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高温水蒸气处理固定大青杨木材横纹压缩变形的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘君良  李坚  刘一星  杨霞 《林业科学》2003,39(1):126-131
采用高温水蒸气处理和加热处理固定大青杨木材压缩变形,并对两种处理结果进行比较。测定了木材的抗胀(缩)率(ASE)、阻湿率(MEE)、质量损失率(WL)、压缩率、压缩变形恢复率等各项指标。结果表明:无论是高温加热处理还是高温水蒸气处理,木材的尺寸稳定性明显得到提高。在相同温度条件下,当ASE的值超过50%时,高温水蒸气处理所需要的时间远远小于高温加热处理所需要的时间,当温度为180℃时加热处理需要15-20h,而水蒸气处理仅需要8min,压缩变形被固定。  相似文献   

数字化木材横纹压缩试验测试系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙丽萍  崔永志 《木材工业》1997,11(2):22-23,29
以日本岛津公司AG-10TA型木材万能力学试验机(精度可达1‰)及该机配置的力学传感器,绘图记录仪为基础,与自行配置的A/D转换器,数据采集软件与计算机接口联机,共同构成数字化木材横纹压缩试验测试系统。  相似文献   

木材横纹压缩大变形应力—应变关系的定量表征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘一星  则元京 《林业科学》1995,31(5):436-442
在100-1300kg/m^3的密度变范围选取17种阔叶树试材,采用典型的6种木木材压缩加工条件(气干,20℃饱水20℃;饱水100℃3种条件与约束条件相结合),进行横纹大变形压缩试验和数字化数据采集,经数据分析处理,建立了定量描述木材横纹压缩大米表全领域应力-应变关系的数学表达式。该式的适用性对本试验范围内的各树种、压缩工艺有效,计算值与实测值十分吻合。  相似文献   

木材横纹压缩过程构造学计算机视觉系统构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在木材横纹压缩大变形领域中,连续跟踪木材横纹压缩过程,研究其构造学微观形态的变形规律,构建了一套完整的硬件系统和软件系统,为木材科学在木材横纹压缩大变形的定性分析方面步入定量描述奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

压缩密实化是木材提质增优的处理方法之一。木材作为一种具有形状记忆效应的天然有机高分子材料,当被压缩或弯曲后,在温度和湿度等环境因子的影响下容易发生蠕变回复。木材压缩变形的回复对木材制品的尺寸稳定性和力学性能均有重要的影响,研究木材压缩变形固定处理技术对木材加工改性和高效利用具有重要指导意义。概述了木材压缩变形固定处理技术在国内外的研究进展和现状,重点梳理归纳了水热(蒸汽)预处理、压缩后热处理以及化学处理对木材压缩变形固定的研究进展。在此基础上,分析和提出了木材压缩变形固定处理技术的思路和未来发展方向,以期为压缩材的高效加工利用提供科学指导。  相似文献   

以锯切大青杨、旋切白桦、刨切紫椴3种木材薄板为研究对象,用常温水浸泡至饱水状态后不经热软化预处理进行横纹压缩强化,通过扫描电镜观察分析横纹压缩强化前后3种木材的未压缩材和压缩材横、纵切面上的微观结构变化,从微观层面探讨此方法强化3种木材薄板的可行性和有待改进、完善之处.结果表明:3种木材的压缩材横切面上整体变形较均匀,横、纵切面上均未发现压缩裂纹或破坏,纵切面上导管壁均有因压缩产生顺纤维方向的横向挤压折皱条纹;横切面上,大青杨、紫椴压缩材管孔沿压缩方向变形最大,白桦压缩材管孔沿其长轴方向变形最大,并使两侧沿压缩方向、径向排列的木射线细胞和木纤维细胞发生侧向扭曲变形.  相似文献   

根据计算机视觉技术,结合横纹压缩木材构造形态特征,提出了适合于木材横纹压缩过程中构造形态特征的图像处理方法。对图像质量的完善较全面地进行了量化,充分表露出计算机视觉技术在实现木材横纹压缩过程中构造学形态特征动态变化分析中的优越性,实现了木材细胞边缘轮廓的跟踪,形态特征的提取,为木材科学的再发展奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

1 概述 高温高压水蒸汽处理制造压缩矩形木材(简称压密材)的工艺技术研究,是以高效利用低质木材,提高木材利用率的物理加工手段。它在提高劣质材密度、强度等物理力学性能指标的同时,还可提高压密材尺寸的稳定性,而且在整个制造工艺过程中不进行木材的切削加工,简化了加工工艺、提高了木材的利用率及生产效率,对提高我国木材利用的总体水平,提高产品质量、获得高附加值产品,保障林业可持续发展将产生深远的影响,因此其发展前景十分广阔。对于高温高压水蒸汽处理制造压缩矩形木材工艺技术的研究,目前国内外刊物尚少有公开的报道…  相似文献   

水蒸汽处理对五树种压缩变形恢复率力学性能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用180℃水蒸汽、处理时间1—12min对五树种压缩试件进行处理,考察处理时间对压缩变形恢复率及对木材试件力学性能的影响,并探讨了该条件下影响压缩木材变形固定的主要因素。  相似文献   

1994年春在带岭地区建立大青杨基因库,共收集22个产地312个单株,定植后5年调查结果表明,从22个产地中选出生长快、抗性强的5个产地,44个优良单株,这些优良个体可直接扩繁和区域化造林试验,大青杨产地不同,封顶、叶变色、落叶早晚不一,抗病害能力有很大差异。  相似文献   

Three softwood samples and one hardwood sample were tested under a tension load applied along the radial direction using small clear specimens and the local tension strain was measured using the digital image correlation method. We successfully obtained a stress-strain curve with a strain-softening branch by calculating the stress using the strain distributions in the vicinity where the specimen ruptured. The continuous digital imaging of the specimen proved to be very effective for measuring the strain in quasi-brittle materials such as wood under tension. The nonlinearity of the stress-strain curve was quantified using two parameters representing the deviation from linear elasticity, and the formula of the stress-strain curve was deduced from the interrelation between these parameters. This formula is expressed quite simply by using the modulus of elasticity along the radial direction and another constant that is unique to the material. Part of this article was presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Akita, Japan, August 2006  相似文献   

丛枝菌根对大青杨苗木生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用5种丛枝菌根真菌,在不同肥态、肥力水平下对大青杨实生苗进行接种。结果表明:5种真菌都与大青杨形成了菌根,在不施肥情况下Glomusintraradices、G mosseae、G versiforme3个菌种的苗木在苗高、地径、总干生物量上都与对照表现出差异极显著,与菌根侵染率呈正相关。丛枝菌根能增加苗木对难溶性P肥的吸收和利用,特别是G sinuosa与施过磷酸钙(Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O)在有效成分(P2O5)含量0 06g·kg-1土水平下的组合对苗木有良好的促生效果,生物量积累是对照处理的3 58倍;使用G mosseae或G intraradices与施可溶性P肥磷酸氢二钾(K2HPO4),在有效成分(P2O5)含量0 03g·kg-1土水平下的组合时对苗木的促生效果达到最佳,但随着可溶性P浓度增加,丛枝菌根对苗木生物量的积累却有抑制作用;丛枝菌根同样促进苗木对硝态N和铵态N的吸收、利用,G ver -)含量0 08g·kg-1土水平下和G mosseae、siforme、G intraradices与施硝酸钾(KNO3)在有效成分(NO3 )含量0 08g·kg-1土水平下,对苗木都有良G intraradices与施硫酸铵((NH4)2SO4)在有效成分(NH4好的促生效果,总干生物量是对照处理的2 91、2 56和2 70、2 40倍;试验结果同时也表明,根际营养状况是决定菌根侵染率的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

A linear elastic fracture mechanics model for calculation of the splitting strength of dowel-type fastener joints loaded perpendicular to grain (Van der Put/Leijten model) has previously been presented, and now forms the basis for design in Eurocode 5. The original Van der Put/Leijten model was derived using a number of simplifying assumptions, e.g., that the normal forces in the cracked parts of the beam can be ignored, leading to a solution that does not involve the effect of an initial crack. In the present article an extended version of the Van der Put/Leijten model is derived without any simplifying assumptions, and it is shown that the original Van der Put/Leijten model appears as a special case, namely by assuming that only contributions from shear deformations are significant. The model presented here involves the effect of an initial crack and may be characterized as a generalized linear elastic fracture mechanics model. Results of tests showing the influence of initial cracks of various lengths are presented and compared with the predictions.  相似文献   


Knowledge about perpendicular to grain tension behavior of wood is essential, since in construction tension stresses perpendicular to grain cannot be avoided completely. Especially for hardwoods, the data basis is scarce. EN 338 design values are with 0.6 N/mm² characteristic strength set very low. The US-American National Design Specifications even set this value to zero and make local reinforcements mandatory. This paper compares strength and stiffness values attained with newly-designed, little, prismatic specimens and EN 408 structural timber specimens to evaluate the current European design values. Little specimen’s characteristic strength values range from 7.2 to 10.6?N/mm² and are assumed to be real material properties. EN 408 specimen values are with approximately 4.0?N/mm² lower. These lower values are mainly due to stress peaks introduced by the force introduction. Strength values attained for the medium-dense European hardwoods beech, ash and maple exceed EN 338 design values by a factor of six to seven. Adaptation of the EN 338 design value is not recommended, though. The abundance of influencing factors makes clear that the design value and the ensuing design code have to be synchronized carefully by tedious testing in order to make use of the perpendicular to grain tension strength potential of the selected hardwoods.  相似文献   


To correct the empirical design rules for locally loaded beams and blocks of Eurocode 5, the theoretical explanation of these rules and of the applied test data is given. It appears that the design rule may be far too conservative, or too unsafe in other cases, and only approximately applies for thin long bearing blocks and not for the short test specimens and support stresses of beams. The theory of the determining influence of load spreading possibility on the strength is verified by all other sufficient extended investigations leading to simple and reliable design rules.  相似文献   

正交胶合木(CLT)在木结构建筑中应用越来越广泛,特别是在中高层建筑物中。CLT作为楼盖构件使用时,承受柱或墙体施加的垂直荷载,因此CLT产品的设计及应用需要其横纹承压弹性模量和强度方面的参数;改善CLT横纹承压性能,也可以提高整体结构强度和建筑安全系数。文中主要介绍目前CLT横纹承压性能测试方法,总结CLT横纹承压性能影响因素方面的研究进展,以期为国内CLT研究提供参考。  相似文献   

A quasi-non-linear fracture mechanics model based on beam on elastic foundation theory is applied for analysis of the splitting failure of dowel joints loaded perpendicular to grain. Simply supported beams symmetrically loaded by two dowels are considered, and the effects of edge distance, dowel spacing, and distance between dowels and supports are accounted for. The foundation modulus used in the beam on elastic foundation model is chosen so that the perpendicular-to-grain tensile strength and fracture energy properties of the wood are correctly represented. This ensures that a conventional stress analysis and failure criterion lead to the same solution as the compliance method of fracture mechanics. A semiempirical efficiency factor is proposed to account for the influence of the total beam depth, which does not enter the beam on elastic foundation model, but the effect of which is evident from tests. It is shown that the so-called Van der Put/Leijten model, which recently has been adopted in Eurocode 5, appears as a special case of the model presented. Tests on simply supported beams with a single dowel joint at midspan are compared with the theoretical predictions. Various edge distances, beam depths, and spans were tested.  相似文献   

以毛竹为研究对象,通过对不同尺寸的样品进行顺纹压缩测试,分析样品尺寸对竹材顺纹压缩模量和顺纹抗压强度的影响。结果显示:竹材的顺纹压缩模量与竹壁厚度、样品高度、弧度呈正相关关系,顺纹抗压强度与竹壁厚度、样品高度、弧度呈负相关关系。在弹性变形阶段,样品尺寸的增加会提高维管束的组织比量而增大竹材顺纹压缩模量的计算值,在塑性变形阶段,样品尺寸和弧度会导致提前失稳而降低竹材的顺纹抗压强度。  相似文献   


A coupled experimental and numerical modelling approach was used to investigate the mechanism of softwood fracture at the fibre level. First, a three-dimensional mixed lattice–continuum fracture model was developed to investigate the mechanism of wood fracture, taking into account the porosity of its structure and its heterogeneities at the fibre level. The critical volumes in the specimen where crack propagation was more probable were modelled by a lattice that could show the alternation of earlywood and latewood fibres, and the other regions were considered as the continuum medium. The proposed model was used to investigate the mode I fracture of a small softwood sample in RL orientation. Secondly, a method was developed for microscopic observation of the crack trajectory and investigating the mechanism of initiation and propagation of cracks. This approach was used for microscopic investigation of the fracture behaviour of spruce specimens in mode I and RL orientation. The results of the numerical study were compared with the experimental results. The prepeak and postpeak behaviour of the obtained stress–displacement curve and also the crack opening trajectory in cross-section and longitudinal section in the model and experiments were in good agreement. Both the model and the microscopic observation showed that in mode I fracture and RL orientation, the main trajectory of the crack propagates in the earlywood ring.  相似文献   

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