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分析了传统生产工艺的缺陷,评价了改进后的生产工艺流程及特点。  相似文献   

南方阔叶材刨切薄木生产工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国家具和人造板工业的发展 ,人造板表面装饰技术发展迅速 ,特别是薄木贴面装饰技术 ,它既能大量节省珍贵木材 ,又能为人们提供高档的装饰效果 ,是一种国内外广泛采用的装饰方法。一般薄木生产设备包括薄木制取设备和薄木干燥设备 ,生产薄木的方法有旋切法、半圆旋切法和刨切法。根据刨切方向和木方长度方向垂直还是平行 ,又可将刨切法分为横向刨切机和纵向刨切机。本文就酸枣、枫香、檫树等南方主要优质阔叶材纵向刨切生产薄木的工艺进行介绍。1 锯制木方家具贴面薄木一般有径切木纹和弦切木纹两种。刨切薄木的木材纹理随木方锯制方…  相似文献   

1传统生产工艺及缺陷1.1传统生产工艺流程 圆木锯材→蒸煮罐或蒸煮池蒸煮→刨切→漂白→清洗槽→干燥→剪切→贮存。1.2蒸煮缺陷 ①染色。木素化学结构单元中的松柏醛基由三个基本发色基团组成,用蒸煮罐或蒸煮池蒸煮木方时基团受高温发生变化,因此使木材产生颜色。此外,浸出物中单宁、树脂等都会产生颜色,使木材在高温蒸煮过程中产生表面和端头染色。如,柞木方蒸煮48h,则端头变色浸入60mm,表面染色3mm,只此一项2m长木方染色损失达6%左右。 ②表面和内部蒸煮强度不一致。一般情况下,木方越大,外表和内部软化…  相似文献   

路则光  吴智慧  孙友富 《木材工业》2003,17(3):29-30,33
本文阐述了提高刨切薄木出材率的途径,包括加强原木管理,预防和控制变色与腐朽,探讨了制材方案,以及如何灵活剖方,科学煮木,合理刨切,正确剪切薄木等。同时,还介绍了蓝变的产生原因及其预防和控制,以及捆扎木方、改变角度刨切、微调薄木厚度等提高薄木出材率的处理方法。  相似文献   

随着各种人造板的大量应用和板式家具的生产,以及室内装饰业的迅猛发展,刨切簿木也得到了广泛的应用。当刨切装饰簿木时,由于其厚度很簿(一般在0.1-0.3mm左右),如果刨切时设备调整或加工工艺不当,则不但会影响薄木的质量,而且还会降低木材的出材率。1 刨切簿木常见缺陷及产生原因1.1 薄木厚度偏差大 当刨切薄木厚度偏差较大时,会出现厚度不均现象,致使薄木胶贴于人造板表面时,产品表面不平整。该现象产生的原因有以下几个方面: ①刨切机支撑卡木工作台螺母、螺丝松动;卡木装置有故障,不能卡紧毛方,使毛方固定不…  相似文献   

李斌 《林产工业》2003,30(1):33-35
采用南方常见树种马尾松、木荷、枫香、酸枣等进行纵向刨切人造薄木的试制,对工艺参数作了探索,并对胶合条件(胶粘剂种类、基材)及其对胶合强度的影响进行了较详细的研究。  相似文献   

上营森林经营局的刨切单板产品于1987出口到日本。本文详细地介绍了刨切单板的加工工艺及设备,提出了刨切单板各加工工序正确的操作方法和合理的工艺参数。  相似文献   

肖四平 《木材工业》1992,6(2):52-53
刨切薄木近年来在人造板和家具的表面装饰、车、船、飞机及建筑物的内部装修以及木制工艺品方面应用日益广泛。根据需要,我厂从日本引进四台刨切薄木生产主机,配上国产辅助设备,年生产  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,办公楼、宾馆、酒店及大量民居都需要装饰装修,大量非木质人造板应运而生。但不管是何种板材,在实际使用时其表面都要用不同花色、不同品种图案的装饰面板进行表面处理,这种用来装饰人造面板的装饰板的市场发展前景十分可观。  相似文献   

核桃楸薄木刨切工艺(153102)黑龙江省森工管理干部学院白波(150232)山河屯林业局综合厂高岩,刘菊武随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对家庭装饰的要求也越来越高;回归自然的装饰风格已成为家庭装饰的一种趋势.刨切薄木以其谈雅、古朴、天’然之美,正...  相似文献   

通过对人造板基材和贴面材料(薄木)的含水率调整处理、完全去除基材表面的致密硬化层、热压过程参数控制及热压后贴面装饰板的养护等工艺技术的创新,以改进传统薄木贴面的生产工艺。试验结果表明:技术创新后的人造板基材贴薄木饰面板件的尺寸偏差小,翘曲变形≤1%,贴面装饰板的浸渍剥离长度为20 mm,表面胶合强度0.5 MPa,贴面质量得到保证,贴面板件的理化性能更加优异,产品合格率提高60%以上。  相似文献   

Manufacture of plywood bonded with kenaf core powder   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) core powder was used as a binder to manufacture three-ply plywoods of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) by conventional hot pressing under various manufacturing conditions: hot-pressing conditions (pressure, temperature, and time) and powder conditions (grain size, spread volume, and moisture content). The adhesive shear strength and wood failure of plywoods were measured in accordance with the Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) for plywood. The result showed that fine kenaf core powder played a role as an effective binder when plywoods were pressed at high pressure, which caused extreme compression of veneer cells. In addition, the adhesive shear strength of plywoods in dry conditions was high regardless of pressing temperature and time, but it was sensitive to pressing temperature and time in wet conditions. The highest adhesive shear strength was obtained from plywoods manufactured with kenaf core powder (grain size 10 μm, spread volume 200 g/m2, moisture content 8.6%) under hot-pressing conditions (pressure 5.0 MPa using distance bars 4 mm thick, temperature 200°C, time 20–30 min). However, the plywood could not meet the requirement for the second grade of plywood by JAS because of its low water-resistance properties. Part of this article was presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tsukuba, March 2008, and the 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Miyazaki, June 2008  相似文献   

汽车箱底板用无接头胶合板生产工艺技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汽车车箱底板用无接头胶合板,克服了以往用胶合板斜接带来的生产技术问题及产品质量问题(接头处强度低),平均静曲强度大于80MPa,满足了该产品的尺寸及其他性能要求,同时提高木材利用率的10%,落叶松材得到充分利用。  相似文献   

The north-eastern distribution range of European beech a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Today, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seems to be a markedlysuccessful tree species in the north-east of its distributionrange. The distribution area may be larger than originally assumed;past forest management is probably the main cause of the contractionin the postglacial European beech range. Numerous attempts consistentlyhave failed to locate a distinct distribution edge for Europeanbeech. Therefore, we define northern and eastern Poland andthe southern regions of the Baltic States as margins of Europeanbeech distribution. Ecophysiological approaches have identifiedthe drought constraints for European beech in terms of (1) thecritical limit for xylem cavitation and loss of hydraulic conductivity,reached at a shoot water potential of –1.9 MPa, and (2)a reduction in gross primary production and total ecosystemrespiration when relative extractable soil water reaches 40and 20 per cent, respectively. However, it is difficult to correlateEuropean beech distribution margins with single macro-climaticfactors. Moreover, the adaptation of European beech populationsand provenances to drought and frost varies. The phenotypicplasticity and evolutionary adaptability of European beech appearto be underestimated. These characteristics may counteract afurther contraction of the European beech range arising fromclimate change in the future.  相似文献   

详细介绍了单板饰面中密度纤维板生产过程中单板剪切下料、单板的等宽对称拼接、单板片的堆垛和储存、单板饰面中密度纤维板的压贴及板面透胶等缺陷的改进、板面离、裂缝缺陷的修补、板面砂光等生产工序的具体要求,并对生产中板面出现的叠板、离裂缝、透胶等质量问题进行了研究分析,提出解决措施。  相似文献   

欧洲山杨为新型彩叶树种,开发应用前景十分广阔。文章详细介绍了其播种扦插育苗技术,为今后大规模开发利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

用水性高分子异氰酸酯生产无醛胶合板生产工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用低成本高分子异氰酸酯胶粘剂生产无醛胶合板,其生产工艺与常规脲醛树脂生产胶合板生产工艺相同,成本只有其它非甲醛系胶粘剂的50%,并彻底解决了游离甲醛释放问题。  相似文献   

Static models of forest growth, such as yield tables or cumulative growth functions, generally fail to recognize that forest stands are dynamic systems, subject to changes in growth dynamics due to silvicultural interventions or natural dynamics. Based on experimental data, covering a wide range of initial spacings and thinning practises, we developed a dynamic stand growth model of European beech in Denmark. The model entailed three equations for predicting dominant height growth, basal area growth, and mortality. The signs of the parameter estimates generally corroborated the anticipated growth paths of dominant height and basal area. Although statistical tests indicated significant systematic deviations between observed and predicted values, the deviations were small and of little practical importance. Cross validation procedures indicated that the model may be applied across a wide range of growth conditions and thinning practises without significant loss of precision.  相似文献   



In the context of a probable increase in intensity and frequency of extreme summer drought events, a better understanding of the key processes involved in water relations is needed to improve the theoretical foundations of predictive process-based models.


This paper aims to analyse how temperate deciduous trees cope with water shortage.


The exceptional summer drought of 2003 in Europe provided an opportunity to monitor stomatal conductance and twig water potential in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) at predawn and midday and to analyse variations with respect to leaf height within the canopy. By comparing our field measurements of twig water potential to values found in the literature, we confirmed the strong impact of soil water shortage on crown water relations.


This paper shows that (1) the vertical gradient of stomatal conductance within the crown disappeared under extreme soil water depletion; (2) at maximum drought intensity, predawn twig water potential (ψ pd) reached ?2.3 MPa at a height of 14 m in the crown and ?2.0 MPa at a height of 10 m. The significant differences in ψ pd between the two measurement heights in the canopy may be due to night transpiration; (3) there was a close relationship between predawn twig water potential and relative extractable soil water; (4) as drought conditions intensified, there was a close relationship between canopy radiation interception and predawn water potential, as estimated daily from relative extractable soil water.  相似文献   

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