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Bipedalism is a key human adaptation and a defining feature of the hominin clade. Fossil femora discovered in Kenya and attributed to Orrorin tugenensis, at 6 million years ago, purportedly provide the earliest postcranial evidence of hominin bipedalism, but their functional and phylogenetic affinities are controversial. We show that the O. tugenensis femur differs from those of apes and Homo and most strongly resembles those of Australopithecus and Paranthropus, indicating that O. tugenensis was bipedal but is not more closely related to Homo than to Australopithecus. Femoral morphology indicates that O. tugenensis shared distinctive hip biomechanics with australopiths, suggesting that this complex evolved early in human evolution and persisted for almost 4 million years until modifications of the hip appeared in the late Pliocene in early Homo.  相似文献   

Hand bones from a single individual with a clear taxonomic affiliation are scarce in the hominin fossil record, which has hampered understanding the evolution of manipulative abilities in hominins. Here we describe and analyze a nearly complete wrist and hand of an adult female [Malapa Hominin 2 (MH2)] Australopithecus sediba from Malapa, South Africa (1.977 million years ago). The hand presents a suite of Australopithecus-like features, such as a strong flexor apparatus associated with arboreal locomotion, and Homo-like features, such as a long thumb and short fingers associated with precision gripping and possibly stone tool production. Comparisons to other fossil hominins suggest that there were at least two distinct hand morphotypes around the Plio-Pleistocene transition. The MH2 fossils suggest that Au. sediba may represent a basal condition associated with early stone tool use and production.  相似文献   

The Acheulean site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov in the Dead Sea Rift of Israel documents hominin movements and technological development on a corridor between Africa and Eurasia. New age data place the site at 780,000 years ago (oxygen isotope stage 19), considerably older than previous estimates. The archaeological data from the site portray strong affinities with African stone tool traditions. The findings also reflect adroit technical skills and in-depth planning abilities, more advanced and complex than those of earlier archaeological occurrences in the Levant.  相似文献   

At the recent American Association of Physical Anthropology meetings, a researcher described the foot bones of an 18,000-year-old Indonesian skeleton known as the "hobbit." The tiny hominin would not have walked like we do, he said, and may offer "a window into a primitive bipedal foot."  相似文献   

The evolution of high-crowned molars among horses (Family Equidae) is thought to be an adaptation for abrasive diets associated with the spread of grasslands. The sharpness and relief of the worn cusp apices of teeth (mesowear) are a measure of dietary abrasion. We collected mesowear data for North American Equidae for the past 55.5 million years to test the association of molar height and dietary abrasion. Mesowear trends in horses are reflective of global cooling and associated vegetation changes. There is a strong correlation between mesowear and crown height in horses; however, most horse paleopopulations had highly variable amounts of dietary abrasion, suggesting that selective pressures for crown height may have been weak much of the time. However, instances of higher abrasion were observed in some paleopopulations, suggesting intervals of stronger selection for the evolution of dentitions, including the early Miocene shortly before the first appearance of Equinae, the horse subfamily in which high-crowned dentitions evolved.  相似文献   

【目的】以湖羊公羔为试验对象,探究早期断奶补饲和育肥前、后期饲粮NDF水平对羔羊生长发育和消化性能的持续影响,计算试验因素间的叠加效应,筛选出最佳的组合饲养方式。【方法】选取体重[ (8.26±2.14) kg]、日龄[(20±2) d]接近的健康湖羊公羔120只,随机分为4组,每组6个重复,每重复5只;饲粮NDF水平设置:育肥前期低(33%)高(38%)水平,育肥后期低(28%)高(33%)水平。4组处理分别为:早期断奶+育肥前低NDF饲粮+育肥后低NDF饲粮(EW-LL);早期断奶+育肥前期低NDF饲粮+育肥后期高NDF饲粮(EW-LH);早期断奶+育肥前期高NDF饲粮+育肥后期高NDF饲粮(EW-HH);随母哺乳+育肥期前高NDF饲粮+育肥期后期高NDF饲粮(ER-HH)。早期断奶羔羊在20日龄由随母哺乳逐渐过渡到饲喂代乳粉,同时补饲开食料,所有试验羔羊育肥周期为61-180日龄。试验期160 d。测定羔羊不同阶段体重和采食量,在羔羊2、4、6月龄进行消化代谢试验。【结果】1)4组羔羊全期体重无显著差异(P>0.05),除46—65日龄,其余各阶段各组间日增重无显著差异(P>0.05)。2)早期断奶羔羊21—65日龄干物质采食量显著高于随母哺乳羔羊(P<0.05),早期断奶组中,育肥前后期均采食低NDF水平饲粮的羔羊121—180日龄时颗粒料采食量显著高于其他两组(P<0.05)。3)早期断奶组羔羊哺乳期营养物质消化率及能氮利用率低于随母哺乳组。进入育肥期后,消化代谢能力优势转移,育肥前期低NDF组羔羊干物质、有机物消化率显著高于高NDF组(P<0.05),叠加效应分析EW-LL组全期日增重增效最高,但早期断奶和育肥前期饲喂低NDF饲粮这两种饲喂方式的叠加效果为-50.57%。【结论】从整个育肥周期来看,早期断奶补饲代乳粉对羔羊生长性能有促进作用,育肥前期低NDF水平饲粮育肥效果相比高NDF水平效果较差;而育肥后期试验羔羊饲粮相同时,育肥前期饲喂低NDF饲粮的羔羊增重效果优于饲喂高NDF饲粮的羔羊。综合羔羊整个饲养阶段生长和消化代谢情况分析,饲养效果明显的4组顺序为EW-LL>EW-LH=EW-HH>ER-HH。本试验条件下推荐组合为早期断奶+育肥前期饲粮NDF水平33%+育肥后期饲粮NDF水平28%。  相似文献   

为研究饲料中不同添加剂组合对锦鲤Cyprinus carpio(初始体质量为195.88 g±0.98 g)生长和体色的影响,并与日本优质锦鲤商品饲料进行增重和增色效果对比,进行了增重和增色两部分试验,其中增重部分以三色锦鲤为研究对象,探讨了试验增重饲料与商品增重饲料对其生长的影响,增色部分以红白锦鲤为研究对象,探讨了试验对比饲料、试验增色饲料和商品增色饲料对其体色的影响,各组均设3个重复,试验周期为60 d,每隔15 d测定锦鲤的生长和体色指标。结果表明:添加L-肉碱、血球蛋白粉、螺旋藻和枯草芽孢杆菌的试验饲料对三色锦鲤的促生长效果与商品增色料无显著性差异(P0.05),但试验饲料具有更低的饲料系数;添加虾青素、螺旋藻和枯草芽孢杆菌的试验饲料对红白锦鲤体色的增艳效果与商品增色料无显著性差异(P0.05);投喂两种试验增色料和商品增色料的锦鲤体表各部位对色素的沉积程度相似。研究表明,采用不同添加剂组合的两种试验饲料与日本优质锦鲤饲料的功效水平相当,能够分别满足对锦鲤快速增重和增色的要求。  相似文献   

Calves are the reserve forces for dairy cattle. Scientific rearing strategy of calves is the basis of efficient cattle breeding. However, many problems exist in current rearing systems of calves and restrict the sustainable development of dairy cattle in China. The absence of basic research is the most highlighted problem among them. Recent researches on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood biochemical indices and rumen development in calves were summarized in this paper. Additionally, the optimal levels of energy and protein in milk replacer and starter diets for calves were indicated, and limiting amino acids for calves fed different diets were discussed. A variety of additives, such as acidifiers, probiotics and polysaccharides, are regarded as promising alternatives to antibiotics to reduce disease in calves. Dietary supplementations of these additives have positive effects on growth and health of calves. However, studies on the nutrition of vitamins and minerals in calves have been seldom done, and deserve our further researches. To sum up, the postnatal period is one of the most critical "windows" for rumen manipulation and epigenetic regulation. Any changes from environments, especially early nutrition, may produce long-term effects on growth, health and milk yields in adult cattle.  相似文献   

A well-preserved and articulated partial foot and ankle of Australopithecus sediba, including an associated complete adult distal tibia, talus, and calcaneus, have been discovered at the Malapa site, South Africa, and reported in direct association with the female paratype Malapa Hominin 2. These fossils reveal a mosaic of primitive and derived features that are distinct from those seen in other hominins. The ankle (talocrural) joint is mostly humanlike in form and inferred function, and there is some evidence for a humanlike arch and Achilles tendon. However, Au. sediba is apelike in possessing a more gracile calcaneal body and a more robust medial malleolus than expected. These observations suggest, if present models of foot function are correct, that Au. sediba may have practiced a unique form of bipedalism and some degree of arboreality. Given the combination of features in the Au. sediba foot, as well as comparisons between Au. sediba and older hominins, homoplasy is implied in the acquisition of bipedal adaptations in the hominin foot.  相似文献   

Whether the Late Pleistocene hominin fossils from Flores, Indonesia, represent a new species, Homo floresiensis, or pathological modern humans has been debated. Analysis of three wrist bones from the holotype specimen (LB1) shows that it retains wrist morphology that is primitive for the African ape-human clade. In contrast, Neandertals and modern humans share derived wrist morphology that forms during embryogenesis, which diminishes the probability that pathology could result in the normal primitive state. This evidence indicates that LB1 is not a modern human with an undiagnosed pathology or growth defect; rather, it represents a species descended from a hominin ancestor that branched off before the origin of the clade that includes modern humans, Neandertals, and their last common ancestor.  相似文献   

In primates that are highly sexually dimorphic, males often reach maturity later than females, and young adult males do not show the size, morphology, and coloration of mature males. Here we describe extended male development in a hominin species, Paranthropus robustus. Ranking a large sample of facial remains on the basis of dental wear stages reveals a difference in size and robusticity between young adult and old adult males. Combined with estimates of sexual dimorphism, this pattern suggests that male reproductive strategy focused on monopolizing groups of females, in a manner similar to that of silverback gorillas. However, males appear to have borne a substantial cost in the form of high rates of predation.  相似文献   

把1980羽1日龄河田鸡按照体重相近原则随机分为2个处理,即对照组和试验组,每处理3个重复,每重复330羽.对照组各阶段日粮采用中国黄羽肉鸡( NY/T 33-2004)氨基酸模型及粗蛋白质水平,试验组日粮采用NRC (1994)氨基酸模型并在对照组的基础上降低粗蛋白质1个百分点,饲养至105 d,于28、42、75、...  相似文献   

Attention has become increasingly focused in recent years on the role agri-food system transformations have played in driving the global diet-related chronic disease burden. Identifying the role played by the food-consuming industries (predominantly large manufacturers, processors, distributors, and retailers) in particular, and identifying possibilities to facilitate healthier diets through intervening in these industries, have been identified as a research priority. This paper explores the potential for one promising analytic framework—the nutrition-oriented value chain approach—to contribute to this area, drawing on recent insights from the global value chain (GVC) literature to develop an institutionally-enriched approach. The research focused on a canned deciduous fruit value chain linking growers, processors, and retailers in South Africa and Australia. Findings reveal the multiple drivers which have converged to shape this value chain over time, and the key actors which are influencing product availability, composition, price, and promotion within this sector. With its emphasis on identifying implications for end-consumption, rather than economic outcomes within the chain, nutrition-oriented value chain research represents a significant shift in focus for the GVC framework. Therefore, an immediate opportunity for further research is to extend the analytic framework to primary research on end-consumption behaviours.  相似文献   

 近年来,元谋冬早蔬菜病害发生频繁,作者通过5年的调查和试验,摸清了冬早蔬菜病害的种类.对番茄晚疫病,黄瓜霜霉病,辣椒疫病,菜豆锈病等主要病害的发生特点,危害,进行了研究,提出了冬早蔬菜病害的防治要点.  相似文献   

家禽日粮中酶制剂使用的现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在过去的10多年,多酶制剂在家禽饲料中得到广泛应用,一方面得益于大量的动物消化饲养试验的进展,另一方面得益于转基因和生物工程技术的快速发展。饲料中添加酶制剂的主要作用是帮助动物消化饲料中那些不能被动物消化的成分,这些成分被证明大都具有抗营养作用,另外,这些成分还有助于微生物在家禽消化道后部(盲肠)的大量繁殖,从而消耗营养,甚至危害到动物的健康。目前,在全球家禽饲料中应用最普遍的酶制剂包括植酸酶、β-葡聚糖酶和木聚糖酶。虽然经过过去半个多世纪的大量研究,对这些酶的作用机制以及应用的好处有了一些了解,但限制酶制剂更有效应用于家禽和其他动物饲料的因素还很多,未来需要进行的研究包括寻找新的生产方式,使生产的酶更具有针对性,并且具有更高的活性和更强的抗环境能力,同时应开发新的方法对酶的活性和有效性进行科学有效的检测、监控和预测。  相似文献   

药膳作为祖国的宝贵文化遗产,既可防病于未然,又可健体强身、延年益寿,一直备受人们喜爱。药膳中的中药原料是药膳发挥作用的重要部分,研究其化学成分及药理活性对阐明药膳发挥疗效的物质基础起着至关重要的作用。本文对药膳应用的渊源进行探讨,对药膳的发展进行展望,并以药膳方中所用中药的出现频率为依据,以7000多首药膳方中使用频次超过100次的27味中药为研究对象,对其基源、性味功效和应用历史进行总结,从传统中医药学的角度探讨其中规律。同时,结合现代研究,从化学成分和药理活性方面进行总结分析,为阐明药膳发挥作用的物质基础提供依据。  相似文献   

洋虫(Martianus dermestoides Chevrolat)又名九龙虫,是一种重要的药用、饲用昆虫.对其生长环境和人工饲料的研究是实现洋虫规模化饲养的关键.笔者在恒温和常温饲养条件下,观察了不同饲料对洋虫幼虫、成虫的形态特征、活跃程度、取食习惯、生长周期、繁殖和生长动态等指标的影响.结果表明,温度和饲料2个因素中,饲料对洋虫生长发育影响最显著.谷物饲料可使洋虫生育周期缩短.性成熟期提前,2次产卵间隔时间变短,能在较短时间内完成其一生的产卵量;研究还发现,洋虫在温暖潮湿环境下更为活跃,寒冷、干燥的环境会使处于不同形态的洋虫生长缓慢、发育滞后.  相似文献   

研究了补偿性生长条件(孵化后第1,2,3周投喂蛋白质水平为22%,20%,18%以及16%的日粮)对肉鸡胸肉、腿肉重量及肠道长度和重量的影响。在前3周的任何一周限饲低蛋白质日粮,提高腿肉20-40g,胸肉10-19g,特别是在第2,3周投喂蛋白质18%-16%的日粮时增产幅度大于第1周,并且有增加肠道的重量和长度的趋势。结果表明,早期限饲低蛋白质日粮还有增加胸肉和腿肉重量的效果,该效果在在第2,3周供给18%-16%蛋白质日粮时差异显著。  相似文献   

选用长白×雅南杂交生长猪60头,探讨以菜籽饼作为主要蛋白质补充料,改善饲粮氨基酸平衡对生长肥育猪生产性能的影响及蛋白质节约效果。试验1,在谷物—菜籽饼(G—RSM)饲粮(CP前期14%,后期13%)中添加4个水平的赖氨酸。试验2,在低蛋白(低二个百分点)G—RSM饲粮中,添加4个水平的赖氨酸和一个水平的赖氨酸+蛋氨酸。两个试验均以谷物—豆饼饲粮(CP前期14%,后期13%)作对照。结果表明: G—RSM饲粮中,添加适量的赖氨酸,前期(35—55kg)生长肥育猪生产性能显著提高(P<0.05),后期(55—90kg)有改善趋势。保证充足的有效赖氨酸供给,生长肥育猪饲喂G—RSM饲粮可取得接近于相同蛋白水平谷物—豆饼饲粮的生产性能。低蛋白G—RSM饲粮,平衡氨基酸(赖氨酸、蛋氨酸)后,对生长肥育猪生产性能无不良影响。血浆尿素氮下降,每公斤体增重所耗蛋白减少,具有明显的节约蛋白质效果。验证试验表明,低蛋白水平下的G—RSM日粮较标准蛋白水平下的G—RSM日粮更有利于氨基酸平衡效应的发挥。低蛋白(低二至三个百分点)G—RSM饲粮平衡赖氨酸和蛋氨酸是合理利用菜籽饼蛋白的有效途径。有效赖氮酸是衡量G—RSM饲粮中蛋白质质量的更好指标。  相似文献   

用2×5因子设计研究了芽胞杆菌微生物饲料添加剂“8701”在不同营养条件下对30—90KP猪的生产性能的影响。“8701”按500ppm、750ppm剂量添加。基础日粮分别含DE和CP:高营养水平(H):3.08,15.1%(前期);3.05%,14%(后期);低营养水平(L):2.87,12.7%(前期);2.77,12,5%(后期)。结果表明,单独添加“8701”可提高日增重7.6%(H)和3.5%(L)(P<0.05)。与0.2%赖氨酸合用在低营养下可极显著地(P<0.01),提高日增重(43.5%)和饲料报酬(提高25.8%),每头猪纯收入为42.2元,与150ppmCu合用或在取消日粮中多维后使用的效果与营养水平有关。  相似文献   

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