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松树塘羊肚菌生境调查及分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查松树塘羊肚菌的生态环境,对子实体的rDNA ITS区段进行测序分析,通过与GeneBank中已知的羊肚菌属的种进行序列比对,构建系统发育树,鉴定出该羊肚菌为脉肋羊肚菌M.costata.  相似文献   

地下真菌的生态和生理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hawk.  LE  常明昌 《中国食用菌》1989,(4):11-12
此文是英国L. E. Hawker博士所著《地下真菌》(Hypogeous Fungi)一文中的一部分,原文虽发表在1955年,但至今仍对我国地下真菌的开发和利用的研究有着指导意义和现实意义。我国对地下真菌的研究历史很短,仅在近几年才引起人们的注意和学者们的兴趣。估计此文的发表定将对我国地下真菌的研究起着推动作用。  相似文献   

利用孢子分离法分离一株秦岭野生羊肚菌属真菌QM-1,获得纯化的菌丝体,扩增其rDNA的ITS区,并进行分析比对,构建系统发育树,结合子实体的形态学观察,初步鉴定QM-1为粗腿羊肚菌(Morchella crassipes)。  相似文献   

以一株当地称之为"白灵芝"的袋栽食用菌子实体为试验材料,将其分离纯化后提取基因组DNA,并扩增其ITS序列.通过ITS序列和子实体形态学特征对其进行分类鉴定.结果表明,该袋栽食用菌为乳白栓孔菌(Leiotrametes lactinea),并不是"白灵芝".该研究结果纠正了市场上同名异种、以假乱真的现象,为其进一步开发...  相似文献   

采用随机路线、踏查、访谈和市场调查相结合等方法,调查云南省新平县林下大型真菌资源.初步统计云南省新平县有大型真菌157种,隶属于2门、15目、42科、72属,其中食用真菌有63种,药用真菌有22种,毒真菌有23种;新平县大型真菌以世界广布属和北温带分布属种类为主,具有北温带分布特征,但仍有一定比例的热带、亚热带种类分布...  相似文献   

以桦褐孔菌紫外线诱变菌株为材料,利用形态学及ITS分子序列分析相结合的方法进行鉴定,通过热水浸提法、超声辅助浸提法对诱变菌株菌丝体多糖、三萜、黄酮及多酚进行提取,并对各成分含量进行对比分析.结果表明,诱变菌株HZ1与原菌株JL01为同源不同种,诱变菌株生长速率较快为2.974 mm·d-1,菌丝体干重为0.3853 g...  相似文献   

为了掌握河南伏牛山自然保护区大型真菌资源分布现状,分析大型真菌在不同环境中的地理分布生态成因,采用踏查法和样方法相结合进行研究,调查并详细记录大型真菌生长的时间、地点、数量、经纬度、海拔高度和植被类型等相关数据。结果表明,河南伏牛山自然保护区大型真菌259种,隶属于2门6纲12目40科,其中,担子菌239种,子囊菌20种;在河南伏牛山自然保护区地形、气候、植被和土壤等自然地理因素和人类开发利用等因素共同作用下,形成大型真菌的分布现状。  相似文献   

以西藏林芝市售7种野生大型真菌(分别编号为XZQGJ、XZDJG、NCSBJ、NCNGJ、NCTLJ、NCSR、NCWZNGJ)为试材,采用分子生物学的方法对其进行鉴定,为进一步开发利用林芝地区大型真菌资源提供了参考依据。结果表明:XZQGJ属于腊伞属的Hygrophorus russula(红菇腊伞);XZDJG属于肉齿菌的Sarcodon cf.leucopus(裂盖肉齿菌);NCSBJ属于枝瑚菌属,与Ramaria sp.(小刺枝瑚菌)(KY774253.1)亲缘性最近,但林芝扫把菌与其它相似种均有一定的遗传距离,因此林芝扫把菌是一个独立的种;NCNGJ属于牛肝菌属,与Boletus recapitulatus(KP938967.1)亲缘性最近;NCTLJ属于钉菇属,与Gomphus clavatus(棒状钉菇)(KX008988.1)亲缘性最近;NCSR属于口蘑属,与Tricholoma matsutake(松口蘑)(MF521899.1)亲缘性最近,但林芝松茸与其它相似种均有一定的遗传距离,因此林芝松茸是一个独立的种;NCWZNGJ属于牛肝菌科的uncultured Bole...  相似文献   

于2019年11-12月,2020年5-9月、11-12月对安顺市市售菌根性食用菌主要来源地进行实地踏查与标本采集,为该地区后续发展特色菌根性菌产业提供参考,为相关部门宣传野生食用菌知识提供依据.经鉴定该地区菌根性大型真菌共62种,隶属于12科21属.  相似文献   

采用PCR直接测序法,对供试菌株朝鲜桑黄(Phellinus linteus)、韩国桑黄(Phellinus linteus)、中国桑黄(Phellinus baumii)、中国桑黄火木针层孔菌(Phellinus igniarius)和斜生褐孔菌(Phaeoponus obliquus)的rDNA ITS区域进行了PCR扩增、测序及BLAST分析比对后,认为中国的药用真菌鲍氏针层孔菌(桑黄)与朝鲜桑黄、韩国桑黄是同一物种,即鲍氏针层孔菌(桑黄)(Phellinus baumii),而火木针层孔菌(Phellinus igniarius)是另一种桑黄。  相似文献   

通过对2个矮化型和6个乔化型板栗品种发育枝的枝皮率、尖削指数、节间长度、年生长量4个因子的调查分析,发现发育枝枝皮率,尖削指数、年生长量3个因子与树高存在显著相关性,即枝皮率≥19%,尖削指数≥55%时为矮化型,反之为乔化型。通过验证,确定了枝皮率19%、尖削指数55%为板栗矮化型与乔化型的临界参数。并建立Y=458.4538-11.7191X1-1.0156X2,4年生树高(Y)与嫁接当年发育枝枝皮率(X1)、尖削指数(X2)相关的多元回归方程,可用该方程对矮化型板栗品种进行早期鉴定。  相似文献   

丽水生态示范区野生有毒植物资源调查与研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王昌腾 《北方园艺》2011,(15):51-53
对丽水生态示范区野生有毒植物进行调查研究.结果表明:丽水生态示范区有毒植物共64科122属154种.其中,蕨类植物4科4属4种;裸子植物2科2属2种;被子植物58科116属148种.对该地区的有毒资源进行了评价,提出了保护利用的具体对策,为合理开发该区的有毒植物提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

Ecological and aesthetic values in urban forest management   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In the planning processes of urban forests there are frequent conflicting opinions about the extent to which forests should be managed. On the one hand, management is needed to deal with the intensive use of forests, as well as unfavourable growing conditions, security factors and aesthetic variables. On the other hand, there is an increasing demand for unmanaged areas which is based primarily on ecological arguments. This paper presents research that was conducted in connection with the participatory planning process of Helsinki City forests. The main aim of this research was to study whether aesthetic and ecological values can be combined in the management of urban forests. Furthermore, the stability of forest landscape preferences during the participatory planning process was studied, along with the representativeness of planning groups compared to larger user groups. The data was collected in planning group meetings and public hearings in Helsinki during 1998–2000. Respondents evaluated a set of photographs designed to cover the main conflict situations in urban forest management: Thinnings, understorey management, the leaving of dead snags and decaying ground-wood.

These results show that the majority of residents in Helsinki prefer managed forests. The preferences are, however, closely connected to the background characteristics of respondents. Younger residents with a higher education and active urban forest users prefer more ecologically-oriented management when compared to older residents with less education, or less active users. The individuals had a rather clear and relatively stable opinion of what constitutes suitable management in urban forests, but the views differed considerably as a whole. This means that a participatory planning process will typically lead to some type of compromise. Moreover, the planning groups in Helsinki reflected the opinions of the larger user groups rather well. This indicates that the currently used participatory planning approach sufficiently integrates public values into its planning process.  相似文献   

5 丰美的玛曲草原 离开迭部林区后,我们又怀着登上青藏高原探奇的心情上路了。8月上旬的一天早上我们的车沿着通往玛曲、若尔盖草原的公路缓慢的向高海拔前进,不多时森林不见了,很快进入青藏高原边缘地带。登高远望,海阔天空,一望无垠的高山草甸景观展现在面前,真是“千里暮云平”,不觉心旷神怡,轻松愉快极了。 秋高气爽的草甸草原,百花吐蕊,在阳光照耀下更加五光十色,艳丽多姿。当车辆一停下来我们就扑上草地或躺在草丛上,面视白云蓝天,不由得陶醉和迷恋于这高山草原的情怀之中,尽情享受这大自然给予我们的恩惠,十多天来的行程劳累似乎消失得一干二净。  相似文献   

从严格密封温室的盆栽巨峰葡萄根系、寄生的葡萄根瘤蚜虫体和根际土壤中分离获得17个细菌菌株,并对其16S rDNA基因进行PCR扩增和序列分析。结果表明,17个细菌菌株16S rD-NA均扩增出1 500 bp左右的片断,通过与Genbank上已知同源性较高细菌的16S rDNA部分序列对比,初步确定了这17个细菌菌株分属于蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)、巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)、枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus substilis),其中蜡状芽孢杆菌(菌株C2、R2、L2、L3、L4)和巨大芽孢杆菌(菌株L1、L4、R1、R3、C1、B1、B2、J1、J2)集中于葡萄根系和葡萄根瘤蚜虫体,而枯草芽孢杆菌(菌株T1、T2)只在根际土壤中发现,说明蜡状芽孢杆菌和巨大芽孢杆菌为葡萄根系和葡萄根瘤蚜的共生细菌。  相似文献   

利用野生栗嫁接板栗建园,嫁接树后期接口部位及接口上、下生长不协调,接口下产生“颈状缢缩”现象,影响板栗水分和养分的传输,继而使病虫害加重,抗逆性下降,树势减弱,加速衰老,盛果期缩短,经济寿命降低。建议利用野生栗就地嫁接建园的栗产区,采用先定植实生苗再嫁接的建园方法。  相似文献   

A significant challenge facing forestry today is managing private forests sustainably in the face of continued ownership fragmentation (i.e., parcelization). Cross-boundary coordination––where forest practices are coordinated across multiple properties––has been proposed as a mechanism by which landscape-level ecological and economic benefits may be accrued in privately-owned landscapes, but few tests of the concept exist. Using a case study approach, we quantify the extent to which ownership-centric forest management is constrained by economies of scale and misses opportunities to achieve ecological objectives in three landscapes in Wisconsin, USA. Methods are based on existing forest management plans and include spatial analysis of patch distributions and shapes, simulation of forest practices, and calculation of net present value over a 20-year horizon. Our results indicate substantial opportunity for cross-boundary coordination: between 62% and 88% of the managed properties within our study landscapes were adjacent to other properties with forest management plans. At a patch scale, coordination can result in ecological benefits that can be accrued into the future (e.g., maintenance of large patches and natural ecosystem boundaries). Because these landscapes are already highly parcelized, however, coordination offers little opportunity to impact the overall landscape-scale structure. Greater economies of scale can also be gained by coordinating forest practices, including increases in the size (16–99%) and volume of timber sales (16–94%), and a modest economic advantage (3–6%). As first steps, investment in data infrastructure and professional training are required to support cross-boundary multi-ownership forest management. More broadly is the need to shift from policies and practices that are largely ownership-centric to those that include and better incorporate landscape-centric perspectives.  相似文献   

甘南州林区的大型药用真菌   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杜品 《中国食用菌》2000,19(1):19-20
本文报道了在甘南林区的大型药用真菌165种。并对其重要种类进行列述,提出了合理开发利用的措施和建议。  相似文献   

王云尊 《落叶果树》2009,41(4):40-42
分析了当前板栗、日本栗整形修剪存在的问题。介绍板栗、日本栗进行平衡修剪的效果、适宜树形和盛果期树平衡修剪的操作要领。  相似文献   

Landscape structural characteristics, such as patch size, edge length, and configuration, are altered markedly when management regimes are imposed on primeval landscapes. The ecological consequences of clearcutting patterns were explored by using a model of the dispersed patch or checkerboard system currently practiced on federal forest lands in the western United States. Thresholds in landscape structure were observed on a gradient of percentages of landscape cutover. Probability of disturbance,e.g., wildfire and windthrow, and biotic components,e.g., species diversity and game populations, are highly sensitive to these structural changes. Altering the spatial configuration and size of clearcuts provides an opportunity to create alternative landscapes that differ significantly in their ecological characteristics. Both ecosystem and heterogeneous landscape perspectives are critical in resource management.  相似文献   

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