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1. Very large increases in growth rates and improvements in the efficiency of food conversion of both male and female turkeys of 70 d of age or older were effected by the subcutaneous implantation of 20 to 40 mg of trienbolone acetate (TA). 2. Implantation of TA (10 to 40 mg) into turkeys of 42 d of age or less caused growth depression, usually following an initial period of positive growth response. 3. During the period of growth depression, food conversion efficiency deteriorated and treated turkeys developed chondrodystrophic skeletal abnormalities and/or "leg weakness". 4. Implantation of oestradiol and of testosterone into 2-d-old turkeys also led to the development of skeletal abnormalities. 5. Implantation of testosterone (25 mg) into 84-d-old stag turkeys produced positive growth responses which were of smaller magnitude and lesser duration than those produced by TA. 6. Implantation of 70-d-old stag turkeys with a combination of TA (20 mg) and hexoestrol (15 mg) resulted in performances which were slightly superior in terms of the growth to those following administration of TA alone but which were markedly inferior in respect of food conversion.  相似文献   

In experiment with 14-week-old lambs a combination of semisynthetic rations containing 1.2% or 0.7% resp. native crude protein an intraruminal infusion of urea clearly influenced the biologic processes in the rumen. The molar quotas of butyric and valeric acid in comparison with acetic were high. The lambs could cope with infused amounts of 0.67 g urea/kg body weight if they received the daily amount of 1.35 g/kg body weight in two parts. When more than 1.9 g/kg body weight were applied, feed intake decreased even though the daily amount was distributed over 4 doses. In 10 out of 16 lambs N retention was, in dependence on the urea amounts infused, higher than the N amount retained from native crude protein. The result indicates that urea is utilized by 14-week-old lambs. Growing energy and N intake had a positive influence on the N balance.  相似文献   

Parasite control in calves and growing heifers results in animals that grow faster and remain healthier. Control programs revolve around reducing the parasites (infective stages) in the environment. In confinement, sanitation removes or reduces the number of infective stages (oocysts, cysts, and infective larvae) and the infection rate. On pasture one must resort to pasture management and parasite removal. The mites and lice are generally controlled by reducing or removing the populations on the animals, preventing the spread. Environmental control and manure management impact the fly populations.  相似文献   

Forty-two heifers were allotted randomly to six treatment groups: intact controls, intact heifers implanted with trenbolone acetate, ovariectomized heifers, ovariectomized heifers implanted with trenbolone acetate, intact heifers immunized against estradiol and intact heifers immunized against estradiol and implanted with trenbolone acetate. Blood titers of estradiol-17 beta were increased over 100-fold in heifers immunized against estradiol in Freund's complete adjuvant or saline:squalene/arlacel containing Mycobacterium. Lipogenic enzyme activities and acetate incorporation into fatty acids were increased in subcutaneous adipose tissue obtained at slaughter from heifers receiving immunization or the combination of immunization and trenbolone acetate. The increased lipogenic capacity was not reflected in either cell diameter or cells per gram adipose tissue. Ovariectomy in combination with trenbolone acetate caused the lowest activities for all enzymes measured. This treatments also caused the greatest decrease in cell diameter, which resulted in the largest number of cells per gram of adipose tissue. Trenbolone acetate alone had no detectable effect on lipogenesis in the intact heifer, but the combination of ovariectomy and trenbolone acetate caused substantial decreases in enzyme activities, in most cases a significant decrease as compared with ovariectomized heifers. The data suggest that trenbolone acetate is able to depress lipogenesis only when not competing with the effects of circulating estradiol.  相似文献   

Weaned replacement heifers were implanted with zeranol at 8 and 11 mo of age in two trials to evaluate growth and reproductive traits. Approximately 100 beef heifers were used in each trial, and the heifers were divided into categories of heavier than average (H) and lighter than average (L) weaning weight. Weight categories were further divided into control (HC and LC) and zeranol-implanted (HI and LI) groups. Heifers were kept in drylot from weaning to just before the start of the breeding season and were fed to reach a predetermined body weight by the start of the breeding season and were fed to reach a predetermined body weight by the start of the breeding season. Rates of gain in the drylot were greater in implanted than in control heifers in both trial 1 (.53 vs .48 kg/d; P less than .09) and trial 2 (.70 vs .63 kg/d; P less than .01). Pelvic areas were greater (P less than .01) in implanted than in control heifers of both trial 1 (175 vs 159 cm2) and trial 2 (175 vs 164 cm2). This increase in pelvic size was still present at the end of the summer pasture period, which followed the drylot period. Zeranol had no major effect (P greater than .10) on age of weight at puberty. Fall pregnancy rate was 16% lower in implanted heifers than in control heifers in trial 1 (62 vs 78%, P = .08) but did not differ in trial 2 (88 vs 87%, I and C, respectively).  相似文献   

1. The carcasses of 66‐ and 73‐d‐old stag turkeys implanted with 20 mg trienbolone acetate (TA) at 49 d of age were analysed and the results compared with those of untreated controls.

2. Treatment with TA improved growth, increased carcass moisture and tended to decrease carcass fat and ash; protein content was not altered by implantation.

3. Treatment with TA produced a marked improvement in efficiency of conversion of dietary protein to carcass protein.

4. Carcass formation of 70‐ and 77‐d‐old turkeys of both sexes implanted with 20 mg TA at 49 d of age was not markedly different from that of controls in terms of the relative proportions of the major body components nor in relative skeletal proportions.

5. Implantation with TA reduced linear and appositional skeletal growth both relative to soft tissue growth and relative to skeletal growth of control turkeys.

6. The rate of bone remodelling was reduced more than the rate of appositional growth so that bone cortical thickness was increased.

7. The changes in the skeleton effected by TA are consistent with the hypothesis that the drug acts by decreasing the rate of protein turnover, with catabolism being depressed more than anabolism.  相似文献   

This study was performed to evaluate the effects of diets with different protein and dl-methionine (Met) levels on nitrogen (N) retention, nutrient digestibility, growth performance, and some blood parameters in growing minks. Eighty healthy male minks were selected and randomly divided into five groups with different types of diet. The dietary protein levels, expressed as percentage of dry matter (DM), were 36% (HP) and 28% (LP), corresponding to average 363g and 295g protein/kg DM, respectively. LP was supplemented with Met (0.3%, 0.6% and 0.9% DM); the codes were LP+M1, LP+M2 and LP+M3, respectively. From July to middle of September, the average daily gain and feed: gain ratio (F/G) of the minks that received the diet with 0.6% Met added to the low protein diet was better than feeding HP and other groups. Fecal N and Urinary N of group LP+M2 were the lowest one, in contrast, the daily retention of N was the highest one. Digestibility of DM and CP were not affected by different diets, but digestibility of fat declined with dietary protein level decreasing. Serum urea nitrogen (SUN) was affected by different protein and Met levels. Considering all factors the best performance could be observed offering LP+M2, the prime level of Met was 13.87 g/kg DM in dietary, and 258.5 g digestible protein kg(-1) DM was enough for mink in growing period. Furthermore, addition of Met in low protein diets for minks would be beneficial in terms of reduced feed expenses and lower nitrogen emissions to the environment.  相似文献   

The effects on anabolic steroid implantation on feedlot performance and carcass composition and quality were examined in control (CNTRL), ovariectomized (OVX) or melengestrol acetate-fed (MGA) beef heifers or heifers actively immunized against GnRH (Anti-GnRH). Heifers (n = 112) were assigned randomly to a 2 x 4 factorial experiment. The two classes were made up of heifers not implanted and those implanted with Synovex-H. The four treatments were 1) CNTRL, 2) MGA, 3) OVX and 4) Anti-GnRH. Heifers were housed in individual pens and fed a high-energy diet for the 4-mo study. Synovex-H increased final live weight (P less than .005), carcass weight (P less than .005), ADG (P less than .0001) and feed efficiency (P less than .005) but did not alter carcass quality and yield grade (P greater than .05). Synovex-H increased deposition of protein (P less than .0001) and reduced deposition of fat (P less than .0001). Oral administration of MGA had no significant effect on feedlot performance or carcass quality. For heifers not implanted, active immunization against GnRH, but not ovariectomy, depressed ADG (P less than .05) and increased fat deposition (P less than .05) while reducing protein deposition (P less than .05). These effects of active immunization were reversed by concurrent administration of Synovex-H. Feedlot performance and carcass composition of heifers were improved by administration of anabolic steroids. When heifers were housed singly, neither ovariectomy, active immunization against GnRH nor oral administration of MGA improved feedlot performance of heifers implanted with Synovex-H.  相似文献   

1. The effects of implanting turkeys with trienbolone acetate (TA) upon fluid balance and blood chemistry were studied.

2. The Na and water contents of skeletal muscles were increased by TA treatment while K was unaltered.

3. The extracellular space expressed as a proportion of starved body weight was unaffected by TA implantation.

4. Plasma or serum concentrations of P, Ca, Mg, Na and K and activities of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase [EC], creatine kinase [EG] and γ‐glutamyl transferase [EC] were not changed by TA treatment.

5. Packed cell volume was significantly increased by TA implantation after a delay of some 2 to 3 weeks while plasma protein concentrations were immediately decreased for a period of two weeks before nearly normal concentrations were obtained again.

6. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was decreased by TA treatment, but serum protein electrophoretic pattern was unchanged.  相似文献   

Straw Meal was mixed with concentrated HCl at a mass proportion of approximately 10 : 1. After a one-hour duration of action the mixture was diluted with water (in proporation to the added HCl volume the double amount of water) and steamed in an electric steaming caldron for one hour. The partially hydrolised final product was neutralised with calcium hydroxide (3,5 kg per 10 kg HCl). In a digestibility experiment 4 pigs were fed according to the differential method with barley (supplemented with lysine and methionine) without straw meal resp. with straw meal (717 g barley dry matter+386 g straw meal dry matter per animal and day for pigs with an average live weight of 64.3 kg). In this test 21.0% of the organic matter of partially hydrolised straw meal, 0.5% of the crude fibre and 42.3% of the N-free extractives were digestible. When the animals were fed with barley exclusively (1045 g dry matter per day and animal of an average body weight of 61,4 kg), 17,1% of the 26,0 t N per animal and day were excreted in feces. After the feeding with straw meal admixtures, 34,5% of the 20,9 g N per animal and day were excreted in feces. When the feed consisted of 1,99 kg barley, 220 g fish meal and 565 g straw meal (dry matter in each case) per animal and day for the same pigs with an average body weight of 97,1 kg a digestibility of the organic matter of the partially hydrolised straw meal of 24,6% was achieved. 24.3% of the nitrogen consumed (72.9 g) by each animal per day were excreted in feces. After slaughtering, the pH-value in the caecum sould be ascertained as 6.0 to 6.5. The conclusion of this is that partially hydrolised straw meal contains approximately 20% utilisable carbohydrates and has a positive dietic effect in the digestive tract.  相似文献   

In dose titration trials beef heifers received depot-formulated melengestrol acetate (DEPO-MGA) in single s.c. ear injections to determine effects on performance and pregnancy inhibition. In a 112-d feedlot trial, 105 heifers were assigned to light, medium and heavy weight blocks on five treatments: dietary MGA (.5 mg.hd-1.d-1), control (no MGA) or DEPO-MGA on d 1 at .5, 1.0 or 1.5 ml/hd (30, 60 or 90 mg MGA/hd, respectively). A high-energy cracked corn diet was fed to all heifers ad libitum. At d 56 and d 112, ADG and feed/gain were not affected (P greater than .05) by dietary MGA or DEPO-MGA treatments, although dietary MGA tended to increase 112-d ADG (1.67 vs 1.58 kg) compared with controls. In a pasture trial, 100 beef heifers were assigned by weight to five treatments: control (no MGA) or DEPO-MGA injected on d 1 at .5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 ml/hd (30, 60, 90 or 120 mg MGA/hd, respectively). Heifers were pastured as a single herd and were exposed to fertile bulls from d 7 to d 181. Weights and pregnancy data were recorded at d 62, 90, 134, 181 and 225. Heifer ADG was not affected (P greater than .05) by DEPO-MGA treatment at any weighing date. By d 90, 90% of control heifers were pregnant, and 100% were pregnant by d 134. Pregnancy inhibition rates of 90% to 100% for each DEPO-MGA treatment at d 62, 90 and 134 were higher (P less than .01) than those in control heifers. Pregnancy was inhibited in 90% of heifers on 60-mg and 90-mg DEPO-MGA treatments through d 181, and in 95% of heifers on the 120 mg DEPO-MGA treatment through d 225.  相似文献   

Four ruminally fistulated, nonpregnant, nonlactating heifers (515 +/- 7.9 kg) were offered chopped (10-cm screen size) prairie hay for ad libitum consumption with 1.8 kg/d of supplements to provide 0, 45, 113, or 181 g/d of magnesium-mica (MM) in a 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment. Heifers were adapted to diets for 7 d in drylot followed by a 19-d confinement period in individual stalls within a metabolism facility. Total feces and urine were collected for 5 d, daily intake and water consumption were monitored for 16 d, and in situ disappearance of fiber (prairie hay) and CP (soybean meal) were determined during the confinement period. Ruminal samples for fermentation product analyses were collected at feeding and every 2 h thereafter for 12 h on d 18, and rumens were evacuated at 1100 on d 19 to determine rumen fill. Cubic responses (P < .05) to MM level were observed for DM, OM, NDF, and ADF digestion and were characterized by a tendency for improved digestion with 45 g/d compared with the control diet, followed by a suppressive effect on digestion with 113 g/d, then little effect with 181 g/d MM. In situ NDF disappearance at 72 and 96 h tended (P < . 10) to be influenced quadratically by level of MM, but MM level had no apparent effect on ruminal fill and passage rate, ciliated protozoa counts, in situ rate of disappearance of fiber or CP, or nitrogen balance. Therefore, feeding MM at low levels to heifers consuming a prairie hay diet with a 20% CP supplement seemed to be beneficial for feed digestion with no measurable negative impact on intake or ruminal protein or fiber digestion.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle protein degradation, measured by urinary N tau-methylhistidine excretion, and circulating concentrations of growth hormone (GH), insulin (INS), and cortisol (CT) were monitored in steers before and after implantation with estradiol-17 beta (E2; 24 mg) and trenbolone acetate (TBA; 300 mg). Yearling crossbred steers (n = 43) were randomly assigned to four treatment groups in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement: nonimplanted controls (C); TBA; E2; and TBA plus E2 (TBA+E2). A subgroup (Block 1) of 16 steers was bled on d -12, 31, and 72 after implanting. Deposition of skeletal muscle protein was markedly increased (P less than .001) by E2 and TBA+E2 treatment. This response occurred mainly within the first 40 d after implantation and declined (P less than .001) in concert with decreasing (P less than .01) concentration of serum E2. Anabolic steroid treatment did not affect the rate of skeletal muscle protein breakdown. There was no apparent relationship between reduced serum CT concentration (linear effect; P less than .01) in TBA-treated steers and skeletal muscle protein degradation rate. Blood concentration and pulse activity of INS were not affected by anabolic steroid administration. Both TBA- and TBA+E2-implanted steers displayed a linear decrease (P less than .05) in serum GH concentration over time, which was similar to C. Lowered mean GH concentration resulted from a reduction (TBA main effect; P less than .05) in pulse amplitude of GH. Unlike TBA, TBA+E2, and C, only E2 maintained serum GH concentrations over time. Although increased muscle protein deposition was evident in TBA+E2-treated steers, an obvious causal relationship between this response and circulating GH, INS, and CT was not revealed. These results do not support the concept that combined androgenic agent and estrogen administration effectively reduce bovine muscle protein degradation by static modulation of circulating endogenous anabolic and antianabolic hormones.  相似文献   

Previous research from our laboratory has indicated that melengestrol acetate (MGA) added to the diet during the first 35 d after arrival in the feedlot improves growth rates and tends to reduce chronic respiratory disease in heifers naturally challenged with bovine respiratory disease. The current study was conducted to provide further insight into the possible immunomodulatory effects of MGA. Crossbred heifers (n = 48; 232 +/- 5.5 kg of BW) were used in a randomized complete block design to determine the effects of MGA on lung pathology and markers of inflammation after Mannheimia haemolytica challenge. On d 0, cattle were blocked by BW and randomly assigned, within block, to diets (54% concentrate) that provided 0 or 0.5 mg of MGA per heifer daily for the duration of the experiment. Inoculum containing from 1.3 x 10(9) to 1.7 x 10(9) cfu of M. haemolytica (20 mL) was instilled at the bifurcation of the trachea on d 14. Blood samples were collected, clinical observations were made, and rectal temperatures were recorded for each animal at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 138 h after inoculation. Heifers fed MGA had greater circulating concentrations of eosinophils and postchallenge concentrations of segmented neutrophils and white blood cells (P < 0.01) than controls, as well as elevated plasma protein, serum haptoglobin, and fibrinogen after M. haemolytica challenge (P < 0.01). Heifers fed MGA had lower plasma glucose (P < 0.01), greater plasma urea N (P = 0.02), and elevated respiratory indices (P < 0.01) compared with controls. Necropsies performed on d 6 after inoculation suggested that M. haemolytica challenge was relatively mild, because lesions were confined to a small portion of the lungs. On a 0 to 100 scale, average lung lesion scores were 3 and 1 for MGA-fed and control groups, respectively (P < 0.06). Heifers fed MGA before mild M. haemolytica challenge were more susceptible to infection, as evidenced by a greater number of heifers fed MGA exhibiting pulmonary lesions 138 h after inoculation than controls (14 out of 23 vs. 6 out of 24 for MGA and controls, respectively; P < 0.02).  相似文献   

In vitro experiments were performed to investigate the effects of melengestrol acetate (MGA) or progesterone (P4) on bovine muscle satellite cells and C2C12 myoblasts. Addition of MGA at physiological and supraphysiological concentrations resulted in a dose-dependent decrease (P < 0.05) in DNA synthesis as measured by [3H]-thymidine incorporation (TI). Similarly, P4 addition (0.01 nM) reduced (P < 0.05) TI. Addition of MGA (10 nM) increased (P < 0.05) IGF-I mRNA abundance but did not affect myogenin mRNA. Progesterone addition (10 nM) increased myogenin mRNA abundance (P < 0.05). In C2C12 cultures, P4 addition resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in TI. The antiprogestin RU486, in combination with MGA or P4, also resulted in reduced (P < 0.05) TI. Treatment with RU486 alone had a negative effect (P < 0.05) on TI that was similar to the progestins. Treatment of C2C12 myoblasts with MGA (100 nM) resulted in an increase (P < 0.05) in myogenin mRNA. These studies suggest that progestins may reduce satellite cell proliferation, ultimately affecting carcass composition.  相似文献   

In N-balance experiments with growing pigs (40-60 kg live weight) investigations were made whether lysine or isoleucine that is infused into the caecum can be absorbed there and to what extent these amino acids in that case can be utilised by the animal for protein synthesis. The pigs either received basic rations with insufficient lysine or isoleucine resp. (negative control group) or the amounts of lysine and isoleucine lacking to meet the requirement were supplemented with the feed (positive control group) or continuously infused into the caecum with the help of caecal infusion cannulae (test group). In the experiments with lysine the animals in the negative control group and in the test group showed considerably lower N-balances than the positive control group. There were no differences as regards the apparent digestibility of lysine between the positive control group and the test group. The urine of the test group contained distinctly more NH3. This shows clearly that lysine that is infused into the caecum cannot be utilised by the pigs, it is, on the contrary, microbially decomposed, the nitrogen is chiefly absorbed as NH3 and excreted in urine. As regards isoleucine, the deficit brought about with the basic ration was insufficient in order to achieve significant differences between the N-balance values of the groups so that unambiguous statements on the absorption and utilisation of isoleucine infused into the caecum cannot be made. Concerning apparent digestibility of isoleucine and the NH3 content of the urine, the results of the isoleucine experiments were similar to those in the lysine experiments. According to our N-balance experiments the isoleucine requirement of pigs indicated in relevant literature as 5.6 g/kg dry matter of the feed is by far too high. It should be limited to 3.5 or a maximum of 4.0 g isoleucine per kg dry matter of the feed.  相似文献   

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