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In this work, we studied the impacts of climate change on timber production and regional risks of wind-induced damage to forests in Finland. The work employed: (i) national level forest inventory data, (ii) current baseline climate (1961–1990) and changing climate scenario (FINADAPT A2, 2001–2099), (iii) a forest ecosystem model (SIMA), (iv) a mechanistic wind damage model (HWIND), and (v) currently applied forest management recommendations as a baseline. The results showed that the timber production will increase significantly towards the end of this century under the changing climate, and in a relative sense the most in Northern Finland. At the same time, the share of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) is expected to decrease, especially in southernmost Finland, mainly favoring the presence of birch (Betula spp.), but also Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), when no species preference is given in management. As a result, the proportion of forest area in the two lowest critical wind speed classes (i.e. winds of 11–14 and 14–17 m s−1) will decrease in the autumn (birch without leaves) throughout Finland. However, in summertime (birch is in leaf) the proportion of forest area with such critical wind speeds will even increase in southernmost Finland. Even though, in summertime the risk of damage should be on average relatively low throughout Finland due to a lower occurrence of such wind speeds compared to the windiest time of the year (i.e. from autumn to early spring). The return period of critical wind speeds of 11–17 m s−1 is today about every two years in southernmost Finland. In Northern Finland, the critical wind speeds needed for wind damage are, on average, higher due to the larger share of Scots pine and on average lower height to breast height diameter ratios of trees compared to the south. To conclude, the climate change will affect clearly the forest growth and dynamics and, thus increase the need to manage forests more often and/or heavily (e.g. thinning, final felling), which in addition to species preference, will affect the risks of damages. The consideration of the risk of wind damage is crucial especially in Southern Finland when adapting forest management to the changing climate. This is because the unfrozen soil period is expected to increase significantly in Finland, which decreases tree anchorage during the windiest time of year.  相似文献   

Using a geographic information system (GIS), our goal was to predict the potential distribution of Siebold’s beech (Fagus crenata Blume) in a montane cool-temperate region at a fine spatial resolution based on topographical features. The study was conducted in Akashibayama National Forest in the village of Kamikawa, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan. Species composition was investigated in 28 sample plots selected in the study area. A digital elevation model (DEM) was created, and topographical, hydrological, and light factors were calculated using the DEM. Then, the relationship between species composition and these environmental factors was examined using tree-based multivariate regression to derive regression trees. The species composition for the six major species selected, which included Siebold’s beech, was used as the response variable, and environmental factors were used as explanatory variables. For the derived tree-based regression model, the shaded relief, slope, specific catchment area, and curvature were selected as explanatory variables. The model classified natural vegetation into six forest types, and the result was consistent with the moisture preferences of these major species. The model was applied to the GIS to predict and map the species composition of the major species, especially the relative basal area of Siebold’s beech.  相似文献   

Agroforestry is the most effective way to restore the disturbed lands on the Loess Plateau and to develop the poor local economy. In order to maximize the potential benefits of tree-based intercropping systems, photosynthesis, growth and yield of soybean and corn were studied by measuring photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), plant water deficit and soil moisture in a 4-year-old plantation of walnut (Juglans regia L.) and plum (Prunus salicina) grown at a spacing of 5 m × 3 m on the Loess Plateau. The effects of tree competition significantly reduced PAR, net assimilation (NA), growth and yield of individual soybean or corn plants growing nearer (1 m near tree row) to tree rows. NA was highly correlated with growth and yield of the both crops. These correlations were higher for corn than soybeans, with corn, rather than soybeans being more adversely impacted by tree shading. Plum, rather than walnut had the greatest competitive effect on PAR and NA. Daily plant water deficits were non-significantly and poorly correlated with NA and growth and yield of the both crops. However, soil moisture (20 cm depth) was significantly correlated with biomass and yield of both crops. Possible remediation strategies are discussed to reduce tree competitive interactions on agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Effects of browsing damage on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) production and economic value were simulated on sites ranging in fertility from relatively poor to relatively high. Effects of browsing damage on growth and survival after trees had exceeded browsing-height were estimated using data from a browsing study. Stem lists were produced when stems had reached a height of about 4?m. Individual tree data were then imported into the Heureka simulation system to generate predictions about stand production and economic value. Six browsing levels were simulated: 0, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 27% browsing damage annually. The 2% and 5% browsing levels had only minor effects on production, whilst higher browsing levels significantly reduced production. However, the effect on economic value was more pronounced and even the 2% browsing level had significant effects on estimated land expectation values. Results from this simulation may support discussions about acceptable browsing levels in young Scots pine stands.  相似文献   

Microsite conditions influence plant development and resource allocation of Dactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass), a traditional pasture species with potential as an understory crop in woodlots. A field experiment was conducted to determine how open (O), shaded woodland (W) and open-to-shaded woodland transition zone (EO, EW) microsites influenced the quantity and distribution of nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) and crude protein (CP) among plant parts of defoliated orchardgrass. Plants established in spring (SP) or late summer (LS) were clipped each time mean sward height reached 20 cm. Microsite conditions influenced nutritive value of herbage. Nutritive value was acceptable when not more than 45–50% light attenuation (as a function of shading by nearby trees) occurred relative to open pasture. Twice as much TNC accumulated in stembases of LS compared to SP plants. Concentrations of TNC were least in plants growing at W, regardless of planting time. Stembase TNC depletion occurred in SP plants, regardless of microsite, and LS plants growing at W. CP concentrations were greater in herbage from W compared to O sites, suggesting the N needs of the plant were met with minimal fertilizer N inputs. The ratio of C:N and thus herbage energy expressed as total digestible nutrients (TDN), relative to CP declined as shade increased. Increased protein content is offset by lower fiber, lower nonstructural carbohydrate and the possibility of reduced preference by grazers. Nutritive value is improved by modest amounts of shade relative to plants growing in full sunlight, and allowing cool temperate origin grasses to vernalize is beneficial in terms of productivity, nutritive value, and persistence. Ths US Government’s right ot retain a non-exclusive, royaltyfree license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The study of seed dispersal has received considerable attention in tropical ecology with emphasis placed on its role in the maintenance of species diversity. Since seeds of numerous high-value tropical timber trees are nominally or actively wind dispersed, the subject is also of interest to tropical foresters. In central Africa, up to 70% of harvested timber trees are wind dispersed, including African mahoganies of the genus Entandrophragma. The dual goals of managing many remote areas in central Africa for both biodiversity and timber production values has led to the consideration of low impact logging techniques. In the Central African Republic, increasing light downwind of Entandrophragma has been proposed as a way of increasing regeneration and recruitment of these trees. Mean wind direction at the time of dehiscence of Entandrophragma angolense and Entandrophragma cylindricum was compared with compass orientation of seed shadows for five individuals in mature, undisturbed forest. Mean wind direction was found to be toward the northeast for morning, afternoon, and daily winds and was significantly different from the orientation of seed shadows for all trees. Mean branch direction did not vary significantly from a random pattern, but matched the direction of the seed shadow better than wind direction did. It is concluded that harvesting interventions aimed at increasing light downwind of Entandrophragma will not necessarily benefit seedlings of the species at the study site and further silvicultural research is needed to determine appropriate management interventions, particularly in remote areas of Africa where conservation values are important.  相似文献   

Upland hardwood stands on mesic, escarpment-oriented sites on the Cumberland Plateau region of northeastern Alabama provide a myriad management opportunities. Stands are primarily managed for Quercus, but the high species diversity allows for management that targets multiple species. Stand composition is unique in that dominant species include shade tolerant species such as Acer saccharum, intermediate tolerant Quercus spp. and Carya spp., and intolerant Liriodendron tulipifera. Three replications of five levels of disturbance were created to assess species compositional changes; disturbances included three levels of harvest intensity, a mid-story herbicide treatment, and a control. After eight growing seasons, there were no discernable differences in species richness, diversity or evenness. Importance values based on relative basal area and relative density also changed little, except for clearcuts where L. tulipifera greatly increased. An initial gradient in basal area, canopy cover, and light created by harvesting or thinning dissipated following five growing seasons. Options exist for future stand management, including promoting two-aged or uneven-aged systems. Maintenance of Quercus will require additional tending.  相似文献   

Microsite influences on resource allocation related to silvopastoral swards undergoing repeated defoliation are unclear. Defoliating traditional pasture species according to canopy development criteria may not be appropriate when the plants grow as understory crops in woodlots. An experiment using container-grown plants was conducted under field conditions to determine how open (O), shaded woodland (W) and open-to-shaded woodland transition zones (E O, E W), representing the partial shade conditions found in silvopastoral settings, influenced productivity and dry matter allocation in Dactylis glomerata L. Plants established in spring (SP) and late summer (LS) were clipped each time mean sward height reached 20 cm. Dry matter production differed for SP and LS plantings, and was greater in O than W sites. Dry matter allocation to shoots of SP plants indicated some agronomic benefit associated with the E O and E W sites. Leaf mass did not vary with irradiance, but stembase mass did. The SP plants had numerous small tillers whereas LS plants were composed of comparatively fewer but more massive tillers. Plants growing at O, E O and E W were similar, whereas plants in the W site were smaller and had the fewest tillers regardless of planting time. Results suggest that defoliation management for shaded components of silvopastoral systems should be based on some index other than sward height, and that management criteria might change during the growing season. Less intensive removal (e.g., 10-cm rather that 5-cm residue) should be considered for defoliated, shade grown plants, since this could allow more stembase and nonstructural carbohydrate storage tissues to remain. The US Government’s right to retain a royalty-free, non-exclusive copyright is achnowledged.  相似文献   

Potato tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller, has become a serious threat to potato production in the Columbia Basin region of Oregon and Washington and in 2005 was found in Idaho. Despite intensive insecticide application, severe defoliation has occurred in recent years indicating insensitivity of potato tuberworms (PTW) to insecticides. In this study, dose responses of potato tuberworms from a Columbia Basin field population (CBFP) and a laboratory colony from Colorado (COLC) to three commonly used field crop insecticides (esfenvalerate, methamidophos and fipronil) were tested. The COLC was included in this study as a standard susceptible colony but despite being reared in isolation for >30 years, it was resistant to field-labeled rates of all three insecticides used in this study. The CBFP was also resistant to esfenvalerate and fipronil at field rates but was relatively susceptible (40% mortality) to methamidophos. At 10× field rate of fipronil, COLC was very susceptible (>90% mortality) but CBFP was not significantly affected. CBFP was also more resistant to esfenvalerate than COLC. None of the COLC survived a 500× field rate of esfenvalerate; the same dose killed only 10% of the CBFP. Although further tests are required to more broadly assess the levels and types of insecticide resistance in these populations, our findings indicated that the laboratory colony was susceptible to fipronil at dosages somewhat greater than labeled field rates and that the field population was susceptible to methamidophos. Although COLC was moderately insensitive to esfenvalerate and methamidophos, this laboratory colony was still more broadly susceptible to field rates than the CBFP.  相似文献   

Microsite influences development and resource allocation of Dactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass), a traditional pasture species with potential as an understory crop in silvopasture of humid temperate regions. An experiment using container-grown orchardgrass was conducted under field conditions to determine how open (O), shaded woodland (W) and open-to-shaded woodland transition zone (E O, E W) microsites influenced leaf DM production. Plants established in spring (SP) and late summer (LS) were clipped each time mean canopy height reached 20 cm. Dry matter production and allocation among structures differed, as a function of light attenuation. Specific leaf area (SLA) and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) were associated with leaf DM production, whereas leaf N, net assimilation rate and shoot total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), were not. Specific leaf area was related to leaf DM of LS plants, whereas PNUE influenced leaf DM of SP plants. Stembase TNC was inversely related to relative regrowth rate (RGRR) with RGRR greatest and TNC the least at W. The relationship for RGRR and TNC for SP plants growing at O and LS plants growing at W was similar. Regardless of how indices of growth are related, SP and LS plantings responded as separate populations (representing young and established plants respectively) that have different leaf DM production efficiencies. Orchardgrass was able to sustain leaf production when subjected to simultaneous stresses of shade and repeated defoliation. The LS plants growing at W respond in a manner similar to SP plants and may require management practices attuned to establishing or immature plants. The US Government’s right to retain a royalty-free, non-exclusive copyright is achnowledged.  相似文献   

A managed fire regime on John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida and surrounding federal properties was mapped using time series satellite imagery and GIS techniques. Our goals were to: (1) determine if an image processing technique designed for individual fire scar mapping could be applied to an image time series for mapping a managed fire regime in a rapid re-growth pyrogenic system; (2) develop a method for labeling mapped fire scar confidence knowing a formal accuracy analysis was not possible; and (3) compare results of the managed fire regime with regional information on natural fire regimes to look for similarities/differences that might help optimize management for persistence of native fire-dependent species. We found that the area burned by managed fire peaked when the drought index was low and was reduced when the drought index was high. This contrasts with the expectations regarding the natural fire regime of this region. With altered natural fire regimes and fire-dependent species declining in many pyrogenic ecosystems, it is important to manage fire for the survival of fire-adapted native species. The remote sensing and GIS techniques presented are effective for delineating and monitoring managed fire regimes in shrub systems that grow rapidly and may be appropriate for other fire-dependent systems world wide.  相似文献   

Soil Changes Under Agroforestry (SCUAF), a computer model designed to predict changes in erosion, soil carbon and soil nitrogen over time within various agroforestry systems and climatic regimes, was assessed using input data from an undisturbed miombo woodland and an adjacent maize field in Zimbabwe. Predicted changes in soil carbon were in a realistic range for both miombo and maize treatments. However, the accuracy of the model may be a reflection of the detail required in its initialisation. Several problematic relationships were found within the model, in particular inconsistent patterns between nitrogen uptake and plant productivity under complex fertilisation simulations and a lack of attenuation of productivity in the simulation of miombo woodland as it approached maturity.  相似文献   

Forest change is of great concern for land use decision makers and conservation communities. Quantitative and spatial forest change information is critical for addressing many pressing issues, including global climate change, carbon budgets, and sustainability. In this study, our analysis focuses on the differences in geospatial patterns and their changes between federal forests and nonfederal forests in Alabama over the time period 1987–2005, by interpreting 163 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes using a vegetation change tracker (VCT) model. Our analysis revealed that for the most part of 1990 s and between 2000 and 2005, Alabama lost about 2% of its forest on an annual basis due to disturbances, but much of the losses were balanced by forest regeneration from previous disturbances. The disturbance maps revealed that federal forests were reasonably well protected, with the fragmentation remaining relatively stable over time. In contrast, nonfederal forests, which are predominant in area share (about 95%), were heavily disturbed, clearly demonstrating decreasing levels of fragmentation during the time period 1987–1993 giving way to a subsequent accelerating fragmentation during the time period 1994–2005. Additionally, the identification of the statistical relationships between forest fragmentation status and forest loss rate and forest net change rate in relation to land ownership implied the distinct differences in forest cutting rate and cutting patterns between federal forests and nonfederal forests. The forest spatial change information derived from the model has provided valuable insights regarding regional forest management practices and disturbance regimes, which are closely associated with regional economics and environmental concerns.  相似文献   


Growth modelling is an important and effective tool for evaluating the effects of a particular management action on the future development of a forest ecosystem. However, such necessary growth models are not available for many indigenous tree species in India. Acacia nilotica is an important multipurpose tree species found in India and growth models are required for proper management of the species in the region. This paper presents equations for estimating potential stand density and predicting basal area in pure even-aged stands of A. nilotica in Gujarat State of India. Although no thinning was suggested, decrease in the number of trees in the stands was observed because of mortality due to overcrowding and some biotic factors. Relationships between quadratic mean diameter and stems per hectare were developed, which was used to establish the limiting density line. Eight different stand level models, belonging to the path invariant algebraic difference form of a non-linear growth function, were compared for projecting basal area. They can be used to predict future basal area as a function of stand variables like dominant height and stem number per hectare and are crucial for evaluating different silvicultural treatment options. The performance of the models was evaluated using different statistical criteria to recommend the suitable model for projecting the basal area in A. nilotica stands.  相似文献   

The single-scan setup of terrestrial laser scanning of a forest field plot has advantages compared to the multi-scan setup: the speed of operation and that there is no need of a co-registration of the different scans. However in a single-scan setup some of the trees are shaded by others and therefore not detected in the scan. A field inventory solution must take this fact into account. This simulation study shows how different plot sizes and tree stand densities influence the stem visibility giving nonlinear effects especially for large trees and high stem numbers. These effects can be counteracted by using an edge or center stem point detection criteria when analyzing the results or by weighting the detected trees by their visibility. It is shown that the stem density and diameter distribution can be estimated from the visible areas of the plot in case the stem positions are Poisson distributed.  相似文献   

The results of EFIMOD simulations for black spruce (Picea mariana [Miller]) forests in Central Canada show that climate warming, fire, harvesting and insects significantly influence net primary productivity (NPP), soil respiration (Rs), net ecosystem production (NEP) and pools of tree biomass and soil organic matter (SOM). The effects of six climate change scenarios demonstrated similar increasing trends of NPP and stand productivity. The disturbances led to a strong decrease in NPP, stand productivity, soil organic matter (SOM) and nitrogen (N) pools with an increase in CO2 emission to the atmosphere. However the accumulated NEP for 150 years under harvest and fire fluctuated around zero. It becames negative only at a more frequent disturbance regime with four forest fires during the period of simulation. The results from this study show that changes in climate and disturbance regimes might substantially change the NPP as well as the C and N balance, resulting in major changes in the C pools of the vegetation and soil under black spruce forests.  相似文献   

林业是经济和社会可持续发展的重要基础,是生态建设最根本最长期的措施。江西在中部地区崛赶,应赋予林业以重要地位。在江西的产业结构调整中,确立了建设“三个基地,一个后花团”的发展战略,林业应为此提供强大支撑。在研究我国中部地区及东部邻省林业发展经验及优势产业比较的基础上,按照我国林业历史性转变的指导思想,提出了“确立以生态建设为主的林业可持续发展的定位和作为”。  相似文献   

With the analytical tool: Frankfurt Harvested Wood Products (HWP) Model, carbon stocks and carbon stock changes of HWP, either in USE or in LANDFILLS, have been evaluated from the readily available statistical data base of the FAO, FAOSTAT, on the wood commodities: “Sawnwood and Wood-based Panels” and the paper commodities: “Paper and Paperboard”. Essential differences have been found between the individual 15 EU countries in the comparison of the Stock Change Approach and the Production Approach, as well as in the comparison of the stock changes of HWP with the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) budgets. The stock changes for the HWP in USE within the EU-15 Community have been calculated to be 10.83 Mt C/a (39.71 Mt CO2/a) based on the Stock Change Approach and 9.81 Mt C/a (35.97 Mt CO2/a) for the Production Approach, respectively. These numbers can be compared to the total GHG Inventory of the EU-15 of 4,095 Mt CO2 equivalents, including all six Kyoto gases, which shows that the carbon sequestration of HWP in USE is of the order of 1% relative to GHG Inventory. The GHG balance for the carbon stock changes of HWP in LANDFILLS is of similar magnitude as for the HWP in USE, and therefore a sink when methane outgasing is disregarded. However, when methane outgasing is considered, which is formed as a 1:1 mixture with CO2 under the prevailing anaerobic conditions the GHG balance results in minus 10.0 Mt C equivalent/a and minus 10.6 Mt C equivalent/a for the Stock Change Approach and the Production Approach under the parameters chosen in this study. Presented in Dublin, October 6–9, 2004, COST-21 Plenary Session.  相似文献   

In the wet tropics, near the Atlantic Coast of Brazil, drought may reduce plantation yields by as much one-third over a six-to-seven-year rotation. For land owners, annual variation in production cannot be estimated with empirical models. In this paper, we examine whether the process-based growth model, 3-PG is sufficiently sensitive to climatic variation to provide a virtual record of changes in growing stock across 180,000 ha eucalypt plantation estate. We first mapped variation in climate and soil properties, and then ran simulations for the current planted forest with ages varying from one to seven years. Model predictions of stand volume and mean tree diameter agreed closely with measurements acquired on 60 reference plots monitored over the test period; the prediction of mean annual increment (MAI) was less reliable. Available soil water (ASW) and leaf area index (LAI) were also measured and compared with the model estimations. Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and ASW accounted for most of the variation in yields. We conclude that this spatial modelling approach offers a reasonable alternative to extensive ground surveys, particularly when climatic variation extends beyond the historical average for a region.  相似文献   

Semi-arid adapted nitrogen fixing trees of the genus Prosopis have been extensively used in Argentina for soil improvement, luxury quality lumber production and sweet (35% sucrose) pods for humans and livestock. Due to the great demand of Prosopis alba for lumber, erect, tall, high pod producing trees of this species have been greatly overharvested, leading to erosion of the gene pool. A previous progeny trial with 57 half sib families identified 12 trees with promise for rapid growth, high production of pods and sweet pods. This trial, on a site with a salinity of 8.6 dS m−1 EC and a pH of 7.7, examined clones of these 12 trees in a randomized complete block trial with 8 single tree replications for height, basal diameter, canopy height and diameter, production of pods, sensory characteristics of the pods, disease resistance and insect resistance. In the 5th year of production and 7th year from planting, three clones produced more than 50 kg pods per tree versus 32 kg for check. At this 10 m × 10 m spacing, this yield of 5000 kg/ha compares favorably to many other semi-arid crops, especially given the unfavorable salinity and pH. In contrast to genetic improvement in pod production, the clones had lower diameter, height and canopy growth than the check. The lower biomass production may be due to fibrous root system produced from cuttings, since some of the clones blew over in high winds but none of the checks produced from seed blew over. Companion seed orchards of salt tolerant clones may provide rootstock for these high pod production clones. Significant differences in insect and disease resistance of the clones were observed and full sib crosses were made to study the genetics of the resistance. All clones had good sensory properties for use in human food. This is the first replicated trial with multipurpose clones useful for lumber and human food. The annual diameter growth rates ranged from 2.8 to 4.1 cm year−1 which was estimated to produce an internal return of approximately 20% from lumber alone.  相似文献   

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