比试验,同时采用不同规格容器和遮荫处理对1年生撒播苗移栽到容器后苗木的成活率和生长量进行比较试验。结果表明:容器育苗可显著提高红椆苗苗高、地径、主根长、地上部分干重、地下部分干重;容器规格对移栽后苗木成活率影响不显著,但对苗木生长有显著影响;采用80%遮阳网遮荫,容器苗成活率较高,苗木高生长也显著增加,但苗木地径生长与60%遮阳网遮荫处理的苗木差异不显著。  相似文献   

苗木对造林成活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章阐述造林成活率的高低受苗木质量、起苗、运苗到假植和造林时间、栽植的影响。  相似文献   

苗木含水量与造林成活率关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
造林后成活的关键在于苗木能否迅速生长出新的根系和恢复其生理功能。苗木的新根再生长及生理机能的恢复,主要决定于整个苗木,特别是根系生活力的大小。一般的说,影响苗木生活力的主导因子是水分。为了探讨苗木含水量对造林成活率的影响,我们于1985年和1986年,对辽宁东部主要造林树种苗木的不同含水量,进行了浸根、失水和造林等试验,以求探明成活率与苗木含水量的关系及苗木根系水分等情况,为在起苗、运苗、假植、造林等工序中,确定保护苗木措施提供依据。  相似文献   

丛建华  张岚 《林业科技》1993,13(2):15-15,4
容器苗造林后缓苗期短、生长快,能提高“两率”使造林获得成功.实践经验证明,容器苗根系生长发育与容器的材料有着密切的关系。为此,我们于1987年进行了容器杯材料与造林后对苗木生长的影响方面的研究。  相似文献   

Water relation parameters of bare-root seedlings of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.)and Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.)were measured and changes of root growth potential as well as field survival rate of both species were studied after the bare-root seedlings were exposed in a sunny field condition.the results showed that masson pine had a lower osmotic potential(-2.07Mpa) at turgor loss point and at full turgor(-1.29Mpa),compared with Chinese fir(-1.80Mpa and -1.08Mpa respectively).The parameter Vp/Vo(63.27%) of Masson pine was higher than that of chinese fir (58.03%).This means that Masson pine has a stronger ability to tolerate desiccation,compared to Chinese fir according to analysis of above water relation parameters.Root growth potential and field survival rate decreased with prolonging duration of exposure.The field survival rate of both species was reduced to less than 40% after the seedling being exposed only two hours.Water potentials of -1.60 Mpa and -1.70 Mpa were suggested to be critical values for Chinese fir and Masson pine respectively in successful reforestation.  相似文献   

A series ofresearches on the nutrition problems in the cultivation of Chinese fir seedlings and plantations, which are mainly focus on the problems of serious land degradation in Chinese fir plantations in contradiction with the rapid development of the plantations in China, were summarized. Twelve years was taken and more than 30 pieces of research papers were published for the researches, which refers to the problems of growth effect, physiological effect, vegetation variation, biomass accumulation, nutrition dynamic, accumulation and distribution  相似文献   

Western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn) seedlings were grown in a greenhouse and subjected to six nursery cultural treatments (long-day wet (LDW), long-day moderate (LDM), long-day dry (LDD), short-day wet (SDW), short-day moderate (SDM), and short-day dry (SDD)) during mid-summer. Seedling attributes were measured before fall and spring planting.Short-day and moisture stress treatments reduced shoot but not root growth, resulting in reduced shoot to root ratios. Fall tested LDW seedlings had a higher osmotic potential at saturation and turgor loss point than other treatments. Fall tested short-day seedlings had lower resistance to plant water movement. The LDW seedlings had the greatest new root growth in fall testing, while one of the lowest in spring testing. In the fall, LDW seedlings had the greatest net photosynthesis (Pn) at 25 °C root temperature, with all treatments having a similar decline in Pn as root temperatures decreased to 1 °C. In the spring, all treatments had a similar decline in Pn with decreasing predawn shoot water potential. Moisture stress and short-day nursery cultural treatments applied in mid-summer will not harden western red cedar seedlings for all potential field conditions.Spring, compared to fall, tested seedlings had two times the shoot and three times the root dry weight. Spring tested seedlings had a lower osmotic potential, maximum modulus of elasticity, relative water content at turgor loss point and greater dry weight fraction. Fall, compared to spring, tested seedlings had lower resistance to plant water movement and greater cuticular transpiration. In general, fall tested seedlings had more root growth than spring tested seedlings. Spring, compared to fall, tested seedlings generally had greater stress resistance.  相似文献   

Three seed sources of 2+0 Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings were graded into three root-volume categories (<9, 9–13, and >13 cm3) and outplanted to determine (i) differences in survival and growth after one and two growing seasons in the field, (ii) relationship(s) of seedling height after one and two seasons to preplanting nursery root volume, total fresh weight, root-collar diameter, and height, and (iii) differences in field performance due to fertilization at planting. Field survival was >90% among all root-volume categories. Seedlings in the largest category grew significantly better than those in the smaller two categories over two seasons. Apparently, a population of seedlings having a large proportion of high root volumes will outperform a population having a large proportion of low root volumes in the field. Fertilization at the time of planting had no effect on survival or growth because of shallow placement of the fertilizer pellet. The results suggest that targeting root volume, as well as height and diameter, is worthwhile where morphological quality must be maximized to improve field performance. Thus, root volume has potential for use as a criterion for grading seedlings.  相似文献   

BR-120是一种新型的高效植物生长调节剂,在富民县对桉树的育苗、造林和南盘江林业局的杉木育苗、造林作了推广运用试验。结果得出:用1:5000的BR-120溶液喷施桉树和杉木后,对桉树和杉木的苗木和幼树的生长都有不同的促进作用。与对照相比较,使桉树的高增长29.0%,地径增长29.1%;杉木高增长20.7%,地径增长26.0%。BR-120促进桉树幼树营养生长的作用比杉木大。  相似文献   

杉木短穗扦插苗与实生苗生长对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了培育杉木速生丰产林,用杉木优质短穗扦插苗与实生苗进行更新造林试验。通过3、9和15a期的观测,结果表明,杉木优质短穗扦插苗表现为林相整齐、速生丰产的特点。平均胸径、立木材积比实生苗高,均超过极显著的水平。说明采用杉木优质短穗扦插苗造林是解决杉木连栽产量低,保持杉木速生丰产的有效途径。  相似文献   

通过两次全分布区和一次有限分布区杉木[Cunninghamia lanceolata Lamb.(Hook.)]种源试验,证实了种源间的树高、胸径、材积和结实等都存在明显的遗传变异[1~4]。以速生优质为目的,综合评选出一批优良种源,具有丰产稳产、适应性广、结实量低等优良特性。  相似文献   

Results from three studies conducted in bare-root nurseries indicate a positive linear relationship between seed spacing and root growth potential of Pinus taeda L. seedlings. However, root growth potential was also correlated with several morphological variables, including seedling weight, root collar diameter, root weight, root volume, foliage weight and stem weight. Because seedlings grown at wider spacings were larger in diameter and biomass, covariate analyses (using either root collar diameter or foliage ovendry weight) were also conducted. These analyses indicate that differences in root growth potential between seed spacings can be accounted for by differences in seedling size.  相似文献   

【目的】泡桐轻基质容器苗的是利用泡桐良种脱毒组培苗移栽至轻基质容器中培育形成的苗木,在其工厂化培育过程中,由于培育水肥和光照微生境的异质性,使同批泡桐组培苗生长形成为生长势不同的轻基质容器苗,为明确不同等级泡桐轻基质容器苗移栽至大田后苗木间生长和质量的差异;【方法】在河南省通许县建立生长对比试验林,对泡桐轻基质容器苗壮苗和弱苗的大田移栽苗木的苗高、地径、根幅、根茎叶器官组织中全氮、全磷、全钾和有机碳浓度、单位面积产苗数和优质苗产出率进行了测定分析。【结果】1个生长季后,泡桐轻基质容器苗壮苗培育的大田苗苗高、地径、根幅和大田保存率为3.96m、5.77cm、1.34m和92.22%,分别比弱苗提高了40.43%、19.21%、103.03%和18.41%。方差分析表明,各生长指标均极显著高于弱苗培育的大田苗;泡桐壮苗培育的大田苗茎组织内各矿质元素浓度均高于弱苗大田苗,组织内全磷、全钾浓度分别为0.49 g·kg-1和2.56 g·kg-1,均极显著高于弱苗培育的大田苗;而壮苗根、叶组织中全氮、全磷、全钾和有机碳浓度与弱苗差异不显著;壮苗单位面积大苗产出数6403株·hm-2和优质苗产出率达58.24%,分别比弱苗提高了1.17倍和8.73倍。【结论】利用泡桐轻基质容器苗壮苗培育的大田苗的优质苗产出数、苗木质量均优于利用弱苗培育大田轻基质容器苗,应在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

分析了杉木第3代和第2.5代种子园良种苗木生长,认为杉木良种苗木的生长优势主要体现在苗高和Ⅰ级侧根数上。尤溪杉木第3代种子园良种和沙县官庄杉木第2.5代种子园良种1a生裸根苗苗高分别为0.51m和0.49m,分别比人工林采集种子的苗木高27.5%和22.5%。Ⅰ级侧根数量分别为23.33条和24.67条,分别比人工林采集种子的苗木多32.86%和40.49%。而尤溪第3代良种与官庄第2.5代良种苗木间地上部分和根系生长差异均不显著。  相似文献   

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