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晋西黄土区果农间作系统根系生态位特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了进一步分析农林复合系统的土壤水肥效应,指导农林复合系统的物种选择和行间配置及其水肥管理等农艺措施,以晋西黄土区核桃—大豆间作系统为研究对象,采用分层挖掘根系法,研究核桃和大豆的根系生态位分布特征及地下种间竞争关系。结果表明,在1.0~3.0 m各区域,核桃根系生态位宽度均大于大豆根系生态位宽度,而在3.0~3.5 m区域,则反之;在垂直方向上,除1.5~2.0 m区域的大豆外,大豆和核桃的根系生态位均随土壤深度的增加而下降;距树行1.0~3.0 m各区域,核桃对大豆的生态位重叠指数均大于大豆对核桃的生态位重叠指数,而在距树行3.0~3.5 m区域,则反之。距树行1.0~2.5 m区域的核桃和大豆根系生态位相似性和地下种间竞争指数均较大,为种间土壤水肥竞争的主要区域。  相似文献   

黄土高原旱地苹果园生草栽培研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结了黄土高原旱地苹果园生草栽培的土壤环境效应,包括对土壤有机质的提升效应、对大量元素供应状况的改善以及土壤理化特性的效应;归纳了果园生草栽培对苹果树体生长发育和果品品质、产量的影响,主要正面效应包括抑制营养生长,促进生殖生长,提高产量,提高固形物、糖酸比和硬度等品质指标;分析了生草栽培的果园生态效应;评述了黄土高原旱地果园生草栽培的应用与管理方法,确定了黄土高原旱区果园生草栽培的草种、生草栽培模式以及生草后管理等,为适地推进黄土高原旱地苹果园生草栽培提供思路和参考依据。  相似文献   

The semi-arid Loess Plateau is a central zone of Chinese rain-fed farming. Drought and soil erosion are the two major obstacles to restrict economic development in this semi-arid Loess Plateau. The traditional conservation agriculture and runoff agriculture have been developed for several decades, which have reduced water and soil loss and improved rainwater utilization efficiency to a certain extent. However, its regulative role in rainwater is very much limited, and problems of agriculture production, such as severe seasonal drought and water shortage, low agriculture productivity, fragile ecological environment, and low yield-invest ratio, are still going on. Supplemental irrigation of harvested rainwater is an important form of rainfall regulation and utilization on the basis of sophisticated technologies and theories of conservation agriculture and runoff agriculture, which not only promotes fulfilling rainfall harvesting in spatial location like the conservation agriculture and runoff agriculture measure but also gets at true rainfall harvesting in time distribution by principle of superposition and also decreases invalid evaporation for rainfall runoff. Agriculture productivity will be highly increased by using rainwater harvesting for supplemental irrigation. It not only brings about the integration of ecological reconstruction with economic development, but also provides a new approach to the agriculture sustainable development and overcomes two of the biggest obstacles (drought and soil erosion). It is suggested that this technology will become a strategic measure and comprehensive development model in semi-arid Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   

深入分析黄土高原近地层作物生长季干湿变化及其分布特征,为应对气候变化、保护生态与自然环境提供依据。基于黄土高原气候要素资料,应用Penman-Monteith模型计算作物生长季湿润指数,研究近地层干湿特征。研究区域作物生长季湿润指数从东南向西北依次减小。作物生长季近地层干湿状况的异常空间分布可分为以下3个关键区:高原东北部区、高原南部区、高原西部区,除高原东北部区外,近地层年平均湿润指数均呈显著下降趋势,分别在1978年和1979年发生了由湿变干的显著突变。作物生长季近地层干湿状况的3个空间分区中,近地层年湿润指数存在显著的3~4年的周期振荡;高原南部和西部区域还存在显著的5~6年和7~8年的周期振荡。黄土高原干旱化趋势腹地最大,边缘次之。干旱化呈现出明显从腹地向四周扩散状态分布特征。  相似文献   

黄土高原小杂粮降水生产潜力开发和增进的技术途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜虎平 《中国农学通报》2005,21(12):428-428
在黄土高原,水资源已成为对粮食生产的主要制约因素。现阶段高原旱作农区农田降水利用效率仅为35%左右,研究表明在较为合理的生产条件用水效率可以达到70%~80%。在此,通过从提高种群的内在生产力、建设基本农田控制坡耕地水分的径流输出、抑制农田水分的无谓损耗、实施农田水分的空间富集、确立与降水分布相吻合的种植结构几方面阐述黄土高原小杂粮作物降水生产潜力开发和增进的技术途径。  相似文献   

黄土高原灌丛景观斑块形状的指数和分形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李斌  张金屯 《中国农学通报》2009,25(22):296-300
利用地理信息系统技术结合景观斑块形状指数和分形分析方法,对黄土高原地区灌丛景观斑块的形状以及空间特征进行了分析。结果表明:黄土高原地区32类灌丛景观斑块形状指数都比较大,灌丛斑块的边界率都比较高,形状明显偏离于圆形和方形,为不规则形。不同类型灌丛景观斑块分维数变化较大,头花杜鹃、百里香叶杜鹃灌丛的分维最大,其格局是最为复杂的。蒙古扁桃灌丛的分维分维最小,其格局是最简单的。这些都反映出黄土高原地区灌丛景观异质性较大。  相似文献   

Excessive application of N fertilizer in pursuit of higher yields is common due to poor soil fertility and low crop productivity. However, this practice causes serious soil depletion and N loss in the traditional wheat cropping system in the Loess Plateau of China. Growing summer legumes as the green manure (GM) crop is a viable solution because of its unique ability to fix atmospheric N2. Actually, little is known about the contribution of GM N to grain and N utilization in the subsequent crop. Therefore, we conducted a four-year field experiment with four winter wheat-based rotations (summer fallow-wheat, Huai bean–wheat, soybean–wheat, and mung bean–wheat) and four nitrogen fertilizer rates applied to wheat (0, 108, 135, and 162 kg N/ha) to investigate the fate of GM nitrogen via decomposition, utilization by wheat, and contribution to grain production and nitrogen economy through GM legumes. Here we showed that GM legumes accumulated 53–76 kg N/ha per year. After decomposing for approximately one year, more than 32 kg N/ha was released from GM legumes. The amount of nitrogen released via GM decomposition that was subsequently utilized by wheat was 7–27 kg N/ha. Incorporation of GM legumes effectively replaced 13–48% (average 31%) of the applied mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Additionally, the GM approach during the fallow period reduced the risk of nitrate-N leaching to depths of 0–100 cm and 100–200 cm by 4.8 and 19.6 kg N/ha, respectively. The soil nitrogen pool was effectively improved by incorporation of GM legumes at the times of wheat sowing. Cultivation of leguminous GM during summer is a better option than bare fallow to maintain the soil nitrogen pool, and decrease the rates required for N fertilization not only in the Loess Plateau of China but also in other similar dryland regions worldwide.  相似文献   

黄土高原小杂粮生产可持续发展技术体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对黄土高原生态环境脆弱的现实情况,立足于小杂粮的资源特点和生产现状,构建的小杂粮生产可持续发展技术体系注重建设基本农田,改善耕地质量;强调保护性耕作和种植,加快小杂粮优良品种选育、繁殖和推广进程,辅以合理的轮作倒茬技术。同时应突出绿色产品产出,持续提高降水利用效率,促进加工增值增效,从而确保小杂粮生产实现高产、优质、高效,最大限度地降低对资源环境的负面影响,实现小杂粮生产的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了研究幼龄苹果(Malus pumila)×大豆(Glycine max)间作系统中土壤水分、养分的空间分布特征及其对大豆生长和产量的影响,选取晋西黄土地区具有典型代表性的幼龄苹果×大豆间作模式作为研究对象,对苹果×大豆间作系统及大豆单作系统(对照)的土壤水分、养分含量进行了定位监测。结果表明:(1)在垂直方向上,土壤水分含量随着土壤深度的增加而逐渐增加,土壤养分含量随着土壤深度的增加而逐渐减小;(2)在水平方向上,随着与树行距离的增加,土壤水分含量呈现递增的分布特征,土壤养分含量呈现高低高的分布特征;(3)与大豆单作系统相比,间作系统的土壤水分、养分含量出现不同程度的降低,整体上均表现为负效应;(4)苹果×大豆间作系统中苹果树与大豆间的土壤水分、养分竞争对大豆植株生长发育造成了较大影响,土壤水分含量、速效磷含量和全氮含量是影响大豆产量的主要因素,影响的主要区域在苹果树行两侧1.5 m的范围内;(5)建议采取适当的调控和管理措施缓解种间水肥竞争提高大豆的产量,以获取更多的经济收益。  相似文献   

不同降水年型节水小麦产量构成与效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2003~2006年间3个不同降水年型,以28个小麦品种为材料,采用只浇冻水一水的节水措施,比较品种间产量构成因素和农艺性状等方面的差异性,并与常规灌溉管理小麦在产量水平、产量相关性状和效益等方面进行比较分析。结果表明:(1)从产量水平看,参试品种间抗旱性存在显著差异。节水栽培条件下,各品种产量水平与不同降水年型生长期降水量有着密切的关系。(2)初步认为“京农02-2”、“中麦326”、“北农9580”、“中麦12”、“京农04-133”和“京冬8”六个品种在参试品种中具有较好的抗旱性,其中“中麦326”在丰水年和平水年2个不同年度表现出较好的对不同水分条件的适应性。(3)干旱条件下,小麦分蘖成穗过程受影响最大,分蘖成穗率可以作为小麦抗旱性筛选鉴定的较早期指标。(4)在丰水年和平水年大面积推广抗旱性好的小麦品种和节水型栽培技术,可以明显改善本区水资源亏空的状况。但枯水年只灌溉一次冻水难以满足小麦正常生长需要,比正常灌溉小麦产量降低48.89%以上。  相似文献   

黄土高原果业发展对区域环境的影响与对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
樊军  胡波 《中国农学通报》2005,21(11):355-355
黄土高原地区由于适合果树生长的自然环境优越,果业发展迅速,特别是苹果产业的发展,这很大地促进了该区经济发展。但是果园的迅速发展对生态环境的影响还未被重视,果园的高投入与高产出经营方式,加剧了该区水分供应与需要的矛盾,可能造成土壤水分的过渡消耗而形成生物利用型土壤干层。大量的肥料投入果园,导致氮素可能以硝态氮形式在土壤中大量累积,同时深层水分过渡消耗,产量受控于降水。农药与化肥的使用可能造成土壤重金属污染与农药残留;未来应加强果园水分循环及氮素平衡方面的研究,控制农药的使用,实现黄土区果业的健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

Increasing demand for livestock products is driving development of livestock systems worldwide. That requires improved and new forage production options. The Loess Plateau region in central-northern China is an important area for livestock production, as it supports11% and 19% of the country’s cattle and sheep, respectively (China statistical yearbook 2014). The rain-fed semi-arid environment of the Loess Plateau means that maximizing the water-use-efficiency (WUE) of forage production is vital to guarantee enough fodder supply the livestock demand. A three-year field experiment in north-west Loess Plateau compared forage production, water use and water-use-efficiency as well as crude protein (CP) content of forage maize, Sudan grass, foxtail millet and Japanese millet sown at three sowing dates according to the opening rain during 2011–2013. On average, forage maize produced the highest biomass (12.1 t ha−1) and had the highest WUE (43.4 kg DM ha−1 mm−1). This was followed by Sudan grass (7.8 t ha−1; 26.5 kg DM ha−1 mm−1), Japanese millet (6.7 t ha−1; 26.2 kg DM ha−1 mm−1) and foxtail millet (6.7 t ha−1; 24.6 kg DM ha−1 mm−1). Optimizing sowing date played an important role in maximizing forage production and WUE of all tested forages. Compared to the earliest sowing date, a delay of two weeks reduced forage production by 17% in maize, 35% in foxtail millet, and 16% in Japanese millet. A delay of four to six weeks reduced biomass yield by 58% in maize, 57% in foxtail millet, and 56% in Japanese millet. Late sowing also greatly reduced WUE of forage maize and foxtail millet by 33% and 42%, respectively, when compared to early sowing. The middle sowing date maximized forage production and WUE of Sudan grass in two of the three growing seasons, which was 20% and 38% higher than the early and late sowing, respectively. Late sowing in all forages reduced crop water use by 42–57 mm compared to the early sowing. Among four test crops, CP of Sudan grass (7.9%) and forage maize (7.7%) was higher than foxtail millet (6.8%) and Japanese millet (6.7%). Compared with early sowing, CPf in late sowing significantly increased in Sudan grass and decreased in Japanese millet, in contrast, no evident sowing date effect was found in forage maize and foxtail millet. This study showed that all four warm-season annual grasses had high forage production potential, forage maize was the most reliable and efficient option. Forage maize and the millets could easily be integrated into existing cropping systems and provide opportunities as both grain and forage-producing crop to provide added flexibility for farmers.  相似文献   

黄土高原水土保持的社会经济效应评价研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用灰色关联分析法对黄土高原10条小流域开展水土保持后的社会经济效应做了定量评价,结果表明:水土保持对农村社会经济发展产生了极大的推动作用,农民人均收入水平是反映水土保持的社会经济影响好坏的首要因子,此外,人均粮食占有水平、土地利用率、人均水土保持投资、农业总收入以及基本农田面积也是反映社会经济效应的重要因素。只有当这些单项指标效益均较好时,整体的社会经济效应才会处于良好状态,水土保持要采用系统工程原理,才能保证生态环境与社会经济良性发展。  相似文献   

黄土高原马栏林区主要乔木种更新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田丽 《中国农学通报》2009,25(7):97-102
对黄土高原马栏林区以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)为优势种的森林群落中5种主要乔木的幼苗和幼树种群进行统计学研究。结果表明:辽东栎、茶条槭(Acer ginnala)和葛萝槭(Acer grosseri)的幼苗和幼树在林冠层下占优势,具有高的密度和出现频率。油松和漆树(Taxicodendron vernicifluum)幼苗虽较多,但幼树数量却较少。辽东栎逆J字型大小级结构表明其幼苗和幼树库的持续存在和较好的更新;辽东栎幼苗倾向于在林窗下出现,说明林窗可能有利于该种的更新;表明辽东栎种群林冠下幼苗库的更新和林窗更新对于维持该种群的稳定都具有较重要的作用。茶条槭和葛萝槭幼苗和幼树耐荫的生态学特性,使其倾向于占据林冠下层,说明茶条槭和葛萝槭林冠下充足的幼苗和幼树库是其更新的主要策略之一。从更新策略的角度来讲,更新生态位的差异可能是物种共存的原因,当然也包括其他的影响因素比如幼苗和幼树不同的生态学特性等。  相似文献   

黄土高原地区玉米生产潜力模拟研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
比较了作物生产潜力常规研究方法与作物生长模拟研究方法的特点, 在玉米生长模拟模型介绍、模型验证和气候、土壤、作物数据库组建的基础上, 应用DSSAT3中的CERES-玉米模型模拟研究了黄土高原22个地点玉米光温生产潜力和气候生产潜力, 获得了各点6~15年玉米的产量潜力值, 并统计计算了研究时段内玉米生产潜力的平均值、标准  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原植被恢复对土壤理化性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解陕北黄土高原不同植被恢复类型对土壤理化性状的影响及其季节变化,采用完全随机设计,以陕北黄土高原恢复19年的杏树林、沙棘林、油松林和刺槐林为研究对象,以耕作相同年限农田为对照,分析不同植被恢复类型、土层和季节对土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、pH以及电导率的影响。结果表明,土壤有机质、速效磷和速效钾在不同人工林地间达到显著差异水平,人工林地土壤养分含量均高于玉米农地,杏树林和沙棘林相对较高,刺槐林相对较低。碱解氮、pH和电导率在不同人工林地间没有达到显著差异水平。随着土层加深,土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾显著降低,pH和电导率土层间变化规律不一致。土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾和电导率在夏季和春季较高,土壤速效磷和pH在冬季和秋季较高。0~20 cm土层,有机质与碱解氮和速效钾均达到显著正相关水平;20~40 cm土层,土壤有机质与电导率呈显著正相关关系,速效磷与速效钾呈显著负相关;速效钾和电导率在各土层间均达到显著正相关水平,pH与电导率在各土层间均呈显著负相关关系。植被恢复显著提高了土壤养分,杏树林和沙棘林富集土壤养分能力优于油松林和刺槐林。  相似文献   

陕北淤地坝发展特点及其效益分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
淤地坝既能拦截泥沙、保持水土,又能淤地造田,是巩固退耕还林成果、促进农民增收、减少人黄泥沙的重要水土保持工程措施。陕北黄土高原地区淤地坝建设得到了快速发展。大体经历了4个发展阶段:20世纪50年代-60年代的试验示范,70年代-80年代初的推广普及,80年代后期-90年代初的发展建设和90年代中期以来的生态环境示范建设中淤地坝建设的完善提高阶段。陕北地区在各级政府的重视和广大农民群众的艰苦努力下,通过大规模淤地坝建设,为农业增产、农民增收、农村经济发展、生态建设创造条件。根据淤地坝建设的发展现状,基本特点及其效益,提出了需进一步研究和解决的问题的保障措施。  相似文献   

F. Kita  A. Hongo  H. Zou  J. Cheng  Z. Zhao 《Euphytica》1993,72(3):225-230
Summary The wild type populations of Astragalus adsurgens Pall. growing on the northern slopes of Yunwu Mountain were investigated as a part of the program on the reclamation of the Loess Plateau, north-west China.In 1990, plants were sampled from two populations indigenous to Yunwu Mountain and Liupan Mountain, and two populations cultivated in experimental plots. Pollen grain fertility of the plants showed a wide variation from 20 to 99%. In 1991, cytological analysis of chromosome behaviour during meiosis was carried out in order to clarify the causal factors of pollen grain sterility. In anaphase-1, a chromatid bridge and an acentric fragment as well as two chromatid bridges were observed in high frequencies. In addition, more than two chromatid bridges per nucleus existed in considerably high frequencies.These observations clearly indicate that inversions are dominant in populations of wild A. adsurgens indigenous to Yunwu Mountain. xxThis study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan (No. 01102023).  相似文献   

鄱阳湖及周边经济区种植业区划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
种植业区划是为了当地种植业的发展,使当地种植业适应农业现代化的发展要求,并适当增加当地农民的收入。收集了鄱阳湖及周边经济区29个县、市、区种植业方面2005年的数据,选取11个指标作为区划指标.用DPS软件进行系统聚类,用Arc View GIS3.2软件形成区划地图。最后鄱阳湖及周边经济区种植业共分为4个区,即:(1)中部、东北部洼地、平原、山地粮食作物种植区;(2)西南、中部山地、丘陵粮食、油料作物种植区;(3)西北、北部山地、洼地棉花、油菜种植区;(4)东南、东北部丘陵、平原粮食兼油菜、糖料、蔬菜作物种植区。通过区划,对当地种植业的发展有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

为了研究西峰黄土高原冬季气候变化对冬小麦生长发育的影响,利用1981—2016年冬季平均气温距平和冬小麦发育期资料,分析了冬季平均气温距平的变化规律及其对冬小麦发育期的影响。结果表明,冬季平均气温最高值出现在1999年为-0.5℃,比常年偏高2.3℃,最低值出现在1985年为-4.9℃,比常年偏低2.1℃。总的来讲,冬季平均气温20世纪80年代偏低,90年代偏高,2001—2016年偏高。冬季平均气温距平随年代增加呈现上升趋势,上升速率为0.05℃/a。冬季平均气温与冬小麦各发育期均为反相关,反相关最显著的是抽穗和乳熟期,相关系数为-0.50,其次是拔节期,相关系数为-0.49。冬暖年冬小麦的发育期在拔节期后比正常年提前,冬冷年冬小麦的发育期均比正常年推迟。  相似文献   

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