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Bussadori C Pradelli D Borgarelli M Chiavegato D D'Agnolo G Menegazzo L Migliorini F Santilli R Zani A Quintavalla C 《Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)》2009,182(2):187-192
This prospective study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence and severity of ocular lesions in dogs with anemia (packed cell volume 20%) and/or thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 150,000/μL). Dogs were divided into four groups: (1) anemic (n = 17); (2) thrombocytopenic (n = 36); (3) anemic and thrombocytopenic (n = 24); and (4) healthy controls (n = 26). The prevalence of ophthalmic lesions in these four groups was 12%, 42%, 42% and 0%, respectively. Anemia was not associated with the presence of ocular lesions (P = 0.41) or their severity. Thrombocytopenia was significantly associated with the presence of ocular lesions (P = 0.0016) and with their severity (P = 0.017). We conclude that thrombocytopenia, but not anemia, is associated with ocular lesions in dogs. 相似文献
Neosporosis in animals--the last five years 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
草地系统的安全健康关系到当地畜牧业的可持续发展。运用1978-2008年天水市关山南麓地区历年畜群数及清水、张家川气象站牧草生长期历年日照时数、平均温度及降水量测量值,构建评价该地草地压力的指数模型分析该地区畜群数、草地生产潜力及草地压力指数的动态变化。结果表明:近30年来天水市关山南麓地区畜群数随年份以1.76×104羊单位/a的速度逐年增加,草地生产潜力变化不大,草地生态压力指数以0.02/a的速度逐年上升。近5年来草地严重超载,畜群数已超过了草地的承载能力。适当限制畜群规模及扩大草地面积是未来当地畜牧业可持续发展的主要途径。 相似文献
Food hypersensitivity in 30 dogs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
S D White 《Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association》1986,188(7):695-698
Food hypersensitivity was diagnosed in 30 dogs. Clinical signs varied, with pruritus (97%), erythema (50%), and papules (37%) being the most common. Diagnosis was based on resolution of clinical signs when the dogs were fed a restricted ("hypoallergenic") diet, and recurrence of signs when fed their original diet or other foods. No age, breed, or sex predilection was noticed. None of the owners could relate the onset of clinical signs with a recent change in diet. Seven dogs had concurrent fleabite, inhalant, intestinal parasite, or insulin hypersensitivity. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: To document the outcome, survival and complications involved in pacemaker implantation in dogs in a retrospective study. METHODS: Case records for all dogs in which pacemaker implantation was performed were reviewed. RESULTS: A total of 104 dogs underwent pacemaker implantation. Dogs were presented with atrioventricular (AV) block (71), sick sinus syndrome (25) or vasovagal syncope (eight). Age at presentation varied from six months to 13 years with a median age of seven years and two months. The Labrador was the most commonly represented breed (17 cases). All but one dog survived pacemaker implantation, with 93 showing resolution of their clinical signs while 10 dogs showed intermittent residual signs. One-, three- and five-year survival estimates were 86, 65 and 39 per cent, respectively. Major complications after implantation were documented in 15 dogs and three of these led to fatalities. Minor complications were noted in 23 dogs. Sudden death occurred in six dogs three to 55 months following successful pacemaker implantation. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Transvenous pacemaker implantation was successful in reducing or eliminating clinical signs in over 90 per cent of dogs with third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block or sick sinus syndrome. In dogs with vasovagal syncope, six of eight dogs had greatly reduced frequency of collapse and two became asymptomatic. Although the procedure was associated with complications, these were rarely life threatening and good survival was documented in the majority of cases. 相似文献
近两年(2000~2001年)来,农业部动物检疫所门诊的病禽中,经病毒分离、血清学调查证明为新城疫的病例共368例,发病禽数882394羽。我们对这些发病禽的流行病学进行了分析。1地区性如表1所示,其中来自青岛的共254例,平均发病日龄为111日龄,平均产蛋下将幅度为23%,平均死淘率为10.44%;来自潍坊的共42例,平均发病日龄为227日龄,平均产蛋下将幅度为31%,平均死淘率为7.99%;来自烟台的共40例,平均发病日龄为154日龄,平均产蛋下将幅度为29.27%,平均死淘率为20.79%… 相似文献
近1O年鹿放牧生态研究进展 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
从鹿的放牧行为特点、季节动态、生物因素(草地植物和其他家畜)、非生物因素以及劳动生产因素(主要是放牧制度)对鹿放牧行为的影响,鹿放牧对草地植被的影响等方面,总结近10年来国内外在鹿放牧生态领域的研究进展.并对今后值得研究的方面提出建议. 相似文献
Alessandro Di Cerbo Sara Centenaro Francesca Beribè Fulvio Laus Matteo Cerquetella Andrea Spaterna Gianandrea Guidetti Sergio Canello Giuseppe Terrazzano 《Veterinary research communications》2016,40(1):29-38
The aim of this evaluation study was to assess the possible role of a specific nutraceutical diet in relieving main clinical symptoms of chronic bilateral otitis externa (occlusion of ear canal, erythema, discharge quantity, and odor) in 30 adult dogs. Thirty dogs of different breeds (mean age?±?SEM; 6.03?±?0.15 years and mean weight?±?SEM; 32.01?±?1.17 Kg; 53.3 % males, 46.6 % females) with evident chronic clinical otitis symptoms were equally divided and randomly assigned to receive either the nutraceutical diet (ND group) or a standard diet (SD group) over a period of 90 days. In all cases a topical pharmacological treatment was given. The nutraceutical diet, also endowed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, significantly decreased the mean score intensity of all symptoms after 90 days of intervention (P?<?0.0001) with the exception of Malassezia pachydermatis infection which was only slightly reduced. Our investigation is one of the few evidence-based results where a commercial nutraceutical diet has been proven effective, in combination with drugs, in relieving otitis externa-related symptoms. This study opens new insights into otitis externa clinical management providing evidence of efficacy of a combined therapy with drugs and a specific nutraceutical diet. 相似文献
Clinical hip dysplasia in growing dogs: the long-term results of conservative management 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The long-term results of conservative management in 68 immature dogs with clinical and radiographic evidence of hip dysplasia are described. Seventy-six per cent of the dogs had minimal gait abnormalities despite radiological evidence of moderate or severe osteoarthrosis. 相似文献
利用3S技术和草地转移矩阵,分析了新疆昌吉回族自治州奇台县八户地草地30多年的变化规律和原因。研究认为,从1973—2006年草地生态环境整体情况呈现好转趋势,人类活动是影响其变化的主要原因。其中,1973-1997年,草地附近的8地水库干涸,使得草地中的盐碱地大面积的转变成草地,而此期牧民的超负荷放牧,又使转变为草地多以低草为主。盐碱地处于最大的“落势”,而低草处于最大的“涨势”;1997—2006年,草地实行围栏工程并建设人工防护林,草地生态恢复,大部分低草转化为高草,低草处于最大的“落势”,高草处于最大的“涨势”。 相似文献
Nicholas Bacon Carlos H. de M. Souza Sarah Franz 《The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne》2016,57(2):141-146
We describe a novel technique for total cysto-prostatectomy, followed by uretero-urethral anastomosis in 2 dogs. The technique was successful and was performed without pubic osteotomy. Post-operative urinary tract infections may be a potentially serious event. 相似文献
中国饲料工业,几乎从一片空白地一跃而起,迅速成为饲料大国。是改革开放创造的一个奇迹。波澜壮阔的发展历程——大体分为三个阶段:创业起步阶段、快速发展阶段、整合提升阶段。辉煌夺目的巨大成就——从1980年到2007年,饲料产品产量由110万吨增加到12331万吨,27年增长112.1倍,年递增率为19.1%。饲料工业产值从1990年的1119亿元增长到2007年的3335亿元。 相似文献
中国饲料工业30年回望 拔地而起 屹立东方 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
中国饲料工业,几乎从一片空白地一跃而起,迅速成为饲料大国,是改革开放创造的一个奇迹. 波澜壮阔的发展历程--大体分为三个阶段:创业起步阶段、快速发展阶段、整合提升阶段. 相似文献
Pike FS Berg J King NW Penninck DG Webster CR 《Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association》2004,224(10):1615-1622
OBJECTIVE: To determine long-term outcome of dogs with gallbladder mucocele. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 30 dogs with gallbladder mucocele, including 23 that underwent cholecystectomy. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed for signalment, history, and clinical, ultrasonographic, and surgical findings. Follow-up information was obtained for all dogs that survived the perioperative hospitalization period. RESULTS: 23 dogs had signs of systemic illness; 7 had no clinical signs. Median values for serum activities of alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase, serum total bilirubin concentration, and total WBC count were significantly higher among dogs with gallbladder rupture than among dogs without rupture. Sensitivity of sonography for detection of rupture was 85.7%. Overall perioperative mortality rate for dogs that underwent cholecystectomy was 21.7%; mortality rate was not significantly greater for dogs with rupture. Aerobic bacteria were isolated from the bile or gallbladder wall in 8.7% of dogs. All 18 dogs discharged from the hospital had complete resolution of clinical signs. In dogs that underwent in-hospital reexamination, serum liver enzyme activities were significantly decreased, compared with preoperative activities. Persistent increases in serum activities of 1 or more liver enzymes were detected in 9 of 12 dogs; 6 of 12 dogs had persistent abnormalities in hepatic echogenicity. Mean follow-up period was 13.9 months. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that cholecystectomy is an effective treatment for gallbladder mucocele. Although perioperative mortality rate is high, prognosis after discharge from the hospital is excellent. Rupture of the gallbladder warrants emergency surgical intervention but does not preclude a positive outcome. 相似文献