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To investigate the effects of renovation (ploughing and resowing) on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grassland soil, we measured N2O fluxes from renovated and unrenovated (control) grassland plots. On 22 August in both 2005 and 2006 we harvested the sward, ploughed the surface soil and then mixed roots and stubble into the surface soil with a rotovator. Next, we compacted the soil surface with a land roller, spread fertilizer at 40 kg N ha?1 on the soil surface and sowed orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L., Natsumidori). In the control plot, we just harvested the sward and spread fertilizer. We determined N2O fluxes for 2 months after the renovation using a vented closed chamber. During the first 2 weeks, the renovated plot produced much more N2O than the control plot, suggesting that N was quickly mineralized from the incorporated roots and stubble. Even after 2 weeks, however, large N2O emissions from the renovated plot were recorded after rainfall, when the soil surface was warmed by sunshine and the soil temperature rose 2.7–3.0°C more than that of the control plot. In 2005, during the 67-day period from 19 August to 26 October, the renovated and control plots emitted 5.3 ± 1.4 and 2.8 ± 0.7 kg N2O-N ha?1, with maximum fluxes of 3,659 and 1,322 µg N2O-N m?2 h?1, respectively. In 2006, during the 65-day period from 21 August to 26 October, the renovated and control plots emitted 2.1 ± 0.6 and 0.96 ± 0.42 kg N2O-N ha?1, with maximum fluxes of 706 and 175 µg N2O-N m?2 h?1, respectively. The cumulative N2O emissions from plots in 2005 were greater than those in 2006, presumably because rainfall just after renovation was greater in 2005 than in 2006. These results suggest that incorporated roots and stubble may enlarge the anaerobic microsites in the soil in its decomposing process and increase the N2O production derived from the residues and the fertilizer. In addition, rainfall and soil moisture and temperature conditions during and after renovation may control the cumulative N2O emission.  相似文献   


Nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a fertilized timothy (Phleum pratense L.) sward on the northern island of Japan were measured over 2?years using a randomized block design in the field. The objectives of the present study were to obtain annual N2O and CH4 emission rates and to elucidate the effect of the applied material (control [no nitrogen], anaerobically digested cattle slurry [ADCS] or chemical fertilizer [CF]) and the application season (autumn or spring) on the annual N2O emission, fertilizer-induced N2O emission factor (EF) and the annual CH4 absorption. Ammonium sulfate was applied to the CF plots at the same application rate of NH4-N to the ADCS plots. A three-way ANOVA was used to examine the significance of the factors (the applied material, the application season and the year). The ANOVA for the annual N2O emission rates showed a significant effect with regard to the applied material (P?=?0.042). The annual N2O emission rate from the control plots (0.398?kg N2O-N ha?1?year?1) was significantly lower than that from the ADCS plots (0.708?kg N2O-N ha?1?year?1) and the CF plots (0.636?kg N2O-N ha?1?year?1). There was no significant difference in the annual N2O emission rate between the ADCS and CF plots. The ANOVA for the EFs showed insignificance of all factors (P?>?0.05). The total mean?±?standard error of the EFs (fertilizer-induced N2O-N emission/total applied N) was 0.0024?±?0.0007 (kg N2O-N [kg N]?1), which is similar to the reported EF (0.0032?±?0.0013) for well-drained uplands in Japan. The CH4 absorption rates differed significantly between years (P?=?0.014). The CH4 absorption rate in the first year (3.28?kg CH4?ha?1?year?1) was higher than that in the second year (2.31?kg CH4?ha?1?year?1), probably as a result of lower precipitation in the first year. In conclusion, under the same application rate of NH4-N, differences in the applied materials (ADCS or CF) and the application season (autumn or spring) led to no significant differences in N2O emission, fertilizer-induced N2O EF and CH4 absorption.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of plant species in grassland on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soil, fluxes from an orchardgrass ( Dactylis glomerata L.) grassland, white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) grassland and orchardgrass/white clover mixed grassland were measured weekly from April 2001 to March 2002 using a vented closed chamber method. Related environmental parameters (soil inorganic N content, soil pH (H2O) value, soil moisture content, soil temperature, grass yield, and the number of soil microorganisms) were also regularly monitored. On an annual basis, CH4 consumption in the soil of the orchardgrass grassland, white clover grassland and orchardgrass/white clover mixed grassland was 1.8, 2.4, and 1.8 kg C ha−1 year−1, respectively. The soil bulk density of the white clover grassland was lower than that of the other grasslands. Fluxes of CH4 were positively correlated with the soil moisture content. White clover increased the CH4 consumption by improving soil aeration. Nitrogen supply to the soil by white clover did not decrease the CH4 consumption in the soil of our grasslands. On the other hand, annual N2O emissions from the orchardgrass grassland, white clover grassland, and orchardgrass/white clover mixed grassland were 0.39, 1.59, and 0.67 kg N ha−1 year−1, respectively. Fluxes of N2O were correlated with the NO3 content in soil and soil temperature. White clover increased the N2O emissions by increasing the inorganic N content derived from degrading white clover in soil in summer.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便堆放管理会造成甲烷(CH_4)和氧化亚氮(N_2O)等温室气体的大量排放。通过联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)建议的排放系数等方法,可以实现对某一区域范围内畜禽粪便管理系统的温室气体排放总量的估算,但由于其排放受粪便管理、气候条件等因素的显著影响,直接套用IPCC的默认系数会产生较大的误差。为更加准确估算中国奶牛粪便管理所造成的CH_4、N_2O排放,该文在对北京延庆区奶牛生产与粪便管理模式进行了实地调研的基础上,采用动态箱法模拟了奶牛粪便不同季节短时自然堆放管理模式下的CH_4、N_2O排放过程,并对区域内的年温室气体排放总量进行了测算。研究结果表明,奶牛粪便在一个月的自然堆放管理模式下,每千克牛粪挥发性固体在春、夏、秋季的CH_4排放量分别为223.97、4 603.31、351.38 mg,每千克牛粪N_2O排放量分别为5.86、9.43、0.81 mg。2016年北京延庆区全年奶牛粪便CH_4、N_2O排放总量分别为13 342.50、347.87 kg。延庆区奶牛粪便堆放管理过程的CH_4排放因子为1.50kg/(头·a),小于IPCC指南中的1.78 kg/(头·a);受堆放时间较短的影响,N_2O的排放因子则显著小于IPCC的推荐值。若直接使用IPCC默认参数估算延庆区奶牛粪便堆放管理过程中的CH_4和N_2O排放量,会造成排放量的高估。  相似文献   

The availability of O2 is one of the most important factors controlling the chemical and biological reactions in soils. In this study, the effects of different aeration conditions on the dynamics of the emission of trace gases (CO2, N2O, CH4) and the leachate composition (NO3, DOC, Mn, Fe) were determined. The experiment was conducted with naturally structured soil columns (silty clay, Vertisol) from a well aerated forest site. The soil monoliths were incubated in a microcosm system at different O2 concentrations (0, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.205 m3 m‐3 in the air flow through the headspace of the microcosms) for 85 days. Reduced O2 availability resulted in a decreased CO2 release but in increased N2O emission rates. The greatest cumulative N2O emissions (= 1.6 g N2O‐N m‐2) were observed at intermediate O2 concentrations (0.005 and 0.01 m3 m‐3) when both nitrification and denitrification occurred simultaneously in the soil. Cumulative N2O emissions were smallest (= 0.05 g N2O‐N m‐2) for the aeration with ambient air (O2 concentration: 0.205 m3 m‐3), although nitrate availability was greatest in this treatment. The emission of CH4 and leaching of Mn and Fe were restricted to the soil columns incubated under completely anoxic conditions. The sequence of the reduction processes under completely anoxic conditions complied with the thermodynamic theory: soil nitrate was reduced first, followed by the reduction of Mn(IV) and Fe(III) and finally CO2 was reduced to CH4. The re‐aeration of the soil columns after 85 days of anoxic incubation terminated the production of CH4 and dissolved Fe and Mn in the soil but strongly increased the emission rates of CO2 and N2O and the leaching of NO3 probably because of the accumulation of DOC and NH4+ during the previous anoxic period.  相似文献   


Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were measured and nitrogen (N) budgets were estimated for 2?years in the fertilizer, manure, control and bare plots established in a reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) grassland in Southern Hokkaido, Japan. In the manure plot, beef cattle manure with bark was applied at a rate of 43–44?Mg fresh matter (236–310?kg?N)?ha?1?year?1, and a supplement of chemical fertilizer was also added to equalize the application rate of mineral N to that in the fertilizer plots (164–184?kg?N?ha?1?year?1). Grass was harvested twice per year. The total mineral N supply was estimated as the sum of the N deposition, chemical fertilizer application and gross mineralization of manure (GMm), soil (GMs), and root-litter (GMl). GMm, GMs and GMl were estimated by dividing the carbon dioxide production derived from the decomposition of soil organic matter, root-litter and manure by each C?:?N ratio (11.1 for soil, 15.5 for root-litter and 23.5 for manure). The N uptake in aboveground biomass for each growing season was equivalent to or greater than the external mineral N supply, which is composed of N deposition, chemical fertilizer application and GMm. However, there was a positive correlation between the N uptake in aboveground biomass and the total mineral N supply. It was assumed that 58% of the total mineral N supply was taken up by the grass. The N supply rates from soil and root-litter were estimated to be 331–384?kg?N?ha?1?year?1 and 94–165?kg?N?ha?1?year?1, respectively. These results indicated that the GMs and GMl also were significant inputs in the grassland N budget. The cumulative N2O flux for each season showed a significant positive correlation with mineral N surplus, which was calculated as the difference between the total mineral N supply and N uptake in aboveground biomass. The emission factor of N2O to mineral N surplus was estimated to be 1.2%. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis suggested that the N2O emission factor increased with an increase in precipitation. Consequently, soil and root-litter as well as chemical fertilizer and manure were found to be major sources of mineral N supply in the grassland, and an optimum balance between mineral N supply and N uptake is required for reducing N2O emission.  相似文献   


We measured nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes from the soil surface and in the soil through to a depth of 0.3?m, and their concentration profiles through to a depth of 0.6?m in both a Gray Lowland soil with macropores and cracks and an Andosol with undeveloped soil structure in central Hokkaido, Japan. The objective of the present study was to elucidate any differences in N2O production and flux in the soil profile between these two soil types. In the Gray Lowland soil, the N2O concentration above 0.4?m increased with an increase in soil depth. In the Andosol, there were no distinctive N2O concentration gradients in the topsoil when the N2O flux did not increase. However, the N2O concentration at a depth of 0.1?m significantly increased and this concentration was higher than the concentration below 0.2?m when the N2O flux greatly increased. Thus, the N2O concentration profiles were different between these two soils. The contribution ratios of the N2O produced in the top soil (0–0.3?m depth) to the total N2O emitted from the soil to the atmosphere in the Gray Lowland soil and the Andosol were 0.86 and 1.00, respectively, indicating that the N2O emitted from the soil to the atmosphere was mainly produced in the top soil. However, the contribution ratio of the subsoil to the N2O emitted from the Gray Lowland soil was higher than that of the Andosol. There was a significant positive correlation between the N2O flux through to a 0.3?m depth and the flux from the soil to the atmosphere in the Gray Lowland soil only. These results suggest that N2O production in the subsoil of the Gray Lowland soil could have been activated by NO3 ? leaching through macropores and cracks, and subsequently the N2O produced in the subsoil could have been rapidly emitted to the atmosphere through the macropores and cracks.  相似文献   

奶牛场粪便的自然堆放过程中会造成大量的温室气体排放,排放过程和排放量受表面风速和自然降水等环境因素的影响显著。该文针对中国常用的奶牛粪便管理方式,采用动态箱法研究了不同表面风速(0.5、0.8、1.2、1.6 m/s)和模拟降水(降水量9.9 mm)对奶牛粪便自然堆放过程中典型的温室气体氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的影响。结果表明,在0.5~1.2 m/s风速范围内,奶牛粪便自然堆放过程中的N2O排放量随风速升高逐渐增加,1.2 m/s达到最大值,且不同风速下N2O的排放量存在显著差异。模拟降水后N2O排放量在短时间内急剧升高,之后迅速下降至降水前的排放水平,整个过程持续约10 h。由于降低了二氧化碳(CO2)和甲烷(CH4)的排放,与降水前一天相比2次降水分别降低了12.9%和10.9%的温室气体排放量。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the destruction of stratospheric ozone, and agricultural soil is an important source of N2O. Aerobic soils are sinks for atmospheric methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas. Ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) can oxidize CH4, but CH4 is mostly oxidized by methane monooxygenase (MMO), and CH4 oxidation by AMO is generally negligible in the soil. We monitored the N2O and CH4 fluxes after urea application in fields containing different soils using an automated sampling system to determine the effects of environmental and microbial factors on the N2O and CH4 fluxes. The soil types were Low-humic Andosol (Gleyic Haplic Andosol), yellow soil (Gleyic Haplic Alisol) and gray lowland soil (Entric Fluvisol). Cumulative N2O emissions from the yellow soil were higher than those from other soil types, although the difference was not significant. The CH4 uptake level by Andosol was one order of magnitude higher than that by other soils. There were significant relationships between the ammonia oxidation potential, AOB and AOA amoA copy numbers, and the CH4 uptake. In contrast, the gene copy numbers of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) pmoA were below the detection limit. Our results suggested that the AMOs of AOB and AOA may have more important roles than those previously considered during CH4 oxidation in agricultural soils treated with N fertilizers.  相似文献   


To develop an advanced method for estimating nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from an agricultural watershed, we used a closed-chamber technique to measure seasonal N2O and nitric oxide (NO) fluxes in cornfields, grassland, pastures and forests at the Shizunai Experimental Livestock Farm (467 ha) in southern Hokkaido, Japan. From 2000 to 2004, N2O and NO fluxes ranged from –137 to 8,920 µg N m?2 h?1 and from –12.1 to 185 µg N m?2 h?1, respectively. Most N2O/NO ratios calculated on the basis of these N2O and NO fluxes ranged between 1 and 100, and the log-normal N2O/NO ratio was positively correlated with the log-normal N2O fluxes (r 2 = 0.346, P < 0.01). These high N2O fluxes, therefore, resulted from increased denitrification activity. Annual N2O emission rates ranged from –1.0 to 81 kg N ha?1 year?1 (average = 6.6 kg N ha?1). As these emission values varied greatly and included extremely high values, we divided them into two groups: normal values (i.e. values lower than the overall average) and high values (i.e. values higher than average). The normal data were significantly positively correlated with N input (r 2 = 0.61, P < 0.01) and the “higher” data from ungrazed fields were significantly positively correlated with N surplus (r 2 = 0.96, P < 0.05). The calculated probability that a high N2O flux would occur was weakly and positively correlated with precipitation from May to August. This probability can be used to represent annual variation in N2O emission rates and to reduce the uncertainty in N2O estimation.  相似文献   

In a 20‐yr‐old long‐term experiment, the impact of continuous application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on soil quality and the sustainability of finger millet production was conducted on two cropping systems: finger millet and finger millet–groundnut on an Alfisol of semi‐arid southern India. The study was conducted from 1992 to 2011 at the All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, UAS, Bangalore, using a randomized block design. The treatments comprised of T1: control [no fertilizer and no farmyard manure (FYM) applied], T2: FYM 10 t/ha, T3: FYM 10 t/ha + 50% of recommended NPK (50:50:25 kg/ha), T4: FYM 10 t/ha + 100% of recommended NPK and T5: 100% recommended NPK. Comparison of long‐term yield data between treatments was used to calculate a ‘sustainability yield index’ (SYI), which was greatest for T4 (FYM 10 t/ha + 100% of recommended NPK), in both rotational (0.68) and monocropping (0.63) situations. Soil quality indices were determined using principal component analysis linear scoring functions. The key indicators which contributed to the soil quality index (SQI) under rotation were organic C; potentially available N; extractable P, K and S; exchangeable Ca and Mg; dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass C and N. The largest SQI (7.29) was observed in T4 (FYM 10 t/ha + 100% NPK), and the smallest (3.70) SQI was for the control. Application of 10 t/ha FYM together with NPK (50:50:25 kg/ha) sustained a mean yield of 3884 kg/ha.  相似文献   

In the highlands of Madagascar, agricultural expansion gained on grasslands and cropping systems based on direct seeding with permanent vegetation cover are emerging as a means to sustain upland crop production. The objective of this study was to examine how such agricultural practices affect greenhouse‐gas emissions from a loamy Ferralsol previously used as a pasture. We conducted an experiment under controlled laboratory conditions combining cattle manure, crop residues (rice straw), and mineral fertilizers (urea plus NPK or di‐NH4‐phosphate) to mimic on‐field inputs and examined soil CO2 and N2O emissions during a 28‐d incubation at low and high water‐filled pore space (40% and 90% WFPS). Emissions of N2O from the control soil, i.e., soil receiving no input, were extremely small (< 5 ng N2O‐N (g soil)–1 h–1) even under anaerobic conditions. Soil moisture did not affect the order of magnitude of CO2 emissions while N2O fluxes were up to 46 times larger at high soil WFPS, indicating the potential influence of denitrification under these conditions. Both CO2 and N2O emissions were affected by treatments, incubation time, and their interactions. Crop‐residue application resulted in larger fluxes of CO2 but reduced N2O emissions probably due to N immobilization. The use of di‐NH4‐phosphate was a better option than NPK to reduce N2O emissions without increasing CO2 fluxes when soil received mineral fertilizers. Further studies are needed to translate the findings to field conditions and relate greenhouse‐gas budgets to crop production.  相似文献   


It is well known that some fungal species are remarkably tolerant of high copper concentration, although copper is toxic to most fungi (Garraway and Evans 1984). Bedford (1936) and Jurkowska (1952) reported that Penicillium and Aspergillus species can grow in liquid media saturated or nearly saturated with copper sulfate. Okamoto and Fuwa (1974) isolated Penicillium ochro-chloron from the laboratory air, and found that the fungus was able to grow in a medium saturated with copper sulfate.  相似文献   

钟川  杨滨娟  张鹏  李萍  黄国勤 《核农学报》2019,33(2):379-388
为探究冬种不同作物、水旱轮作措施对稻田丰产及温室气体减排的影响,本研究设置5种种植模式,即紫云英-早稻-晚稻(CRR)、紫云英-早稻-甘薯‖晚大豆(CRI)、油菜-早稻-晚稻(RRR)、油菜-早稻-甘薯‖晚大豆(RRI)、马铃薯-早稻-晚稻(PRR),采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法测定稻田CH_4、N_2O的全年排放通量,研究基于冬季不同作物的不同水旱轮作模式对水稻产量、全球增温潜势(GWP)及温室气体排放强度(GHGI)的影响。结果表明,冬种不同作物均能提高早稻的产量,但对晚稻产量基本无影响,其中紫云英对早稻产量增效最好,CRI处理分别较其他处理高1.73%、12.08%、7.48%、10.95%;水旱轮作处理较双季稻处理可以获得更高的产量,RRI处理晚稻产量较其他4个处理分别高22.54%、5.37%、29.83%、27.24%。冬种不同作物对CH_4、N_2O排放无显著影响(P>0.05),水旱轮作显著增加了N_2O排放,显著降低了CH_4排放(P<0.05)。5种种植模式中,RRI处理的GWP最低,且显著低于CRR、RRR、PRR处理(P<0.05),分别低25.54%、29.76%、20.78%。RRI处理的GHGI最低,较其他处理分别显著低32.51%、18.18%、30.77%、20.59%(P<0.05)。综上,RRI处理在增加作物产量、减少稻田温室气体排放方面表现最好。本研究结果为长江中游双季稻区稻田丰产及温室气体减排提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Widespread yield stagnation and productivity declines in the rice–rice cropping system have been reported and many of the associated issues are related to soil quality. A long‐term experimental study was initiated in 1969 to assess the impact of continuous cultivation of rice as a single crop grown in wet as well as dry seasons using varying levels of chemical fertilizer and manure applications on soil quality indicators (physical, chemical and biological), a sustainable yield index (SYI) and a soil quality index (SQI). The treatments comprised chemical fertilizers and farmyard manure (FYM) either alone or in combination viz. control, N, NP, NK, NPK, FYM, N+FYM, NP+FYM, NK+FYM and NPK+FYM, laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Soil samples were collected after the wet season rice harvest in 2010 and were analysed for physical, chemical and biological indicators of soil quality. A SYI based on long‐term yield data and SQI using principal component analysis (PCA) and nonlinear scoring functions were calculated. Application of NPK fertilizers in combination with FYM significantly increased the average grain yield of rice in both wet and dry seasons and enhanced the sustainability of the system compared to the control and plots in receipt of fertilizers. The SYI for the control was higher in the wet season than in the dry one, whereas the reverse was true for NPK+FYM treatment. The value of the dimensionless SQI varied from 1.46 in the control plot to 3.78 in the NPK+FYM one. A greater SYI and SQI in the NPK+FYM treatment demonstrated the importance of using a chemical fertilizer in combination with FYM. For the six soil quality indicators selected as a minimum data set (MDS), the contribution of DTPA‐Zn, available‐N and soil organic carbon to the SQI was substantial ranging from 59.4 to 85.7 per cent in NPK+FYM and control plots, respectively. Thus, these soil parameters could be used to monitor soil quality in a subhumid tropical rice–rice system.  相似文献   

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