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(pp. 25–32)
The effectiveness of drip fertigation, which is known to control fertilizer application, for reducing nitrate in spinach and for improving the other qualities of spinach was investigated. Fertilizer application can be controlled effectively by drip fertigation. In 2002 and 2003, two spinach cultivars were grown in a plastic greenhouse with 4, 8 or 12 g N m−2 of fertilizer application by drip fertigation, and with 8, 12 or 16 g N m−2 of fertilizer application as a basal application. Nitrate concentration of petiole sap extracted by a garlic squeezer was significantly correlated with the water-extractable nitrate concentration. Nitrate concentrations of petiole sap extracted from plants treated with 12, 8 and 4 g N m−2 of fertilizer by drip fertigation were constant, gradually decreased and significantly decreased, respectively, during the last 2 weeks. When nitrate concentration decreased during the last week, nitrate concentration in spinach at harvest was less than 3,000 mg kg−1 FW. Thus it was thought that the pattern of the time course of nitrate in petiole xylem sap is a good indicator for getting spinach with low nitrate. The sugar concentration was negatively correlated with applied nitrogen quantity and the nitrate concentration. The total oxalic acid concentration in spinach treated by drip fertigation was significantly lower than that in spinach treated by basal application, independent of the amount of applied nitrogen. Thus drip fertigation is advantageous for improving crop quality.  相似文献   

针对太阳能水蒸发技术中的关键核心光热转化材料存在太阳能利用率不高、价格昂贵且制备工艺复杂等问题,该研究提出以农业废弃物玉米芯为生物质原材料制备玉米芯生物炭饼,探究了热解温度对其理化性质的影响及其在太阳能水蒸发中的应用性能。结果表明,玉米芯生物炭(Corncob Biochar,CB)的理化性质受热解温度的影响明显,随着热解温度升高,CB逐渐由大孔主导转向微孔/介孔主导,CB的热稳定性增强,对光的吸收增强。在一个太阳光照强度下(1 kW/m),CB的太阳能水蒸发速率和表观能量利用率随CB热解温度的升高而增大;相较于250和450℃,650 ℃制备的玉米芯生物炭(CB650)具有最高的水蒸发速率(4.16 kg/(m2·h))和表观能量利用率(97.8%);CB650高效太阳能水蒸发性能主要基于其具有较高的光吸收能力(润湿条件下达96.4%)及以微孔为主的孔隙结构通过毛细管力提供适当的水传输,Li离子蒸发试验证实其水蒸发机制为小水团簇形式蒸发。此外,CB650不仅表现出一定的耐用性,且对海水、重金属和染料废水具有优异的水蒸发处理效果。研究结果不仅为玉米芯的资源化和减量化处置提供了新的技术途径,亦为其在太阳能水蒸发技术中的应用提供了必要的理论和技术依据。  相似文献   

南宁市郊部分菜区土壤和蔬菜重金属污染评价   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
对南宁市郊 1 2个主要菜区土壤和蔬菜中重金属 ( Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb)含量调查和分析测定 ,采用重金属污染单因子评价方法对土壤重金属污染状况进行评价 ,以国家规定的蔬菜卫生标准评价蔬菜重金属污染状况 ,结果表明 :南宁市郊部分蔬菜区土壤不同程度地受到了 Cu、 Zn、 Cd、 Pb的污染 ,依次是 :Cd>Pb>Zn>Cu;蔬菜中 Cd、 Pb积累较 Cu、 Zn高 ,供试点中大部分蔬菜 Cd、 Pb含量超出了国家规定的蔬菜卫生标准  相似文献   

The influence of divalent cations at concentrations of 10-6.0 to 10-4.0 M on the colloidal stability of partially deflocculated allophane by gum xanthan (GX) polysaccharide at pH 6.5 was investigated at two GX concentrations. Experiment in the presence of 10-2.0 g L-1 GX showed that the stability decreased by the addition of divalent cations and the effect of the decrease due to the cationic species was evident in a higher concentration range, i.e., 10-5.0 to 10-4.0 M. The order of the effect was Pb >Zn > Cd > Mg. Experiment in a 10-4.5 g L-1 GX solution revealed that (i) the stability increased by the addition of heavy metal cations at 10-5.0 M (the order of the effect was Pb > Zn > Cd) and decreased at a concentration above 10-4.5 M, (ii) whereas the stability decreased by the addition of Mg ion. The striking difference in the stability behavior due to the difference between the two GX-concentrations was attributed to the (i) degree of GX-adsorption (and hence negative charge from the carboxyl group in GX) onto allophane based on the electrophoretic mobility, (ii) complexation of heavy metal cations by organic ligand (carboxyl group) in GX which was adsorbed onto allophane, and (iii) surface complexation by heavy metal cations and hydroxyl groups on allophane. The results were discussed in relation to the characteristics of the particles of allophane, viz., (i) polymer-coated soft particles, and (ii) semi-soft particles on which the rigid (hard) surface of allophane substantially remained.  相似文献   

纳滤技术对干酪乳清脱盐性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了开发经济可行的乳清脱盐技术,提高乳清产品品质及其附加值,该研究采用截留液全循环连续错流纳滤操作装置对干酪甜乳清进行纳滤脱盐处理。考察了不补水纳滤浓缩及不同补水透析方式对乳清脱盐率的影响,以脱盐率为指标进行工艺优化,选取适宜的脱盐操作工艺。结果表明,在1.1 MPa的操作压力下,控制溶液温度为30℃,系统流量为4.5 L/min,纳滤至体积浓缩比(VCR)为1.5时,以渗透速率向截留液中补充等同于浓缩液体积的去离子水,在相同的纳滤时间内,脱盐效果较好。纳滤乳清经喷雾干燥后,相对原料乳清粉脱除了45%的盐分,乳清蛋白和乳糖基本完全截流。  相似文献   

Fine root biomass can be estimated from the quantity of DNA of a target plant extracted from fine root samples using regression analysis. However, the application of this method to fine root samples mixed with soil particles (mixed samples) is difficult due to the high DNA adsorption capacity of some clay minerals. Our aim in this study was to clarify the enhancement level of the DNA extraction efficiency of an improved method, and to obtain a regression line between the amount of DNA and the root biomass from a mixed sample with similar reliability as for fine roots alone (pure root sample). We examined the amount of DNA extracted from a mixture of Zea mays L. fine roots and highly adsorbent Kanuma soil using various concentrations of a skim milk solution, which acts as an adsorption competitor for the soil particles during the DNA extraction process. The amount of DNA of Zea mays extracted from the mixed sample using 0% skim milk was lower than from the pure root sample. However, the amount of DNA extracted from the mixed sample increased with increasing concentrations of skim milk, reaching the same level as for the pure root samples and resulting in a regression line that was similar to the pure root samples. Optimal DNA extraction levels were obtained with the addition of 20?µL of a 20% skim milk solution to 30?mg of a mixed sample. We also discuss the applicability of this method to other plant species and soil types.  相似文献   

对全市385个土样分析结果表明,扬州市耕地土壤总体是清洁的,全市89 35%的土壤属于清洁地范围(综合污染指数≤0 7),7 53%的土壤属尚清洁范围(综合污染指数0 7~1 0之间),3 12%的土壤属轻度污染(综合污染指数1 0~2 0之间)。全市土壤重金属污染的顺序是Hg>Cr>As>Cu>Pb>Cd,各地区中,以邗江区土壤重金属含量相对较高。  相似文献   

水土保持措施防治非点源污染的作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 进入土壤或水体中的非点源污染物一般可分为化肥、农药和重金属3大类。这3大类污染物在土壤或水体中通过植物吸收、土壤胶体吸附、微生物降解、径流淋失与挥发等途径进行迁移转化。系统阐述水土保持生物措施、工程措施和农业技术措施3大措施对化肥、农药和重金属3大污染物的各种迁移转化途径所具有的促进与抑制作用,可为合理配置水土保持措施,有效防治非点源污染提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

磁化微咸水及石膏改良对土壤水盐运移的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探究磁化水和石膏共同作用对水盐运移特征的影响,该研究通过室内一维垂直入渗试验,分析未磁化和磁化微咸水两种类型的灌溉水入渗下,5个石膏施量(0、0.1、0.2、0.4、0.6 kg/m2)对土壤水分和盐分运移特征的影响.结果表明:磁化和未磁化微咸水入渗时,累积入渗量和湿润锋深度均随着石膏施量的增加而减小.不同石膏施量...  相似文献   

对连云港市水稻主产区的土壤、灌溉水和稻米中重金属含量进行了测定。研究结果表明:(1)该地区水稻灌溉水所含重金属污染较轻,没有对稻米品质造成影响,完全符合无公害稻米生产要求。(2)土壤中砷、铅、镉的平均含量超过国家和江苏省背景值,砷、镉、铬、铅和汞的单项污染指数P<1,污染分担率排序为砷(42.56%)>镉(37.00%)>铬(7.78%)>铅(7.22%)>汞(5.54%),土壤主要以砷、镉污染为主;综合污染指数P综=0.59<0.7,属1级,为安全清洁水平,符合无公害农产品生产基地重金属环境质量要求。(3)稻米中4种重金属污染排序为铅>汞>镉>砷,以铅和汞污染为主;除铅外,稻米中重金属富集效应不明显,徐稻3号累积铅的能力较强,稻米中镉的含量与土壤中pH值存在着负相关关系。  相似文献   

受土壤类型和金属负荷量影响的重金属形态分布   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Two series of soil subsamples, by spiking copper(Cu),lead(Pb),zinc(Zn)and cadmium(Cd)in an orthogonal design,were prepared using red soil and brown soil,respectively.The results indicated that heavy metal fractions in these soil subsamples depended not only on soil types,but also on metal loading quantity as well as on interactions among metals in soil.Lead and Cu in red soil appeared mostly in weakly specifically adsorbed(WSA),Fe and Mn oxides bound(OX),and residual(RES)fractions.Zine cxisted in all fractions except organic bound one,and Cd was major in water soluble plus exchangeable(SE)one.Different from the results of red soil,Pb and Cu was present in brown soil in all fractions except organic one,but over 75% of Zn and 90% of Cd existed only in SE fraction.Meanwhile,SE fraction for any metal in red soil was lower than that in brown soil and WSA and OX fractions were higher.It is in agreernent with low cation exchange capacity and large amounts of metal oxides included in red soil.Metal fractions in soil,especially for water soluble plus exchangeable one ,were obviously influenced by other coexisting metals.The SE fraction of heavy metals increased with increasing loading amounts of metals in red soil but not obviously in brown soil,which suggest that metal availability be easily affected by their total amounts spiked in red soil.In addition,more metals in red soil were extracted with 0.20 mol L^-1 NH4Cl(pH5.40)than that with 1.0 mol L^-1 Mg(NO3)2(pH7.0),but the reverse happened in brown soil,implicating significantly different mechanisms of metal desorption from red soil and brown soil.  相似文献   

使用海泡石、磷酸二氢钙、钙镁磷肥、氧化钙和氧化镁等土壤改良剂及其组合,对湖南省某铅锌矿冶炼厂附近的重金属污染土壤进行了稳定化修复试验,利用BCR连续提取法进行形态分析,并进行稳定化效果的评价。结果表明,各改良剂组合均能够有效改变土壤中Zn、Cd和Pb的形态分布,弱酸提取态含量的减少率分别为Zn:17.03%~83.13%,Cd:45.03%~99.17%,Pb:54.05%~99.44%,降低重金属的不稳定形态和生物可利用性,稳定化效果显著。改良剂对Zn元素的稳定化效果影响程度为:钙镁磷肥+氧化钙钙镁磷肥+氧化镁钙镁磷肥海泡石+磷酸二氢钙海泡石;对Cd元素的稳定化效果影响程度为:钙镁磷肥+氧化钙钙镁磷肥+氧化镁钙镁磷肥海泡石+磷酸二氢钙海泡石;对Pb元素的稳定化效果影响程度为:海泡石+磷酸二氢钙钙镁磷肥+氧化镁钙镁磷肥+氧化钙钙镁磷肥海泡石。该复合污染土壤中,Zn、Cd、Pb稳定效果最优处理为10%钙镁磷肥+5%氧化钙组合。  相似文献   

污泥农用对土壤和作物重金属累积及作物产量的影响   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
以3 a定位试验为基础,比较3种不同处理的污泥肥料(消化污泥、污泥堆肥及污泥复混肥)农田施用下土壤养分、土壤和作物籽粒中Mn、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd 5种重金属的积累以及作物产量的变化情况,以阐明污泥农用对土壤及作物的影响。研究表明,3种污泥肥料提高了土壤中氮素和有机质的含量;与空白和普通化肥处理相比,3种污泥肥料增加了土壤中Mn和Cu的含量,而对土壤交换态重金属含量没有显著影响;3种污泥处理均增加了小麦籽粒中Zn的含量;相对普通化肥处理,3种污泥肥料处理对小麦和玉米产量均无显著影响。合理施用污泥肥料可以有效地提高作物产量;污泥肥料施用对土壤重金属有一定累积效应,但短期施用对土壤比较安全。  相似文献   

土壤重金属迁移模拟研究的现状与展望   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
随着工业发展和废弃物的排放不断增加,土壤重金属污染已经成为一个世界性环境问题。土壤重金属的分布转化以及污染修复的研究受到广泛关注,数学模型及计算机模拟研究成为重要的研究手段。该文对土壤重金属迁移的模拟研究的进展进行了回顾与归纳,集中阐述了对流弥散和经验随机两大类模型的特点和应用,并指出了研究中存在的问题及今后研究的发展方向。将数学模拟与土壤重金属信息系统及地理信息系统GIS的有机结合,将有可能为环境保护和农业决策提供新的重要依据。  相似文献   

控制暗管排水下土壤剖面水盐分布与变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
控制暗管排水可改变土壤水盐运移从而影响灌区盐渍化程度和土壤水分状况。为探讨土壤水盐分布与变化及其受控制排水与间距的影响,以河套灌区义长试验站暗管排水试区为对象,选取玉米生长期内典型灌溉周期开展研究。分析了控制排水及其间距变化下土壤水盐剖面静态分布与动态变化及灌水前后土壤水盐变异特性。结果表明:与自由排水比,控制排水提高了土壤剖面8.27%的相对含水率,增大了灌水期的含水率增幅,减少了间歇期的含水率降幅;控制排水还提高了土壤剖面盐分的分布均匀性,灌后的水平与垂向变异系数分别降低了45.88%和32.55%;同时,控制排水降低了土壤剖面36.73%的盐分含量,增大了灌水期29.17%的剖面脱盐区域,减少了间歇期14.29%的剖面积盐区域。控制排水基础上减少间距降低了灌水期的含水率增幅并增加了间歇期的含水率降幅,提高了灌前土壤盐分的水平分布均匀性却降低了灌后土壤盐分的水平分布均匀性。控制排水较高的盐分分布均匀性和脱盐效率及保墒效应有助于控制土壤次生盐渍化和提高农业用水效率。  相似文献   

根瘤菌存在下土壤胶体和矿物对镉的吸附   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Experiments were conducted to study the adsorption of Cd on two soil collids(red soil and yellowbrown soil) and three variable-charge minerals (goethite,noncrystalline Fe oxide and kaolin) in the absence and presence of rhizobia.The tested strain Rhizobium fredii C6,tolerant to 0.8 mmol L^-1 Cd,was selected from 30 rhizobial strains.Results showed that the isotherms for the adsorption of Cd by examined soil colloids and minerals in the presence of rhizobia could be described by Langmuir equation.Within the range of the numbers of rhizobial cells studied,the amount of Cd adsorbed by each system increased with increasing rhizobial cells,Greater increases for the adsorption of Cd were found in red soil and kaolin systems.Rhizobia influence on the adsorption of Cd by examined soil colloids and minerals was different from that on the adsorption of Cu.The presence of rhizobia increased the adsorption affinity of soil colloids and minerals for Cd,particularly for the goethite and kaolin systems.The discrepancies in the influence of rhizobia on the adsorbability and affinity of selected soil colloids and minerals for Cd suggesed the different interactions of rhizobia with various soil components.It is assumed that bacterial biomass plays an important role in controlling the mobility and bioavailability of Cd in soils with kaolinite and goethite as the major colloidal compnents,such as in variable-charge soil.  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤生态工程修复的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文研究了细叶香薷(Moslem chinensis Maxim)和构树(Broussonetia papyrifera(Linn.) Vent.)对Cu、Zn污染土壤的修复及污染土壤对植物生理性状的影响。研究结果表明:随着盆栽土壤中重金属浓度的增高,植物体内吸收重金属的浓度相应增大。Cu在细叶香薷体内的含量是地上部<地下部,Zn含量却是地上部>地下部;重金属Cu、Zn在构树体内的浓度都是根部>叶部>茎部。细叶香薷的富集系数基本大于1,对Cu的最大富集系数是2.42;构树的富集系数都在0.5以下,但由于其地上部生物量很大,从土壤中移除的重金属量也很可观,而且构树能产生经济价值,建议把构树和细叶香薷组成一个立体的生态工程修复模式,既能修复污染土壤又能恢复污染地区的生态环境和土壤微生物环境,产生经济和环境效益。  相似文献   

重金属迁移与土壤性质的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg runoff from yellow limestone soil and purple soils and the relationships between the mobility of the heavy metals and the soil characteristics were studied in laboratory using a rainfall simulator. The results showed that the concentrations of soluble Zn in surface runoff were significantly negatively correlated with the contents of < 0.002 mm particles and CEC of the soils, indicating that Zn was mostly adsorbed by clays in the soils. The contents of Cu and Hg in surface runoff were positively related to their contents in the soils. The amounts of Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg removed by surface runoff were influenced by the amounts of soil and water losses and their contents in the soils, and were closely related to the contents of soil particles 1~0.02 mm in size.  相似文献   

Residual heavy metals are commonly considered to be immobile in soils, leading to an underestimation of their environmental risk. This study investigated the distribution and transport of residual heavy metals along soil profiles, using the Xiaoqinling gold mining region in North China as a case study. Soil samples were collected at three depths from three locations near the tailing heap. The speciation of copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) (exchangeable, carbonate-bound, Fe-Mn oxide-bound, organic matter-bound, and residual fractions) was determined using a sequential extraction procedure. The residual fraction’s morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed that metal fraction distributions along the soil profiles were influenced by each fraction’s mobility. Residual fraction with high chemical stability cannot be transformed from or into other fractions. This led to the conclusion that the high concentration of residual metals in soils mainly resulted from residual fraction transport.The SEM analysis showed that fine particles (submicrons) were mainly attached to large particles and were likely released and transported by water flow. The more sorptive fractions (non-residual fractions) were mainly retained in the top soil, and the more mobile fractions (residual fraction) were mainly leached to the deep soil. Cu and Pb concentrations in the residual fraction decreased slightly and those in the non-residual fractions decreased significantly with soil depth. These suggest a relatively higher residual metal mobility along the soil pro?les. Therefore, residual metals can be transported in soils and their environmental risk can not be ignored in assessing soil contamination.  相似文献   

基于局部离群指数的土壤重金属污染评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价土壤重金属污染,该文提出了一种局部离群指数方法。局部离群指数方法计算监测样点的局部离群指数,监测样点的局部离群指数越大,则该样点是污染样点的趋势越大。为确保算法的准确性,定义了深度离群点以及广度离群点;为减少算法处理海量数据的计算复杂性,开发了基于密度取样的数据过滤方法,以过滤数据分布致密的数据点而保留稀疏区域的数据点。以京郊农田重金属监测数据为实例,比较局部离群指数方法与内梅罗污染指数方法的评价结果的准确性,结果显示局部离群指数方法的评价结果与内梅罗污染指数方法的结果吻合,表明局部离群指数方法可作为一种有效的重金属污染评价方法。  相似文献   

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