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The levels of tryptophan (Try), 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin, 5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were determined in the brain regions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-EC). Brain tryptophan concentrations varied from 3.972 ± 357 ng/g cerebellum) to 8.841 ± 772 ng/g (hypothalamus). The 5-HT concentrations varied from 69 ± 7 ng/g (optic tectum) to 573 ± 34 ng/g (hypothalamus). The concentrations of 5-HIAA varied from 29 ± 3 ng/g (medulla oblongata) to 68 ± 7 ng/g (hypothalamus). Total and free serum tryptophan levels were also determined; in adult rainbow trout 92% of the serum tryptophan was observed to be free i.e., not protein-bound.  相似文献   

The levels of glycogen, lactate, acetoacetate and -hydroxybutyrate in brain as well as glycogen and lactate levels in liver, and glucose levels in plasma were evaluated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, injected with ethanol/saline (5/95; v/v) alone (controls) or containing melatonin at three different doses 0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg kg-1. The results obtained demonstrate, for the first time in a teleost fish, the existence of changes in brain carbohydrate and ketone body metabolism due to melatonin treatment. Thus, a clear dose-dependent decrease was observed in brain and liver glycogen levels, whereas a clear dose-response increase was observed in brain for lactate, acetoacetate and -hydroxybutyrate levels, and in plasma for glucose levels. CO2 production from glucose was also tested in brains of pooled fish and these rates were not altered by melatonin treatment. Altogether, these results suggest that melatonin may play an indirect role, possibly through alterations in insulin physiology, in the regulation of carbohydrate and ketone body metabolism in brain of rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The levels of tryptophan (Trp), 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin, 5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in two brain regions (hypothalamus and medulla oblongata) of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were measured throughout the year using a sensitive high performance liquid chromatographic method with electrochemical detection. Trp was also quantified in serum, liver and brain regions. Trp concentrations were higher in sera than in tissues (brain and liver) throughout the year. Hypothalamic and medullary Trp offered similar annual patterns showing two peaks, the first on 10 May and the second on 15 June. 5-HT levels were always higher in the hypothalamus than in the medulla and much higher than the 5-HIAA levels in both regions. Moreover hypothalamic and medullar serotonin patterns were very different, in the latter region few variations were observed. In addition, the 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio was different in the brain regions, the hypothalamus showed two peaks (April 8 and June 15) whereas the equivalent was not observed in the medulla. All measured compounds showed significant variations during the year.  相似文献   

Levels of catecholamines and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity were measured in brain homogenates from female rainbow trout. In triploid fish or in diploid fish in ovarian recrudescence, the patterns of catecholamine content expressed as a function of in vitro TH activity vary in different areas of the brain. Km for the pterin cofactor is lower in the telencephalon than in the hypothalamus. Dopamine (DA) and 2-hydroxyestradiol (20HE2) inhibit TH activity (by competitive and non-competitive interaction respectively). The K1 for DA were different in the telencephalon and the hypothalamus and this could explain the different patterns of catecholamine levels and TH activity for these two structures. 20HE2 inhibits TH activity in vitro; a catechol moiety is required since estradiol (E2) is notinhibitory. However, the exact mechanism of inhibition remains unclear. The rapid effect of 20HE2 cannot explain the previously reported activation of catecholamine synthesis by E2 in vivo.
Reśumé Les taux de catécholamines cérébrales et l'activité in vitro de la tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) ont été déterminés chez la truite arc en ciel femelle. Chez des animaux triploides ou diploides en recrudescence ovarienne, les taux de catécholamines sont corrélés différemment à l'activité TH selon la structure cérébrale considérée. Le télencéphale présente un Km apparent pour la ptérine plus faible que l'hypothalamus. La dopamine (DA) et le 2-hydroxyestradiol (20HE2) inhibent l'activité de la TH selon des mécanismes respectivement compétitifs Les différents K1 pour la DA obtenus au niveau du télencéphale et de l'hypothalamus pourraient expliquer les différentes relations entre taux de catécholamines et activité TH obtenues pour ces deux structures. Le 20HE2 inhibe également l'activité TH in vitro: la présence d'un radical catéchol s'avère nécessaire (l'oestradiol (E2) n'est pas actif par lui-même), mais le mécanisme de l'inhibition reste à déterminer. Les effets rapides du 20HE2 ne peuvent expliquer l'activation de la synthèse catécholaminergique par l'E2 in vivo démontrée antérieurement.

Hypothalamic control of prolactin (PRL) release in immature rainbow troutSalmo gairdneri was investigated using anin vitro perifusion system of the rostral pars distalis. Hypothalamic extract of trout induced a dose-dependent stimulation of PRL release. A similar effect was observed when infusing the medium from a 24h static incubation of the hypothalamus. Extracts from different control tissues (muscle, liver, gut) did not changein vitro release, thus confirming the specificity of this stimulatory effect. Hypothalamic extract from adult male rat, known to contain PRL release inhibiting factors, stimulatedin vitro PRL secretion in rainbow trout. This suggests that PRL cells are predominantly influenced by PRL releasing factors. Measurement of TRH and serotonin content in trout hypothalamus indicated consistent physiological levels of these two factors. HPLC studies of hypothalamic extract showed that immunoreactive — TRH eluted at the same place as labelled TRH standard. Moreover, pizotifen, a serotonin antagonist, partially inhibited the stimulation observed with trout hypothalamic extract. These results suggest that, in immature rainbow trout, PRL release is under stimulatory hypothalamic control and that serotonin and probably TRH play a major role in this control.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the interrelationships between dietary ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations, brain neurotransmitter levels and weight gain in juvenile rainbow trout. At the end of 4 weeks and until the end of 12 weeks of feeding test diets of varying AA concentrations (0–320 mg AA/kg diet), increased weight gain was noted in fish fed the AA-free diet. However, by the end of 13 weeks and until the end of the experiment this phenomenon was no longer evident; instead the fish showed the more classical deficiency signs of anorexia and decreased weight gain. After 12 and 24 weeks, there were no significant differences in brain serotonin (5-HT), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), norepinephrine (NE) or dopamine (DA) between fish reared on the different test diets. However, after 12 weeks of feeding the test diets, brain 5-HT, brain AA and weight gain were significantly correlated with one another. No such relationships were found for brain NE or brain DA. After 24 weeks of feeding the diets, the relationships between brain 5-HT, brain AA and weight gain were no longer apparent. Similarly, after 24 weeks brain NE and DA were also unrelated to brain AA and weight gain. These results provide evidence that in very young rainbow trout, AA deficiency, brain 5-HT levels and weight gain were related. However in fish reared on the diets for 24 weeks these relationships were no longer evident.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1 participates in the activation as well as detoxification of environmental pollutants such as aromatic hydrocarbons. This CYP form is also efficiently induced by aromatic hydrocarbons. The presence of CYP 1A1 in the brain might thus be of physiological and toxicological importance. In the present investigation on rainbow trout, the distribution of 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity, a cytochrome CYP 1A1 catalyzed reaction, was measured in whole tissue homogenates from brain parts. In control fish, a relatively high activity was found in the rainbow trout olfactory bulb compared to the other brain parts. Although an EROD induction (3 to 7-fold) by β-naphthoflavone (BNF) was recorded in all brain parts from the rainbow trout, the highest induced activity was measured in the olfactory bulbs. To ascertain the distribution of EROD activity in cells, whole brain tissue was subfractionated by differential centrifugation. The fractionation scheme separated mitochondria (P2 fraction) and microsomes (P3 fraction) as determined by marker enzymes and electron microscopy. In control rainbow trout, a low EROD activity could be measured in the P2 fraction. BNF induced the EROD activity in both P2 and P3 fractions. Western blotting showed the induction by BNF of a protein band in the P2 and P3 fractions with a molecular mass around 58,000 when highly specific anti-cod CYP 1A1 antibodies were used. ELISA measurements confirmed the induction of CYP 1A1 protein in the rainbow trout brain subcellular fractions.  相似文献   

Catechol-O-methyltransferase, involved in the methylation of catechol substrates, was localized in the brain of the male African catfish,Clarias gariepinus, by means of a radiometric assay using [Methyl-3H]S-adenosylmethionine as methyldonor and catecholestrone as substrate. Fore- and midbrain were divided into eighteen, 500 μm thick, transverse sections. With a hollow needle (diameter 1 mm), specific areas of the brain were punched out and assayed. The catechol-O-methyltransferase activity was calculated from the amount of radioactive methoxyestrone formed from catecholestrone and expressed in pmol.mg−1 tissue.h−1. The enzyme could be demonstrated throughout the brain. Although the enzyme activity did not differ very much between the various brain regions (max. 15.4; min. 7.5 pmol), there were some areas in the brain with a more than average activity,i.e., the lateral telencephalon (10.3 pmol), the nucleus preopticus (13.1 pmol), nucleus lateralis tuberis (11.0 pmol) and nucleus recessus posterioris (12.0 pmol) of the diencephalon, the tectum opticum (15.4 pmol) and torus semicircularis (13.6 pmol) of the mesencephalon, and the caudal cerebellum of the metencephalon (10.8 pmol). The lowest activity was detected in the caudal metencephalon (7.5 pmol). The presence of the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase in the brain of the African catfish and the observation that both catecholestrogens and dopamine can be methylated by this enzyme suggest that catecholestrogens can influence the methylation (inactivation) of dopamine. Incubations of forebrain homogenates with dopamine and catecholestrone or catecholestradiol confirmed that both catecholestrogens can inhibit the methylation of dopamine. Lineweaver-burk plots with various concentrations of the catecholestrogens indicated that the inhibition is competitive. Dixon plots from the inhibition studies gave inhibition constants of 1.4 and 0.6 μM for catecholestrone and catecholestradiol, respectively, indicating that catecholestradiol is a two times stronger inhibitor than catecholestrone. The significance of the inhibition of the methylation of dopamine by the catecholestrogens in the brain is discussed in the light of the negative feedback of gonadal steroids on the central regulation of reproductive processes.  相似文献   

We quantified microhabitat selection of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at 2 flows (low= 1.13 m3. s?1 and high =4.95 m3. s?1) in the Pit River, California. Flows were controlled by an upstream dam and habitat availability was similar during 4 sampling periods at low flow and 2 periods at high flow. A principal components analysis reduced 6 microhabitat variables to 3 new variables that explained 80% of the observed variance. The 3 components loaded heavily on velocity variables, depth variables and substrate. Microhabitat selection generally differed among macrohabitats (i. e., pools, runs, and riffles). Rainbow trout selected different microhabitats at high flow relative to low flow in response to the availability of deeper, faster water. At low flow, depth and velocity selection were positively correlated with seasonal temperature change for adults but not juveniles. Rainbow trout apparently sought shelter in interstitial spaces in the substrate of runs and riffles during the day in early winter. Generally, large rainbow trout were observed in pools, intermediate-sized fish in runs, and small trout in riffles. The largest fish occurred in slow, deep areas of pools, where they moved slowly without orientation to flow and were not observed feeding, whereas small fish generally faced upstream and fed in all habitat types. Foraging forays were directed up in the water column at velocities similar to the mean water column velocities at holding positions. Rainbow trout were the most abundant species in 76% of the population survey stations. Other species that might have influenced microhabitat selection by rainbow trout were uncommon.  相似文献   

The dynamics of catecholamine (CA)-synthesis enzymes have been poorly studied in fish. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme of CA synthesis has been only studied inin vitro conditions. In the present report thein vivo CA synthesis and the CA metabolism were studied in different regions of the forebrain of the rainbow trout. Levels of norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and the rate of accumulation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) were determined by HPLC following a treatment with hydroxybenzylhydrazine (NSD), a potential inhibitor of DOPA decarboxylase. Kinetics of the accumulation of DOPA and of the decline of DOPAC were in agreement with those found in rat, evidencing that the accumulation of DOPA following NSD can be used in trout to quantify thein vivo enzymatic activity of tyrosine hydroxylase. Experiments using treatment with NSD or with methyl-p-tyrosine reached a same conclusion: the DA neuronal activity in trout is much higher than NE neuronal activity. However, the hypothalamus had high DA levelsvs. lowin vitro andin vivo TH activities and exhibited a low CA turnover.  相似文献   

The mechanisms behind the pathogenesis of rainbow trout gastroenteritis (RTGE) are still unknown. This study examined the macroscopic and microscopic changes in trout with RTGE (RTGE+), as well as the blood chemistry. A total of 464 rainbow trout were sampled from 11 sites in the UK, comprising 152 RTGE+ fish and 330 random, apparently healthy fish. A case definition for RTGE was assessed by the analysis of its agreement with three laboratory tests: histopathology, packed cell volume and kidney bacteriology. Cluster analysis indicated the presence of three distinct presentations within the population of RTGE+ fish. Cluster A included gross signs associated with moribund RTGE+ fish, and clusters B and C identified gross signs consistent with concurrent diseases, notably furunculosis, enteric redmouth and proliferative kidney disease. The information gained was used to select RTGE+ fish without concurrent disease for the analysis of RTGE pathogenesis with blood biochemistry. This analysis revealed a severe osmotic imbalance and a reduced albumin/globulin ratio as indicatives of selective loss of albumin. These findings are compatible with a protein losing enteropathy.  相似文献   

In this study, the direct actions of serotonin (5HT) on gonadotropin (GTH)-II and growth hormone (GH) release in the goldfish were tested at the pituitary cell level. 5HT (10 nM - 10 µM) stimulated GTH-II but inhibited GH release from perifused goldfish pituitary cells in a dose-dependent manner. The minimal effective dose of 5HT tested to suppress basal GH secretion (10 nM) was 10-fold lower than that to stimulate GTH-II release (100 nM). The GTH-II releasing effect of 5HT was abolished by repeated 5HT treatment (10 µM) whereas the corresponding inhibition on GH release was unaffected. These results suggest that 5HT receptors on goldfish gonadotrophs and somatotrophs exhibit intrinsic differences in terms of sensitivity to stimulation and resistance to desensitization. Salmon GTH-releasing hormone (sGnRH, 100 nM) stimulated GTH-II and GH release from goldfish pituitary cells. The GTH-II releasing action of sGnRH was unaffected by simultaneous treatment of 5HT (1 µM). However, the corresponding GH response to sGnRH (100 nM) was inhibited. In the goldfish, dopamine is known to stimulate GH release through activation of pituitary D1 receptors. In the present study, the GH-releasing action of dopamine (1 µM) and the D1 agonist SKF38393 (1 µM) was significantly reduced by 5HT (1 µM). To examine the receptor specificity of 5HT action, the effects of 5HT1 and 5HT2 analogs on GTH-II and GH release were tested in goldfish pituitary cells. The 5HT1 agonist 8OH DPAT (0.1 and 1µM) and 5HT2 agonist methyl 5HT (0.1 1µM) mimicked the GTH-II releasing effect of 5HT. The 5HT1 agonist 8OH DPAT (0.1 and 1µM) also stimulated GH release but the 5HT2 agonist methyl 5HT (0.1 and 1µM) was inhibitory to basal GH secretion. In addition, 5HT (1µM) -stimulated GTH-II release was abolished by the 5HT1 antagonist methiothepin (10µM) and 5HT2 antagonist mianserin (10µM). Similarly, the inhibitory action of 5HT (1µM) on basal GH release was blocked by the 5HT2 antagonist mianserin (10µM). The 5HT1 antagonist methiothepin (10µM) was not effective in this regard. These results, taken together, indicate that 5HT exerts its regulatory actions on GTH-II and GH release in the goldfish directly at the pituitary cell level, probably through interactions with other regulators including sGnRH and dopamine. The GTH-II releasing action of 5HT is mediated through 5HT2 and possibly 5HT1 receptors. The inhibition of 5HT on basal GH release is mediated through 5HT2 receptors only. Apparently, 5HT1 receptors are not involved in this inhibitory action. In this study, a paradoxical stimulatory component of 5HT on GH release by activating 5HT1 receptors is also implicated.  相似文献   

Effective methods of producing instantaneous and irreversible unconsciousness at the time of slaughter are crucial for ensuring animal welfare in commercial aquaculture. However, the traditional method of visually evaluating unconsciousness has been shown to be insufficient and may lead to misjudgements of stunning efficiency. In this study, we developed a non‐invasive technique that measures brain activity in fish as an alternative to traditional invasive, brain implants and used it to determine when a change in consciousness occurs in trout during anaesthesia induction. Nine rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were equipped with a custom designed silicone cup fitted with electrodes and submerged in 10°C water with dissolved MS‐222. During anaesthesia, the state of consciousness was assessed by recordings of electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG recordings were analysed both by visually evoked responses from light stimulation (VERs) and from changes in signal amplitude, median frequency and relative signal power. According to the loss of VERs and decrease in signal amplitude, trout transitioned to surgical depth of anaesthesia within 5 min. Our results show that consciousness, or loss of, can be determined using a non‐invasive system to record EEG in fish.  相似文献   

Infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is the causative agent of infectious haematopoietic necrosis, a disease of salmonid responsible for great economic losses. The disease occurs in most parts of the world where rainbow trout is reared but has not been previously reported in Kenya. In this study, rainbow trout fry and growers from two farms in Nyeri County were screened for IHNV. Whole fry (n = 4 from each farm) and kidney samples from growers (n = 15 and n = 6 from the two farms, respectively) were collected and preserved for cell culture examination or PCR analysis. Screening of samples was done by PCR followed by sequencing of the glycoprotein gene of the virus. Demonstration of the virus was done by propagation in EPC cells followed by the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). The results revealed the presence of IHNV at low prevalence of 0.1 and 0.4 for the two farms. The virus was confirmed both by IFAT and by partial sequencing of the G gene. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Kenyan isolates were identical to those of the J genogroup found mostly in Asia. The findings have implications for biosecurity measures and import regulations for the Kenyan rainbow trout industry.  相似文献   

Two time-course experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding and fasting on the plasma ratio of tryptophan (trp) to the large neutral amino acids (LNAA), (trp/LNAA ratio) and brain serotonin (5-HT) turnover in rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss. Trout were fasted overnight or for 3 days and were then either fed or continued to be fasted for up to a further 3 days. Changes in plasma trp, plasma trp/LNAA ratio, brain trp, brain 5-HT, brain 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio were determined over time. Feeding decreased the plasma trp/LNAA ratio, brain trp and the brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio. In addition, in fish sampled over 3 days, there appeared to be a rhythm in plasma trp and the brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio which was independent of feeding. These results indicate that in rainbow trout, feeding is a sufficient physiological event to decrease brain 5-HT turnover. Furthermore, feeding-independent changes in the brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio, which were evident in fasted fish sampled over 3 days, also suggest an additional, non-feeding-related modulator(s) of brain 5-HT turnover in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) treatment with oleate or octanoate induced in Brockmann bodies (BB) and liver of rainbow trout changes in several parameters related to fatty acid (FA) sensing through FA metabolism, FA transport through FA translocase (FAT/CD36) and mitochondrial activity. Changes observed in BB were completely different to those observed in previous studies after treatment with the same FA either intraperitoneal (IP) or in vitro. Therefore, FA sensing in BB is apparently direct and not related to previous FA sensing in hypothalamus, but it could be influenced by changes in the levels of peripheral hormones like insulin. In contrast, results obtained after ICV treatment with FA in liver were comparable to those observed after IP treatment but different to those observed after in vitro treatment. Therefore, FA sensing in liver is apparently indirect and be the consequence of previous hypothalamic FA sensing followed by vagal and/or sympathetic outflow.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to induce Lactococcus garvieae infection in young and adult fish through different routes [intraperitoneal (IP) and immersion (IM)] and to investigate the pathogenesis and histopathological and immunohistochemical findings comparatively. For this purpose, a total of 180 rainbow trout (90 young, 20 ± 5 g and 90 adult, 80 ± 10 g) obtained from a commercial fish farm were used. The fish were divided into eight groups, four experimental groups (Young‐Adult IP groups and Young‐Adult IM groups, each contain 30 fish) and four control groups (Young‐Adult IP Control groups and Young‐Adult IM control groups, each contain 15 fishes). The experimental study was conducted using L. garvieae, and confirmatory identification was performed by PCR. The sequence result of the PCR amplicon of 16S rDNA from isolate L. garvieae LAC1 was determined and deposited in the GenBank database under accession number KC883976 . Fish in the IP groups were intraperitoneally administered an inoculate containing 10cfu mL?1 bacteria 0.1 mL. In the IM groups, fish were kept in inoculated water containing 10cfu mL?1 bacteria for 20 min. Mortality as well as clinical and pathological findings was recorded daily, and significant differences in macroscopic and microscopic results were observed between the IP and IM administration groups. All tissue samples were immunohistochemically stained by the avidin‐biotin‐peroxidase complex and immunofluorescence (IF) methods using polyclonal antibody to detect L. garvieae antigens. In immunoperoxidase staining in the IP groups, positive reactions to bacterial antigens were most commonly seen in the spleen, kidney, heart, liver, peritoneum and swim bladder. In the IM groups, bacterial antigens were most commonly found in the eye, gill, spleen and kidney. In the IF method, the distribution of antigens in tissue and organs was similar to the reactions with immunoperoxidase staining. Finally, in this experimental study, an important correlation was seen between the distribution of L. garvieae antigens and lesions developing in many organ and tissues.  相似文献   

A stock of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, held at an experimental facility, was found to be heavily infested with the lernmaeapodid copepod Salmincola californiensis. The efficacy and effects of treatment were compared with ivermectin or manual removal of parasites as a means of control of S. californiensis. One group of fish was orally intubated with 0.2 mg ivermectin active ingredient kg-1 fish. A second treatment was administered after a further 14 days. In a second group of fish, parasites were manually removed from the gills using forceps. These fish were sampled for up to 21 days post-first removal of parasites. In the ivermectin-treated fish adult parasites became inactive and changed colour within 18 h of the initial treatment. Copepods began to disappear by day 3 post-treatment and by day 31 almost all embedded female parasites had disappeared. Gills were clinically normal apart from cavitation deformity resulting from parasite attachment. Post-ivermectin treatment, there was an increase in the number of eosinophilic granular cells surrounding the bulla of attached S. californiensis, but from day 31 post-treatment these were replaced by macrophages and epithelioid cells to form a necrotic focus. In manually picked fish there was extensive haemorrhage in the interlamellar spaces as a result of parasite removal. At sites of parasite removal tissue necrosis was minimal and healing was rapid. At the end of the sampling period the structure of the gill was improved. The use of oral dosage with ivermectin is an effective treatment for S. californiensis and could be particularly beneficial for use with endangered salmon broodstocks infested with the parasite.  相似文献   

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