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自建党以来,我党取得了一个个历史性进步,尤其是在广袤的农村,构建了以土地改革和家庭联产承包责任栽勺基础的农民社会保障体制。但随着城市化进程加快和民工荒的出现,大量土地经营权流转或农村建设用地流转,大批失地农民丧失了安身立命之本,农民社会保障缺乏,农民权益受传统二元模式影响受到侵害,农村面临着极不稳定因素.如何更好的觯决土地流转下农民社会保障问题,健全保障农民权益的法律法规,使土地流转不再是一个完全市场化的资源配置方式,而是和 “三农”问题、新农村建设、国家和谐稳定紧密相关,我们必须在逐步完善的土地流转制度下,探索建立具有市场经济特征的新型社会主义农民社会保障制度。 相似文献
为探究农机社会化服务对农户家庭耕地经营规模的影响,将农户家庭耕地面积、流转面积和弃耕地面积放在同一分析框架内进行理论机制分析,并利用CLDS2018数据进行了实证检验。结果表明:第一,农机社会化服务对农户家庭耕地面积和弃耕地面积均有显著负向影响,对转入地面积没有显著影响。第二,规模异质性分析表明,农机社会化服务对于规模经营农户的耕地面积和转入地面积具有显著正向影响,对小农户和规模经营农户的弃耕地面积均有显著负向影响,农机社会化服务通过增加规模经营农户的转入地面积增加实际经营的耕地面积,减小了小农户的耕地面积。第三,区域异质性分析表明,农机社会化服务对东、中西部地区的农户家庭耕地面积和弃耕地面积均有显著负向影响,对中西部地区农户家庭的转入地面积具有正向影响,此外,对于东、中西部地区农户家庭弃耕地面积均有显著负向影响。最后根据结论提出完善农机社会化服务供给和加快户籍制度改革。 相似文献
贵州农民专业合作经济组织发展现状实证研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从对贵州省农民专业合作经济组织的实地调查资料入手,运用组织理论、企业治理理论,对农民专业合作经济组织发展现状(绩效)、存在问题和影响因素进行理论分析;运用灰色系统理论,对贵州省农民专业合作组织的资金缺乏、经营规模小、组织管理水平低、技术缺乏、盈余分配不够公平、成员之间分歧、成员和管理者不够信任、政府有时干预、管理者积极性不够、农产品质破低、缺乏企业带动、缺乏能人带动等12个主要影响因素与组织绩效进行灰色关联度分析,提出了组织发展完善的方向和政策建议. 相似文献
从连作障碍较严重的烟草根际土壤中分离出49株细菌活体纯培养物,依次编号为HHHB1~HHHB49,并筛选出对烟草赤星病病原菌(Alternaria alternate)具有拮抗活性的菌株HHHB7和HHHB19,二者抑菌圈直径分别为5、23 mm。二者初步定性为具有生防活性。多相鉴定结果表明,活性最强的菌株HHHB19隶属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas),暂定名Pseudomonas sp. HHHB19。盆栽试验证实,HHHB19菌株悬液叶面喷雾混合处理对烟草赤星病不同发病阶段均表现出一定的防治效果,其中喷施14 d后防治效果达61.83%。菌株HHHB19可作为良好的生防菌备用资源。 相似文献
烟草黑胫病生防细菌的鉴定和防效测定 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
【目的】挖掘烟草黑胫病的生防资源,通过试验对前期分离到的2株生防菌进行种类鉴定和防治效果测定。【方法】根据其形态学、生理生化特征和16 S rDNA序列分析,YCYM-04菌株被鉴定为嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia),YCYM-09菌株被鉴定为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillus velezensis)。【结果】平板对峙结果显示,YCYM-04菌株和YCYM-09菌株对烟草疫霉的抑菌带分别达13.7和8.9 mm。此外,YCYM-04菌株和YCYM-09菌株发酵滤液5倍稀释液菌落抑菌率分别达71.8%和50.6%;YCYM-04菌株发酵滤液造成烟草疫霉菌丝节间缩短、断裂、生长缓慢等现象,YCYM-09菌株发酵滤液造成烟草疫霉菌丝体膨大、增粗、畸形、原生质体凝结。盆栽试验表明,YCYM-04菌株和YCYM-09菌株培养液灌根处理对烟草黑胫病的防治效果分别达50.5%和61.5%。【结论】YCYM-04和YCYM-09菌株在烟草黑胫病的生物防治上具有潜在的应用价值。 相似文献
烟草黑胫病的综合防治及其研究进展 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
烟草黑胫病是烟草上重要毁灭性病害之一,生产上主要采取综合防治措施,包括种植抗病品种、农业防治、病害发生期的药剂防治,以及生物防治和植物诱导抗性的利用等,后两者已成为当前综合防治的研究重点。生物防治将是烟草黑胫病防治最主要的手段之一。 相似文献
All farmers have their own version of what it means to be a good farmer. For many US farmers a large portion of their identity is defined by the high input, high output production systems they manage to produce food, fiber or fuel. However, the unintended consequences of highly productivist systems are often increased soil erosion and the pollution of ground and surface water. A large number of farmers have conservationist identities within their good farmer identity, however their conservation goals often need to be activated to rebalance the production-conservation meanings they give to their roles in society. In this paper we analyze US Cornbelt farmer interviews and surveys to trace how the performance-based environmental management process can be used to influence the farmer social identity and shift the overall good farmer identity towards a stronger conservationist standard. We find the continuous feedback loop in performance-based environmental management mimics the hierarchically organized feedback control processes of identity verification and can be used to help farmers activate their conservationist farmer identities at the person, role, and social levels to establish new norms for the practice of more sustainable agriculture. 相似文献
The landcare program has been embraced by governments, farmer organizations and conservation groups throughout Australia as offering a model for effective community action to assist the move to more sustainable resource use. Over 2,500 landcare-type groups now operate across Australia with 65,000 members including almost 30% of the farming community. This research used surveys of landcare group activity in most Australian states, a study of the regional landcare action plan (RLAP) process in the state of Victoria, and a survey of landholders in north east Victoria to assess landcare program effectiveness, and particularly, the assumptions underlying the program logic. Information provided revealed the vast scale of community participation in landcare and the considerable amount of onground work undertaken by groups and landholders. Analysis of north east landholder surveys indicated landcare participation had a significant impact upon landholder awareness of issues, level of knowledge, and adoption of best bet practices. However, research findings also highlighted a number of concerns about the program logic and implementation, and the authors suggest it is time to adopt a revised landcare program model. 相似文献
Herschman A 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1976,194(4265):599-608
Herschman A 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1977,195(4273):42-53
Paul B. Thompson 《Agriculture and Human Values》1988,5(4):4-15
Agricultural research and education ended 100 years of funding under the Hatch Act with a decade of unprecedented criticism of goals and outcomes. This paper examines the way that planners can accommodate some of these criticisms within a framework for understanding the ethical and social goals of agriculture that is consistent with traditional practice. The paper goes on to state that some criticisms are so fundamental that they cannot be readily incorporated into this framework. They must be regarded as a challenge, both politically and intellectually, to longstanding practices within academic institutions devoted to agriculture. 相似文献
推动欠发达地区农业产业发展一直是经济社会发展的重要议题,也是实现乡村产业振兴的关键方向,对于构建新发展格局、缩小地区差距、实现共同富裕具有重要意义。本研究在梳理推动欠发达地区农业产业发展的内在逻辑基础上,结合各地的统计数据,对中国农业产业的发展现状进行了深入剖析。研究发现,尽管改革开放以来中国农业产业发展成效显著,但欠发达地区仍面临着抗风险能力不足、产业同质化、结构效益不佳、农民增收机制不完善等困境和挑战,迫切需要探索新的发展路径。基于对欠发达地区农业产业发展的深刻认知,本文提出了当前及未来一段时期内的发展目标,包括增强农业综合生产能力、深化农业结构调整、丰富乡村经济业态。总体上,应在供给侧提升产业水平,在市场端拓宽农产品流通渠道,在制度层面加大政策支持力度。重点工作包括加强农业基础设施建设、创新金融投融资模式、推动农业保险全覆盖。 相似文献