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姜楠  韩一军  李雪 《农业展望》2013,(10):45-50
50年来,世界农业取得了巨大进步,粮食产业发生很大变化,出现了许多新情况新特点,特别是粮食价格频繁波动对世界各国都产生了巨大影响。在粮食主产国中,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,制定粮食产业支持政策、确保国家粮食安全都是政府农业政策的一个主要目标。在对美国、欧盟和日本等粮食产业支持政策进行系统总结的基础上,探索发达国家粮食生产保护的措施和经验,从而研究其对中国粮食产业政策制定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

International food trade has become a key driving force of agricultural land-use changes in trading countries,which has influenced food production and the global environment. Researchers have studied agricultural land-use changes and related environmental issues across multi-trading countries together,but most studies rely on statistic data without spatial attributes. However,agricultural land-use changes are spatially heterogeneous. Uncovering spatial attributes can reveal more critical information that is of scientific significance and has policy implications for enhancing food security and protecting the environment. Based on an integrated framework of telecoupling(socioeconomic and environmental interactions over distances),we studied spatial attributes of soybean land changes within and among trading countries at the same time. Three distant countries- Brazil,China,and the United States- constitute an excellent example of telecoupled systems through the process of soybean trade. Our results presented the spatial distribution of soybean land changes- highlighting the hotspots of soybean gain and soybean loss,and indicated these changes were spatially clustered,different across multi-spatial scales,and varied among the trading countries. Assisted by the results,global challenges like food security and biodiversity loss within and among trading countries can be targeted and managed efficiently. Our work provides simultaneously spatial information for understanding agricultural land-use changes caused by international food trade globally,highlights the needs of coordination among trading countries,and promotes global sustainability.  相似文献   

● Progress on nitrogen management in agriculture is overviewed in China. ● 4R principles are key to high N use efficiency and low N losses in soil-crop systems. ● A new framework of food-chain-N-management is proposed. ● China’s success in N management provides models for other countries. Since the 1980s, the widespread use of N fertilizer has not only resulted in a strong increase in agricultural productivity but also caused a number of environmental problems, induced by excess reactive N emissions. A range of approaches to improve N management for increased agricultural production together with reduced environmental impacts has been proposed. The 4R principles (right product, right amount, right time and right place) for N fertilizer application have been essential for improving crop productivity and N use efficiency while reducing N losses. For example, site-specific N management (as part of 4R practice) reduced N fertilizer use by 32% and increased yield by 5% in China. However, it has not been enough to overcome the challenge of producing more food with reduced impact on the environment and health. This paper proposes a new framework of food-chain-nitrogen-management (FCNM). This involves good N management including the recycling of organic manures, optimized crop and animal production and improved human diets, with the aim of maximizing resource use efficiency and minimizing environmental emissions. FCNM could meet future challenges for food demand, resource sustainability and environmental safety, key issues for green agricultural transformation in China and other countries.  相似文献   

国外农业清洁生产补偿政策模式及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农业清洁生产补偿已成为农业生态补偿政策研究的重要内容。发达国家通过农业补贴政策手段,鼓励农民采用环境友好型生产技术,形成有代表性的补偿政策模式,包括"美国以环保计划项目为带动的市场机制与政策调控结合型模式"、"欧盟以共同农业政策为引导的生态补偿与环境保护挂钩型模式"、"日本以环境保全型农业为特色的政府主导与公众配合互补型模式"等三种。我国重视农业清洁生产的发展,近十年来出台了一系列补偿政策措施,但针对广大农民及新型经营主体从事环境友好型生产行为的补偿政策仍不完善,补偿标准依然不高,难以调动生产者的积极性。本文梳理国外成熟的补偿政策模式,剖析我国农业清洁生产补偿政策实施的障碍因素,提出未来制定清洁生产补偿政策可借鉴的成功经验,主要包括充分尊重农民的意愿和利益,确定科学计量补偿标准的方法及健全补偿政策基础性支撑制度等。  相似文献   

我国农业高新技术产业化的选择原则和重点领域   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文认为我国农业高新技术产业化重点领域的选择应遵循5项原则:即市场导向、技术优势、产业基础、系统配合、产品切入的原则;并以此为基础,提出了动植物品种培育和改良、动植物快速繁殖、农用生物制剂、海洋农业开发、精确农业、节水技术和设施农业、农业信息化、农产品深加工、食品安全与标准化等9个农业高新技术重点领域。  相似文献   

Air pollution negatively impacts food security. This paper reviews the current literature on the relationship between air pollution and food security from the perspective of food system. It highlights that agricultural emissions which substantially contribute to air pollution could happen at every stage along the food supply chain. Meanwhile, air pollution can not only affect plant growth and animal health but also shift market equilibrium of both agro-inputs and outputs in the food supply chain and thereby affect food security indirectly. Furthermore, this study evaluates the effects of agricultural policy and energy policy on food security and air pollution, respectively, and provides an overview of potential policy instruments to reduce air pollution while ensuring food security. Finally, we identify the remaining research and policy issues for further studies, mainly focusing on the study of household's bounded rational behaviors and the issue of rural aging population.  相似文献   

在新的粮食安全危机面前我国的应对策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
时隔30年之久,世界性的粮食危机又出现在人们的面前。当前国际粮价高涨,波动到世界很多地方,甚至引起了一些非洲国家、加勒比海沿岸国家的民众骚乱,造成部分国家政局动荡,粮食危机直接导致了海地总理亚历克西今年4月12日的下台。中国农产品供给告别短缺时代、中央对"三农"问题的重视和相关政策的调整赋予了研究粮食安全问题崭新的背景,但是中国粮食供应偏紧的局面、中国进口的粮食数量将会增加以及单纯依靠提高粮食单产来解决中国粮食供应缺口的空间已经很小却是不争的事实。不仅如此,未来各种自然、经济、社会、人文以及制度因素仍会对中国的粮食安全问题产生极大的影响。可见,在新的粮食危机面前研究我国的应对策略意义重大。本文在指出我国粮食安全方面存在的主要问题基础上,考虑了建立我国粮食安全体制应掌握的基本原则,最后提出了确保国家粮食安全的政策选择,其中包括巩固农业基础地位、推进农业产业化、保护耕地资源、增加农业投入、发展农业科技、完善粮食流通体制、节约粮食和储备粮食七个方面的内容。  相似文献   

农业土地变化是全球变化与可持续研究的热点,当前研究虽取得了长足进展,但仍存在诸多不足,集中表现在对农业土地系统复杂性与动态性的认识不够.近年来,基于Agent的农业土地变化研究(农业ABM/LUCC,Agent-based agricultural land change modeling)逐渐兴起,极大的丰富了传统研究的理论与方法,具体表现在:(1)农业ABM/LUCC将微观层面的人类个体行为整合进土地变化研究框架,有助于更加清楚的认识农业土地系统的“人类-自然”综合复杂性问题.(2)农业ABM/LUCC能够动态表达土地系统变化的内生反馈机制,有助于弥补传统的静态土地变化驱动机制分析的不足.(3)基于ABM/LUCC的农业土地利用格局动态研究是整合“人类-自然”综合研究的关键桥梁,农业ABM/LUCC能够与其他生物地球物理模型或经济模型动态嵌套,使多尺度、多维度综合模型研究成为可能.然而,农业ABM/LUCC研究也存在诸多挑战,如理论研究滞后于应用研究,大尺度应用难以开展,以及农户行为的模拟结果很难得到校验等.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has focussed on the potential of indigenous agricultural knowledge for sustainable development. Drawing upon fieldwork on the soil and water management principles of rice farming systems in Senegambia, this paper examines the potential of the traditional system for a sustainable food security strategy. Problems with pumpirrigation are reviewed as well as previous efforts in swamp rice development. It is argued that sustainability depends on more than ecological factors and in particular, requires sensitivity to socio-economic parameters such as the labor demands of the food security strategy, the sexual division of labor, and food pricing policies.  相似文献   

台湾农产品质量安全体系构建起步早,并逐步形成体系相对独立、功能互为补充、并行推动管理的4大认证产品,及其配套标准体系、管理体系和法律法规体系。福建则以农业"三品"为重点,并逐步推行农产品可追溯制度。比较闽台农产品质量安全标准、认证机构、管理机构和认证体系的发展特点,福建应重视对台湾认证标准的研究、消化和借鉴,规范认证机构管理并提高公信力,推进两岸安全管理机构合作,逐步与国际通用认证方式接轨。  相似文献   

农业现代化的研究由来已久,党的十六大以后,中国的农业政策发生了根本性转变,以发展现代农业为着力点的三农工作迅速破题,实践推动了学者在内涵、特征、路径选择、指标体系构建等方面对农业现代化展开的研究。随着中国“四化”同步、“五化”协同战略的提出,中国农业现代化的理论研究被赋予了新内涵。在现有涵盖农业现代化内容的“四化”、“五化”同步或协同理论研究成果中,农业现代化的特征、路径、指标体系及评价方法不断丰富。笔者通过梳理党的十六大以来中国农业现代化研究的理论成果,探究农业现代化的新特征、新路径、新指标体系,为中国农业的再次转型升级和相关政策制定提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

It is a social system engineering to solve problems of city agricultural laborers, inevitably concerning series of social phenomenon and the social issues of the city and countryside relations, the government function, the city management, the fair efficiency, the population flows, the labor employment, the social security, and so on. Furthermore, it also involves the profoundly political and economic system reforms, the transformation of government functions, the system perfection, legal administration, the social stability in China. The city government, as the direct superintendent of the agricultural laborers, should adopt the conception of the system engineering to construct a new mechanism of the city agricultural laborers socialization standard management, which has a profound theoretical and practical significance.  相似文献   

It is a social system engineering to solve problems of city agricultural laborers, inevitably concerning series of social phenomenon and the social issues of the city and countryside relations, the government function, the city management, the fair efficiency, the population flows, the labor employment, the social security, and so on. Furthermore, it also involves the profoundly political and economic system reforms, the transformation of government functions, the system perfection, legal administration, the social stability in China. The city government, as the direct superintendent of the agricultural laborers, should adopt the conception of the system engineering to construct a new mechanism of the city agricultural laborers socialization standard management, which has a profound theoretical and practical significance.  相似文献   

A short time ago the idea of sustainable agriculture was accepted only at the extreme margins of the U. S. agricultural systems. Although sustainability has now become a major theme of many U. S. agricultural groups, there remains much under-explored terrain in the meaning of sustainable agriculture. A thorough examination of who and what we want to sustain and how we can sustain them is critical if sustainable agriculture is to be a practical improvement over conventional agriculture. In order to begin this effort, this article analyzes contemporary sustainable agriculture discourse and suggests alternatives for reconceptualizing sustainable agriculture. In particular we look at three arenas of sustainable discourse—family farm/rural community preservation, food safety, and agricultural science—and address issues of class, race/ethnicity, and gender found in current sustainability positions. We find that while advocates of sustainability have succeeded in pushing agricultural researchers and policy makers to address environmental issues, we need to go much farther both in theory and practice in order to deal with equally important issues of social equity.Patricia Allen is senior analyst with the Agroecology Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her work concentrates on the political economic aspects of sustainability issues in food and agricultural systems. Her edited book,Food for the Future: Conditions and Contradictions of Sustainability, will be published this spring by John Wiley & Sons.  相似文献   

欧盟的粮食安全政策及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
分析探讨了欧盟国家对粮食安全的认识,介绍和分析了欧盟国家在粮食安全问题上的政策和措施,通过与我国农业发展现状的比较,揭示了欧盟食物安全政策对我国粮食安全和现代化农业建设所具有的重要启示作用,提出了加强粮食安全和农业发展的建议和措施.建立符合中国国情的粮食预警体系;实施农业保护政策,提高农业综合生产能力;深化粮食流通体制改革,建立安全可靠的粮食储备系统;建立食物安全生产的诱导机制;生态建设要与粮食生产能力建设和储备相结合.  相似文献   

河池市农业资源及粮食综合生产能力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入21世纪,人口与耕地、粮食的矛盾是农业资源优化配置的最大障碍,加强粮食综合生产能力建设,确保粮食安全已成为经济社会发展的重大战略目标。笔者通过综合分析评价河池市现实的农业资源和影响粮食生产能力的要素,进行了潜在的粮食综合生产能力分析。同时提出保护和提高河池市粮食综合生产能力,除国家在政策和财政上继续支持粮食生产外,应优化粮食生产的区域布局,保护好基本资源,优化耕地利用结构;要加强农田基本建设,大力改造中低产田;要实行科技兴农,推广应用粮食生产新技术,以实现农业可持续发展,促进农民增收,确保粮食安全。  相似文献   

Food issues are generally regarded as agricultural and rural issues. The urban food system is less visible than such other systems as transportation, housing, employment, or even the environment. The reasons for its low visibility include the historic process by which issues and policies came to be defined as urban; the spread of processing, refrigeration, and transportation technology together with cheap, abundant energy that rendered invisible the loss of farmland around older cities; and the continuing institutional separation of urban and rural policy. Despite its low visibility, the urban food system nonetheless contributes significantly to community health and welfare; to metropolitan economies; connects to other urban systems such as housing, transportation, land use, and economic development; and impacts the urban environment. We examine existing or potential city institutions that could offer a more comprehensive look at the urban food system. These include the city department of food, the food policy council, and the city-planning department.  相似文献   

农业生产托管作为社会化服务主要服务方式和经营方式,是实现小农户与现代农业发展有机衔接的重要路径,对于保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。从现实背景和政策要求出发,基于生成逻辑的视角,分析农业生产托管保障国家粮食安全的内在机理,探讨农业生产托管存在的主要问题,提出农业生产托管保障国家粮食安全的推进策略。研究表明,农业生产托管的生成逻辑由逻辑基础、生成条件、表现形式、主要目的、重要前提等内容构成,在稳定产权关系、提高生产效率、减少要素投入、降低成本与风险、提高机械化与信息化水平等方面对保障国家粮食安全具有重要作用。但是,农业生产托管面临服务体系不健全、供需矛盾问题突出、服务对象定位不清晰、服务组织积极性不足等问题。因此,提出建立新型粮食生产托管服务体系、提高粮食生产托管服务组织服务能力、推动小农户积极参与、完善粮食生产托管政策支持方式等推进农业生产托管发展的建议。  相似文献   

Increasing pressure for food security and sustainability as well as a need to halt environmental degradation has focused attention on increasing the efficient use of farm resources. One answer to aspects of that problem is the use of precision agricultural technologies (PATs). To facilitate their adoption, initiatives have been fostered in developed countries since the 1980s. Despite a low rate of adoption elsewhere, similar efforts in recent years have been initiated in developing countries. Given this, understanding those underlying factors that influence the adoption of PATs is vital. It is timely to review these factors and to draw policy implications from that review for future actions. This review, based on studies investigating the limited adoption of PATs in ??experienced?? countries, extrapolates their findings to explain why farmers have or have not adopted PATs. At the same time, this review summarizes the key insights for more effectively targeting ??new?? followers: e.g. it provides some answers to the question of who is more likely to adopt PATs. Additionally, the review points to the limitations of current research in the area and suggests a robust economic model or multidisciplinary approach be adopted for future investigation.  相似文献   

Globalization offers a mix of new trajectories for agriculture, livelihoods, resource use, and environmental conservation. The papers in this issue share elements that advance our understanding of these new trajectories. The shared elements suggest an approach that places stress on: (i) the common ground of theoretical concepts (local-global interactions), methodologies (case study design), and analytical frameworks (spatio-temporal emphasis); (ii) farm-level economic diversification and the dynamics of agricultural intensification-disintensification; (iii) the pervasive role of agricultural as well as environmental institutions, organizations, and governance issues; (iv) the ‹agency of nature’ that blends the roles of non-human organisms and the cultural and social practices of people both at the local scale and beyond; (v) the framing of sustainability initiatives and outcomes through the perspective of historical change; (vi)␣spatial environmental dynamics of the ‹new geographics of environmental conservation’ that impact agriculture, food production, and resource management; and (vii) successful and promising policies, projects, and developments mapping out possible spaces of hope for agricultural sustainability, aquitable development, and food security. The adoption and application of these elements is successful also in avoiding the tendency toward just-so accounts or overly simplified stories of agrarian and environment successes amid the often grim realities of globalization and its impacts. Karl Zimmerer is a geographer and environmental scientist researching and teaching on the topics of globalization and human-environment change (with emphasis on agriculture, conservation and rural livelihoods); the dynamics of agrobiodiversity in tropical mountains (currently focused on irrigation and the relations of new water resource management to agrobiodiversity change); and the development and experience of spatial-environmental models, environmental science, and conservation planning. Karl is the author of numerous articles and his books and monographs include four publications, most recently Globalization and New Geographies of Conservation (2006, University of Chicago). He is active in various organizations involved with agricultural, environmental, conservation, and globalization policies and also edits the Nature-Society section of the Annals of the Association of American Geographers.  相似文献   

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