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In situ denitrification (DNT) and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) were measured in a Mediterranean riparian forest soil during two periods under contrasting soil moisture conditions in order to investigate the factors that affect denitrification through the year. Results showed that in summer, soil moisture limited denitrification throughout the entire soil profile, whereas in winter, anaerobic conditions in the soil were more favourable for denitrifiers. The potential for denitrification was larger at shallow depths (<30 cm), and neither nitrate nor organic carbon limited denitrification significantly. Some denitrification was measured during winter at depths below 30 cm, suggesting that a reduction of groundwater nitrate could occur in some areas of this riparian forest during the wet period. In summer, low denitrification, together with high mineralization rates, brought about an increase of soil N, which could be leached to the stream channel during rainfall events. This study suggests that Mediterranean riparian soils act as sources or sinks of dissolved nitrogen depending on the period of the year.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are important features of the landscape that can buffer waterways from non-point sources of nitrogen pollution. Studies of perennial streams have identified denitrification as one of the dominant mechanisms by which this can occur. This study aimed to assess nitrate removal within the riparian zone of an ephemeral stream and characterise the processes responsible, particularly denitrification, using both in-situ and laboratory techniques. To quantify rates of groundwater nitrate removal and denitrification in-situ, nitrate was added to two separate injection-capture well networks in a perched riparian aquifer of a low order ephemeral stream in South East Queensland, Australia. Both networks also received bromide as a conservative tracer and one received acetylene to inhibit the last step of denitrification. An average of 77 ± 2% and 98 ± 1% of the added nitrate was removed within a distance of 40 cm from the injection wells (networks with acetylene and without, respectively). Based on rates of N2O production in the network with added acetylene, denitrification was not a major mechanism of nitrate loss, accounting for only 3% of removal. Reduction of nitrate to ammonium was also not a major pathway in either network, contributing <4%. Relatively high concentrations of oxygen in the aquifer following recent filling by stream water may have reduced the importance of these two anaerobic pathways. Alternatively, denitrification may have been underestimated using the in-situ acetylene block technique. In the laboratory, soils taken from two depths at each well network were incubated with four nitrate-N treatments (ranging from ambient concentration to an addition of 15 mg N l−1), with and without added acetylene. Potential rates of denitrification, N2O production and N2O:N2 ratios increased with nitrate additions, particularly in shallow soils. Potential rates of denitrification observed in the laboratory were equivalent in magnitude to nitrate removal measured in the field (mean 0.26 ± 0.12 mg N kg of dry soil−1 d−1), but were two orders of magnitude greater than denitrification measured in the field with added acetylene. The relative importance of assimilatory vs. dissimilatory processes of nitrate removal depends on environmental conditions in the aquifer, particularly hydrology and its effects on dissolved oxygen concentrations. Depending on seasonal conditions, aquifers of ephemeral streams like the study site are likely to fluctuate between oxic and anoxic conditions; nevertheless they may still function as effective buffers. While denitrification to N2 is a desirable outcome from a management perspective, assimilation into biomass can provide a rapid sink for nitrate, thus helping to reduce short-term delivery of nitrate downstream. Longer-term studies are needed to determine the overall effectiveness of riparian buffers associated with ephemeral streams in mitigating nitrate loads reaching downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Soil structure heterogeneity in the form of macropores and preferential flow channels can complicate efforts to quantify the physical and biological characteristics of wetland systems. We collected soil cores from two riparian wetlands to determine whether soil associated with macropores had elevated denitrification potentials compared to bulk soil from the same core. Cores were inspected for obvious macropores, which were distinguished as visible holes in the core, sometimes with decaying root matter, or as highly unconsolidated layers that appeared to have a substantially lower bulk density than the surrounding soil. Denitrification potentials were significantly higher in pores (P<0.05) for six of the 16 cores that were obtained from the Cheraw State Park site. In cores obtained from a second site, denitrification potentials were significantly higher in pores for six of 20 cores and the trend of higher denitrification in pores was present in the majority of cores that had measurable activity. In cores with significant differences, denitrification was often 1-2 orders of magnitude greater in soil surrounding the macropore than in the bulk soil. Denitrification potentials of the bulk soils were similar in magnitude to the potentials measured in composited cores from previous studies. It is possible that the difference between macropore and bulk denitrification rates developed due to preferential flow of nitrate-rich water through the macropores. Previous work showed that water entering these riparian systems in groundwater and storm runoff had elevated levels of NO3.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate temporal and spatial patterns of denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes in three adjacent riparian sites (mixed vegetation, forest and grass). The highest DEA was found in the surface (0–30 cm) soil and varied between 0.7±0.1 mg N kg–1 day–1 at 5°C and 5.9±0.4 mg N kg–1 day–1 at 15°C. There was no significant difference (P >0.05) between the DEA in the uppermost (0–30 cm and 60–90 cm) soil depths under different vegetation covers. In the two deepest (120–150 cm and 180–210 cm) soil depths the DEA varied between 0.0±0.0 mg N kg–1 day–1 at 5°C and 4.4±0.9 mg N kg–1 day–1 at 15°C and was clearly associated with the accumulation of buried organic carbon (OC). Two threshold values of OC were observed before DEA started to increase significantly, namely 5 and 25 g OC kg–1 soil at 10–15°C and 5°C, respectively. In the three riparian sites N2O fluxes varied between a net N2O uptake of –0.6±0.4 mg N2O-N m–2 day–1 and a net N2O emission of 2.5±0.3 mg N2O-N m–2 day–1. The observed N2O emission did not lead to an important pollution swapping (from water pollution to greenhouse gas emission). Especially in the mixed vegetation and forest riparian site highest N2O fluxes were observed upslope of the riparian site. The N2O fluxes showed no clear temporal trend.  相似文献   

In the small, agricultural, artificially drained Orgeval watershed δ15N values of leached nitrates and soil organic nitrogen were found to be significantly higher than the primary nitrogen (N) sources from which they are derived, namely, synthetic fertilizers, atmospheric deposition, and symbiotic or nonsymbiotic N2 fixation (all with δ15N close to zero). In vertical soil profiles, the δ15N of organic N increased with depth, reaching higher values (up to 8‰) particularly at stations that were frequently waterlogged as judged from ochre iron traces, such as downhill field sites or in riparian buffer strips. Nitrification, volatilization, and denitrification are the main fractionating processes able to modify the isotopic composition of soil N. Using a newly designed algorithm for calculating the equilibrium isotopic composition of all soil N species, resulting from the average annual balance of their transformations, we show that the observed trends can be explained by the action of denitrification. We suggest that the isotopic composition of soil organic N can be used as a semiquantitative indicator of the intensity of denitrification integrated over century-long periods.  相似文献   

Global nitrogen cycling is being altered by anthropogenic disturbances including invasion by non-native species. European and Asian earthworms have invaded northern temperate forests in North America with dramatic consequences for litter thickness, forest floor plant diversity, and soil nitrogen cycling. Invasive earthworms present at the boundary of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (i.e., riparian zones) may alter the flux of nitrogen into adjacent aquatic ecosystems. We examined how nitrogen cycling in riparian soil responds to amendments of invasive earthworms or artificial earthworm burrows. In earthworm-free riparian plots (0.25 m2), we established treatments of invasive earthworms (60 g fresh mass·m−2), artificial burrows (120 m−2), or control plots and sampled the plots after 30 days. Before and after treatment application we measured major soil characteristics (water-filled pore space, organic matter, and pH), nitrogen pools (exchangeable NH4+ and NO3), and nitrogen transformation rates (net N-mineralization, net nitrification, and denitrification). Exchangeable NH4+ and NO3 changed through time but did not differ among treatments. Net N-mineralization and net nitrification rates did not change through time and were similar across all treatments. However, denitrification rates in plots with added earthworms were 4 times greater than rates in control and burrow-only plots, which represents a large rapid increase in gaseous nitrogen flux out of these riparian soils. For all response variables, artificial burrows responded similarly to control plots, suggesting that earthworm biological activity (i.e., feeding, excretion, and mucus production) rather than physical effects (i.e., burrowing and soil aeration) drove the changes in nitrogen cycling. Examination of soil nitrogen pool and flux measurements suggest that this increase in denitrification was coupled with NH4+ consumption by nitrifying bacteria, but future studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. We conclude that the activity of invasive earthworms in riparian zones can increase the flux of N out of riparian zones, but the hydrologic context of the riparian zone (e.g., pore-water residence time) ultimately controls whether denitrification or nitrate leaching is the dominant flux of N.  相似文献   

A vegetation survey was conducted in the Pumphouse Wash canyon system, south of Flagstaff, Arizona. Plant species distribution, abundance, and diversity were quantified within and among canyons in this sensitive ephemeral riparian area. Abiotic variables were examined to see if they could predict vegetation diversity. Results of stand ordination and cluster analysis suggested that variation in vegetation distribution and composition was best explained by a complex temperature/moisture - substrate gradient. Understory diversity in general was related to changes in slope and sand/gravel substrate. Each tributary canyon supported unique plant species and the riparian vegetation in one tributary canyon was significantly less diverse than in each of the other canyons. The two canyons with the lowest understory diversity contained rare plant species not found in the other, more diverse canyons. Thus, overall diversity was demonstrated to be a poor predictor of the presence of rare species. Similarly, abiotic variation was useful at predicting diversity levels but was not useful at predicting species occurrence or ecological quality. In summary, attributes frequently considered of use for predicting conservation value of one type (e.g., diversity) were not good at predicting other conservation values (e.g., rarity).  相似文献   

生物炭对设施退化土壤氮相关功能微生物群落丰度的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
设施栽培土壤在人工调控下进行生产,长期处在高温高湿、无降水淋洗、高复种指数、持续大量施肥等特殊环境条件下,它的物理结构和生化性状产生很大变化.菜农因传统施肥经验而形成的盲目大量施肥行为造成氮肥的过量摄入,从而愈发加重了土壤表层养分富集、酸化板结、养分失调等,继而导致蔬菜品质严重下降,在部分种植年限较长的大棚已不能进行蔬菜生产,严重制约了各地区设施农业的可持续发展[1].而长期过量的施用氮肥还会使设施土壤中硝态氮含量升高,减少土壤中的硝化微生物菌群的丰度,提高反硝化微生物的活性,促进N2O的排放通量[2].因此,为了保证设施栽培产业能够健康、可持续地发展,使蔬菜生产向高产、高效、优质的方向发展,对设施栽培土壤氮循环的研究已迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

Unlogged buffers are used to ameliorate impacts to riparian areas in timber production forests. One function of these buffers is to protect the biodiversity of riparian areas. We measured bat activity in buffered streams with ultrasonic detectors across four different stream orders in logged, regrowth and mature forests (60 sites). Bat activity, foraging rates and species richness were similar in buffered streams surrounded by logged, regrowth and mature forests, suggesting that riparian areas effectively provide habitat for foraging and commuting bats in selectively logged forests. Vespadelus pumilus was the only species that responded to logging history, with decreased activity in mature forests. We found higher activity on larger rather than smaller order streams, a pattern also not affected by logging history. Bat activity along paired forest trail flyways on upper slopes (60 sites) was measured simultaneously with riparian flyway activity (for a total of 120 sites) to determine the importance of riparian areas relative to other available flyways. Activity was higher on upper slopes than on small streams, but similar to levels on larger streams. Total foraging activity was similar between riparian zones and upper slopes. Upper slopes contained higher species diversity, with Chalinolobus gouldii, Miniopterus schreibersii, Mormopterus norfolkensis, Scotorepens sp., Vespadelus pumilus and, to a lesser extent, Vespadelus darlingtoni detected more often than along streams. Other species (Rhinolophus megaphyllus, Nyctophilus spp. and Miniopterus australis) were not affected by topography. Estimates of total vegetation cover and, in particular, rainforest cover, were negatively associated with bat activity, highlighting the need for management of forest ‘clutter’ in regrowth forests for a suite of bat species. Streams and forest trails provide areas of lower clutter, which assist in maintaining high species diversity in regrowth forests. Our results support the use of riparian buffers, and point to the need for greater recognition of tracks on upper slopes as important habitat.  相似文献   

The principal objective of the study was to assess factors of primary importance for collembolan community variability measured in riparian forest stands of different age after traditional clear cutting within natural and altered hydrologic regimes. The study was conducted in the Ukrainian part of the Latorica river floodplain where the largest stands of the highly protected medio-European Querco—Ulmetum minoris fluvial forests can be found. Six oak forest stands were investigated on the river floodplain: three in a natural section (inside levee) of the floodplain, which have their original features preserved with periodical inundation, and three in a section separated by a flood control embankment (outside levee) and subjected to serious damage by drainage. In each section the three stands sampled were represented by different ages regenerated with clear-cutting (>3 years, >8 years and >112 years).Differences in hydrologic regimes were central to identification of a predictable and explainable percentage of variation in species composition of Collembola communities in fluvial forests. The hydrologic regime factor was correlated with the basic structural attributes of collembolan communities, such as abundance, species richness and some ecological traits. Season accounted for a higher degree of variation in collembolan communities than did the age of forest stands. We conclude that differences in hydrologic regime are of much higher importance in structuring collembolan communities in riparian forests than are the ages of stands.  相似文献   

沈阳地区河岸植被缓冲带对氮、磷的削减效果研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为充分了解河岸植被缓冲带对地表径流污染物的去除效果, 本研究选取辽宁省沈阳市两条典型河流——浑河与蒲河为对象, 研究其滨水不同河岸植被缓冲带对地表径流氮、磷污染物的削减效果。结果表明: 在6 种河岸植被带中, 人工林草地对氮的削减效果最好, 对总氮、硝态氮和铵态氮的平均削减率分别为47%、36%和31%; 人工林地对磷的削减效果较好, 平均削减率为74%; 而人工林地对氮以及人工草地对磷的削减效果较差。随长度增加, 河岸植被缓冲带对地表径流污染物的削减效果基本呈增强趋势。以上研究结果说明不同河岸植被缓冲带对地表径流中氮、磷的削减各有优点。在对遭受污染的河流进行生态修复时, 应考虑环境污染特点和地表特征, 以充分发挥河岸植被缓冲带对污染物的削减优势。  相似文献   

植被和土壤作为组成河岸带生态系统的重要因素,其空间分布与变异对河岸带生态功能起着决定性作用.以北京市怀九河河岸带为研究对象,在基于60个样地调查的基础上,对植被数量特征和多样性,以及土壤理化性质进行调查与分析,并对比了自然型(15个)、近自然型(25个)和人工型(20个)3种典型河岸植被与土壤理化性质的差异性.结果表明:1)河岸带植被组成以草本占绝大多数(占总物种数的79.22%),而乔木与灌木种类分布较少,且不同河岸类型下的植被多样性指数差异性显著(P<0.05),自然型河岸植物多样性(4.6±0.16)以及丰富度指数(7.26±0.40)要明显大于近自然型(3.82±0.16、6.36±0.32)以及人工型河岸(3.94±0.18、5.40±0.42)(P<0.05),表现为干扰下的河岸带生境不断退化.2)随干扰程度的增加,土壤质量不断下降,且土壤质地、密度和土壤有机质质量分数在不同河岸类型条件下,差异性显著(P<0.05);其中,土壤有机质质量分数(%)分布表现为自然型(4.88±0.43)>近自然型(3.47±0.31)>人工型(1.92±0.15)(P<0.05),土壤密度(g/cm3)分布表现为自然型(1.18±0.03)<近自然型(1.35±0.03)<人工型(1.52±0.03) (P <0.05).3)植被多样性与土壤理化性质间具有潜在的相关性;其中,植被的均匀度指数与土壤有机质质量分数显著正相关(P<0.05),植被丰富度指数与土壤密度极显著负相关(P<0.01)、与土壤总孔隙度显著正相关(P<0.05),而植被物种多样性指数与土壤理化指标间相关性不显著.该研究不仅说明干扰条件影响植被与土壤间紧密的相关性,也为北京山区河岸带生态系统恢复与重建,提供基础信息和理论依据.  相似文献   

秸秆生物反应堆与菌肥对温室番茄土壤微环境的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为研究秸秆生物反应堆、微生物菌肥及两者配套措施对土壤理化性质和微生物功能多样性,以及作物生长的长期影响,试验以传统种植方式为对照(CK,常规栽培),研究了菌肥(T1,微生物菌肥4 kg/667 m2)、内置式秸秆生物反应堆(T2,秸秆(4 t/667 m2)+发酵沟菌剂(8 kg/667 m2)+腐熟猪粪(600 kg/667 m2))及2种措施配套处理(T3,秸秆(4 t/667 m2)+发酵沟菌剂(8 kg/667 m2)+微生物菌肥(4 kg/667 m2)+腐熟猪粪(600 kg/667 m2))对土壤理化性质和微生物功能多样性的影响。结果表明:1)与CK相比,秸秆生物反应堆能够在一定时期内提高土壤含水率;而菌肥能够在一定时期内降低土壤含水率,秸秆生物反应堆能够显著降低土壤酸性和电导率(EC,electrical conductivity)值,缓冲土壤酸化和次生盐渍化;而单施菌肥对土壤酸碱性和EC值没有显著影响。2)秸秆生物反应堆(T2)增加了土壤中有机质的含量和土壤微生物量,降低土壤中速效磷、钾的含量;微生物菌肥(T1)降低了土壤中有机质含量和微生物量,而显著提升了土壤的速效磷、速效钾含量,两种措施配套处理效果则更明显。3)菌肥能够改善土壤微生物对多聚物、碳水化合物和氨基酸的利用效率,而秸秆生物反应堆能够促进土壤微生物对于一部分氨基酸、羧酸类、酚酸类和胺类物质的利用。而2种措施同时使用时,其促进和改善微生物碳代谢能力的作用则更加显著。4)各处理均能够在一定程度上增加各年度番茄产量。综合考虑,认为内置式秸秆生物反应堆和菌肥配套处理(T3)能够更好的改善和修复日光温室连作土壤,增加作物产量,是一种较为有效的农艺措施。  相似文献   

为探讨复合微生物肥对碱土的改良效果,对内蒙古农业大学海流图科技园区碱土试验地开展了施用复合微生物肥的田间试验,探讨了其对土壤生物学性状和土壤肥力的影响.结果表明:施用复合微生物肥处理较不施肥处理显著降低了耕层土壤pH和EC值,分别降低0.32~0.88个单位和0.17~0.39 mS/cm;显著提高了土壤酶活性、微生物...  相似文献   

We measured soil chemical and microbial properties at a depth of 0–20 cm among mine tailings, abandoned mined land, contaminated cropland, and uncontaminated cropland around a magnesite mine near Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, China. The objective was to clarify the impact of Mg on the soils. We found that soluble Mg2+ concentration and pH were significantly higher in contaminated soils (266–345 mg kg−1 and 9·9–10·3, respectively) than in uncontaminated soils (140 mg kg−1 and 7·1, respectively). Soil nutrients (total N, total P, mineral N, available P and soluble Ca) and microbial biomass C and N decreased as pH and soluble Mg2+ concentration increased. In addition, an increase of microbial metabolic quotient and a decrease of N mineralization rate were found in contaminated soils. Soluble Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios in contaminated soils were 3·5–8·9‐times higher than in uncontaminated soils. Our results indicate that soil contamination in such magnesite mine regions is characterized by high pH, Mg2+ concentration and soluble Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio, and low microbial activity and N and P availability. Future soil amelioration in the magnesite regions should consider applying acid ameliorants to neutralize high pH and applying calcareous ameliorants to increase Ca2+ concentration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 High spatial variation in nitrification potentials has been observed in forest soils, but explanations for this variability have remained speculative. In the present study we determined whether sample treatment, sample size, denitrification or small-scale variations in abiotic properties could explain spatial variation in nitrogen transformations in the organic horizon of a pine forest soil. Net nitrate production in homogenates of the organic horizon was extremely variable. Sample size (60–600 cm2) had no significant effect on nitrate production. In homogenised samples no increased nitrogen production was observed compared to intact incubated cores. High small-scale variation in nitrate production was observed in the litter (L) horizon. When this stratified L layer was subdivided, high net nitrate production was observed in moss (LM) and fragmented needles, whereas no net nitrate production was found in intact needles. The addition of acetylene, inhibiting nitrous oxide reductase, led to significant nitrous oxide production in the L layer. Low nitrous oxide production was found in the LM layer and none in the fragmentation layer. These results show that denitrification can explain part of the spatial variation and plays a major role in nitrogen transformations in the L layer. The relatively higher pH and the presence of fungi are suggested as factors responsible for high denitrification rates in the L layer. As a consequence homogenisation of the organic horizon could lead to highly variable nitrate production due to denitrifying activity from the needles being introduced into other layers. Received: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

Microbial biomass and mineralization of atrazine [2-chloro-4(ethylamino)-6(isopropylamino)s-triazine] and 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid) were examined in the top 10 cm of riparian pasture soils and in the litter layer and top 10 cm of mineral soils of riparian forest ecosystems. The riparian forest litter had higher levels of active and total fungal biomass than forest or pasture mineral soils in winter, spring, and fall. Active bacterial biomass was higher in forest litter than in forest and pasture mineral soils in spring and autumn, and higher in forest mineral soils than in pasture soils in summer. Total bacterial biomass was higher in forest mineral soils than in pasture soils during all seasons. In spring, it was also higher in forest litter than in pasture soils. Atrazie and 2,4-D mineralization in pasture soils was exceeded by that in forest litter in spring and autumn and by that in forest mineral soils in summer and autumn. There was no correlation between either active or total fungal and bacterial biomass with pesticide degradation.  相似文献   

Microbial properties and nematode abundance were measured along a gradient of increasing Cu, Cr, and As concentrations (50–1300 mg Cr kg-1) in the top 5 cm of a pasture soil contaminated by runoff of preserving liquor from an adjacent timber-treatment plant. Microbial biomass C and N were significantly (P<0.05) lower in contaminated than uncontaminated soils. The amount of microbial biomass C as a percentage of total organic C declined significantly (r 2 value with Cr 0.726*) with increasing contamination, and the ratio of respired C to biomass C was significantly (P<0.05) higher with contamination. Substrate-induced respiration, microbial biomass P, and denitrification declined (r2 value with Cr 0.601, 0.833*, and 0.709*, respectively) with increasing contamination. Increasing contamination had no effect on prokaryote substrate-induced respiration but eukaryote: eukaryote substrate-induced respiration declined significantly (r 2 value with Cr 0.722*). Accordingly, the ratio of prokaryote substrate-induced respiration increased significantly (r 2 value with Cr 0.799*) with contamination. There was a significant (r 2 value with Cr 0.872*) hyperbolic relationship between sulphatase activity and contamination, with activity declining by approximately 80% at >1000 mg Cr kg-1. Increasing contamination had no effect on basal respiration, dimethyl sulphoxide reduction, and phosphatase, urease, and invertase activities. Numbers of plant-associated nematodes declined significantly (r 2 value with Cr 0.780*) with contamination. On a percentage basis, plant-feeding nematodes predominated in less contaminated soils, whereas bacterial-feeding and predatory nematodes predominated in heavily contaminated soils. The use of the fumigation—incubation procedure for measurement of microbial biomass C in heavy-metal contaminated soils is discussed.  相似文献   

盆栽和大田试验表明,作物根系显著影响土壤微生物体氮的含量。在田间试验条件下,根际土壤微生物体氮比非根际土壤平均高出N54.7μg/g;盆栽试验中,根际土壤微生物体氮平均含量为N77.1±13.6μg/g,而非根际土壤为N65.2±17.0μg/g,差异达显著水平,根际微生物体氮含量为非际根际土壤的1.10~2.04倍。施肥能明显增加土壤微生物体氮含量,但影响程度因肥料种类而不同。秸秆和富含有机物质的厩肥对土壤微生物体氮的影响远大于化学肥料,而且土壤微生物体氮含量随秸秆施用量增加而增加。在红油土上进行的20年长期田间定位试验结果表明,对不施肥和施氮磷处理,0—20cm土层的微生物体氮分别是N102.2和110.4μg/g;在施氮磷的基础上,每公顷配施新鲜玉米秸秆9375kg、18750kg、37500kg和厩肥37500kg时,相应土层微生物体氮分别是N147.5、163.2、286.4和265.3μg/g。培养条件下,当有效能源物质缺乏时,微生物对NH4+-N的同化固定能力远大于NO3--N,但在加入有效能源物质葡萄糖后,微生物对2种形态氮的固定量大幅度增加,且对2种形态氮的固定量趋于一致。  相似文献   

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