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龙超 《国际木业》2008,38(8):24-25
预测变化我们将整体北美针叶锯材预期消费平均提高了2%。这是加拿大国内消费走强、美国对于维修和改造方面消费增加,以及对于海外贸易(出口增加和进口降低)需求增加的综合结果。  相似文献   

欧洲EUROPE北欧和中欧的锯材原木价格下行但东欧的锯材价格保持稳定或略升《木材资源季刊》的报告指出,由于制材部门的原木需求量降低,2012年欧洲的锯材原木价格整体上低于2011年。木材市场的低迷迫使欧洲大陆的很多制材厂缩减了产量。北欧国家的原木价格跌幅最大,而东欧的原木价格保持稳定,甚至在  相似文献   

欧洲EUROPESdra公司再次削减针叶材锯材生产瑞典:Sdra公司已经对针叶锯材市场销售疲软的情况做出反应,8月底削减其在拉姆克维拉(Ramkvilla)、图绍斯市(Torss)和Lngasj工厂的生产量总计约5万~6万m3。第1步,在拉  相似文献   

程实 《国际木业》2010,(6):33-33
加拿大:不列颠哥伦比亚省木材生产商双喜临门,木材价格正在不断提高;从6月1日起,向美国出口针叶材产品的税率已调整为零。  相似文献   

修木 《国际木业》2010,(6):33-34
加拿大:由于将实行木材出口零税率,美国对加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省大量的低成本采伐的高价针叶材感到忧虑。加拿大West Fraser木材公司首席执行官Hank Ketcham认为加拿大行将进入与美国木材贸易的新时代。在未来几年内,加拿大可以自由地、无关税地向美国出口针叶材。  相似文献   

陈玲 《国际木业》2010,(11):47-48
加拿大:国家选择专业木材公司(National Choice Specialty Wood)制材厂在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia)麦克布赖德(McBride)重新开张。  相似文献   

陈玲 《国际木业》2012,(6):52-53
2011年年底美国和加拿大针叶锯材需求略有增长,2012年至今仍然有增无减。2012年第1季度北美针叶锯材消费量比去年同期高约6%,达2600万m^3。这主要归因于过去几个月天气异常温和,使美国和加拿大的建筑施工活动持续不断,在冬季连续使用针叶锯材。  相似文献   

预测概要 最近一个季度以来,居民住房建设市场已经下陷,据RISI预测这种情况将会持续到2008年第3季度.但是,到今年年底为止,居民住房建设将会持续稳定,2009年将会略有上升.我们预计这种反弹将会缓慢积聚动力.之所以作出住宅供给恢复的预测是基于购买能力提高、新建住宅总量下降、抵押市场信贷条件的放松(虽然有限).随着建设活动衰退,我们预计在2008年第4季度,消费将会出现循环性下降.预计直到今年年底为止,下降速度将会很缓慢,而终端使用市场将会开始稳定.随着2009年居民住房建设活动的增加,在预测的后几个月中,消费将会略有升高.  相似文献   

北美锯材产品的价格大幅上涨,1月份和2月份均涨了3000日元,可以肯定的是木材价格在3月还会上涨。在3月12日举行的"日本-北美木材会议(Japan NorthAmerican Lumber Conference)"在京滨的月会上获悉,铁杉(hemlock)和北美黄衫(Douglas fir,花旗松)的价格上涨了2000日元/m~3。一位与会者说:"过去听说在价  相似文献   

龙超 《国际木业》2009,39(5):28-28
6cm截面的促销价跌破200大关 贸易的季节性略微上扬在中欧指接框架(FJC)市场正在缓慢地显现出来。传统指接框架制造商表示,在过去几天内需求增加。在此情况下,这种趋势明显将会导致订单增加,并使得两班运转的生产工厂具有令人满意的运转率。  相似文献   

秦莉 《国际木业》2011,41(2):21
2010年第2及第3季度,北美个别地区针叶材锯材的产量呈显著上升趋势。总的来说,与第2季度相比,第3季度的生产总量有2%的增长。同时,加拿大BC省的针叶锯材产量有2%的增长,美国内陆地区的针叶材产量增幅为6%。所有其它地区的产量在第2季度均呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

Information on carbon (C) sequestration potential of agroforestry practices (AP) is needed to develop economically beneficial and ecologically and environmentally sustainable agriculture management plans. The synthesis will provide a review of C sequestration opportunities for AP in temperate North America and the estimated C sequestration potential in the US. We estimated carbon sequestration potential for silvopasture, alley cropping, and windbreaks in the US as 464, 52.4, and 8.6?Tg?C?yr?1, respectively. Riparian buffers could sequester an additional 4.7?Tg?C?yr?1 while protecting water quality. Thus, we estimate the potential for C sequestration under various AP in the US to be 530?Tg?yr?1. The C sequestered by AP could help offset current US emission rate of 1,600?Tg?C?yr?1 from burning fossil fuel (coal, oil, and gas) by 33?%. Several assumptions about the area under different AP in the US were used to estimate C sequestration potential: 76?million?ha under silvopasture (25?million?ha or 10?% of pasture land and 51?million?ha of grazed forests), 15.4?million?ha (10?% of total cropland) under alley cropping, and 1.69?million?ha under riparian buffers. Despite data limitation and uncertainty of land area, these estimates indicate the important role agroforestry could play as a promising CO2 mitigation strategy in the US and temperate North America. The analysis also emphasizes the need for long-term regional C sequestration research for all AP, standardized protocols for C quantification and monitoring, inventory of AP, models to understand long-term C sequestration, and site-specific agroforestry design criteria to optimize C sequestration.  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems in North America   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agroforestry systems in North America vary widely in terms of components (tree, forb, graminoid, and shrub species) and outputs. Most of the agroforestry systems used in North America have emphasized wood and livestock production. The objective of each system has been to produce annual and long term economic returns and sustainable yields. Inputs such as fossil fuels, fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides are relatively low compared to those used in conventional agriculture.Major agroforestry system types in each of eight North American regions are described. The major species used as vegetational components in each system are enumerated by region. The numerous variations in how these components are mixed have created an almost endless number of actual systems. Management problems and solutions, economic concerns, and system comparisons have also been addressed for each region.  相似文献   

Garrett  H.E.  Kerley  M.S.  Ladyman  K.P.  Walter  W.D.  Godsey  L.D.  Van Sambeek  J.W.  Brauer  D.K. 《Agroforestry Systems》2004,61(1-3):21-33
Agroforestry Systems - Hardwood silvopasture management has great potential throughout the Central Hardwood Region in the United States, but has been little utilized due to the lack of available...  相似文献   

果明 《国际木业》2008,38(5):40-41
据国家海关最近公布的去年我国进口木材情况的统计数据表明,去年我国全年进口原木总数量达到了3709.08万m^3,价值金额为535061万美元,单价水平为144.26美元/m^3。按进口价值金额多少排名,前10名的国家分别为:俄罗斯、巴布亚新几内亚、加蓬、马来西亚、所罗门群岛、新西兰、美国、缅甸、赤道几内亚和越南等。下面我们分别对以上这些国家对我国出口原木的情况做一个简单的比较(如下表)。  相似文献   

北美规格材机械分等综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
规格材的机械分等方法是北美一种很重要的分等体系, 即采用机械应力测定设备对木材进行非破坏性试验, 按测定的木材弯曲强度和弹性模量确定木材的材质等级。用于机械分等规格材的分选参数可以因不同工厂机械的具体情况而进行调整, 较目测分等更能适应现代化木材工业的发展要求。文中从分等方法的诞生、机械分等与目测分等相互关系、机械分等方法和标准、分等机构设置等方面介绍了北美规格材机械分等, 在此基础上分析了中国规格材分等的现状并对中国规格材分等提出了参考建议。  相似文献   


Pine-dominated forests in southeastern North America and at low-to-mid elevations in western North America historically were characterized by frequent, low-intensity fire that maintained wide spacing of site-adapted tree species, conditions that optimized biochemical defenses of trees and dispersal distances of herbivorous insects. Mixed conifer forests at higher elevations were wetter, denser, and characterized by infrequent stand-replacing fire and relatively isolated insect outbreaks. Increased density and altered tree species composition in managed forests have increased forest vulnerability to extensive outbreaks of bark beetles and defoliators. Herbivore-generated tree mortality and litter accumulation increase the likelihood of catastrophic fire. Management practices that produce an appropriate mixture of site-adapted tree species and wide host spacing are recommended to minimize the negative effects of herbivorous insects and fire. However, the creation of stumps, as a result of mechanical thinning, can favor lower-bole and root-colonizing insects that also may vector root diseases.  相似文献   

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