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Many reports have highlighted the need for the veterinary profession to fill critical shortages of veterinarians in public health and food safety. Michigan State University's College of Veterinary Medicine offers educational programs within the professional veterinary curriculum, as well as graduate degree programs, to meet these societal needs. Within the scope of the professional veterinary curriculum, educational opportunities in public health include clerkships in veterinary public health and an innovative Web-based curriculum on judicious use of antimicrobials. For graduate degree programs, Michigan State University has a memorandum of understanding with the University of Minnesota for the Master of Public Health degree and an innovative Online Professional Master of Science in Food Safety degree program. A new option available is the opportunity for veterinary students to pursue the Master of Science in Food Safety concurrently with the DVM (DVM/MS in Food Safety). These educational programs will prepare graduates to meet societal needs in public health and food safety.  相似文献   

Educational theory can and should form the basis for teaching in veterinary medicine. Nevertheless, formal training for teachers in veterinary medicine is uncommon and rarely includes study of different educational theories or perspectives, leaving educators to rely on informal or "hidden" educational constructs to guide them in their everyday teaching. Using a modified case-based format, we present critiques of a hypothetical teaching scenario from four different educational viewpoints: behaviorist, cognitive, social learning, and inspired teaching approaches. The importance and utility of formal educational theory in faculty development is discussed.  相似文献   

A shortage of veterinary educators in various clinical disciplines is requiring faculty at veterinary schools to develop novel approaches to teaching professional students a core of information in each major clinical discipline. This article presents experiences at Washington State University (WSU) College of Veterinary Medicine in the teaching of the didactic components of ophthalmology and dermatology over four years using pre-prepared lectures developed by off-site instructors. The methodology of lecture preparation and presentation and various perspectives of student satisfaction with this teaching/learning method are presented.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document educational and research programs in complementary and alternative veterinary medicine (CAVM) at US veterinary schools and to develop recommendations for additional curriculum development and research in these modalities. DESIGN: Mail questionnaire. SAMPLE POPULATION: Deans, curriculum committees, and interested faculty at US veterinary schools. PROCEDURES: Questionnaires were mailed to personnel at all 27 US veterinary schools. Nonrespondents received a follow-up letter and telephone contact. Information was used to establish the current status of CAVM. RESULTS: Responses were received for 41 of 120 (34%) questionnaires. Responses were received from 23 of 27 veterinary schools, but number of respondents varied at each institution (range, 1 to 4) and some surveys were not complete. Seven of 27 US veterinary schools had an educational program in CAVM. Thirty-six (87%) respondents believed that acupuncture, nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, and physical therapy should be included in the curriculum, 25 (61%) indicated that botanical (herbal) medicine should be included, and 25 (61%) believed that chiropractic should be included. Only 17 (44%) respondents believed that homeopathy should be included. The majority of respondents believed that CAVM should be offered as elective courses. Research in CAVM has been conducted at 6 responding schools. CONCLUSIONS: Currently, few veterinary schools offer educational or research programs in CAVM. Veterinary schools are aware of the interest in CAVM and acknowledge a lack of educational and research programs in these areas. More veterinary schools are in the process of developing educational and research programs in various aspects of CAVM.  相似文献   

The real and/or perceived shortage of veterinarians serving food-supply veterinary medicine has been a topic of considerable discussion for decades. Regardless of this debate, there are issues still facing colleges of veterinary medicine (CVMs) about the best process of educating future food-supply veterinarians. Over the past several years, there have been increasing concerns by some that the needs of food-supply veterinary medicine have not adequately been met through veterinary educational institutions. The food-supply veterinary medical curriculum offered by individual CVMs varies depending on individual curricular design, available resident animal population, available food-animal caseload, faculty, and individual teaching efforts of faculty. All of the institutional members of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) were requested to share their Food Animal Veterinary Career Incentives Programs. The AAVMC asked all member institutions what incentives they used to attract and educate students interested in, or possibly considering, a career in food-supply veterinary medicine (FSVM). The problem arises as to how we continue to educate veterinary students with ever shrinking budgets and how to recruit and retain faculty with expertise to address the needs of society. Several CVMs use innovative training initiatives to help build successful FSVM programs. This article focuses on dairy, beef, and swine food-animal education and does not characterize colleges' educational efforts in poultry and aquaculture. This review highlights the individual strategies used by the CVMs in the United States.  相似文献   

Romania has a long tradition in the field of veterinary medicine, interest in which can be traced back to the early nineteenth century. There are four main veterinary educational centers in Romania, one for each province: the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest in the south; the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca in the northwest; the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Ia?i in the northeast; and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Timi?oara in the south west. The authors of this article are faculty members representing each of these schools.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to provide an insight into the current state of, and future changes in, veterinary education. At present, Veterinary Inspectors need to have the appropriate education, relevant experience and the ability to carry out their duties in the context of inspections. They should respond to the changes in legislation related to food and to the official control systems and must take into account the Community rules. In effect, there is still a wide diversity among schools in Italy and in Europe, showing that there is an urgent need for harmonization of the veterinary education, in order to have a common basis of knowledge. Moreover, it is important to maintain and update all knowledge by means of the so-called lifelong learning. Along the educational route of the veterinary inspector, many gaps still exist: the entire system of learning should be revised, with the aim of having a well-integrated education system in cooperation with all the figures involved. In this way Veterinary Inspectors will be able to face the new issues posed by society and the globalization of food consumption and will be able to maintain their position in the assurance of food safety.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to provide an insight into the current state of, and future changes in, veterinary education. At present, Veterinary Inspectors need to have the appropriate education, relevant experience and the ability to carry out their duties in the context of inspections. They should respond to the changes in legislation related to food and to the official control systems and must take into account the Community rules. In effect, there is still a wide diversity among schools in Italy and in Europe, showing that there is an urgent need for harmonization of the veterinary education, in order to have a common basis of knowledge. Moreover, it is important to maintain and update all knowledge by means of the so-called lifelong learning. Along the educational route of the veterinary inspector, many gaps still exist: the entire system of learning should be revised, with the aim of having a well-integrated education system in cooperation with all the figures involved. In this way Veterinary Inspectors will be able to face the new issues posed by society and the globalization of food consumption and will be able to maintain their position in the assurance of food safety.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in the spring of 2001 to assess international activities at colleges of veterinary medicine in North America. A questionnaire was sent to all 31 colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States and Canada, of which 22 responded. Of those schools responding to the survey, 86% have International Veterinary Medicine (IVM) programs and most have faculty involved in internationally oriented research (95%), in teaching IVM (74%), in mentoring veterinary students in IVM (84%), and in international consultancies (84%). Funding sources for faculty international activities include foundations, intramural funds, curriculum development grants, endowment/development funds, and sabbaticals. Foreign animal diseases are the most commonly taught international topic. The increasing importance of international veterinary issues is leading to the internationalization of the veterinary education in North America. Most IVM programs include activities of both faculty and students. Greater collaboration between faculty and programs across schools would allow schools to benefit from each other's strengths in IVM education.  相似文献   

Concepts presented here were derived from breakout sessions constituted by the 90 attendees of the Veterinary Medical Education for Modern Food Systems symposium, held in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, in October 2005. The attendees were food-animal educators, veterinary faculty, college deans and administrators, and veterinarians employed in government, industry, and private practice. Discussions at these breakout sessions focused on four primary areas: (1) determining the data needed to document the current demand for food-supply veterinarians (FSVs); (2) defining the information/skills/abilities needed within veterinary school curricula to address the current demands on FSVs; (3) outlining pre-DVM educational requirements needed to support FSVs; and (4) considering the role of post-DVM programs in meeting the demand for FSVs.  相似文献   

Food systems educators face a double challenge: (1) the inherent change in scope and perspective from raising animals to producing safe food in an environmentally conscientious manner; and (2) the unprecedented demand for higher education, both nationally and internationally. In the modern world, small numbers of producers are capable of feeding a growing population. As demographics have shifted from rural to urban areas, more global livelihoods are derived from manufacturing and services than from agriculture. Education, as one of those services, is accounting for an increasing percentage of world trade, through the physical translocation of students and, more recently, through online education. Within the veterinary realm, colleges outside the United States seek accreditation to better compete for students, and there is increasing pressure from private schools. Today's food systems require a high level of veterinary expertise, with specialization in a particular production system as well as the ability to contribute as part of a larger team that can address economic, bio-security, biological-waste, animal-welfare, food-safety, and public-health concerns. The need for different expertise from food systems specialists (indeed, shortages of all types of veterinary specialists), combined with global competition in education, is a call to action for the veterinary profession. This is an opportunity to revisit and reorganize the delivery of veterinary education, making use of new collaborative technologies for greater efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

校企合作是提升畜牧兽医高职院校办学质量的必由之路,当前的校企合作存在许多的问题。因此,畜牧兽医职教集团的成立,能够为有效解决这些问题带来新的契机。分析了在"互利互惠,合作共赢"的原则下,依托职业教育集团,促进校企合作的重要意义。  相似文献   

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht has recently introduced two major curriculum changes in order to keep pace with developments in research (the vast increase in scientific knowledge), in society (the quality awareness of veterinary clients), and in the veterinary profession, where a species and sector differentiation can be observed. After about 15 years during which the curriculum remained more or less unchanged, a radical curriculum revision was introduced in 1995. A further revision, with the introduction of separate study tracks, began in 2001. The 2001 curriculum focuses on academic and scientific training, active learning and problem solving, training in communication and professional behavior, and lifelong learning. It is divided into a four-year core curriculum, in which a broad, cross-species pathobiological insight is central, and a two-year track curriculum, through which students achieve a starting competence in a specific species or sector. The main teaching methods are tutorials and group tasks; practical work is used mainly to achieve specific veterinary skills. Teaching hours represent 30-35% of all study hours. Self-teaching is encouraged by providing study materials, self-teaching questions, teachers assigned to assist with self-teaching, and adequate facilities. The five tracks offered are Companion Animals/Equine; Food Animals; Veterinary Public Health; Veterinary Research; and Veterinary Administration and Management. All students follow a uniform 30-week clinical rotation program, while the track program is 42 weeks. A summary of admission procedures is given, as well as the times and procedures for track selection.  相似文献   

There is a vast array of learning tools and approaches to veterinary education, many tried and true, many innovative and with potential. Such new methods have come about partly from an increasing demand from both students and teachers to avoid methods of teaching and training that harm animals. The aim is to create the best quality education, ideally supported by validation of the efficacy of particular educational tools and approaches, while ensuring that animals are not used harmfully and that respect for animal life is engendered within the student. In this paper, we review tools and approaches that can be used in the teaching of veterinary students, tools and approaches that ensure the dignity and humane treatment of animals that all teachers and students must observe as the very ethos of the veterinary profession that they serve. Veterinary education has not always met, and still often does not meet, this essential criterion.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for veterinarians in public health has created an environment for innovative educational approaches, providing opportunities for veterinary students to gain additional education in public health. At the University of Tennessee, this environment has enabled a collaboration between the College of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences to establish a veterinary concentration in an existing Master of Public Health degree program. The veterinary public-health concentration was approved in 2004. In addition, other courses and initiatives have been developed at the College of Veterinary Medicine, creating stronger collaborations with academic units and public-health professionals.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to provide an insight into the current state of, and future changes in, veterinary education within the European Community, as well as the role of the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) in evaluating and raising standards of education and training. It also describes the role of EAEVE in developing strategies for changes in the future. Veterinary schools have traditionally aimed at producing the omnicompetent veterinarian at graduation. Many have questioned whether this is possible, and a recent European Commission (EC) funded market survey has confirmed that this is indeed an impossible task and has identified the requirements of society within the European Union (EU) for veterinary services in the future. There is however a need to change the current 1978 European Directive. The current mechanisms which have been used by EAEVE to evaluate over 100 veterinary schools in Europe and their relationship with other systems of appraisal are described. The future of veterinary education within the context of higher education in Europe as part of the Bologna process and in relation to standards of veterinary education worldwide are discussed. Whilst the merits of standardisation of educational quality so that there can be mutual recognition of qualifications are supported, the need to preserve the strengths associated with the diversity of approaches and teaching methods is strongly advocated.  相似文献   

The final-year Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (MVB) class of 2005 were the first cohort of students to complete the new curriculum at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin (UCD). The new curriculum is a fundamental departure from the traditional curriculum that had served the veterinary profession in Ireland over many years. The change was not a precipitate action but the outcome of a prolonged and thorough examination of the realities of veterinary medicine, its science and its art, in the first decade of a new millennium. Over recent decades, rapid and fundamental changes have been witnessed in the economic, cultural, and ethical environment in which the veterinary profession operates, and these changes, coupled with the "information explosion," dictated an examination of the educational paradigm. The new curriculum exposes the first-year class to veterinary information technology and problem-based learning (PBL). In the second year, students are instructed in clinical examination, history taking, and client communication skills, in addition to further exposure to PBL. The third and fourth years are now systems-based, with coordinated input from microbiologists, parasitologists, pathologists, and clinicians in teaching each body system. The first lecture-free final year in the 104-year history of veterinary education in Ireland consists of clinical rotations and a four-week elective pursued within the faculty or at other recognized institutions. Students must also complete a minimum of 24 weeks' extramural studies (EMS). Critically, the development and assessment of all courses in the new undergraduate degree program has been driven by carefully thought out learning outcomes. The new curriculum will provide graduates with the essential knowledge and skills required for entry into the veterinary profession. Society expects these qualities from veterinarians in the interests of the communities they serve during their professional careers. In addition, the curriculum should foster the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, instill the desire and ability to work in teams, and develop life skills. It is hoped that the academic innovations will arouse the intellectual curiosity and commitment to lifelong learning that future graduates will require if they are to retain the confidence of the society in which they work in the future.  相似文献   

The American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) initiated a study of parasitology curricula in veterinary schools in the US and Canada in November 1989. An ad hoc committee (Task Force) and then the Education Committee developed a position paper on teaching parasitology in veterinary colleges. In addition to confirming the importance of parasitology as a discipline they recommended a set of general learning objectives and proposed topic-specific titles rather than parasite-/group-specific titles. Another problem observed in teaching parasitology was a significant reduction in time available to teach parasitology. One way to compensate for the lost classroom time is to utilize some of the technological advances in presenting the material to students.  相似文献   

Concern over the presence of veterinary drug residues in food has been increasing world wide. Because of this concern the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) has been involved on an international basis in efforts to develop food safety standards for veterinary drugs. The major thrust of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CC/RVDF) has been to achieve international agreement on veterinary drugs issues. CVM is an active participant on this committee. The CC/RVDF has established a list of priority veterinary drugs that are, or that have the potential to cause trade problems as the result of public health concerns. Included in this list are anabolic hormones, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, nitroimidazoles, somatotropins, benzimidazoles and trypanocides. In the upcoming years, the CC/RVDF will work toward developing international maximum residue levels for these compounds. The evaluation of the toxicity of veterinary drug-bound residues is another area of international concern. In conjunction with the Bureau of Veterinary Medicine, Health and Welfare Canada, CVM is developing guidelines on biological models to demonstrate the safety of veterinary drug-bound residues. In working with veterinary drug regulators from other countries, CVM has new solutions to human food safety problems.  相似文献   

【目的】 为推进中国食品安全监控体系建设及完善相关的法规标准提供参考,保障食品安全的同时提升中国禽肉、禽蛋产品在国际市场的竞争力,打破国际技术性贸易壁垒,促进国际禽产品贸易繁荣发展。【方法】 首先对比分析中国新发布的食品安全国家标准GB 31650-2019《食品安全国家标准食品中兽药最大残留限量》及已废除的农业部公告第235号《动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量》中有关禽肉、禽蛋的兽药残留种类和兽药最大残留限量(MRLs)标准;然后对中国新国家标准与欧盟和美国在禽肉、禽蛋的兽药残留种类区别和MRLs标准的严宽程度等几项内容进行了对比分析。【结果】 中国新国家标准对旧标准进行了一定程度上的补充与修改,大部分有关禽肉、禽蛋的MRLs标准与欧盟和美国的标准相同甚至更加严格,这标志着中国兽药残留标准体系进入了新阶段,但部分兽药的MRLs标准仍与欧盟和美国的标准存在一定差异,其中共有包括双氯西林在内的33种兽药的MRLs标准缺失或宽于欧盟和美国。【结论】 未来中国仍需结合禽肉、禽蛋的生产情况、兽药实际使用情况及人民消费升级的需求,进一步完善禽肉、禽蛋产品中兽药残留限量的相关标准,使其向国际标准靠拢,提高中国禽肉、禽蛋产品在国际市场上的竞争力,并对进出口产品中兽药的残留情况进行严格监控,防止其影响消费者的健康安全和禽肉、禽蛋的国际贸易发展。  相似文献   

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