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In this study spatial and temporal relations between denitrification rates and groundwater levels were assessed for intensively managed grassland on peat soil where groundwater levels fluctuated between 0 and 1 m below the soil surface. Denitrification rates were measured every 3–4 weeks using the C2H2 inhibition technique for 2 years (2000–2002). Soil samples were taken every 10 cm until the groundwater level was reached. Annual N losses through denitrification averaged 87 kg N ha-1 of which almost 70% originated from soil layers deeper than 20 cm below the soil surface. N losses through denitrification accounted for 16% of the N surplus at farm-level (including mineralization of peat), making it a key-process for the N efficiency of the present dairy farm. Potential denitrification rates exceeded actual denitrification rates at all depths, indicating that organic C was not limiting actual denitrification rates in this soil. The groundwater level appeared to determine the distribution of denitrification rates with depth. Our results were explained by the ample availability of an energy source (degradable C) throughout the soil profile of the peat soil.This revised version was published online November 2003 with corrections to Figure 4 and in February 2004 with corrections to Figure 2.  相似文献   

Losses of N by denitrification from an imperfectly drained grassland soil were measured by the acetylene-inhibition technique over a 1-yr period, during which applications of up to 200 kg ha ?1 of N as cattle slurry or calcium nitrate were made. The quantities of N lost from nitrate-treated soil were much greater than from slurry-treated areas, and ranged up to 21% of the N applied. The losses occurred predominantly over brief periods following fertilizer application in the spring. Ratios of N released as N2 to that released as N2O increased as denitrification rates increased. The highest ratio recorded, 24, may have been a conservative estimate because inhibition of N2O reduction may not have been complete on all occasions. Increased respiration was observed in the soil profile as a result of adding C2H2. This effect should be taken into account in interpreting experiments using the C2H2-inhibition technique.  相似文献   

Calcium nitrate fertilizer containing 92.3 atoms % excess nitrogen-15 was applied on 5 May 1981 at a rate equivalent to 100 kg N ha?1 to a clay soil in southern England cropped to winter wheat. Samples of the soil gases were collected frequently during the following 3 weeks. The soil oxygen concentration declined to 5% after 60 mm rain. A maximum of 1.5 ± 0.5 atom % N-15 enrichment in labelled N2 gas (29N2) was detected in the soil atmosphere on 28 May. Total denitrification losses, calculated from air-filled pore space and rates of gas loss from the soil estimated using a Fick's law approximation, were 9.5 kg N ha?1 with a daily rate of 0.30 ± 0.07 kg N ha?1. Estimated total losses were greater than 30 kg N ha?1, 93% in the form N2, but the estimation depends on several assumptions about the amount of double labelled gas (30N2), rates of gas diffusion and flux.  相似文献   

 High molecular weight, anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) is currently being used as an irrigation water additive to significantly reduce soil erosion associated with furrow irrigation. PAM contains amide-N, and PAM application to soils has been correlated with increased activity of soil enzymes, such as urease and amidase, involved in N cycling. Therefore we investigated potential impacts of PAM treatment on the rate at which fertilizer N is transformed into NH4 + and NO3 in soil. PAM-treated and untreated soil microcosms were amended with a variety of fertilizers, ranging from common rapid-release forms, such as ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] and urea, to a variety of slow-release formulations, including polymerized urea and polymer-encapsulated urea. Ammonium sulfate was also tested together with the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD). The fertilizers were applied at a concentration of 1.0 mg g–1, which is comparable to 100 lb acre–l, or 112 kg ha–1. Potassium chloride-extractable NH4 +-N and NO3 -N were quantified periodically during 2–4 week incubations. PAM treatment had no significant effect on NH4 + release rates for any of the fertilizers tested and did not alter the efficacy of DCD as a nitrification inhibitor. However, the nitrification rate of urea and encapsulated urea-derived NH4 +-N was slightly accelerated in the PAM-treated soil. Received: 16 January 1998  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the effects of NH inf4 + fertilizers [(NH4)2SO4, (NH4)2HPO4, CO(NH2)2, NH4OH, and NH4NO3] on NH3 loss and the quantity of Ca + Mg, NH inf4 + and NO inf3 sup– in the solution of a calcareous soil (Harkey sicl, Typic Torrifluvent). Various NH4 fertilizers applied at a depth of 5 cm in the soil produced differing NH3 loss characteristics. Applying (NH4)2SO4 (AS) resulted in high volatile NH3 losses as compared with NH4OH (AH) and (NH4)2CO3 (AC). The AS treatment formed an equal molar amount of CaSO4, which increased the mobility of ammonium, while AH and AC treatments caused Ca precipitation and decreased ammonium mobility. Leaching the AS system before NH3 loss could occur resulted in the most rapid nitrification rate. Lower nitrification rates were found with AH and AC than AS under the same conditions. Surface placement of NH4 fertilizers resulted in variable leachate contents of Ca + Mg. Ammonium sulfate reacted with CaCO3 either to solubilize some Ca + Mg or simply to replace exchangeable Ca + Mg with NH4, while AH, AC, and (NH4)2HPO4 (DAP) precipitated essentially an equivalent molar amount of soluble and adsorbed Ca + Mg. Use of NH4NO3, which does not form an insoluble calcium precipitate, resulted in the leaching of an equivalent molar amount of exchangeable Ca + Mg from the Harkey soil.The authors are Professor and former laboratory technician, respectively, at Texas A&M Research Center at El Paso, 1380 A&M Circle, El Paso, TX 79927, USA  相似文献   

Concentrations of nitrous oxide (N2O) and oxygen were monitored over a 2-yr period in an imperfectly drained grassland soil receiving applications of N as cattle slurry or Ca(NO3)2. In both years N2O concentrations in the different treatments were in the order nitrate > slurry > control. Gaseous diffusion coefficients were determined in soil cores by a krypton-85 tracer method and used to calculate approximate N2O fluxes from the soil. Only 1–5 kg N ha?1 was lost as N2O after a single application of > 1200 kg N ha ?1 as slurry compared with 3–11 kg N ha ?1 lost after 100 kg was added as NO3?. Total gaseous losses (N2O+N2) could be expected to be higher in both cases.  相似文献   


It has been recently shown that there is a large spatial variability in denltrification rates measured in the field. The objective of this study was to assign this variability to twelve measurable or determined soil parameters known or suspected to be Important to denitrification during the early part of the growing season. Relationships were sought with 16 cores at a grid spacing of 25 cm on three sites (dates) within a 0.07 ha area of a cultivated silt loam soil. The denitrification rate was estimated from the N2O production rate with the acetylene blockage technique.

Only few statistical significant relationships were found with simple and multiple regression analyses and there was a lack of consistency from site to site. Plotting the data revealed a tentative negative relationship between the N2O production rate and percent air‐filled porosity. A few cores at each site showed a much greater N2O production rate for no discernable reason, but these rates were also negatively related to percent air‐filled porosity. Tentative positive relationships between N2O production rate and total organic carbon or water‐soluble carbon were similarly found.  相似文献   

A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to compare the effects of NH inf4 sup+ and NO inf3 sup- on mineralization of N from 15N-labelled vetch (Vicia villosa Rotn) in an Illinois Mollisol, and to determine the effect of a nitrification inhibitor (nitrapyrin) on mineralization of vetch N when used with NH inf4 sup+ . The addition of either NH inf4 sup+ or NO inf3 sup- (100 and 200 mg N kg-1 soil) significantly increased mineralization of vetch N during incubation for 40 days. The effect was greater with NH inf4 sup+ than with NO inf3 sup- , and a further increase occurred in the presence of nitrapyrin (10 mg kg-1 soil). The addition of NO inf3 sup- retarded the nitrification of NH inf4 sup+ -N derived from vetch.  相似文献   

Abstract. The efficiency with which fertilizer nitrogen (N) is used in agricultural systems might be improved if the amounts applied at each top dressing were adjusted to avoid the accumulation of mineral-N in the soil profile to levels in excess of the growth requirements of the crop. Such tactical application of fertilizer would be feasible if soil mineral-N could be determined rapidly in the field with sufficient accuracy. This paper describes a rapid field test for both the ammonium and nitrate components of soil mineral-N based on reading paper test strips with a reflectometer, recalibrated for use with KC1 solution. The new test is volumetric and also accounts for the effects of fluctuations in soil water content by means of a standard dilution procedure to provide an absolute measure of soil mineral-N in about one hour. Measurements of ammonium and nitrate in a clay loam soil sampled from grazed pasture were compared with those made by conventional laboratory based methods; they generally differed by less than 5%. The proportion of mineral-N as ammonium averaged about 50% overall and typically exceeded 70% in spring. Ammonium and nitrate were not well correlated. The use of a filter-press to expel soil solution increased the sensitivity of the test five-fold to enable application in studies of soil N transformations in unfertilized and semi-natural environments.  相似文献   

Summary Transport of N by hyphae of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus was studied under controlled experimental conditions. The N source was applied to the soil as 15NH inf4 sup+ or 15NO inf3 sup- . Cucumis sativus was grown for 25 days, either alone or in symbiosis with Glomus intraradices, in containers with a hyphal compartment separated from the root compartment by a fine nylon mesh. Mineral N was then applied to the hyphal compartment as 15NH inf4 sup+ or 15NO inf3 sup- at 5 cm distance from the root compartment. Soil samples were taken from the hyphal compartment at 1, 3 and 5 cm distance from the root compartment at 7 and 12 days after labelling, and the concentration of mineral N in the samples was measured from 2 M KCl extracts. Mycorrhizal colonization did not affect plant dry weight. The recovery of 15N in mycorrhizal plants was 38 or 40%, respectively, when 15NH inf4 sup+ or 15NO inf3 sup- was applied. The corresponding values for non-mycorrhizal plants were 7 and 16%. The higher 15N recovery observed in mycorrhizal plants than in non-mycorrhizal plants suggests that hyphal transport of N from the applied 15N sources towards the host plant had occurred. The concentration of mineral N in the soil of hyphal compartments was considerably less in mycorrhizal treatments than in controls, indicating that the hyphae were able to deplete the soil for mineral N.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate and urea on the yield and uptake of labelled and unlabelled N by wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Mexi-Pak-65) in a field experiment. The dry matter and N yields were significantly increased with fertilizer N application compared to those from unfertilized soil. The wheat crop used 33.6–51.5 and 30.5–40.9% of the N from ammonium nitrate and urea, respectively. Splitting the fertilizer N application had a significant effect on the uptake of fertilizer N by the wheat. The fertilizer N uptake showed that ammonium nitrate was a more available source of N for wheat than urea. The effective use of fertilizer N (ratio of fertilizer N in grain to fertilizer N in whole plant) was statistically similar for the two N fertilizers. The application of fertilizer N increased the uptake of unlabelled soil N by wheat, a result attributed to a positive added N interaction, which varied according to the fertilizer N split; six split applications gave the highest added N interaction compared to a single application or two split applications for both fertilizers. Ammonium nitrate gave 90.5, 33.5, and 48.5% more added N interaction than urea with one, two, and six split N applications. A values were not significantly correlated with the added N interaction (r=0.557). The observed added N interaction may have been the result of pool substitution, whereby added labelled fertilizer N replaced unlabelled soil N.  相似文献   

Soybean plants (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Ransom) were grown for 21 days on 4 sources of N (1.0 mM NO3-, 0.67 mM NO3- plus 0.33 mM NH4+, 0.33 mM NO3- plus 0.67 mM NH4+, and 1.0 mM NH4+) in hydroponic culture with the acidity of the nutrient solution controlled at pH 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, and 4.5. Dry matter and total N accumulation of the plants was not significantly affected by N-source at any of the pH levels except for decreases in these parameters in plants supplied solely with NH4+ at pH 4.5. Shoot-to-root ratios increased in plants which had an increased proportion [correction of proporiton] of NH4(+)-N in their nutrient solutions at all levels of root-zone pH. Uptake of NO3- and NH4+ was monitored daily by ion chromatography as depletion of these ions from the replenished hydroponic solutions. At all pH levels the proportion of either ion that was absorbed increased as the ratio of that ion increased in the nutrient solution. In plants which were supplied with sources of NO3- plus NH4+, NH4+ was absorbed at a ratio of 2:1 over NO3- at pH 6.0. As the pH of the root-zone declined, however, NH4+ uptake decreased and NO3- uptake increased. Thus, the NH4+ to NO3- uptake ratio declined with decreases in root-zone pH. The data indicate a negative effect of declining root-zone pH on NH4+ uptake and supports a hypothesis that the inhibition of growth of plants dependent on NH4(+)-N at low pH is due to a decline in NH4+ uptake and a consequential limitation of growth by N stress.  相似文献   


A laboratory study was used to simulate the pattern of diffusion of ammonium and nitrate ions in flooded soil. Ammonium, deep incorporated in a submerged irrigation system, diffused upward from the anaerobic to the aerobic layer where biochemical oxidation nitrified it to NO2 and NO3. These oxidized N species diffused downward from the aerobic layer to the anaerobic layer where most or at least partly, was lost as gaseous end products. Three crops of rice were grown in a glasshouse experiment to estimate N use efficiency under various combinations of irrigation and N management practices. Overall N use efficiency averaged 45%. Under continuous flooding, almost two thirds of the applied fertilizer N (647% use efficiency) was recovered by the rice crop. Under alternate flooding and drying, the response was very poor, with only about one fourth (26% use efficiency) of the applied fertilizer N being recovered by the crop. This demonstrated importance of the proper combination of irrigation and fertilizer management in paddy soils to maximize N utilization.  相似文献   

以珍珠岩为基质,通过供应3种不同的NH4+∶NO3ˉ比例营养液,研究了接种丛枝菌根真菌对玉米氮同化关键酶活性的影响。结果看出,与不接种的玉米植株相比,接种Glomus intraradices和Glomus mosseae分别在NH4+∶NO3ˉ=3∶1和NH4+∶NO3ˉ=1∶3形态下提高了植物叶片的硝酸还原酶活性;接种AMF对叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性(GS)影响不大,但在NH4+∶NO3ˉ=3∶1形态下接种3种AMF处理均显著提高了根系GS活性,相对提高了铵态氮在地下部的同化比例。在铵态氮比例较高时,接种AMF的促生效应较好,且AMF提高根系GS活性作用较大。表明丛枝菌根真菌在促进宿主植物对铵态氮的利用作用较大。  相似文献   

There is a general belief that most of the nitrogen contained in artificial nitrogenous fertilizers is utilized by the growing crops when applied to them. But unfortunately the Position is not so and the recovery of nitrogen from artificial fertilizers remains only in the neighbourhood of 50%. Indeed, the loss of nitrogen from artificial fertilizers is often even more than 50% as indicated by the following observations of RUSSELL (1) : “Crops that respond to nitrogen manuring commonly take up and fix in their tissues between one-third and one-half of the nitrogen added as sulphate of ammonia and a rather high proportion of nitrogen added as nitrate, the remainder is lost .... though its fate has not been too well determined.”  相似文献   

Nitrogen balances and total N and C accumulation in soil were studied in reseeded grazed grassland swards receiving different fertilizer N inputs (100–500 kg N ha?1 year?1) from March 1989 to February 1999, at an experimental site in Northern Ireland. Soil N and C accumulated linearly at rates of 102–152 kg N ha?1 year?1 and 1125–1454 kg C ha?1 year?1, respectively, in the top 15 cm soil during the 10 year period. Fertilizer N had a highly significant effect on the rate of N and C accumulation. In the sward receiving 500 kg fertilizer N ha?1 year?1 the input (wet deposition + fertilizer N applied) minus output (drainflow + animal product) averaged 417 kg N ha?1 year?1. Total N accumulation in the top 15 cm of soil was 152 kg N ha?1 year?1. The predicted range in NH3 emission from this sward was 36–95 kg N ha?1 year?1. Evidence suggested that the remaining large imbalance was either caused by denitrification and/or other unknown loss processes. In the sward receiving 100 kg fertilizer N ha?1 year?1, it was apparent that N accumulation in the top 15 cm soil was greater than the input minus output balance, even before allowing for gaseous emissions. This suggested that there was an additional input source, possibly resulting from a redistribution of N from lower down the soil profile. This is an important factor to take into account in constructing N balances, as not all the N accumulating in the top 15 cm soil may be directly caused by N input. N redistribution within the soil profile would exacerbate the N deficit in budget studies.  相似文献   


Ammonia (NH3) volatilization losses from surface‐applied ammonium sulphate (AS), ammonium nitrate (AN), and urea to winter wheat and the effects of the NBPT [N‐(n‐butyl) thiophosphoric triamide], PG (Phospho‐gypsum), and PR (byproduct‐Pyrite) were determined in a field experiment. Effects on grain yield and protein content of the grain were also measured. Total NH3 losses from AS, AN, and urea varied from 13.6–19.5%, 4.4–6.4%, and 3.9–12.0% depending on the compounds and their levels added to nitrogen (N) fertilizers, respectively. The compounds added to AS and AN increased NH3‐N losses with respect to unamended fertilizers (control). On the other hand, while urea treatments with two tons of PG/ha increased NH3 losses, the other compounds decreased the losses. The highest reductions of NH3 loss were observed with NBPT 0.50% and NBPT 0.25% by 63.4% and 52.8%, respectively. Although the effect of nitrogeneous fertilizers on total N losses and protein content of wheat grain was found statistically significant (p<0.01), as the compounds applied with N fertilizers have had no significant effect. Also, a negative and highly significant correlation (r = ‐0.69???) was found between total N loss and protein content of the grain.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on denitrification in the plough layer of an irrigated sandy-clay loam under a wheat-maize cropping system receiving different fertilizer treatments. The treatments were: N-100 (urea-N at 100kgha–1year–1), N-200 (urea-N at 200kgha–1year–1), FYM-16 (farmyard manure at 16 tonnes ha–1year–1), FYM-32 (farmyard manure at 32 tonnesha–1year–1) and the control (unfertilized). Averaged across sampling dates during the wheat season, the denitrification rate as measured by the C2H2-inhibition/soil-core incubation method was highest in N-200 (83gNha–1day–1), followed by FYM-32 (60gNha–1day–1, N-100 (51gNha–1day–1), FYM-16 (47gNha–1day–1) and the control (33gNha–1 day–1). During the maize growing season, average denitrification rate was highest in FYM-32 (525gNha–1day–1), followed by FYM-16 (408gNha–1day–1), N-200 (372gNha–1day–1, N-100 (262gNha–1day–1) and the control (203gNha–1day–1). Denitrification loss integrated over the whole vegetation period was at a maximum under FYM-32 (13.9kgNha–1), followed by N-200 (11.8kgNha–1), FYM-16 (10.6kgNha–1) and N-100 (8.0kgNha–1), whereas the minimum was observed for the control (5.8kgNha–1). Under both crops, denitrification was significantly correlated with water-filled pore space and soil NO3 -N. The best multiple regression models accounted for 52% and 70% of the variability in denitrification under wheat and maize, respectively. Results indicated that denitrification is not an important N loss mechanism in this well-drained, irrigated sandy-clay loam under a wheat-maize cropping system receiving fertilizer inputs in the range of 100–200kgNha–1year–1. Received: 14 January 1997  相似文献   

盐渍化农田不同施氮水平对向日葵SPAD值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以内蒙古河套灌区主要经济作物向日葵为研究对象,对不同盐渍化程度(S0:0.25%,S1:0.25%~0.5%,S2:0.5%)和施氮量(N)水平(N0:0 kg/hm2、N1:90 kg/hm2、N2:135 kg/hm2、N3:180 kg/hm2)下向日葵相对叶绿素含量(SPAD值)在不同生育期的变化特征进行分析。结果显示,SPAD值可以反映出向日葵的氮素供给状况,其在蕾期和花期与地上部分干物质量(蕾期R=0.576,花期R=0.655)和籽粒产量(蕾期R=0.774,花期R=0.758)均有显著的相关关系。向日葵SPAD值在不同生育期受到盐分和施氮量水平不同程度的影响。在轻度盐渍化程度(S0)下,N1水平施氮量下的SPAD值在进入蕾期后均仅次于N3水平,该水平的施氮量可满足该环境中向日葵的生长;在中度盐渍化程度(S1)下,当施氮量水平从N1增加到N2时,SPAD值有明显的增加。在重度盐渍化程度(S2)下,各施氮肥处理的SPAD值相比于不施氮肥的N0水平,不仅没有显著上升,反而有部分出现明显下降。据此,提出了针对不同盐渍化程度农田的推荐向日葵氮肥施用量(S0:90 kg/hm2,S1:135 kg/hm2,S2:0 kg/hm2),为经济合理地施用氮肥提供依据。  相似文献   

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