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以"一种用于畜禽粪便发酵的装置"为对象,阐述其工作原理、结构组成和功能,并对其发酵特点、发酵过程、发酵效果评价及等进行综述,为畜禽粪便的处理与利用提供参考.  相似文献   

笔者介绍了畜禽粪污处理的必要性以及畜禽粪便综合利用模式,包括"农牧结合"模式、畜(禽)—沼—农(疏、林)模式、发酵床养殖模式、异位发酵床模式和将粪便直接制作有机肥模式。  相似文献   

畜牧生产过程中可产生三大废弃物:畜禽粪便、病死动物和臭气.畜禽粪便是畜禽生长阶段产生的粪尿,畜禽粪污是畜禽饲养过程中进入畜禽粪便中的水及一切残杂物的混合物.本文从畜禽粪污资源化利用"减量化、无害化、资源化"三个方面,系统介绍了"源头减量"环节关键技术路线、工艺设计和系统应用.以养殖减水、饲料减排和秸秆发酵垫料养猪作为"...  相似文献   

一、用畜禽粪便生产商品有机肥料技术概况 利用畜禽粪便好氧发酵生产商品有机肥料.能耗少、污染小.已被国内外广泛采用。目前国内应用的畜禽粪便好氧发酵工艺主要有塔式发酵干燥、旋耕式浅槽发酵干燥及螺旋式深槽发酵干燥等多种型式.  相似文献   

近年来,一些养殖场(户)混合养殖畜禽,用一种或几种畜禽的粪便喂另一种畜禽。这样的食物链潜在着很大的危险。因为畜禽粪便的成分比较复杂,它含有吲、胺类、尿酸、尿素、亚硝酸盐、寄生虫及虫卵,还含有细菌、病毒及其排出的毒素等,易造成畜禽间交叉感染或传染病的暴发。因此,饲喂畜禽粪便需要进行特殊处理:1.作饲料的畜禽粪便必须经过发酵处理,严禁直接饲喂。2用发酵过的畜禽粪便饲喂畜禽时,要添加一定的抗生素,如土霉素等。3用发酵粪便饲喂畜禽时,应由少到多,逐渐添加,而且用量不要超过喂料的40%。4由于发酵粪便的适口性差…  相似文献   

目前规模化养殖场的畜禽粪便正严重困扰和侵害着人类的生活环境,畜禽粪便中含有各种致病菌等直接给城市大气、水源及周围土壤带来的污染,直接威胁着人类的身体健康。利用畜禽粪便发酵生产沼气、沼渣是适合我国国情的规模化畜禽粪便综合治理道路。本文以某集团牛粪发酵生产沼气综合利用工程为例,归纳总结粪便综合利用方案,以便与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便基质化利用既能缩减畜禽粪污造成的环境压力,又能实现畜禽粪污高值化利用良好循环.通过综述粪便堆肥、虫粪、发酵床垫料、沼渣和食用菌等基质化利用方式,旨在为推进畜禽粪便基质化研发,加快畜禽粪便基质技术创新步伐提供参考,引导畜禽粪污资源化利用向高值、环保、生态方向发展.  相似文献   

随着我国畜禽养殖行业的迅速发展,畜禽养殖所产生的大量粪便成为最严重的污染源,若不及时处理畜禽废弃物,生态环境将会遭到破坏。无害化发酵菌剂的出现对实现畜禽粪便的再利用具有非常重要的作用。畜禽粪便通过生物发酵后,能充分分解其中的有机质,释放出养分,发酵期间产生的高温可以杀死病菌及虫卵,净化环境,生产高效优质的生物有机肥。主要从畜禽粪便发酵菌剂的应用和生物有机肥的功效等方面进行了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

针对当前畜禽养殖过程中存在的畜禽粪污问题,为降低其对生态环境的污染影响,应将畜禽粪污进行资源化利用,并实施有效的污染防治措施。在畜禽粪便处理时可以利用栽培基质、垫料发酵床养殖、粪便垫料利用、粪污厌氧处理等技术将其资源化利用。通过加强绿色畜禽养殖技术宣教、加强畜禽粪污处理、从粗放管理向规范管理转变等措施能够有效降低畜禽粪污污染。  相似文献   

发酵床养殖技术是依据微生物学和生态学原理,利用微生物群持续将畜禽粪尿降解,其中大部分转化为气体,实现粪尿完全降解的无污染、零排放目标的一种环保养殖模式。其关键是将发酵垫料铺到圈舍地面。垫料原料最好是锯末,也可用稻壳和农作物秸秆等。发酵就是在锯末等垫料的帮助下,发酵菌群以畜禽粪便为主要营养进行生长繁殖的过程。这种方法通过发酵手段给畜禽提供温暖、干净及舒适的圈舍,如同给动物铺垫了温床一样,因此,将这种饲养方法称为"发酵床养殖技术"。我国的发酵床养鸡技术,是由原有的垫料养鸡基础上,借鉴发酵床养猪技术发展而来。我国地域辽阔,不同地域发酵床养鸡管理要点如下。  相似文献   

为了评价不同粪便处理模式下羊粪中捻转血矛线虫虫卵的杀灭状况,2018年8月至10月,对福州市某羊场的羊粪,分别采用堆积发酵(Ⅰ组)、塑料罐密闭储存(Ⅱ组)、舍内自然放置(Ⅲ组)等3种方式进行处理。第Ⅰ组堆积发酵30 d后可完全杀灭粪中虫卵;第Ⅱ组密闭储存20 d后可完全杀灭虫卵;第Ⅲ组自然放置50 d可杀灭虫卵97.9%。试验结果可为羊场的粪便处理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Three beef cattle diets were assessed for their potential to produce odorous compounds from cattle feces excreted during the growing and finishing periods. Eight pens containing 51 steers of varying proportions of Brahman and MARC III genotypes were fed either a chopped bromegrass hay diet or a corn silage diet for a 119-d growing period. After the growing period, all steers were switched to the same high-corn finishing diet (high corn) and fed to a target weight of 560 kg (finishing period). Fecal slurries were prepared from a composite of fresh fecal pats collected in each pen during both periods and incubated anaerobically. In additional flasks, starch, protein, or cellulose was added to the composite fecal subsamples to determine the preferred substrates for fermentation and odorous compound production. The content and composition of the fermentation products varied both initially and during the incubation, depending on the diet fed to the steers. The corn silage and high corn feces had the greater initial content of VFA (381.0 and 524.4 micromol/g of DM, respectively) compared with the bromegrass feces (139.3 micromol/g of DM) and accumulated more VFA than the bromegrass feces during the incubation. l-Lactic acid and VFA accumulation in the high corn and corn silage feces was at the expense of starch, based on starch loss and the production of straight-chain VFA. In the bromegrass feces, accumulation of branched-chain VFA and aromatic compounds and the low starch availability indicated that the protein in the feces was the primary source for odorous compound production. Substrate additions confirmed these conclusions. We conclude that starch availability was the primary factor determining accumulation and composition of malodorous fermentation products, and when starch was unavailable, fecal microorganisms utilized protein.  相似文献   

尹跃 《饲料与畜牧》2013,(12):21-23
功能性低聚糖添加在鸡日粮中到达后肠作为微生物发酵的底物,通过改变鸡肠道和粪便中的微生物及其发酵过程,改变粪尿的理化特性,来减少氨的挥发以及臭气的产生。文章综述了在鸡日粮中添加功能性低聚糖来控制鸡场臭气的机理及研究进展。  相似文献   

The effect of feeding cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) on fecal fermentation products and microbiota was investigated in Thai native cattle and swamp buffaloes. Four of each animal were fed rice straw and concentrate diet with control pellets without CNSL for 4 weeks, followed by the same diet with pellets containing CNSL for another 4 weeks, so that CNSL was administered at a level of 4 g/100 kg body weight. Feces were collected the last 2 days in each feeding period. CNSL alkyl phenols were recovered from feces (16%–28%) in a similar proportion to those in the diet, indicating that most functional anacardic acid was not selectively removed throughout the digestive tract. In vitro production of gas from feces, particularly methane, decreased with CNSL feeding. The proportion of acetate in feces decreased with CNSL feeding, whereas that of propionate increased, without affecting total short-chain fatty acid concentration. CNSL feeding changed fecal microbial community, particularly in swamp buffaloes, which exhibited decreases in the frequencies of Treponema, unclassified Ruminococcaceae, and Methanomassiliicoccaceae. These results suggest that CNSL feeding alters not only rumen fermentation but also hindgut fermentation via modulation of the microbial community, thereby potentially attenuating methane emission from the feces of ruminant animals.  相似文献   

可发酵碳水化合物减少猪场臭气的机理和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可发酵碳水化合物,添加在猪日粮中到达后肠作为微生物发酵的底物,通过改变猪肠道和粪便中的微生物及其发酵过程,改变粪尿的理化特性,来减少氨的挥发以及臭气的产生.本文对臭气和除臭方法进行了简单的介绍,并综述了通过在猪日粮中添加可发酵碳水化合物来控制猪场臭气的机理和应用效果.  相似文献   

可发酵碳水化合物,添加在猪日粮中到达后肠作为微生物发酵的底物,通过改变猪肠道和粪便中的微生物及其发酵过程,改变粪尿的理化特性,来减少氨的挥发以及臭气的产生。本文对臭气和除臭方法进行了简单的介绍,并综述了通过在猪日粮中添加可发酵碳水化合物来控制猪场臭气的机理和应用效果。  相似文献   

The effect of ginkgo fruit addition on methane production potential of cattle feces and slurry was assessed in relation to other fermentation products and the microbial community. Holstein cattle fresh feces and slurry were left at 30°C for 0, 30, 60, 90, and 180 days with/without ginkgo fruit to monitor the effect on fermentation potential. With the addition of ginkgo fruit, methane production potential of feces was reduced on Day 30 and thereafter, and that of slurry was consistently reduced over the experimental period. As a general trend, ginkgo fruit addition resulted in decreased acetate and increased propionate in feces and acetate accumulation in slurry. With ginkgo fruit addition, MiSeq analyses indicated decreases in methanogen (in particular Methanocorpusculum), Ruminococcaceae, and Clostridiaceae populations and increases in Bacteroidaceae and Porphyromonadaceae populations, which essentially agreed with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay results. These data indicate that direct addition of ginkgo fruit to cattle excreta is useful for reducing methane emissions by altering the microbial community structure. The application of ginkgo fruit to lower methane emissions from cattle excreta is, therefore, useful in cases in which the excreta is left without special management for a long period of time.  相似文献   

An in vivo experiment was conducted to monitor the changes in fermentation end products in the feces of weaning piglets due to the inclusion of selected fermentable carbohydrates in the diet. The experiment involved 3 groups of 16 piglets each. Specially raised piglets (neither antibiotics nor creep feeding) were weaned abruptly at 4 wk of age. The piglets were offered 1 of 2 dietary treatments [a control diet (CON), or a fermentable carbohydrate-enriched diet (CHO)] and were subjected to 1 of the 2 fasting treatments (fasting for 2 d at the beginning of the experimental period or nonfasting). Fecal samples were collected per rectum every day during the experimental period. Piglets were slaughtered at the end of the 10-d experimental period, and digesta samples were collected from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT): the first half of the small intestine, the second half of the small intestine, the cecum, and colon. The DM, VFA profile, and ammonia concentrations were analyzed from the fecal and digesta samples. Daily feed intake was also recorded. There was no difference in concentrations of VFA in feces between the treatment groups. Ammonia concentration was lower (P < 0.05) in piglets fed the CHO diet compared with those fed the CON diet in both feces and digesta from different parts of GIT. Fasting had no effect on fermentation end products in feces. This study demonstrated that the inclusion of fermentable carbohydrates in weanling diets reduces protein fermentation along the GIT and also reduced the fecal concentration of ammonia.  相似文献   

Low-consistency, high-moisture feces have been observed in large dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), compared with small dogs, and particularly in sensitive breeds (e.g., German Shepherd dogs). The aim of this work was to determine if greater colonic protein fermentation is responsible for poorer fecal quality in large sensitive dogs. Twenty-seven bitches were allotted to 4 groups based on size and digestive sensitivity: small, medium, large tolerant, and large sensitive. Five experimental diets varying in protein source [highly digestible wheat gluten (WG) vs. medium digestible poultry meal (PM), and protein concentration from 21.4 to 21.6 (LP) to 38.2 to 39.2% CP (HP)] were tested. Diets were fed for 14 d and followed by a 12-d transition period. Digestive fermentation by-products were investigated in fresh stools [ammonia, phenol, indole, and short chain fatty acids including acetate, propionate, and butyrate (C2 to C4 SCFA), branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA), and valerate] and in urine (phenol and indole). Bacterial populations in feces were identified. The PM diets resulted in greater fecal concentrations of ammonia, BCFA, valerate, indole, and C2 to C4 SCFA than WG diets (P = 0.002, P < 0.001, P = 0.039, P = 0.003, and P = 0.012, respectively). Greater concentrations of ammonia, BCFA, and valerate were found in the feces of dogs fed HP compared with LP diets (P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and P = 0.012, respectively). The concentrations of ammonia, valerate, phenol, and indole in feces of large sensitive dogs were greater (P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P = 0.002, and P = 0.019, respectively) compared with the other groups. The Enterococcus populations were greater in feces of dogs fed with PMHP rather than WGLP diets (P = 0.006). Urinary phenol and indole excretion was greater when dogs were fed PM than WG diets (P < 0.001 and P = 0.038, respectively) and HP than LP diets (P = 0.001 and P = 0.087, respectively). Large sensitive dogs were prone to excrete a greater quantity of phenol in urine (P < 0.001). A diet formulated with highly digestible protein, such as WG, led to reduced concentrations of protein-based fermentation products in feces together with improved fecal quality in dogs, especially in large sensitive ones. Poor fecal quality in large sensitive dogs could be partly related to the pattern of protein fermentation in the hindgut.  相似文献   

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