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中国拟盘多毛孢属的新组合种(Ⅰ)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按近代 Steyaert(1949年)和 Sutton(1969,1975,1980年)有关拟盘多毛孢属(Pestalotiopsis)类真菌的分类体系及有关鉴定性状,将原归隶 Guba(1961)广义的盘多毛孢属(Pestalotia)内的17个种,进行重新组合,归入拟盘多毛孢属内,并作了重新描述。这17个新组合种是:1.寄生在芒果上的疏毛拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis pauciseta(Sacc.)Y.X.Chencomb.nov.);2.寄生在竹节海棠上的地肥拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis elephants(Car.)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);3.寄生在咖啡上的咖啡拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis coffeae(Zimm)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);4.寄生在紫玉盘和半枫荷叶部上的复红色拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis fuch-siae(Thuem)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);5.寄生在毛柿上的萨卡度拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsissaccardens(Guba)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);6.寄生在人心果上的肿瘤状拟盘多毛孢(Pestalo-tiopsis scirrofaciens(N.A.Brown)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);7.寄生在海棠果上的海棠拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis calophylli(P.Henn)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);8.寄生在菝葜上的近小球状拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis sphaerelloides(Ell.& Langl)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);9.寄生在棕榈、海枣及油梨上的鲜红拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis phoenicis(Vize)Y.X.Chencomb.nov.);10.寄生在龙眼和酸藤果叶部上的巴拉圭拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis paraguarien-sis(Maubl)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);11.寄生在紫金牛叶部上的夷兰拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiop-sis canangae(Koord)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);12.奇生在杨梅上的爪哇拟盘多毛孢(Pestalo-tiopsis javanica(Guba)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);13.寄生在石南叶部上的石南拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis photiniae(Thuem)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);14.寄生在大化紫薇叶部上的大花紫薇拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis lagerstromiae(Mahaiskar)Y.X.Chen comb.nov);15.寄生于川挂、广西玉桂和黄樟上的驼背拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis gibberosa(Sacc.)Y.X.Chencomb.nov.);16.寄生在枇杷叶部上的稠李拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis laurocerasi(Westd)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.);17.寄生在紫荆叶片上的长角状拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis siliquastri(Thuem)Y.X.Chen comb.nov.)。  相似文献   

中国拟盘多毛孢属的新组合种(Ⅲ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文为中国拟盘多毛孢属新组合种(Ⅰ)、(Ⅱ)的续篇,报道11个不同的新组合种。这11个新组合种是:36.寄生在柑桔和黄皮树叶部的柑桔拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsiscitri(Mundk&Kheswala)Y.X.Chencomb.nov);37.寄生在忍冬科荚艹迷属植物的叶部的双纤毛拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsisbicilia(Dearn&Bisby)Y.X.Chencomb.mov.);38.寄生在腰果树叶部的异角状的拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsisheterocornis(Guba)Y.X.Chencomb.nov.);39.寄生在月桂的叶部的孢子器型拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsispycnoides(Alm.&Camara)Y.X.Chencomb.nov.);40.寄生在杜鹃花科的白珠树叶部的白珠树拟盘多毛孢(PestalotiopsisgautheriaeDearn&House)Y.X.Chencomb.nov.);41.寄生在雀梅藤和鼠李叶部的鼠李拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsisrhamani(Celoti)Y.X.Chencomb.nov.);42.  相似文献   

拟盘多毛孢菌属真菌侵染的寄主种类多、范围广,可引起多种经济作物和观赏植物的多类病害,病征具有多样性。在前期对贵州省油茶叶枯病的研究过程中,分离到一个拟盘多毛孢菌的新致病菌KLXY-7-2。通过病原菌的分离与纯化、形态学鉴定和微管蛋白基因(TUB2)构建系统发育树等多种检测方法,KLXY-7-2菌鉴定结果为木防已拟盘多毛孢菌(Pestalotiopsis cocculi)。病原菌与拟盘多毛孢属EF055226.1、EF055231.1真菌聚为一个独立的进化分支,且置信度为99%。本研究所鉴定的油茶木防已拟盘多毛孢菌(Pestalotiopsis cocculi),在油茶叶枯病的相关研究属于首次报道,可为进一步明确该病原菌的发生规律及预防时期提供科学依据。  相似文献   

广西相思树病害的调查与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广西6种外来相思(马占相思、直干相思、纹荚相思、厚荚相思、杂交相思和黑木相思)的病害进行调查,发现主要病害有4种,次要病害3种,并提出防治方法。相思炭疽病病原为胶孢炭疽菌(Col-letotrichum gloeosporioides),在马占相思、直干相思、纹荚相思、厚荚相思和杂交相思的叶状柄上只产生病原菌的无性阶段,而在厚荚相思叶状柄上可同时出现无性阶段和有性阶段;相思白粉病病原为白粉菌(Oidi-umsp.),为害马占相思、厚荚相思和杂交相思的叶状柄和嫩枝,其中杂交相思白粉病发生普遍而严重,发病期多在3~5月;黑木相思叶状柄尖枯病病原为异色拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis versicolor),一年四季均可发病;马占相思心腐病,主要发生在树干基部,造成木材的大量损失,病原尚未得到确定。  相似文献   

第 1期中国拟盘多毛孢属的三个新种陈育新 韦刚 陈卫平 王忠文 陆志华 ( 1 )………………………………………………中国叶刺瘿螨亚科三新种三新记录种记述 (蜱螨亚纲 :瘿螨总科 )韦绥概 陈健文 谢满超 ( 5 )…………………………广西稻瘿蚊生物型测定及抗源评价利用韦素美 黄凤宽 罗善昱 黄所生 李青 ( 1 0 )…………………………………铁及其它矿质元素在苹果树不同器官中的分布薛进军 杨青琴 王秀茹 崔美香 台社珍 赵风平 李绍华 张福锁 ( 1 6)………………………………………龙眼疏果方法研究卢美英 卢红 卢日林 潘…  相似文献   

砂仁是我国著名南药之一。砂仁叶枯病是一种新近描述的导致植株枯萎和大量减产的严重病害。症状有叶枯型、斑枯型、星斑型和叶鞘病斑四种。据病原菌形态、培养性状、致病性和奇主范围,鉴定为围小丛壳菌(Glomerella cingulata(Stonem.)Spauld.et Schrenk),分生孢子阶段为盘长孢状刺盘孢(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz.)Sacc.)。病菌在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)培养基上生长较好,而燕麦(OMA)和葡萄糖酵母膏(DYEA)培养基上较有利于产孢。连续日光灯和试验室散光处理促进孢子形成,而紫外灯照射则抑制孢子产生。分生孢子可以串生方式产生。在供试的23科39种植物中,有9科15种植物发病。该菌田间存活期长达16个月以上。  相似文献   

60Coγ射线对杨树种子的辐射效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以60Co γ射线辐照杨树种子,测定不同剂量对4个杨树品种M1代的影响。结果表明:辐照处理后,各品种杨树种子的萌发和成苗明显受到抑制。不同剂量处理间根长的差异是显著的,随着剂量增加,主根生长呈明显下降趋势;幼苗高度差异不显著。鲁山杨、I-69杨和I-72杨种子的半致死剂量为200Gy,圣山杨种子的半致死剂量为250Gy。  相似文献   

B ar -Y osef , B., B arrow , N. J. & G oldshmid , J. (eds). Inorganic Contaminants in the Vadose Zone.
B oddy , L., M archant , R. & R ead , D. J. (eds) Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilization by Fungi.
B ouwman , A. F. (ed.) Soils and the Greenhouse Effect.
C oyne , L. M., M ckeever , S. W. S. & B lake , D. F. (eds) Spectroscopic Characterization of Minerals and their Surfaces.
D agan , G. Flow and Transport in Porous Formations.
G erstl , Z., C hen , Y., M ingelgrin , U. & Y aron , B. (eds) Toxic Organic Chemicals in Porous Media.
G liessman S. R. (ed.) Agroecology: Researching the Ecological Basis for Sustainable Agriculture.
H ansen , J. A. & H endriksen , K. (eds) Nitrogen in Organic Wastes Applied to Soils.
I dso , S. B. Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Earth in Transition.
K imball , B. A. (ed.) Impact of Carbon Dioxide, Trace Gases, and Climate Change on Global Agriculture.
L ynch , J. M. (ed.) The Rhizosphere.
M ing , D. W. & H enninger , D. L. (eds) Lunar Base Agriculture: Soils for Plant Growth.
W ood , M. Soil Biology. Blackie, Glasgow. 1989. 154 pp. £23.00 (hardback), £10.95 (paperback).
Y oung , A. Agroforestry for Soil Conservation.
A ndriesse , J. P. Nature and Management of Tropical Peat Soils.
D alzell , I. D. et al. Soil Management: Compost Production and Use in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Environments.
G irard , M. C. & GIRARD, C. M. Télédétection Appliqué.
H ornby , D. (ed.) Biological Control of Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens.
H udson , N. W. Soil and Water Conservation in Semi-Arid Areas.
L obo , V. M. M. Handbook of Electrolyte Solutions
L owrison , G. C. Fertilizer Technology.
S heng , T. C. Soil Conservation for Small Farmers in the Humid Tropics.
U nger , P. W. Tillage Systems for Soil and Water Conservation.
W are , G. W. (ed.) Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology  相似文献   

调查鉴定了广州地区龙舌兰科观叶木本植物也门铁树[Dracaena arborea(Willdo)Link.]和象脚丝兰(Yucca elephantipes Regel )上的11种真菌病害,其病原真菌分别为:可可球二孢(Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat.)、辣椒炭疽菌(Colletotrichum capsici Butler & Bisby)、弯孢霉(Curvularia sp.)、围小丛壳[Glomerella cingulata(Stonem.) Spauld. et Schrenk]、龙舌兰小球腔菌(Leptosphaeria agaves Syd. et Butl.)、钝孢小球腔菌(L.obtusispora Speg.)、龙血树拟茎点霉(Phomopsis dracaenae Sahni)、龙血树生拟茎点霉(P.dracaenicola Z.D.Jiang, P.G. Xi et P.K. Chi)、丝兰拟茎点霉[P. yuccae(Cooke) Grove]和丝兰叶点霉(Phyllosticta yuccae Bissett).其中,围小丛壳引起的也门铁树炭疽病和钝孢小球腔菌引起的象脚丝兰叶斑病发生普遍而严重.  相似文献   

B atey , T. Soil Husbandry. A Practical Guide to the Use and Management of Soils. Soil & Land Use Consultants, Aberdeen, 1988. 157 pp. L16.50 (hardback), £10.50 (paperback).
D ixon , J. B. & W eeds , S. B. (eds) Minerals in Soil Environments .
H irekerur , L. R., S ehgal , J. L., P al , D. K. & D eshpande , S. B. (eds) Classification, Management and Use Potential of Swell-Shrink Soils.
J acobs , L. W. (ed.) Selenium in Agriculture and the Environment.
J ohnson , D. W. & V an H ook , R. I. (eds) Analysis of Biogeochemical Cycling Processes in Walker Branch Watershed.
K inloch , D. I., S hoji , S., B einroth , F. H. & E swaran , H. (eds) Proceedings of the Ninth International Soil Classification Workshop, Japan.
M c K yes , E. Agricultural Engineering Soil Mechanics.
P ereira , H. C. Policy and Practice in the Management of Tropical Watersheds.
R ocheleau , D., W eber , F. & F ield -J uma A. Agroforestry in Dryland Africa.
S awhney , B. L. & B rown , K. (eds) Reactions and Movement of Organic Chemicals in Soils.
S parks , D. L. Kinetics of Soil Chemical Processes.
S posito , G. The Chemistry of Soils.
S tewart , B. A. (ed.) Advances in Soil Science, Vol. 9.
S tewart , B. A. (ed.) Advances in Soil Science, Vol. 10.
W are , G. W. (ed.) Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 108.
B uckley , G. D. (ed.) Biological Habitat Reconstruction.
S haxson , T. F., H udson , N. W., S anders , D. W., R oose , E. & M oldenhauer , W. C. (eds) Land Husbandry: A Framework for Soil and Water Conservation.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article: Arora , D. K., Rai , B., Mukerji , K. G. & Knudsen , G. R. (eds) Handbook of Applied Mycology: Vol. I, Soils and Plants. Bullock , P. & Gregory , P. J., (eds) Soils in the Urban Environment. Buol , S. W., Hole , F. D. & Mccracken , R. J. Soil Genesis and Classification. Duchaufour , P. Pédologie: Sol, végétation, environnement. Abrégés. Follett , R. F., Keeney , D. R. & Cruse , R. M., (eds) Managing Nitrogen for Groundwater Quality and Farm Profitability. Groot , J. J. R., De Willingen , P. & Verberne , E. L. J., (eds) Nitrogen Turnover in the Soil-Crop System. Jury , W. A., Gardner , W. R. & Gardner , W. M. Soil Physics. Kienitz , G., Milly , P. C. D., Van Genuchten , M. T., Rosbjerg , D. & Shuttleworth , W. J. (eds). Hydrological Interactions Between Atmosphere, Soil and Vegetation. Klausner , Y. Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics of Soils. Landon , J. R., (ed.) Booker Tropical Soil Manual. Last , F. T. & Watling , R., (eds) Acidic Deposition: Its Nature and Impacts. Mc Michael , B. L. & Person , H., (eds) Plant Roots and Their Environment. Merian , E., (ed) Metals and their Compounds in the Environment: Occurrence, Analysis and Biological Relevance. Møberg , J. P. & Breuning Madsen , H., (eds) Soil Research in Denmark. Nahon , D. B. Introduction to the Petrology of Soils and Chemical Weathering. Nettleton , W. D., (ed.) Occurrence, Characteristics and Genesis of Carbonate, Gypsum, and Silica Accumulations in Soils. Roth , K., Flühler , H., Jury , W. A. & Parker , J. C., (eds) Field-Scale Water and Solute Flux in Soils. Ulrich , B & Sumner , M. E., (eds) Soil Acidity. Wilson , W. S., (ed.) Advances in Soil Organic Matter Research: The Impact on Agriculture and the Environment. OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED Mason , C. F. Biology of Freshwater Pollution. Midgley , D. & Torrance , K. Potentiometric Water Analysis. Sleper , D. A., Barker , T. C. & Bramel -Cox , P. J., (eds) Plant Breeding and Sustainable Agriculture: Considerations for Objectives and Methods. Undersander , D. et al. Alfalfa Management Guide.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Alexander , A. (ed.) Foliar Fertilization. Developments in Plant & Soil Sciences Burke , W., Gabriels , D. & Bouma , J. (eds) Soil Structure Assessment. Burrough , P. A. Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Resources Assessment. Catt , J. A. Soils and Quaternary Geology: A Handbook for Field Scientists. Chen , Y. & Avinemelech , Y. (eds) The Role of Organic Matter in Modern Agriculture. Chisci , G. & Morgan , R. P. C. (eds) Soil Erosion in the European Community–Impact of Changing Agriculture. Crawley , M. J. (ed.) Plant Ecology. De Datta , S. K. & Patrick , W. H. (eds) Nitrogen Economy of Flooded Rice Soils. Engelstad , O. P. (ed.) Fertilizer Technology and Use Farouk El -Baz & Hassan , M. H. A. (eds) Physics of Desertification. Francis , C. A. Multiple Cropping Systems. Gessel , S. P. (ed.) Forest Site and Productivity. Hauck , R. D. & Weaver , R. W. (eds) Field Measurement of Dinitrogen Fixation and Denitrification. Haynes , R. J., (ed.) Mineral Nitrogen in the Plant-Soil system. Kanwar , J. S. & Mudahar , M. S. Fertilizer Sulfur and Food Production. Lal , R. Tropical Ecology and Physical Edaphology. Lambers , H., Neeteson , J. J. & Stulen , J. (eds) Fundamental, Ecological and Agricultural Aspects of Nitrogen Metabolism in Higher Plants. Lee , R. E. Land and Soil. Marsman , B. A. & De Gruijter , J. J. Quality of Soil Maps: a Comparison of Survey Methods in a Sandy Area. Mitchell , M. J. & Nakas , J. P. (eds) Microfloral and Faunal Interactions in Natural and Agroecosystems. Mokwunye , A. U. & Vlek , P. L. G. (eds) Management of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Moore , P. D. & Chapman , S. B. (eds) Methods in Plant Ecology Murphy , C. P. Thin Section Preparation of Soils and Sediments. National Research Council . Soil Conservation: Assessing the National Resources Inventory. Reuter , D. J. & Robinson , J. B. (eds) Plant Analysis–an Interpretation Manual. Simpson , K. Fertilizers and Manures. Skinner , F. A. & Uomala , P. (eds) Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes. Thompson , R. & Oldfield , F. Environmental magnetism. Valentine , K. W. G. Soil Resource Surveys for Forestry: Soil, Terrain and Site Mapping in Boreal and Temperate Forests. Van Der Meer , H. G., Ryden , J. C. & Ennik , G. C. (eds) Nitrogen Fluxes in Intensive Grassland Systems. Van Wijk , A. L. M. & Wessling , J. (eds) Agricultural Water Management. Barnard , G. & Kristoferson , L. Agricultural Residues as Fuel in the Third World. Barrett -Lennard , E. G., Malcolm , C. V., Stern , W. R. & Wilkins , S. M. (eds) Forage and Fuel Production from Salt Affected Wasteland. Binkley , D. Forest Nutrition Management. Kual , R. N. & Egbo , C. O. Introduction to Agricultural Mechanisation.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B ridges , E. M. Healing the Scars: Derelict Land in Wales.
H arrison , A. F., L atter , P. M. & W alton , D. W. H. (eds) Cotton Strip Assay: An Index of Decomposition in Soils.
M oldenhauer , W. C. & H udson , N. W. (eds) Conservation Farming on Steep Lands.
The Utilization of Secondary and Trace Elements in Agriculture.
van B reemen , N. J., V isser , W. J. F. & P ape , Th. (eds) Biogeochemistry of an oak-woodland ecosystem in the Netherlands affected by acid atmospheric deposition.
van H oorn , J. W. (ed.) Agrohydrology-Recent Developments.
Y atsu , E. The Nature of Weathering: an Introduction.
Z onn , S. V. Tropical and subtropical soil science , Trans. M. Victorava.
A hlvin , R. G. & S moots , V. A. Construction Guide for Soils and Foundations (2nd Edition).
B ailey , G. D. (Compiler) Bibliography of Soil Taxonomy, 1960–1979.
C hisholm , A. & D umsday , R. (eds) Land degradation. Problems and policies.  相似文献   

蕺菜属植物富钾基因型的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在低钾土壤培养和营养液培养的条件下,采用植株含钾量、吸钾速率和钾素利用率并结合植株根系形态特征,对蕺菜属(Houttuynia Thunb.)16份不同基因型材料的富钾能力进行筛选.结果表明,峨眉蕺菜W01-86以及蕺菜W01-34和W01-71在低钾土壤培养和溶液培养时植株含钾量分别高于9.0%,5.50%,吸钾速率大于1.50μmol/(g·h).低钾土壤培养和溶液培养时的钾素利用率分别高于2.50,0.30g/g,为富钾基因型;W01-4和W01-99低钾土壤培养和溶液培养时的植株含钾量分别低于8.5%,5.0%,吸钾速率小于0.65μmol/(g·h),低钾土壤培养和溶液培养时的钾素利用率分别低于2.00,0.30 g/g,为低钾基因型.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B rewer , R. & S leeman , J. R. Soil Structure and Fabric
E dwards , C.A., S tinner , B.R., S tinner , D. & R abatin , S. (EDS). Biological Interactions in Soil.
G ras , R. Physique du Sol pour ľAménagement.
J enkinson , D.S. & S mith , K.A. (eds). Nitrogen Efficiency in Agricultural Soils.
M olly , L. & C hristie , Q. Soils in the New Zealand Landscape – The Living Mantle.
P aul , E.A & C lark , F.E. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry.
S teffen , W.L. & D enmead , O.T. (eds). Flow and Transport in the Natural Environment: Advances and Applications.
S tewart , B.A. (ed.). Advances in Soil Science, Vol. 8.
M artin , G.C. et al. (eds). Persistence of Forage Legumes.
M c K ell , C.M. (ed.). The Biology and Utilization of Shrubs.
S herma , J. (ed.). Analytical Methods for Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators. Vols. XVI Specific Applications and XVII Advanced Analytical Techniques.
S prague , G.F. & D udley , J.W. (eds). Corn and Corn Improvement.
T homas , D.S.G. (ed.). Arid Zone Geomorphology.  相似文献   

研究3~4年生柠条、沙柳、沙地柏和白沙蒿的单根(根径为0.3~3 mm)在两个生长时期内瞬时大风作用下的抗拉力和平均抗拉强度.结果表明,在生长季初期(5月初)和旺盛生长期(8月中旬),4种植物根系的单根抗拉力与直径均呈幂函数正相关关系;抗拉力和平均抗拉强度均表现为柠条>沙柳>沙地柏>白沙蒿;沙柳、沙地柏、白沙蒿在生长季初期的抗拉力和平均抗拉强度大于旺盛生长期,柠条反之.  相似文献   

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