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Soil water repellency is a transient soil property varying with soil–water contact time. The purpose of the present study was to determine the time dependence of the sessile drop contact angle and its relation to repellency persistence estimated using the water drop penetration time (WDPT) test with hydrophobized sand. The contact angle decreased exponentially and almost reached apparent equilibrium after 20 min of soil–water contact time. Time dependence of the contact angle can mainly be attributed to the adsorption of water molecules onto low-energy hydrophobic organic matter surfaces. Contact angles initially greater than 90° decreased to less than 90° within about 40 s. However, the WDPT of these samples was longer than 3600 s. The WDPT responded to the initial contact angle, but not to the contact angle decreased with soil–water contact time. This was considered to be caused by differences in the surface free energy between the surface and the lower layers. Repellency persistence, or the WDPT, can be considered to be the time taken to increase the surface free energy to overcome water repellency, not only on the surface in contact with the droplet, but also in the adjacent layers below the surface. 相似文献
Rezvan Talebnezhad 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(10):1409-1418
Water loss as deep percolation is considerable in furrow irrigation in light soils due to the high infiltration rate. Application of soil conditioners such as bentonite reduces the infiltration rate and improves irrigation application efficiency (Ea) in these soils. The effects of bentonite application rates (BAR) of 0, 2, 4 and 6 g L?1 on infiltration of a loamy sand soil were determined in a soil column in the laboratory. The exponent of the Kostiakov infiltration equation was not influenced by BAR. Maximum reduction in infiltration equation coefficient and final infiltration rate (i f) occurred with 2 g bentonite L?1 and this reduction was lower on increasing BAR from 2 to 4 and 4 to 6 g L?1 compared with control. The effect of 2 g L?1 BAR on infiltration and its effect on the design of furrow irrigation in a field with a loamy sand soil indicated that in the first irrigation after field ploughing and seed planting, longer furrow length, lower deep percolation and higher Ea are obtained. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(3):591-611
Abstract Certain concepts regarding the simultaneous transport of surface ‐salts and water under transient unsaturated flow conditions vere verified for three soils using laboratory soil columns. Treatments included different water application rates (i.e., continuous ponding and controlled rates) and different initial soil water contents. Calcium chloride, spread on the soil surface to simulate a salt‐affected soil or broadcasting of a fertilizer (or other additive), was leached with chloride free water (0.01 N CaSO4). Salt and water profiles were determined by destructive sampling at 2 cm depth intervals at two stages: (i) immediately following infiltration and (ii) after Batching infiltration plus redistribution time. Immediately following infiltration as well as after matching infiltration and redistribution time, chloride was leached more efficiently and to relatively deeper depths with slower than with faster rates of water application only in sandy and sandy loam soils. The results, thus, show that slower rates of water application nay not increase leaching efficiency over faster rates in heavy‐textured and sodic soils with very poor permeability. Regardless of water application rate, initial soil water content, redistribution time and soil type, salt front (i.e., salt peak) did not coincide with the water front but lagged behind it by a few to several centimetres. That is to say that salt peak did not occur at a depth above which total soil water storage in the profile equalled cumulative infiltration. The higher the initial soil water content, the deeper and more complete was the displacement of chloride during infiltration for a given quantity of water applied at different rates. This trend was not modified during post‐irrigation period in sandy soil, but it was entirely reversed in sandy loam soil. 相似文献
樟子松是我国北方荒漠化地区生态环境建设的重要树种,近年来樟子松人工林出现不同程度的衰退问题,自然更新障碍则是限制樟子松人工林发展演替的关键因子.为探究樟子松人工林自然更新的限制因子,通过不同沙埋深度及不同种子处理方法等室内发芽试验,对樟子松种子萌发出苗的影响进行研究.结果表明:1)在沙埋深度为0 ~3.00 cm范围内,无沙埋时樟子松种子萌发出苗能力最强,随着沙埋深度的增加,种子萌发出苗能力不断降低,沙埋深度显著影响种子的萌发和出苗;2)4℃低温冷藏保存的种子比常温保存和-18℃低温冷冻保存的种子,在萌发出苗上更具优势;3)种子经25~30℃温水浸种24 h处理后,在出苗率和出苗时间等方面优于55 ~ 60℃热水浸种和不浸种处理,表现为樟子松种子较为适宜的处理方式.其研究可为解决樟子松人工林自然更新障碍问题提供参考和借鉴,并为樟子松人工育苗提供技术支撑. 相似文献
为探索不同材料隔盐层对滨海盐碱地水盐运动的影响,在白蜡林地树穴底部布设炉渣和沙子作为隔盐层,比较研究不同深度土壤水分和总盐分的季节性变化规律。结果表明:土壤表层和不同深度处土壤含水量及含盐量变化规律不同,表层主要受降雨和蒸发影响,底层则同时还受地下水位变化的影响;1个雨季中,土壤表层强降雨的淋洗作用极为明显,表层不同隔盐层的差异性不太明显,但离表层30cm处各隔盐层隔盐和抑制返盐的效果非常明显,设置炉渣隔盐层处理的电导率从5月份的591ms/m下降到了10月份的493ms/m,沙子隔盐层处理的电导率从558ms/m下降到501ms/m;离表层60cm处炉渣隔盐层从810ms/m下降到582ms/m,沙子隔盐层从607ms/m下降到560ms/m。从减小电导率的幅度上来看,炉渣的隔盐效果好于沙子。 相似文献
土壤性质对入渗再分布影响的显色示踪试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
同时使用染色剂和碘离子作为示踪剂,染色剂用于示踪大孔隙通道,根据碘-淀粉显色反应确定实际流动模式。开展了6组试验,研究了土壤大孔隙特征和非均匀流动特性,比较了粉土和粘土2种土壤,入渗水量分别为20、40、60和80 mm以及不同流动边界条件下的土壤水和溶质再分布特性。实验资料显示,入渗水再分布主要受到湿润模式的影响。入渗水量较小的情况下,水流运动主要发生在大孔隙中,随着入渗水量增大,入渗模式与孔隙发育表现出显著的区别,随着入渗水量的增加,水流运动非均匀性表现出先增加,随后减小的趋势。溶质迁移非均匀性取决于水流非均匀流动特性,然而表现出更多的不确定性。 相似文献