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P. Rydahl 《EPPO Bulletin》2003,33(3):455-460
A Danish decision support system (DSS) named Crop Protection Online (CPO) for integrated management of weeds in cereals and beet has been developed during the past 20 years. CPO is based on a model that runs in three main steps: model step 1 quantifies the level of weed control needed on a field level, model step 2 selects candidate herbicides and calculates dose rates to meet the need, and model step 3 calculates tank mixtures of herbicides with two to four mixing components, if advantageous. CPO has been developed in cereals and beet, and various prototype versions have been validated in 1679 field tests. CPO secured yield potentials, and the level of residual weeds was not increased when compared with reference treatments. The potential of CPO to reduce herbicide use has been observed in all model crops, but the potential was greatest in cereals. In spring cereal field trials highly infested with weeds, the present version of CPO suggested 35% of one full herbicide dose on average and in winter cereals CPO suggested 44% on average of one full dose. The results from validation trials demonstrate that CPO is capable of suggesting robust treatment options with a low input of herbicides. The system architecture of CPO has been exported to Poland and the Baltic countries, and the system is expected to be suitable for export to other countries too.  相似文献   

In many European countries, factors important for decision‐making in plant protection, such as biology, weather and environmental conditions, crop management level and their relationships, have been incorporated into decision‐support systems (DSSs). In 1996, a project was jointly elaborated, and research was started by the Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture and the Lithuanian and Danish Agricultural Advisory Services. This research was focused on the testing, development and adaptation of a Danish computer‐based decision‐support and information system (PC‐Plant Protection) for plant protection under Lithuanian conditions. Trials were carried out by the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture in 1996/1998 to investigate the potential for reducing fungicide inputs in cereal production in different regions of Lithuania representing typical local agrometeorological conditions. On the basis of the trials, the following conclusions were drawn: the reduced doses and fungicide combinations recommended by the DSS gave rather good control of diseases; spraying according to the recommendations of the DSS increased yield significantly in all experiments and allowed saving in fungicides; some models, e.g. for Leptosphaeria nodorum, were not fully suitable for Lithuanian conditions and need to be developed further.  相似文献   

Plant pathologists have traditionally worked in the area of clarifying and understanding the disease cycles of specific diseases, factors influencing epidemiology, yield loss potential and host-pathogen interactions in order to be able to minimise the disease risk, build warning systems or recommend specific control thresholds in relation to the application of fungicides. The decision support system Crop Protection Online (CPO) is an example of a threshold-based system that determines economically viable fungicide strategies. The system is based on using appropriate doses aimed at minimising the overall pesticide input. CPO is used widely by advisors and many of the thresholds are generally accepted and disseminated through newsletters. The national figures for the use of fungicides in cereals have shown a major reduction during the last 20 years and their use today is much in line with the level that can be achieved from using CPO as indicated from validation trials. The number of end-users among farmers has been stable at around 3% during the last 10 years (800–1,000 farmers). Major hurdles in increasing the number of users are believed to be: (1) the requirements for carrying out assessments in the field, (2) farm sizes getting larger, leaving less time for decision making for individual fields, (3) lack of economic incentives to change from standard treatments, (4) the failure of decision support systems to interact with other computer-based programmes on the farm, (5) the lack of compatibility of decision support systems with farmers’ ways of making decisions on crop protection in general, (6) the need for direct interactions with advisors. A sociological investigation into the farmers’ way of making decisions in the area of crop protection has shown that arable farmers can be divided into three major groups: (a) systems-orientated farmers, (b) experienced-based farmers and (c) advisory-orientated farmers. The information required by these three groups is different and has to be looked at individually from the end-user’s perspective rather than from the scientist’s perspective. New ways of entering the decision support system where specific field inspections are omitted and where regional disease data are relied on, have been investigated and tested in field trials. The results show possibilities for further developments in that direction, which might be one way of gaining more end-users.  相似文献   

E. Bouma 《EPPO Bulletin》2000,30(1):65-68
Reduction in the amount of active substance and reduced dependence on chemical plant production products are the main items in the Dutch Government Multiyear Crop Protection Plan. There are problems in reaching this goal, as weather conditions in The Netherlands are very beneficial to all kinds of fungal diseases. Such diseases have to be controlled by applications of preventive fungicides, and it is quite regular to use a spray interval of 6–7 days. Another problem is application at the wrong time. With the help of decision‐support systems (DSSs), it is possible to calculate the period of protection by a product, the danger of an infection period and the moment of highest efficacy. DLV‐Meteo offers advice based on five DSSs for individual pests (Prophy, onion leaf spot disease, Botrypré, Mycos and Contapré) and on a general DSS for application at the time of day that ensures highest efficacy (Gewis).  相似文献   

The main agricultural crops where decision support systems (DSS) can be used via the Internet in Latvia are winter and spring cereals and potato. Two PC‐based models, forming part of a Danish DSS, were tested under the agroecological conditions of Latvia in 1999/2002: PC‐Plant Protection to control diseases in cereals and several modifications of the NegFry model for prediction of potato late blight. The results of 4 years of trials suggest that models that satisfy the needs of one pest may not fit another. The main reasons for failure to adapt PC models are differences in cultivar susceptibility, differences in pathogenicity, simultaneous action of other organisms and spatial placement of crops (forests, rivers and fallow land). For example, it is well known that, with the recent global migration of more aggressive strains and populations of Phytophthora infestans, late blight epidemics have become less predictable and, at the same time, less controllable in potato‐growing areas. For cereals, there is a different spectrum of prevailing pathogens, causing different levels of damage, requiring incorporation into models of thresholds corresponding to local conditions. Data from weekly monitoring of local fields, warnings about the local situation and meteorological information via the Internet are the most important computer‐aided elements for experts in plant protection.  相似文献   

Pesticide resistance management needs an indication of the risk of resistance developing in pests against pesticide applications. This paper describes an evaluation system for the ranking of these risks. The term pests includes all organisms which are causing economic damage in agriculture, including weeds and plant pathogens. The system distinguishes six broad risk categories. It is based on expert judgement of answers to a maximum of ten questions on crop husbandry, pest biology and pest control. The system has been developed for registration purposes in The Netherlands, and is currently being discussed within the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO). ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

In order to provide recommendations for future cropping systems with regard to the necessary minimum of pesticide use, a long-term field trial at the field site in Dahnsdorf of the Julius Kühn-Institute was conducted in the years 2004 to 2016 to investigate possible reduction of pesticides, taking into account the general principles of integrated pest management (Strategies to reduce the use of plant protection products). Two winter wheats (WW1 and WW2) were part of the crop rotation with six components and different quality classes (A wheat (WW1) and E wheat (WW2)) and resistance levels to important wheat pathogens. In all years, herbicides and fungicides were needed to control weeds and fungal pathogens due to the excess of the control threshold. Insecticides were only necessary in two years. When considering the treatment frequency index (TFI), the mean overall TFI varied with 2.6 in WW1 and 3.5 in WW2, but was significantly lower compared to practice. There were also differences in the mean fungicide TFI of the two crop rotation elements with 1.1 in WW1 and 1.6 in WW2 due to their different resistance level to important fungal pathogens. The same is true with regard to the herbicide TFI with of 1.1 in WW1 and 1.3 in WW2. The treatments in the strategies 2, 3 and 4 mostly resulted in significantly higher yields compared to the non-chemical strategy 1, which can be attributed to the strong weed and fungal infestations in strategy 1 and the good efficacy of the used plant protection products. The tended differences between strategy 2 with a situation-related application rate and the 25 and 50% reduced application rates in strategies 3 and 4, respectively, were not significant. A reduced application rate showed no negative long-term effects on weed emergence even after 13 years, but increased emergence numbers in strategies with reduced herbicide use. The results show that plant protection products savings are possible without significantly reducing yields. However, this requires a high level of human resources for monitoring and scoring the consistent observance of the principles of integrated pest management, such as the consideration of good crop rotation, the cultivation of resistant cultivars and the optimally coordinated treatments after the control threshold has been exceeded.  相似文献   

One of the programs utilized by PPQ-APHIS-USDA2) to prevent the introduction of hazardous pests and pathogens is known as preclearance. Preclearance relies more on inspection at origin than it does on inspection upon arrival or entry into the United States. Two such programs have been developed by PPQ for plant materials. One, established in 1951, is for bulbs, while the other, established in 1975, is for a few ornamental crops. The USDA, in co-operation with the Plant Protection Services of the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Fed. Rep. of Germany, Israel and South Africa, has been performing preclearance for bulbous plant propagative materials. Flower bulbs are being precleared in all of the above countries at the request of the exporter's groups of the respective countries. The objective of this clearance is to facilitate the entry of this material, reduce the chances of introducing plant pests and diseases into the United States, and save APHIS manpower at US ports of entry. This is achieved by having USDA personnel working cooperatively with foreign plant protection services in the inspection of material in the field and packing houses in the country of origin. Detection and elimination of plant pests and diseases is a co-operative effort for mutual benefit of both parties.  相似文献   

E. Bouma 《EPPO Bulletin》2003,33(3):461-466
Since the middle of the 1980s, Dutch farmers have been using decision support systems (DSS) as an aid in the control of pests. This started with EPIPRE, then weather-related potato blight warning systems were developed (Prophy and Plant-Plus). In the 1990s, many weather-based DSS were developed against pests of orchards, flower bulbs, arable crops and field-produced vegetables. Also, a DSS was developed to predict and check the effect of meteorological conditions on the effectiveness of application timing of plant protection products (GEWIS). The use of these systems resulted in more sustainable crop protection: sustainable because the use of DSS led to a lower risk of crop damage and, in many cases, to a lower input of active substances, by optimization of the product and dose to actual phytosanitary and meteorological conditions. The use of GEWIS to ensure application at the right time of day further reduced the input of active substances and increased efficacy.  相似文献   

E. Bouma 《EPPO Bulletin》2007,37(2):247-254
Initiatives such as Videotext and forecasting models resulted in a relatively fast introduction of computer technology on to farms at the end of the 1980s. In several countries there were developments to create models for supervised control and data exchange became digital. Most models were developed for diseases that could expand very rapidly, or diseases that should be controlled regularly. In the 1990s, development of weather‐related Decision Support Systems (DSSs) began. It is important to use the optimal way to disseminate information to the target group; which can differ between or even within countries. The use of DSSs results in a lower risk of crop damage by diseases and pests, and a lower input of active substances, from the use of adjusted dosages. Future developments may include the possibility of implementing a number of DSS‐models into a Geographical Information System, which will support precision agriculture by providing adjusted spraying advice based on plot‐specific characteristics. The success of DSSs is despite its development occurring independently in a number of countries. The speed of development of these systems would have been substantially faster had there been real cooperation between countries or groups of researchers. In order to withstand funding reductions, it is necessary for the development of new DSSs that collaboration between researchers and research groups internationally increases significantly in the near future.  相似文献   

The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) aims to prevent the entry and spread of organisms harmful to both cultivated and wild plants. Basing their activities on those of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the International Plant Protection Convention, the EPPO is developing a new concept for invasive alien species and ‘plants as pests’. A pest risk analysis is necessary in most cases to identify which organisms should be regulated and how. In accordance with the International Plant Protection Convention, an EPPO risk assessment standard exists for this purpose which has now been revised to be applicable also to potentially invasive alien plants and assess the effects they pose to the uncultivated environment. In 2003, the EPPO sent a questionnaire to its 44 member states asking for plants which have been intentionally or unintentionally introduced and are considered invasive. The member countries reported hundreds of species, of which 42 were selected for further assessment. This may result in recommendations for regulations and measures against the introduction and spread of all or some of these plants.  相似文献   

The principal potato pests controlled with plant protection products in Ukraine are Leptinotarsa decemlineata and Phytophthora infestons. Results are presented of trials of insecticides and fungicides against these pests. As a result, Sumi-alfa 5% EC (a.s. esfenvalerate), Karate water-soluble granules (a.s. lambda-cyhalothrin) and Betabytroid 2.5% EC (a.s. beta-cyfluthrin) were recommended for full-scale testing against Colorado beetle in Ukraine. Sul'fokarbation and EKhR 19517 were recommended for full-scale testing against potato blight.  相似文献   

Climate change influences on pests and pathogens are mainly plant-mediated. Rising carbon dioxide and temperature and altered precipitation modifies plant growth and development with concomitant changes in canopy architecture, size, density, microclimate and the quantity of susceptible tissue. The modified host physiology and canopy microclimate at elevated carbon dioxide influences production, dispersal and survival of pathogen inoculum and feeding behaviour of insect pests. Elevated temperature accelerates plant growth and developmental rates to modify canopy architecture and pest and pathogen development. Altered precipitation affects canopy architecture through either drought or flooding stress with corresponding effects on pests and pathogens. But canopy-level interactions are largely ignored in epidemiology models used to project climate change impacts. Nevertheless, models based on rules of plant morphogenesis have been used to explore pest and pathogen dynamics and their trophic interactions under elevated carbon dioxide. The prospect of modifying canopy architecture for pest and disease management has also been raised. We offer a conceptual framework incorporating canopy characteristics in the traditional disease triangle concept to advance understanding of host-pathogen-environment interactions and explore how climate change may influence these interactions. From a review of recent literature we summarize interrelationships between canopy architecture of cultivated crops, pest and pathogen biology and climate change under four areas of research: (a) relationships between canopy architecture, microclimate and host-pathogen interaction; (b) effect of climate change related variables on canopy architecture; (c) development of pests and pathogens in modified canopy under climate change; and (d) pests and pathogen management under climate change.  相似文献   

A decision‐support system (DSS) has been developed for the holistic management of the invertebrate pest complex of rape. Traditionally, management of one pest has been done in isolation from any other. However, the control tactics used for one may impinge upon the management of other invertebrates. At present, the DSS contains procedures for the concurrent management of five pests. An Internet version of the system has been developed using a combination of Java and Cold Fusion to facilitate the delivery of information.  相似文献   


Eco-climatic niche models are powerful tools for assessing the potential range of plant pests and pathogens, widely applied in comprehensive pest risk assessments globally. We conducted a bibliometric analysis comparing the number of CLIMEX models developed for plant pathogens and plant arthropod pests. We found that plant pathogens were statistically significantly under-represented, with fungal plant pathogens less than half as likely as plant insect pests to be the subject of a published CLIMEX niche model. We explore key factors that may account for this disparity, including inconsistent experimental paradigms and lack of cross-disciplinary (i.e., plant pathology and modelling) expertise.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Microbial pathogens and insect pests frequently share the same host plant, and both can cause severe damage. When surviving on the same host, the fungal...  相似文献   

Data on the occurrence and spread of pests has been supplied by the Hungarian Plant Protection Organization for over 40 years. Since the 1970s, this service has been operated by the central station and the 20 county stations of the Plant Protection Organization. Data recorded on pest occurrence and developmental stage of pests and plants has been used to run a forecasting system at local and national levels. However, because of significant staff reductions in the Plant Protection Organization and the disappearance of independent forecasting groups, the reliability of the system, which was based on very specific data, has decreased. It has become necessary to develop a more reliable and flexible computer‐aided system (Plant Protection Information System, PPIS), better adjusted to the political and economic changes that have occurred. A major element of the new system, introduced in 1997, is that excessively detailed recording was replaced by a more practical general approach with fewer subjective errors. Specialists from the county stations of the Plant Protection Organization monitor infestation levels of 73 pests in 20 crops using five qualification categories. The results obtained are input into the PPIS program, which processes them into user‐friendly charts and maps showing the plant health situation in each county and in the country as a whole, as a basis for taking decisions on plant protection measures.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Root-knot nematodes are major agricultural pests that attack a wide range of crops around the world. They are endoparasitic pathogens that cause galls on...  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is considered as one of the most important staple foods in the world. Classical breeding for resistance to pests, pathogens...  相似文献   

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