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野蚕发生规律与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> (一)野蚕的年生活史野蚕在我县一年发生3~4代,而以3代为主,世代重叠,发生极不整齐。以卵在桑树枝干上(少数在枝条上)越冬,次年4月中旬开始孵化,也有迟至7月中旬才孵化的。盛孵期在6月中旬,约占越冬卵的58%左右,从  相似文献   

茶茸毒蛾又名黑毒蛾,属鳞翅目毒蛾中科,除为害茶树外,还为害油茶等。幼虫咬食叶片,严重对老嫩叶片全部食光,影响当年和翌年的茶叶产量。茶茸毒蛾在赣西北一年发生5代,以卵越冬,翌年4月中旬开始孵化。其各代幼虫发生期为:第一代4月中旬至5月上旬,第二代6月上旬至6月下旬,第三代7月下旬至8月中旬,第四代9月中句至10月上旬,第五代11月上旬至11月下旬。该虫近几年在我场严重发生,危害猖獗,今年第二代暴发成灾,使400多亩茶园都受害。  相似文献   

通过野外调查和室内饲养对发生在云南保山余甘子Phyllanthus emblica Linn.植株上的桔斑簇天牛Aristobia approximator(Thomson)形态特征和生物学特性进行研究。结果表明,桔斑簇天牛1年发生1代,以卵和1~3龄幼虫在产卵槽底部和蛀食坑道内越冬。越冬期大龄幼虫于翌年3月下旬化蛹,低龄幼虫于5月下旬化蛹,蛹平均历期65~78d。6月上旬至10月上旬为成虫羽化期,6月下旬至8月中旬为羽化高峰期,成虫平均寿命为38~47d。7月上旬至10月上旬为产卵期,树皮厚度为3~5mm之间的产卵量最多,产卵率为96.03%。7月中旬至11月下旬为卵孵化期,卵孵化率为91.80%,卵的平均历期18~25d。10月中旬卵和幼虫进入越冬,10月中旬至11月下旬平均气温在10~15℃时越冬卵孵化率下降为57.30%。越冬期幼虫处于持续蛀食发育状态,幼虫平均历期为225~240d,幼虫大致分为6龄,4~5龄幼虫取食量最大,平均单日蛀道容积为28.26cm3。  相似文献   

本文报导太湖南岸湖州、嘉兴两市的野桑蚕年发生三代。并对各代的卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫发生的始、盛、末期进行了研究。野桑蚕产越冬卵时间越早,其越冬期越长,越冬期为164~277天。同一天产的越冬卵块,翌年卵孵历期为9~27天。雌雄性比:第一代雌比雄多(♀54.84:♀45.16),第二、三代雌比雄少(♀44.44:♀55.56)。野桑蚕和家蚕同时孵化、同条件下饲养,全龄期同为23天。在闷热、多湿条件下,发现野桑蚕仅三眠即营茧。羽化以白天居多,占83%,桑园羽化率为88.94%;一、二代卵产于叶、条上,散产;第三代卵产于桑拳下,呈块状。每条雌野桑蚕平均产卵235.36粒。野桑蚕天敌计有7种以上,5月底前,越冬卵早孵的幼虫(占7.98%),随桑园夏伐,95%以上幼虫被携出桑园淘汰。野桑蚕年三代发生盛期,年度间变异不大,前、后仅2~3天之差,只须掌握3~7年资料,可以确定当年为害盛期,届时发报,简便准确。防治野桑蚕应以第一代为重点,第二代可在蚕期间隙药治,每年9、10月结合采叶,摘茧灭蛹,减少越冬卵量。  相似文献   

自二十世纪八十年代中期开始 ,我省部分茶园茶黑毒蛾为害十分猖獗 ,曾多次出现大片茶园茶树被食光秃的情况。造成灾害的原因 ,主要是对茶黑毒蛾的为害特点了解不够 ,防治失时所致。1 发生为害主要特征茶黑毒蛾在我省一年发生 5代 ,以卵越冬。翌年3月中旬初越冬卵开始孵化 ,4月下旬开始化蛹。各代幼虫的发生时间为 :3月中旬至 4月下旬 ,5月下旬至 6月下旬 ,7月上旬至八月上旬 ,8月中旬至 9月上旬 ,9月下旬至 1 1月中旬。成虫卵多产在茶树蓬面下方两侧老叶背面 ,也有少数产在枝干、杂草等上。各代的低龄 (一、二龄 )幼虫期仍群栖于原位置(叶…  相似文献   

采用田间调查及室内饲养观察相结合的方法,研究了黑绒金龟甲(Serica orientalis)在兰州市的生活史、降水量对其田间消长动态的影响以及室内温度对其生长发育、卵孵化的影响。结果表明:25℃条件下,黑绒金龟甲的卵期6~9 d,幼虫3龄,幼虫期为53~86 d,蛹期9~16 d,成虫期长达9个多月,即280 d;黑绒金龟甲在兰州一年发生1代,4月下旬入蛰成虫开始出土,5月中旬~6月下旬成虫交配产卵;5月下旬~7月上旬为幼虫危害时期,7月中旬老熟幼虫开始转入地下化蛹,8月中旬蛹开始羽化,成虫当年不出土,在地下越冬,翌年4月下旬出蛰,黑绒金龟甲卵在18℃以下不能孵化,22~30℃时卵的历期随温度的升高逐渐缩短,32~35℃卵的历期则随温度的升高逐渐延长;其中,30℃时卵的孵化天数最短,为6.6 d;25℃时卵的孵化率最高,为95.00%,35℃时孵化率最低为21.25%。黑绒金龟甲的发生量与降水量有关,在每一个降水高峰期后,黑绒金龟甲的出土量明显增加。  相似文献   

叶志毅 《蚕桑通报》2021,52(1):48-52
7 桑树其他害虫 7.1 野蚕 野蚕(Bombyx mandarina Leech)属鳞翅目蚕蛾科.幼虫取食桑叶,与家蚕争夺饲料;野蚕发生的各种真菌病、细菌病、病毒病和微粒子病等都能感染家蚕,对蚕丝业生产的影响极大.野蚕在江、浙一带1年3~4代,以卵在桑树的树干上越冬.各代幼虫发生期分别为4月下旬、6月下旬、8月上旬和9月上旬.  相似文献   

叶志毅 《蚕桑通报》2021,52(1):48-52
7 桑树其他害虫 7.1 野蚕 野蚕(Bombyx mandarina Leech)属鳞翅目蚕蛾科.幼虫取食桑叶,与家蚕争夺饲料;野蚕发生的各种真菌病、细菌病、病毒病和微粒子病等都能感染家蚕,对蚕丝业生产的影响极大.野蚕在江、浙一带1年3~4代,以卵在桑树的树干上越冬.各代幼虫发生期分别为4月下旬、6月下旬、8月上旬和9月上旬.  相似文献   

桃小食心虫是湖北资丘木瓜的主要食心虫。它在湖北资丘木瓜上一年发生1-2代,以老熟幼虫作冬茧在树盘周围土中越冬,4月中旬,越冬幼虫破冬茧出土化夏茧羽化,五月上旬出现越冬代成虫,五月中旬初孵幼虫开始入果,6月中旬,老熟幼虫从果实中脱果,大部分作冬茧越冬,少部分作夏茧羽化,7月上旬出现第一代成虫。7月份木瓜采收,木瓜上不发生第二代。防治上抓住老熟幼虫出土期羽化期和初孵幼虫入果期开展化学防治  相似文献   

小翅雏蝗生物学和生态学的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1989-1994年在甘肃省夏河县甘加高山草原的研究结果表明,小翅雏蝗1年发生1代,其卵在地下1.5-3cm土层中越冬,翌年6月上、中旬当5cm土层平均土温达14.3℃左右时开始孵化出土,6月下旬至7月上旬为孵化出土盛期。7月下旬始见成虫,8月中、下旬成虫开始产卵,9月上旬至中旬末为产卵盛期。整个蝗蝻期为55.28±9.86天,成虫寿命为43.90±12.16天。在自然条件下蝗蝻期的发育起点温度为8.2641±0.3948℃,有效积温为230.2790±20.8193日度。应用历年5月中旬5cm土层平均土温和6月上旬平均气温,建立发生高峰期的预测模型。此外,根据历年5月上旬降水量,建立发生量的预测模型。  相似文献   

Oviposition, egg hatching and survival of newly-hatched larvae of Boophilus annulatus were studied in relation to infection by Babesia species and different temperature regimens. Infection of female ticks by Babesia bigemina or B. bovis had no effect on the time elapsed between engorgement and oviposition. The duration of oviposition was shorter in infected females incubated at 25 degrees C or 35 degrees C and infected females laid fewer eggs than the controls. No larvae hatched at 16 degrees C. B. bigemina-infected eggs hatched more quickly than uninfected eggs at 35 degrees C. The hatching percentage of B. bigemina-infected eggs was reduced by 50% at an incubation temperature of 25 degrees C and by 75% at 35 degrees C. At 16 degrees C there was no difference in the duration of survival of infected and non-infected larvae but at 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C the mean survival period of infected larvae was significantly lower than those of controls.  相似文献   

Fully engorged Hyalomma spp. in Nigeria oviposited greater numbers of eggs than those partially engorged. Hyalomma impressum was a more prolific egg layer than H. rufipes, H. impeltatum and H. truncatum. The variations in the egg output as well as the recognizable peaks in the number of eggs during oviposition were described for each species. No species of Hyalomma below the engorged weight of 0.2 g oviposited; oviposition started with ticks of weight 0.3 g. Eggs produced by ticks weighing below 0.3 g did not hatch; the highest percent egg eclosion occurred with ticks of weight 0.6 g (H. rufipes) and 0.7 g (other Hyalomma species). The pre-oviposition, oviposition and eclosion periods were shortened when eggs were laid and incubated at high temperatures, although the number of oviposited eggs did not increase significantly. At the standard temperature of 24 degrees C, the longest eclosion period was seen in the eggs of H. rufipes (41 days) while those of H. truncatum, H. impressum and H. impeltatum were similar to each other (29 days). Only eggs of H. rufipes hatched at an incubation temperature of 15 degrees C. Eggs of Hyalomma species laid at the same time hatched over a 2--4 day period, except at 15 degrees C when the hatching period of H. rufipes lasted 10 days. The eclosion period was longest in the earlier ovipositions and shorter in the later ones. It is suggested that some intrauterine larval development might have started in the eggs before they were released at a later oviposition period. The percentage mortality of eggs at various temperatures showed that eggs of H. rufipes were more tolerant of low temperatures than those of H. impressum, H. truncatum and H. impeltatum, while the eggs of the latter 3 species were more tolerant of high temperatures than those of H. rufipes. The relevance of these results of the distribution and abundance of the Hyalomma species in Nigeria was discussed.  相似文献   

At the constant temperature of 25 degrees C and relative humidity (RH) of 84%, the average pre-oviposition period of Hyalomma lusitanicum was 47 days, the oviposition lasted an average of 26 days and the total egg production was an average of 6320 per female. At 16 degrees C the females did not lay eggs at all, but those which survived for 1 year and were transferred thereafter to 25 degrees C and 84% RH laid viable eggs. At 35 degrees C, the oviposition was identical at all levels of RH tested (25, 62 and 93%). At 25 degrees C, the pre-oviposition period was shorter at 93% RH, and the number of eggs laid was fewer at 25% RH. The eggs hatched in 32-40 days, the hatching percentage being lower in batches of eggs laid at the beginning and at the end of the oviposition period. The larval and nymphal moultings were not influenced by the type of host. As the temperature increased, the pre-moult period became shorter. The engorged larvae were more sensitive to the low RH than the engorged nymphs, whose moulting percentage was always greater than 72 in all regimes. Low temperature and high humidity had a favourable effect on the survival of unfed nymphs. The female-to-male ratio was 1:2. Hyalomma lusitanicum always behaved as a 3-host tick. The adults did not engorge on rabbits. The female ticks engorged on calves weighed an average 543 mg. Ticks maintained at 25 degrees C and 84% RH and engorged on calves completed the life cycle in 138-196 days, which does not include the period of chitinization of about 30 days. More than half of this period was spent in egg laying and hatching.  相似文献   

干热空气处理防治家蚕微粒子病胚种传染的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐淮耀  黄星光 《蚕业科学》1998,24(3):149-155
采用干热空气对广东现行10个家蚕品种进行热处理,结果表明,蚕卵产后常温(25~27℃)保护12h,46℃热处理60min或47℃热处理40min,不影响实用孵化率,而对微粒子病胚种传染的防治效果达到93%~100%;蚕卵的溶菌酶和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),过氧化物酶(POD),过氧化氢酶(CAT)等三种保护酶系统活力均升高;电子显微镜观察到治愈病卵正常发育至蚁蚕,未经热处理的病卵产下132h后形成孢子,孵化出带病蚁蚕。  相似文献   

催产素对家蚕产卵性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验以中国系统种夏芳为材料,用医用催产素对雌蛹、母蛾进行喷雾法和雌蛹瞬时浸渍法处理。调查了母蛾产卵速度、产卵数、产出卵率及不受精卵率,探讨了催产素对母蛾产卵的作用效果。结果表明催产素处理雌蛹或母蛾对产出卵率有降低的趋势,对不受精卵率影响不显著,但能显著提高产卵速度。  相似文献   

野蚕卵和野蚕黑卵蜂寄生卵的空间分布型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈品南  胡萃 《蚕业科学》1991,17(3):131-136
用7种方法、11个聚集度指标,测定分析了越冬代和发生代野蚕卵块、卵粒、野蚕黑卵蜂寄生卵块、卵粒的空间分布型。结果,越冬代和发生代野蚕卵块均符合所拟合的Poisson分布,Neyman A型分市及负二项分布;聚集度指标表明:越冬代野蚕卵块、卵粒、被寄生卵块、卵粒呈聚集分布,发生代则以均匀分布为主。同时还考查了卵块在桑树各部位的分布,并确定了资料代换公式和最适抽样数,制定了发生代野蚕卵块的序贯抽样表。  相似文献   

外源H_2O_2活化家蚕滞育性卵的研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
为进一步探讨H_2O_2与家蚕滞育的关系,研究了外源H_2O_2 活化家蚕滞育性卵的处理方法。发现H_2O_2 的浓度、处理时期和处理时间对活化效果有重要影响,提出了产于连纸的家蚕滞育性卵在产后2 4h(2 5℃)用6 %H_2O_2于4 7℃下处理30min可有效活化家蚕滞育性卵,孵化率达到96 % ;盐酸处理可有效活化经H_2O_2处理不能孵化的滞育性蚕种,表明盐酸和H_2O_2在活化家蚕滞育性卵上有协同作用。  相似文献   

3-氨基三唑与过氧化氢共同处理对家蚕滞育发动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵林川 《蚕业科学》2004,30(3):319-322
研究有效阻止家蚕滞育发动的措施发现 :在家蚕滞育发动期间 ,仅用过氧化氢酶 (catalase ,CAT)的专一性抑制剂 3 氨基三唑 (3 amino 1,2 ,4 triazole ,AT)处理滞育性蚕卵仍不能阻止家蚕滞育发动 ;但先用AT处理抑制CAT活性后 ,再用H2 O2 处理可有效阻止家蚕滞育发动。  相似文献   

龚竞  朱勇 《蚕学通讯》2004,24(3):1-4
针对生产上出现"逆出蚕"这一情况,通过催青实验调查发生逆出蚕的原因及其孵化方式.实验采用碧波×洞庭、春蕾×镇珠2个蚕品种,分别在常温、高温与RH 70%、 RH 80%、 RH 90%组合的6个条件下,进行两段式催青至孵化.通过对孵化率、逆出蚕率的调查,发现影响同一品种逆出蚕的主要原因是湿度,实验还观察到了逆出蚕的孵化方式.这些为今后进一步研究逆出蚕和减少逆出蚕的发生有着积极作用和现实意义.  相似文献   

Development in culture of the chick embryo from cleavage to hatch   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Early uterine embryos were obtained from hens by induced oviposition 7.5-8.0 h after the preceding egg was laid. They were cultured in vitro and then in recipient shells to hatch. As controls, embryos from freshly laid eggs were cultured in recipient shells to hatch. 2. For embryos cultured from uterine eggs, the hatch rate was 22.5%, and for embryos cultured from laid eggs, the hatch rate was 62.5%. 3. The weight of the chicks hatched from culture was about 60% of the weight of the preceding egg, or donor egg. Male and female chicks reached maturity and have produced viable offsprings. 4. The results show that it is possible to grow chick embryos in culture from the early cleavage stage (stage II) to hatch. They extend earlier findings on the culture of embryos from the blastoderm stage (Stage X) to hatch. The technique provides a basis for investigations on chick embryo cryopreservation.  相似文献   

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