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Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a highly contagious and infectious viral disease of domestic and wild small ruminants characterized by fever, erosive stomatitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis and pneumonia. Goats are usually more severely affected than sheep. Peste des petits ruminants is caused by a paramyxovirus of the Morbillivirus genus. In March 2004, a flock of sheep in Tehran province with 430 deaths was visited. According to the history taken from the owner, at disease onset most of the deaths were recorded from adult sheep, 3 weeks later lambs (2 weeks to 4 months of age) showed the highest death rate. All animals from 3 months age received rinderpest vaccine 1 month after onset. Many of the lambs died just a few hours after their first sucking of the colostrum from infected mothers. Most of them showed very acute form of disease and died a few hours after onset of clinical signs. In clinical examinations most of the cases showed severe depression, high fever (41 degrees C), anorexia, mocopulurent nasal discharge, erosive and necrotic stomatitis (dental path, hard palate and cheeks), diarrhoea and dehydration. Para-clinical findings including histopathological, serological and haematological examinations also confirmed the presence of PPR in this flock. PPR outbreaks have been frequent in Iran in recent years. Further, we suggest that PPR is not a recent invader of Iran. The main difference in clinical signs between this outbreak and the same in other reports is that goats did not show any obvious signs of PPR. This might be due to the number of the goats (>1% of the flock) and keeping them separate from the sheep. The present article reviews the details of this outbreak in Iran.  相似文献   

2013年12月新疆伊犁州霍城县发生不明山羊疫情,根据临床症状和剖检变化怀疑为小反刍兽疫感染。对3只病死山羊病料、8只患病山羊分泌物棉拭子样品和6只患病山羊血清样品分别进行病原学和血清学检测。利用竞争ELISA试剂盒对6份血清样本进行抗体检测,结果全部为阳性。利用抗原捕获ELISA试剂盒,在11只病羊样品中都检测到小反刍兽疫抗原。利用能特异性检测小反刍兽疫病毒的荧光定量RT-PCR方法,在11只病羊样品中检测到小反刍兽疫病毒核酸。利用特异引物进行PPRV N基因片段RT-PCR反应,从11只病羊样品中检测到PPRV核酸。针对2号样本病原核酸N基因和F基因片段进行序列同源性比较,结果该毒株与西藏流行株序列片段相似性分别为96.5%和97.5%。遗传进化分析,该病原属于谱系4,与巴基斯坦等国流行毒株遗传关系最近。  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫诊断及其免疫防制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小反刍兽疫(peste des petits ruminants,PPR)是由副黏病毒科麻疹病毒属小反刍兽疫病毒(peste des petits ruminants virus,PPRV)引起的一种急性、烈性、接触性传染病,目前已给中国养羊业造成巨大损失与威胁。作者对PPR的流行病学、诊断方法及疫苗研制进展等方面作一简要综述,以期为该病的防控提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

为了解小反刍兽疫疫情在野生反刍动物中的流行情况,在风险较高且野生动物集中分布的内蒙古自治区赤峰市、呼伦贝尔市和兴安盟以及西藏自治区日喀则地区、山南地区、阿里地区和那曲地区,平行采集棉拭子样品和血清样品各78份。通过RT-PCR检测小反刍兽疫病毒核酸,同时用竞争ELISA检测反刍野生动物血清中的小反刍兽疫病毒特异性抗体。结果检测样品中未发现阳性样品。说明该批次样品中没有发现野生动物感染小反刍兽疫病毒。研究结果可为小反刍兽疫防控工作提供依据。  相似文献   

为评估小反刍兽疫弱毒活疫苗(75/1株)的临床免疫效果,通过免疫试验、免疫场的跟踪检测以及荧光RT-PCR检测方法,对疫苗免疫安全性、免疫抗体持续期、抗体效价消长情况进行了临床免疫测试和评估。结果显示,疫苗免疫安全性良好,免疫后14d可以检测到疫苗核酸,免疫后7d开始产生特异性抗体,抗体持续时间达12个月以上。研究表明临床用小反刍兽疫疫苗具有良好的免疫原性,可产生良好的临床免疫效果。  相似文献   

为了解小反刍兽疫病毒在自然感染羊体内的分布情况,平行采集临床发病羊的脾脏、肺脏、心脏、肝脏、肾脏、大肠、淋巴结以及眼拭子、鼻拭子、肛门拭子、血清等样品,应用荧光RT-PCR方法对各样品进行平行检测,比较各样品检测Ct值,评估病毒分布和各样品中的病毒含量,结果显示,所有样品小反刍兽疫病毒核酸均为阳性,其中大肠、肺脏、脾脏和淋巴结的检测Ct值较小,表明小反刍兽疫病毒在自然感染羊体内呈全身分布,但在大肠、肺、脾和淋巴结等组织中的含量较高。  相似文献   

本文报告应用C-ELISA方法监测小反刍兽疫免疫区山羊、绵羊和牦牛PPR免疫抗体的结果。结果显示:检测免疫山羊血清298份,阳性163份,阳性率54.70%;检测免疫绵羊血清588份,阳性140份,阳性率23.81%;累计检测免疫羊(山羊和绵羊)血清886份,阳性303份,阳性率34.20%;检测免疫区非免疫牦牛血清353份,阳性51份,阳性率14.45%。并对试验结果显示的免疫区羊免疫抗体阳性率偏低、山羊和绵羊免疫抗体阳性率差异大及免疫区接触牦牛PPR抗体呈阳性的检测结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫流行病学及防控研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小反刍兽疫是山羊、绵羊以及一些野生小反刍动物的一种急性或亚急性接触性传染病,自从首次发生以来一直呈扩大趋势,成为了严重危害畜牧业生产安全的重大跨国动物疫病之一。诊断技术和疫苗接种是预防控制小反刍兽疫的重要手段,根据小反刍兽疫典型的临床症状可初步做出假设性诊断,但确诊需要实验室诊断技术的支持。论文从小反刍兽疫目前的世界分布情况、小反刍兽疫病毒的起源以及易感动物等方面阐述了该病的流行病学特征,介绍了小反刍兽疫病毒实验室诊断技术的研究进展及几种具有应用前景的小反刍兽疫疫苗,为该病的研究和有效防控提供依据。  相似文献   

我国小反刍兽疫疫情现状与防控策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小反刍兽疫作为重要的跨境动物疫病之一,已经传入我国并广泛流行。对我国养羊业、民生和经济发展造成沉重的打击。为有效防控该病,从小反刍兽疫的病原学、宿主范围,传播特点、传播因素和综合防控的策略等方面进行了概述,重点从制度保障和防控要素方面进行分析,旨在为我国小反刍兽疫的防控提供理论支持。  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫是由小反刍兽疫病毒引起的一种急性、亚急性传染性疾病,主要感染绵羊、山羊及一些野生小反刍动物,发病率和死亡率均较高,给广大农牧民和养殖场造成巨大的经济损失。因此,对该病的诊断及综合防控措施进行概述,以期为该病的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

BackgroundPeste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an infectious disease caused by the peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) that mainly produces respiratory symptoms in affected animals, resulting in great losses in the world''s agriculture industry every year. Single-domain variable heavy chain (VHH) antibody fragments, also referred to as nanobodies, have high expression yields and other advantages including ease of purification and high solubility.ObjectivesThe purpose of this study is to obtain a single-domain antibody with good reactivity and high specificity against PPRV.MethodsA VHH cDNA library was established by immunizing camels with PPRV vaccine, and the capacity and diversity of the library were examined. Four PPRV VHHs were selected, and the biological activity and antigen-binding capacity of the four VHHs were identified by western blot, indirect immunofluorescence, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analyses. ELISA was used to identify whether the four VHHs were specific for PPRV, and VHH neutralization tests were carried out. ELISA and western blot analyses were used to identify which PPRV protein was targeted by VHH2.ResultsThe PPRV cDNA library was constructed successfully. The library capacity was greater than 2.0 × 106 cfu/mL, and the inserted fragment size was approximately 400 bp to 2000 bp. The average length of the cDNA library fragment was about 1000 bp, and the recombination rate was approximately 100%. Four single-domain antibody sequences were selected, and proteins expressed in the supernatant were obtained. The four VHHs were shown to have biological activity, close affinity to PPRV, and no cross-reaction with common sheep diseases. All four VHHs had neutralization activity, and VHH2 was specific to the PPRV M protein.ConclusionsThe results of this preliminary research of PPRV VHHs showed that four screened VHH antibodies could be useful in future applications. This study provided new materials for inclusion in PPRV research.  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫(Peste des Petits Ruminants,PPR,也称羊瘟)是由副黏病毒科麻疹病毒属小反刍兽疫病毒(PPRV)引起的,以发热、口炎、腹泻、肺炎为特征的急性接触性传染病,山羊和绵羊易感,山羊发病率和病死率均  相似文献   

一、总则(一)小反刍兽疫是我国一类动物疫病,为及时、有效地预防、控制和扑灭小反刍兽疫,确保畜牧业健康发展,维护社会安定,依据《申华人民共和国动物防疫法》、《重大动物疫情应急条例》以及《国家突发重大动物疫情应急预案》制定本预案。  相似文献   

In 1995, a peste des petits ruminants (PPR) outbreak was diagnosed in Ilam province in Iran near the border with Iraq both serologically and virologically. As then, despite all control measures, PPR has been identified in the whole country and has led to costs of at least US$1.5 million to the Iranian owners of sheep and goats.  相似文献   

为查明湖南省某县3个养羊户饲养的羊出现大量发病和死亡的原因,对3个养羊户的发病羊进行临床及病理剖检诊断,并且采集16份血清和3份病料进行实验室检测,确诊为小反刍兽疫,这是湖南省首次发现该病。流行病学调查分析显示,以饲养为目的的活羊调运且活羊未经检疫是引发此次疫情的主要原因,建议动物卫生监督部门要加大对羊群调运的检疫监管力度。  相似文献   

我国首例小反刍兽疫诊断报告   总被引:30,自引:10,他引:30  
2007年7月我国西藏发生不明山羊疫情,国家外来动物病诊断中心对当地动物疫病控制中心送检的14只病死山羊病料和一批血清样品分别进行病原学和血清学检测。利用较敏感的小反刍兽疫病毒(PPRV)特异性荧光定量RT-PCR方法,在11只病羊组织中检测到小反刍兽疫病毒核酸。利用次敏感的PPRV普通RT-PCR方法,从8只病羊组织中检测到PPRV核酸。针对1号样本病原核酸N基因和F基因片段进行遗传发生分析,该病原属于4系。利用竞争ELISA试剂盒对送检的13份血清样本进行抗体检测,结果全部阳性。将1号组织样本接种Vero细胞分离病毒,透射电镜观察下,发现了500纳米左右的病毒粒子。对分离毒株进行PCR检测同样证实其为PPRV。  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫活疫苗临床试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过观察免疫接种后动物的临床症状,采用中和试验法检测小反刍兽疫活疫苗(75/1株)免疫后3个月、15个月和26个月时免疫动物血清的抗体水平,评价和测定小反刍兽疫活疫苗在新疆和西藏地区临床应用的安全状况、免疫效果和免疫持续时间。结果显示,免疫动物未发现任何免疫接种引起的不良反应,表明疫苗对山羊和绵羊具有良好的安全性;免疫后3个月、15个月和26个月时,血清中和抗体阳性率分别为89.8%、93.6%和83.95%,表明该疫苗的免疫效力良好,免疫期至少可达26个月。  相似文献   

Data on reproduction and mortality were collected over one year from 5100 sheep and 13 300 goats in treated and control flocks. The treated animals received vaccination against peste des petits ruminants (PPR) and anthelmintics twice a year. Productivity parameters (fecundity and mortality rates) obtained with and without prophylaxis were fitted into a benefit–cost economic analysis model and run for project lifespans varying from one to five years. At a 7% discount rate, the overall benefits for a project lifespan of five years were estimated as over 15 million FCFA and 11 million FCFA for sheep and goats, respectively. The benefit–cost ratio ranged from 2.26 to 3.27 in goats and 3.01 to 4.23 in sheep, depending on the project lifespan. It was concluded that PPR and gastrointestinal helminthosis are important causes of economic losses in small ruminants in Cameroon. A national or even a regional vaccination campaign against PPR and strategic anthelmintic treatment of small ruminants are recommended.  相似文献   

自去年12月以来,小反刍兽疫在国内多地出现,严重影响了养羊业的健康发展.本文根据甘肃省养羊业现状和羊病情况,分析了小反刍兽疫的发生趋势,旨在指导行业或养殖场户认真做好羊病防控,减少损失,保障发展.  相似文献   

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