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该文介绍了红火蚁在广东省封开县的发生危害情况及通过及时启动应急预案,划定普查疫情范围采取具体防控措施。主要包括加强宣传,落实调运检疫和产地检疫,强化定点监测等手段等,有效将红火蚁疫情控制在较轻发生程度。  相似文献   

红火蚁是我国近年来发现的外来入侵生物之一,其对当地原生动植物、人畜和农业生产危害严重。介绍红火蚁的危害,并提出4条防控措施:建立建全预警监控机制;出入境检验检疫部门要加强对进口货物的检疫;国内植物检疫部门加强对红火蚁的监控和检疫;物理防治和药物防治相结合。  相似文献   

截至2019年,我国大陆发现红火蚁Solenopsis invictaBuren发生危害已经15年了。在有关部门/机构的支持下,围绕着种群控制理论和技术,华南农业大学红火蚁研究中心坚持开展红火蚁相关基础研究和防控应用工作。本文系统总结了我国大陆红火蚁入侵、传播和扩张的时空规律,阐明了红火蚁暴发灾变的生物学基础和规律以及入侵对农业生态系统的影响,明确了其入侵优势和生态学效应,阐释了红火蚁的化学防治理论基础;介绍了监测技术体系、检疫除害技术体系和应急防控、根除与治理技术体系的创建,以及推广应用。研究成果可为我国红火蚁的防治提供重要科技支撑与保障。  相似文献   

蔡建  刘奇华 《安徽农学通报》2006,12(10):142-143,3
本文针对我国红火蚁的识别、发生危害现状以及防控技术研究作相关论述,以期普及红火蚁的科学知识,提高人们的防范意识,为人们识别防除红火蚁提供依据,并期望我国能进一步加强对其入境的检疫控制,并对我国的红火蚁发生危害区域进行普查,制定科学的检疫、防治规范。  相似文献   

入侵红火蚁生物学特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
入侵红火蚁是一种杂食性害虫,它的生物学特性主要表现在它的社会性、多型性、群居地栖性、好攻击性、受惊转移和堆尸习性等,大多从卵发育为成虫需要22-38d,每个族群中有单个蚁后或多个蚁后,蚁后寿命最长可达7a,一般每天可产卵1500-5000粒,1个蚁巢可有成蚁5~50万只,盛夏和寒冬整个族群均向蚁巢下部转移,有翅繁殖蚁可四季产生,多在春末夏初飞出蚁巢在空中交配,落地后雌蚁脱翅成为蚁后,并产卵繁殖建立新的族群,主要靠人为传播和自然扩散来扩展入侵地。  相似文献   

红火蚁特性:红火蚁,又名入侵红火蚁,属膜翅目,蚁科,切叶蚁亚科,火蚁属,是一种重大危险性害虫。红火蚁的繁殖力惊人,一只蚁后每天可产卵1500-5000粒,蚁后寿命达6—7年。它们可以通过爬行、自然迁飞、随水流扩散等方式传播,或通过人为的方式如垃圾运输、园艺植物污染、草皮污染、土壤废土移动、堆肥、园艺农耕机具设备、空货柜污染、车辆污染等进入其他国家或地区。  相似文献   

入侵红火蚁是一种杂食性害虫,它的生物学特性主要表现在它的社会性、多型性、群居地栖性、好攻击性、受惊转移和堆尸习性等,大多从卵发育为成虫需要22-38 d,每个族群中有单个蚁后或多个蚁后,蚁后寿命最长可达7 a,一般每天可产卵1 500~5 000粒,1个蚁巢可有成蚁5~50万只,盛夏和寒冬整个族群均向蚁巢下部转移,有翅繁殖蚁可四季产生,多在春末夏初飞出蚁巢在空中交配,落地后雌蚁脱翅成为蚁后,并产卵繁殖建立新的族群,主要靠人为传播和自然扩散来扩展入侵地.  相似文献   

入侵红火蚁原分布于南美州,是世界上危害最严重的有害生物之一,从入侵红火蚁的分布及危害特点、适生条件,扩散传播途径、鉴定和除害处理的难度等几个方面,分析了入侵红火蚁在广西危害的可能性与危险性,并提出了监测与防控的对策。  相似文献   

入侵红火蚁防治方法的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍了世界各国对入侵红火蚁加强植物检疫的概况,详述了入侵红火蚁的化学防治、物理防治和生物防治方法,并对各种方法进行了客观评价。  相似文献   

红火蚁形态学、生物学与防控对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实地调查和实验室观察相结合的方法,了解红火蚁的基本形态特征及生物学特性,并提出防控对策,为检疫鉴定、除害处理和有效防控等提供依据。  相似文献   

红火蚁起源于南美洲,是一种新入侵我国的有害生物。红火蚁对人类、动物、农业、经济、公共安全等方面都构成了严重威胁,国内外研究者在红火蚁防治方面做了大量的工作,其中在寄生红火蚁的蚤蝇人工饲养、繁殖和田间释放,微孢子虫的繁殖和利用,病原真菌的筛选和利用等方面,均已取得了阶段性进展。回顾了对红火蚁有防治潜力的生物种类、试验进展和可能的利用途径,并对我国今后红火蚁的生物防治的研究提出几点建议,以期能为我国红火蚁生物防治资源的保护和利用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

美国红火蚁防治饵剂的研制应用与启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过回顾美国红火蚁化学防治的历史,介绍了最初的七氯、狄氏剂等有机氯的喷施到十氯酮和灭蚁灵的饵剂研制,再到到高效、低毒、安全的氟蚁腙、阿维菌素、多杀菌素、氟虫腈等饵剂的研制与注册登记,这些药剂的试验和创新,为红火蚁防治药剂更新和技术水平的提高做出了积极的贡献,为世界各国红火蚁防治提供了可借鉴的方法和案例。同时吸取红火蚁防治发展过程中的经验和教训,为我国红火蚁发生危害的控制提供切实可行的措施和技术指导。  相似文献   

在室外荒地测定红火蚁对小麦、玉米、大豆等11种供试饵料取食量。结果表明:玉米、小麦和大豆取食量较大,其次为鸡饲料、狗饲料和猫饲料,对麦麸、大米、花生、玉米棒和豆渣的取食量较差。在供试的11种饵料中,玉米、小麦和大豆的取食量无显著性差异,这3种供试饵料从综合因素考虑,均适宜用于红火蚁毒饵饵料的研制。  相似文献   

In the case of recently established populations of Solenopsis invicta in Taiwan,analysis of genetic variation may provide various dimensions regarding the historical demographic events of this invasive species,which represents a novel opportunity to study the genetic consequences of invasiveness over an ex- tremely short time period.Here we describe genetic structure of two introduced S.invicta populations, Taoyuan and Chiayi,in Taiwan using two classes of markers,nuclear(microsatellites)and mitochondrial (mtDNA)genomes.Pronounced regional differentiation inferred from either AMOVA or Bayesian clustering approach at both genomes suggests that the two populations most likely originate from separate introductions. Furthermore,significant mtDNA but not nuclear differentiation between sympatric social forms suggests two scenarios that interform gene flow is mainly mediated by males,and queens of each form commonly fail to become egg-layers of alternate form.Isolation by distance(IBD)obtained from microsatellites is absent in monogynes,indicating sexuals of this form retain the superior dispersal ability to homogenize the nuclear sig- nature among spatially isolated areas;however,lack of IBD in less vagile polygyne may result from frequent human mediated jump dispersal that erodes the geographical restrictions of genetic exchange.The patterns observed here not only provide insights into how social organization influences the interform gene flow but also reinforce different breeding strategies pursued by two forms in the character of shaping the genetic varia- tion at two levels of genomes.  相似文献   

The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, poses a significant threat to biodiversity, agriculture, and public health in its introduced ranges. While chemicals such as toxic baits and dust are the main methods for S. invicta control, toxic baits are slow, requiring approximately one or two weeks, but dust can eliminate the colony of fire ants rapidly in just three to five days. To explore more active ingredients for fire ant control using dusts, the toxicity of bifenthrin and dimefluthrin, the horizontal transfer of bifenthrin and dimefluthrin dust and their efficacy in the field were tested. The results showed that the LD50 (lethal dose) values of bifenthrin and dimefluthrin were 3.40 and 1.57 ng/ant, respectively. The KT50 (median knockdown time) and KT95 (95% knockdown time) values of a 20 μg mL–1 bifenthrin dose were 7.179 and 16.611 min, respectively. The KT50 and KT95 of a 5 μg mL–1 dimefluthrin dose were 1.538 and 2.825 min, respectively. The horizontal transfers of bifenthrin and dimefluthrin among workers were effective. The mortality of recipients (secondary mortality) and secondary recipients (tertiary mortality) were both over 80% at 48 h after 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00% bifenthrin dust treatments. The secondary mortality of recipients was over 99% at 48 h after 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00% dimefluthrin dust treatments, but the tertiary mortality was below 20%. The field trial results showed that both bifenthrin and dimefluthrin exhibited excellent fire ant control effects, and the comprehensive control effects of 1.00% bifenthrin and dimefluthrin dusts at 14 d post-treatment were 95.87 and 85.70%, respectively.  相似文献   

2012年7月对广州市九龙镇柑橘园内红火蚁的发生密度进行调查.调查结果显示,柑橘国内的平均蚁巢密度每100m2为7个,红火蚁疫情处于中度危害阶段;地上诱集到红火蚁的诱饵占56.41%,柑橘树上诱集到红火蚁的诱饵占25.96%,红火蚁在柑橘树上的活动程度低于地面.通过调查不仅对准确掌握疫情、科学制定防治策略有实际意义,还为评估红火蚁对柑橘生态系统的影响提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

In January 2022, we received ant specimens collected from three field colonies from Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China. They were identified as the little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, through morphological and molecular analyses. Wasmannia auropunctata is listed as one of the 100 most dangerous invasive species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and has spread from its native range in South America to every continent except Antarctica. DNA analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) in nine specimens of W. auropunctata found that they had a close genetic relationship with specimens from Argentina. This study represents the first formal record of the establishment of W. auropunctata outdoor in Chinese mainland. However, the invasion stage and occurrence degree of W. auropunctata in China are not clear to date. The implementation of quarantine measures, investigation of the occurrence and distribution, and development of monitoring and control strategies are needed to actively respond to the threat posed by this highly invasive ant.  相似文献   

防治红火蚁触杀型药剂的筛选   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
测定了9种杀虫剂的触杀活性和其中8种药剂对红火蚁工蚁的致死中浓度,触杀活性测试表明,48%毒死蜱对工蚁的击倒速度和致死率均高,药后0.5 h工蚁死亡率达100%;氨基甲酸酯类药剂药后8 h工蚁的被击倒率达100%;5%氟虫腈10 000倍和10%溴虫腈10 000倍药液处理后工蚁的被击倒速度低,但药后24 h工蚁死亡率达100%;高效氯氰菊酯和杀虫双对工蚁的毒性是可恢复的。毒力测试表明,98%杀螟丹对红火蚁毒力最强,其次是10%溴虫腈和48%毒死蜱,而有机磷类的敌敌畏和氨基甲酸酯类的丁硫克百威毒力表现较差,拟除虫菊酯类的高效氯氰菊酯表现一般。试验结果表明,氟虫腈、溴虫腈、毒死蜱、杀螟丹等药剂可被推荐用于野外红火蚁的灌巢防治。  相似文献   

红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta Buren)是一种入侵性危险害虫,农业部将其定为中华人民共和国进境植物检疫性有害生物和全国植物检疫性有害生物.本文介绍了红火蚁的形态特征、生物学特性、传播途径,及其对人和环境的危害等;分析了红火蚁入侵海南的可能性及其危害,提出了应对防控措施.  相似文献   

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