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钝缀锦蛤生态习性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄洋  杜涛  杨世平 《水产科学》2008,27(4):175-178
试验结果表明,钝缀锦蛤生活在潮间带中、低潮区至潮下带及浅海3~15 cm的沙泥至泥沙底质中。海水的适宜温度为12~30℃,相对密度1.012~1.030,pH 4.43~10.08。以底栖硅藻和有机碎屑为主要食物。雌雄异体,繁殖期在3—6月。  相似文献   

1月14日,大连獐子岛渔业集团从美国引进的944枚大西洋浪蛤种贝顺利抵达大连,进入设在大连金石滩的进口水生动物临时隔离场进行为期30天的隔离检疫。目前,该批种贝的健康状况良好。  相似文献   

滩涂养殖文蛤生长和生态习性的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
滩涂养殖文蛤生长和生态习性的初步研究赫崇波陈洪大(辽宁省水产技术推广总站,沈阳110031)滩涂养殖文蛤生长和生态习性的初步研究赫崇波陈洪大(辽宁省水产技术推广总站,沈阳110031)关键词:文蛤滩涂养殖生长生态习性文蛤是我国沿海重要经济贝类之一,我...  相似文献   


为探究钝缀锦蛤 (Tapes dorsatus) 在广西北部湾海域的适宜养殖密度和高效养殖模式,2021年5月—2023年1月在北海、防城港、钦州海区滩涂进行筐式中培、筐式养成和网笼吊养实验。结果显示:1) 钝缀锦蛤在北海、防城港、钦州海区的适宜中培密度分别为2 000、1 500、1 500 粒·筐−1,随着中培密度的增加,其生长指标和成活率均呈下降趋势;北海海区各密度组的成活率均优于防城港和钦州海区且差异显著 (P<0.05),除d5组 (3 000 粒·筐−1) 的生长指标 (壳长、壳宽及体质量) 小于防城港和钦州海区外,其他组生长指标均大于防城港和钦州海区。2) 养成期钝缀锦蛤在北海、防城港、钦州海区适宜养殖密度分别为40、40、20 粒·筐−1,各生长指标与成活率均为北海>防城港>钦州,且成活率随养成密度的增加呈下降趋势。防城港海区的网笼吊养密度为30 粒·笼−1时的各生长指标均为最大,50 粒·笼−1时的成活率最高;网笼吊养模式下,各个密度组的生长指标和成活率均无显著性差异 (P>0.05)。海区环境因子调查结果显示:北海海区的年平均水温、滩温、盐度、透明度、pH、溶解氧 (DO) 略高于防城港和钦州海区,水质较为稳定,钦州、防城港海区的水质环境变化较大且较不稳定;北海滩涂底质粒径以粗砂为主 (49.00%),防城港以中砂为主 (59.28%),钦州以细砂为主 (77.33%)。海区浮游植物调查显示,浮游植物藻属种类和数量以北海最多,防城港次之,钦州最少。研究表明,钝缀锦蛤适宜在北海、防城港、钦州3个海区进行筐式中培和养成,北海的养殖效果优于防城港和钦州,且1.5 龄贝适宜在防城港海区进行网笼吊养。


紫石房蛤生物学的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文报道了对紫石房蛤生物学调查研究的初步结果。紫石房蛤是狭盐、冷水性贝类,栖息于4—20米水深,潮流畅通,水质清澈的沙砾底质海区;适应的水温是2—28℃,盐度是20-34‰,营埋栖生活。其食物以硅藻为主。V龄以前的个体生长迅速。体重和体长的关系为:W=0.000014 L^3.69-18。紫石房蛤为雌雄异体,繁殖期在6月至9月上旬。据测定,其生殖腺指数在7月初达到最高值,为19.8%。此外,本文还对紫石房蛤的胚胎发育过程作了描述。  相似文献   

寻氏肌蛤生境及生长的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文描述了山东半岛文登县靖海湾内寻氏肌蛤(Muscuius senhousei)的生活环境、生活习性及病害等,并根据连续四年观察所得的这种双壳类的生长资料,阐述了它的生长特点,提出了寻氏肌蛤的商品规格及其最适采收时间。从而为今后的繁殖保护和合理利用这种双壳类资源提供了科学资料。  相似文献   

王万东 《渔业现代化》2007,34(4):33-34,37
波纹巴非蛤[Paphia undulata(Born)]是海产经济贝类,俗称“花蛤”、“油蛤”,贝壳较薄,呈长椭圆形,壳表面有美丽的棕褐色花纹和以壳顶为中心的同心生长线。壳缘光滑,贝壳内面中央呈紫红色,小月面细长,披针状。韧带长梭形稍突出,铰合齿三个,进出水管分开,斧足黄色、发达,前端稍尖。其肉味鲜美,营养丰富。除了供食用外,还可加工成干品、罐头、蛤油等。1材料与方法巴非蛤采自东山湾云霄海区,采用蛤耙,后套网袋,由机帆船拖捕。试验方法采用海区观测和室内试验相结合的方法。对生活潮区及底质的观测,按经纬度定点取样分析;对海水密度适应性观测,…  相似文献   

对国内外不同学者有关高雅海神蛤的生态习性、繁殖与生长、人工育苗、养殖等研究现状进行了简要评述,同时提出了目前需要解决的问题,并对今后的发展趋势作了分析和展望。  相似文献   

光滑河蓝蛤生殖习性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光滑河蓝蛤一年有2次产卵高峰期,分别为在5月初和9月底。在产卵高峰期,通过人工授精方法,可获得受精卵并正常发育。在秋季性腺切片中发现1例雌性滤泡周围有呈集中式分散状态分布的精子,经分析初步认定是雌雄同体现象。  相似文献   

<正> 几年来,全国已有五个省先后进行过文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)人工育苗方面的试验,伹至今均未进入生产性试验,原因之一是育苗技术尚未过关。育苗技术应是掌握对于幼虫和幼苗生态习性为基础,而文蛤幼苗生态习性方面的专题报道至今尚未见到。我们曾进行过文蛤幼虫阶段生态习性方面的研  相似文献   

Abstract— The reproductive cycle of two subspecies of surfclams, Spisula solidissimu solidissima and Spisulu solidissimu similis , cultured under similar nursery and field conditions were examined. Monthly gonadal examination showed that S. s. similis initiated gametogenesis, achieved mature status, and spawned earlier than S. s. solidissimu. S. s. similis spawned from January to June, while S. s. solidissimu spawned in May. S. s. similis exhibited an equal sex ratio; whereas, S. s. solidissima had significantly more males than females (1.00 M: 0.32 F). Implications for aquaculture development of surfclams are discussed.  相似文献   

Four experimental growth studies for juvenile Atlantic surfclams, Spisula solidissima solidissima and Spisula solidissima similis , under hatchery conditions were conducted in 10-cm diameter forced-flow upweller units. Experiments were designed to determine optimum food ration (2%, 5%, and 8% g dry weight of algae/g wet weight of clam), water culture temperature (20, 25, and 30°C), flow rate (2, 4, and 6 Lpm), and stocking density (7, 14, and 21 g wet weight of clams) for rearing juvenile clams in upweller units. Each experimental trial was performed for a 14-d period. Nested Analysis of Variance showed that juvenile surfclams Spisula solidissima similis grew significantly faster at a temperature of 20°C and food rations of 5 % and 8%. In all four experiments, clam mortalities were not observed except in the temperature experiment, where total mortality occurred for clams cultured at 30°C. Clam growth in biomass and size decreased significantly with increases in culture temperature. For Spisula solidissima solidissima , clam growth was significantly reduced in terms of size and biomass at a flow rate of 6 Lpm. No difference in size or biomass was determined between clams grown at a flow rate of 2 or 4 Lpm. Surfclams at the lowest stocking density of 7 g wet weight significantly increased more in net biomass compared to those at higher stocking densities. Clams were significantly larger in shell length when grown at the two lower stocking densities compared to those at the highest stocking density. Hatchery-rearing protocol for juvenile surfclams is discussed.  相似文献   

Two size classes of the surf clam, Spisula solidissima, and the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, were exposed to different concentrations of gas-supersaturated seawater in a flowing seawater system. Both species tested experienced no mortality when held in the control treatment maintained at 96% oxygen and 109% nitrogen. Mortality, gill tissue damage, gas emboli, membranous tissue blisters, and abnormal secretion of shell material were induced experimentally at elevated levels of gas supersaturation. Results indicate significant mortalities of surf clams and scallops held at 114% O2 and 195% N2, and at higher levels of gas concentration. These values suggest a point of reference for the bivalve culturist in identifying potential problems which can be caused by gas-supersaturated seawater.  相似文献   

This work reports on the effects of intertidal planting heights upon the growth and survival of the northern quahog, Mereenaria mercenaria (L.) and the Atlantic sod clam, Spisula solidissima (Dillwyn), in the castal waters of Georgia. Quahogs (N = 100 per cage) at 19.5 mm in shell length were planted in replicate cages (N = 3) placed at the spring (SLW), mean (MLW), one (+1), two (+2), and three (+3) hours above mean low water mark. Surf clams (N = 200 per cage) at 41.5 mm in shell length were placed in replicate cages (N = 3) deployed, as above, in all sites except +3. Quahogs grown at the SLW mark after 15 months were significantly larger than clams planted at other tidal heights. Quahogs planted at the MLW mark were significantly greater in shell length than those planted at the +3, +2, and +1 marks. Clams at the upper three sites were not significantly different in size. An inverse relationship between clam growth and intertidal planting height was evident among surf clams. Surf clams grown at the SLW mark for six months were signplificmtly larger than those at the MLW mark which were larger than those grown at the +1 above MLW mark. No significant differences in quahog survival were detected between intertidal planting sites. There was no significant difference in surf clam survival between SLW (77.5%) and MLW (61%) marks, but there was significantly lower survival at the +1 mark (15%) and no survival at the +2 mark.  相似文献   

北寄贝[Spisula sachalinensis(Schrenck)]又称库叶岛厚蛤蜊,是大型冷水性贝类,分布于日本北部、俄罗斯的鄂霍次克海沿岸、库叶岛、千岛群岛和朝鲜半岛北部等亚寒带海域。对其研究已有50年的历史[1]。我国天然海域没有分布,但是辽东半岛黄海一侧的地理纬度及海域条件与北寄贝在  相似文献   

在水温22.8~24.6℃,盐度24~25,pH 7.82~8.36的条件下,研究了培育密度及饵料种类对四角蛤蜊幼虫生长、存活及变态的影响.试验结果表明,不同的培育密度(5、10、15、20、30个/ml)下,幼虫的生长速度、存活率随着密度的增大而降低;30个/ml试验组幼虫不能发育至匍匐幼虫;5、10、15、20个/ml试验组幼虫的变态率随着密度的增大而降低,各阶段的发育时间随着密度的增大而增加.不同的饵料种类及投喂方式,即单独投喂金藻(J)、小球藻(Q)与混合投喂[JQ11(J:Q=1:1)、JQ12(J:Q=1:2)、JQ21(J:Q=2:1)]对幼虫的生长速度、存活率、变态率及幼虫各阶段发育时间的影响也不同,单独投喂效果较差,混合投喂效果相对较好.在四角蛤蜊苗种生产过程中,培育密度10个/ml较为合理,且混合投喂比单独投喂效果更好.  相似文献   

Abstract.– Parameters associated with optimum larval-rearing conditions are important in developing the culturing protocol of potential aquacultural species, and have yet to be addressed in terms of water temperature and salinity for Spisula solidissima similis , the southern Atlantic surfclam. Hatchery spawned S. s. similis larvae were reared to late pediveliger stage in five simultaneously conducted water temperature and salinity treatments. This larval growth and survival experimentation consisted of three salinity treatments (15, 25 and 30 ppt) in conjunction with a water temperature of 20 C, and two water temperature treatments (15 and 25 C) in conjunction with a salinity of 25 ppt. In the 20 C temperature treatment, significantly higher larval survival and greater growth occurred (both, P < 0.0001) as compared to the 15 C and 25 C treatments by day 22. Complete larval mortality occurred in the 20 C, 15 ppt salinity treatment by day 4. No significant differences in larval survival occurred between the 25 ppt, 20 C and 30 ppt, 20 C treatments by day 22 (P = 0.714). However, significantly greater larval growth occurred in the 25 ppt, 20 C compared to the 30 ppt, 20 C treatment (P = 0.009). The optimum rearing temperature and salinity for hatchery spawned S s. similis larvae to late pediveliger stage are 20 C and 25 ppt, respectively, within the temperatures and salinities tested.  相似文献   

Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima), among the largest extant non‐symbiotic clam species in the world, live in dense aggregations along the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) continental shelf. The food resources that support these populations are poorly understood. An individual‐based model that simulates the growth of post‐settlement surfclams was used to investigate the quantity of food needed to maintain existing surfclam populations along the MAB continental shelf. Food inputs to the model were based on measured near‐bottom water‐column chlorophyll concentrations. Simulations showed that these water‐column food sources supported only 65% of the observed body mass of a standard large surfclam (160‐mm shell length). Additional simulations using benthic food sources to supplement water‐column food sources by 20% generated surfclams that grew to observed size and biomass and exhibited spawn timing consistent with the known surfclam spawning season. The simulation results suggest that measured water‐column chlorophyll concentrations may underestimate the food available to the continental shelf benthos. Large continental shelf bivalves are an essential resource for fisheries and higher trophic level consumers. Understanding available and utilized food resources is important for predicting long‐term impacts of climate change on benthic secondary production and fishery yield on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

硬壳蛤的生物学特性及养殖技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硬壳蛤(Mercenaria)原产地在美洲东海岸,是美国大西洋沿岸和滩涂的主要养殖贝类,营养和经济价值较高,贝壳可作为高级工艺品、装饰品的原料,从硬壳蛤中提取的蛤素能够抑制肿瘤的生长。硬壳蛤对低盐和高温的耐受力较强,为广温、广盐性贝类,生长速度较快,一年即可达到性成熟。对底质无特殊要求,在沙底、沙泥底、泥底和海岸床等多种底质的滩涂和浅海都可以正常生长发育。2004年7月中旬,丹东市从大连金州引进该蛤进行试养。试养获得了成功,说明硬壳蛤在丹东地区完全可以人工养殖。  相似文献   

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