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Regions of diversity in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of Sirococcus species were exploited to design primer pairs used in a PCR-based method for the identification of the conifer shoot blight pathogen Sirococcus conigenus and the closely related fungus Sirococcus tsugae. The specificity of each primer pair for the respective fungus, detection limits and utility for detection from host material were confirmed. The S. conigenus primers were then used to detect this pathogen in tissues of symptomatic or apparently healthy red pine shoots collected at six locations in Wisconsin and Michigan and results compared with those obtained using a cultural assay. For needles, bark and wood of symptomatic shoots, the mean frequencies of detection of S. conigenus using the PCR-based methods were consistent (≥7.5 out of 10) and always greater than for the cultural assay. Detection from symptomatic shoots using the cultural assay was more frequent from needles than from bark or wood. Both the PCR-based method and the cultural assay detected S. conigenus in similar frequencies from asymptomatic shoots, although less frequently than from symptomatic shoots. The efficiency of the PCR-based method and its utility for direct testing of host material should make it particularly useful in areas where multiple shoot blight pathogens are found.  相似文献   

We estimated carbon allocation to belowground processes in unfertilized and fertilized red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) plantations in northern Wisconsin to determine how soil fertility affects belowground allocation patterns. We used soil CO(2) efflux and litterfall measurements to estimate total belowground carbon allocation (root production and root respiration) by the carbon balance method, established root-free trenched plots to examine treatment effects on microbial respiration, estimated fine root production by sequential coring, and developed allometric equations to estimate coarse root production. Fine root production ranged from 150 to 284 g m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly lower for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Coarse root production ranged from 60 to 90 g m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly lower for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Annual soil CO(2) fluxes ranged from 331 to 541 g C m(-2) year(-1) and were significantly lower for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Annual foliage litterfall ranged from 110 to 187 g C m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly greater for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Total belowground carbon allocation ranged from 188 to 395 g C m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly lower for fertilized than for unfertilized plots. Annual soil CO(2) flux was lower for trenched plots than for untrenched plots but did not differ between fertilized and unfertilized trenched plots. Collectively, these independent estimates suggest that fertilization decreased the relative allocation of carbon belowground.  相似文献   

Sirococcus is a genus of asexually reproducing fungi that includes important pathogens causing shoot blight and tip dieback of conifers. In this paper, the type species of Sirococcus, S. conigenus, is redescribed and illustrated, and an epitype designated. In addition, two new species are recognized. Sirococcus piceicola sp. nov. is described from species of Picea in Canada and Switzerland. A second new species, S. tsugae sp. nov., is known only from western North America on species of Cedrus and Tsuga. These three species can be distinguished based on morphological differences and molecular sequence data from four genes. The three species of Sirococcus on conifers vary in conidiomatal wall structure, shape of the conidiogenous cells, and shape and size of conidia.  相似文献   

The chemical bioregulator, 2-(3, 4-dichlorophenoxy)-triethylamine (DCPTA), which has markedly stimulated photosynthesis, carbon allocation, and above- and below-ground growth of several agricultural crops, caused small growth effects on red pine (Pinus resinosa L.) germinants and one and two-year-old seedlings, mainly to foliage and stems. At low DCPTA concentrations, i.e. 10 ppm, growth tended to be promoted, whereas at 100 ppm growth appeared to be suppressed. Continued testing of the bioregulator's effect on growth and physiology of other tree species is recommended.  相似文献   

Fourteen provenances of lodgepole pine artificially inoculated with a local isolate of Sirococcus strobilinus varied in their susceptibility to the pathogen. Provenances from the Dry Interior (31.9%) and the Sierra (14.3%) had significantly lower disease incidence than those from the Interior Wet Belt (51.9%), the Coast (62.5%) and the Cascade Range (58.6%). These results indicate the potential for selecting seed sources with low levels of susceptibility to Sirococcus shoot blight.  相似文献   

Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings and trees differ in their response to ozone. Previous work reported reductions in net photosynthesis, carboxylation efficiency and quantum yield of mature tree leaves, whereas seedling processes were unaffected by the same ozone exposure. To further characterize differences in ozone response between seedlings and mature trees, we examined carbon partitioning and allocation in 32-year-old trees and 4-year-old seedlings of northern red oak after exposure to subambient (seasonal SUM00 dose (sum of all hourly ozone exposures) = 31 ppm-h), ambient (SUM00 dose = 85 ppm-h) and twice ambient (SUM00 dose = 151 ppm-h) ozone concentrations for three growing seasons. For mature trees, ozone exposure decreased foliar starch partitioning, increased starch partitioning in branches and increased (14)C retention in leaves. In contrast, starch partitioning in leaves and branches, and foliar (14)C retention in seedlings were unaffected by ozone exposure, but soluble carbohydrate concentrations in coarse and fine roots of seedlings were reduced. Differences in carbohydrate demand between seedlings and mature trees may underlie the higher leaf ozone uptake rates and greater physiological response to ozone in mature northern red oak trees compared with seedlings.  相似文献   

Urbanization is accelerating across the globe, elevating the importance of studying urban ecology. Urban environments exhibit several factors affecting plant growth and function, including high temperatures (particularly at night), CO(2) concentrations and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. We investigated the effects of urban environments on growth in Quercus rubra L. seedlings. We grew seedlings from acorns for one season at four sites along an urban-rural transect from Central Park in New York City to the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York (difference in average maximum temperatures of 2.4 °C; difference in minimum temperatures of 4.6 °C). In addition, we grew Q. rubra seedlings in growth cabinets (GCs) mimicking the seasonal differential between the city and rural sites (based on a 5-year average). In the field experiment, we found an eightfold increase in biomass in urban-grown seedlings relative to those grown at rural sites. This difference was primarily related to changes in growth allocation. Urban-grown seedlings and seedlings grown at urban temperatures in the GCs exhibited a lower root: shoot ratio (urban ~0.8, rural/remote ~1.5), reducing below-ground carbon costs associated with construction and maintenance. These urban seedlings instead allocated more growth to leaves than did rural-grown seedlings, resulting in 10-fold greater photosynthetic area but no difference in photosynthetic capacity of foliage per unit area. Seedlings grown at urban temperatures in both the field and GC experiments had higher leaf nitrogen concentrations per unit area than those grown at cooler temperatures (increases of 23% in field, 32% in GC). Lastly, we measured threefold greater (13)C enrichment of respired CO(2) (relative to substrate) in urban-grown leaves than at other sites, which may suggest greater allocation of respiratory function to growth over maintenance. It also shows that lack of differences in total R flux in response to environmental conditions may mask dramatic shifts in respiratory functioning. Overall, our findings indicating greater seedling growth and establishment at a critical regeneration phase of forest development may have important implications for the ecology of urban forests as well as the predicted growth of the terrestrial biosphere in temperate regions in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic light acclimation in red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) seedlings was examined in a greenhouse study to better understand the physiological response of this species to increased light intensity following release from competition. Seedlings grown in a high (HL), medium (ML) or low (LL) light environment for 12 weeks were transferred to high light. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of ML and LL seedlings were measured prior to and following transfer and compared with the HL control treatment. Photosynthetic characteristics were related to initial light treatment and time after transfer. Acclimation of gas exchange features to high light in shade formed ML and LL foliage was relatively rapid, with similar values among light treatments within 57 days of transfer. Acclimation of net photosynthetic rate was similar in ML and LL seedlings, and was associated primarily with increased mesophyll conductance to CO2. The ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) decreased initially after transfer, especially in LL seedlings, but recovered to normal values after 57 days. Red pine seedlings appear to be well adapted for photosynthetic acclimation to high light intensity, consistent with that reported for other early successional tree species.  相似文献   

Models were developed to predict understory vegetation response to multi-nutrient fertilization at six conifer-forested stands in the inland Northwest United States. Equations are presented to estimate how fertilization as well as other factors impacting understory production in the inland Northwest change total understory vegetation production and the production of three individual lifeforms (shrubs, forbs, and grasses and grass-likes). Overstory stand density was found to have the greatest impact on understory production, and regardless of factors such as fertilization or precipitation, large stand densities will limit understory production. At lower stand densities, multi-nutrient fertilization as well as greater amounts of precipitation will increase understory production. These factors were also found to be synergistic; thus, greater amounts of precipitation increase the effects of multi-nutrient fertilization on understory production. For sites of the same stand density, Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] was shown to have a greater negative impact on understory production than ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.). The models predict that multi-nutrient fertilization of ponderosa pine stands will produce increases in understory production across a broader range of stand densities.  相似文献   

We analyzed processes limiting photosynthesis in two-year-old, container-grown Pinus pinaster Ait. seedlings subjected to phosphorus (P) deficiency. After withholding P for 3 months, seedlings were supplied P at four relative addition rates (0, 0.005, 0.01 and 0.02 day(-1)) in a nutrient recycling system. At Weeks 12 and 22, responses of photosynthesis to CO(2) and irradiance were measured and the following parameters derived: maximal velocity of carboxylation by Rubisco, V(m); apparent quantum efficiency of electron transport, alpha maximal electron transport rate, J(m); stomatal conductance and relative stomatal limitation of photosynthesis. At Week 22, these measurements were combined with concurrent measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence to determine the quantum yield of PSII, and a theoretical partitioning of total light-driven linear electron flow between fractions used to regenerate carboxylated and oxygenated RuBP. After 12 weeks of treatment, needle P concentrations ranged from 0.04 to 0.15 x 10(-2) g g(DW) (-1), and then remained constant until Week 22. Values of J(m), alpha and V(m) increased with increasing needle P concentration (from 30 to 133 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1), 0.02 to 0.25 mol mol(-1) and 13 to 78 &mgr;mol CO(2) m(-2) s(-1) at the lowest and highest needle P concentrations, respectively). Under ambient conditions, net assimilation rates in P-deficient seedlings were limited by V(m) under saturating irradiance, and by J(m) under limiting irradiance, but not by triose-P regeneration. There was no detectable change in the partitioning of total light-driven linear electron flow between the fractions used for carboxylation and oxygenation. Predawn photochemical efficiency of PSII was significantly reduced in seedlings with low P concentrations. Although stomatal conductance tended to decrease with decreasing needle P concentration, relative stomatal limitation was not significantly affected. At Week 22, there was an attenuation of the effects of P nutrition on V(m) and an increase in alpha and J(m) that was probably related to cessation of growth and the seasonal decline in natural irradiance.  相似文献   

The fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea persists on or in stems of asymptomatic red pine (Pinus resinosa) nursery seedlings, and proliferates to cause collar rot and mortality after planting. In the spring of 2002, seven nurseries were surveyed to determine the potential range in frequency of asymptomatic persistence: three operated by Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), two by Minnesota DNR, one by Michigan DNR, and one by USDA Forest Service (in Michigan). At each nursery five groups of 20 asymptomatic red pine seedlings were collected near an inoculum source (red pine windbreak), if present, and five groups of 20 asymptomatic seedlings were collected away from such a source (1400 seedlings total). A segment of the lower stem/root collar from each seedling was surface disinfested and incubated on tannic acid agar. Transfers were made from resulting colonies and the pathogen identified from pycnidia and conidia produced in culture. The pathogen was identified from asymptomatic seedlings collected in all Wisconsin and Minnesota nurseries, but was never detected from seedlings from the Michigan DNR or USDA Forest Service nurseries. Frequencies of detection were greater (as high as 88%) from asymptomatic seedlings near red pine windbreaks including diseased trees than from seedlings distant from such windbreaks. A subset of isolates from asymptomatic seedlings was characterized using inter‐simple sequence repeat–polymerase chain reaction analysis. Most isolates were the A group of S. sapinea, but B group isolates (recently named Diplodia scrobiculata) were also obtained from one nursery. One Minnesota nursery was more extensively sampled in 2003, with 17–44 groups of five asymptomatic red pine seedlings collected in four separate fields (525 seedlings total). The mean frequency of detection of the pathogen in these four fields ranged from 40 to 71%. Persistence of S. sapinea on or in asymptomatic seedlings continues to be problematic, not only because of the potential for subsequent seedling mortality, but also as a means by which a pathogen may be widely distributed.  相似文献   

Sap flow gauges were used to estimate whole-plant water flux for five stem-diameter classes of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) growing in the understory of an upland oak forest and exposed to one of three large-scale (0.64 ha) manipulations of soil water content. This Throughfall Displacement Experiment (TDE) used subcanopy troughs to intercept roughly 30% of the throughfall on a "dry" plot and a series of pipes to move this collected precipitation across an "ambient" plot and onto a "wet" plot. Saplings with a stem diameter larger than 10 cm lost water at rates 50-fold greater than saplings with a stem diameter of 1 to 2 cm (326 versus 6.4 mol H(2)O tree(-1) day(-1)). These size-class differences were driven largely by differences in leaf area and cross-sectional sapwood area, because rates of water flux expressed per unit leaf area (6.90 mol H(2)O m(-2) day(-1)) or sapwood area (288 mol H(2)O dm(-2) day(-1)) were similar among saplings of the five size classes. Daily and hourly rates of transpiration expressed per unit leaf area varied throughout much of the season, as did soil matrix potentials, and treatment differences due to the TDE were observed during two of the seven sampling periods. On July 6, midday rates of transpiration averaged 1.88 mol H(2)O m(-2) h(-1) for saplings in the "wet" plot, 1.22 mol H(2)O m(-2) h(-1) for saplings in the "ambient" plot, and 0.76 mol H(2)O m(-2) h(-1) for saplings in the "dry" plot. During the early afternoon of August 28, transpiration rates were sevenfold lower for saplings in the "dry" plot compared to saplings in the "wet" plot and 2.5-fold lower compared to saplings in the "ambient" plot. Treatment differences in crown conductance followed a pattern similar to that of transpiration, with values that averaged 60% lower for saplings in the "dry" plot compared to saplings in the "wet" plot and 35% lower compared to saplings in the "ambient" plot. Stomatal and boundary layer conductances were roughly equal in magnitude. Estimates of the decoupling coefficient (Omega) ranged between 0.64 and 0.72 for saplings in the three TDE treatment plots. We conclude that red maple saplings growing in the understory of an upland oak forest are responsive to their edaphic and climatic surroundings, and because of either their small stature or their shallow root distribution, or both, are likely to be impacted by precipitation changes similar to those predicted by global climate models.  相似文献   

We investigated how partial overstory retention, understory vegetationmanagement, and protective Vexar® tubing affected the frequency andseverityof biotic injuries in a two-storied stand underplanted with western redcedar(Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don), Douglas-fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, grand fir(Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl), and western hemlock(Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). The most prevalentsource of damage was browsing by black-tailed deer (Odocoileushemionis columbiana); deer browsed over 74% of Douglas-fir and over36% of western redcedar seedlings one or more times over the four years of thisstudy. Neither the spatial pattern of thinning (even or uneven) nor the densityof residual overstory affected browsing frequency. Spraying subplots may haveslightly increased browsing frequency, but the resulting reduction of theadjacent understory vegetation increased the volume of all seedlings by 13%,whether or not they were browsed. Vexar® tubing did not substantiallyaffectseedling survival, browsing damage frequency, or fourth-year volume. Greaterlevels of overstory retention reduced frequency of second flushing. Chafing bydeer and girdling by rodents and other small mammals began once seedlingssurpassed 1 m in height. Essentially all grand fir seedlingsexhibited a foliar fungus infection.  相似文献   

Leaf conductance at three absolute humidity deficits (AHDs) (7, 14 and 21 g m(-3)), hydraulic conductance and components of tissue water potential were measured in one-year-old loblolly pine seedlings from six origins representing the geographic range of the species. Measurements were made on seedlings grown (a) with ample water (moist regime) and (b) with recurring severe drought (dry regime). However, all seedlings were well-watered prior to and during measurements. Seedlings grown in the moist regime had greater mean leaf conductances (0.30 versus 0.13 cm s(-1)) and greater responses to AHD than seedlings grown in the dry regime. They also exhibited greater hydraulic conductances (0.53 versus 0.35 microg cm(-2) s(-1) MPa(-1), less negative osmotic potentials (-1.45 versus -1.57 MPa) and higher relative water contents at turgor loss (0.72 versus 0.65). Seed source differences in water relations characteristics were detected only in seedlings grown in the moist regime. In these, trees from the three interior origins had greater mean leaf conductances than those from the three coastal sources (0.32 versus 0.28 cm s(-1)), but no differences in response to changing AHD were observed. Seedlings from North Carolina had lower osmotic potentials at turgor loss than those from Florida, Georgia or Texas. These differences in water relations characteristics are not clearly related to the observed greater survival ability of trees from interior origins compared with those from coastal origins.  相似文献   

Red pine and jack pine seedlings growing in styroblocks were inoculated 8 wk after sowing with mycelium/agar slurries of 3 mycorrhizal fungi (Laccaria bicolor, Scleroderma citrinum, and an unidentified basidiomycete), and one suspected mycorrhizal fungus (Cantharellula umbonata). Seedlings inoculated with L. bicolor developed mycorrhizae earlier and in greater numbers than the other inoculation treatments, with red pine out-performing jack pine in both respects. At 34 wk following sowing, seedlings were outplanted on a cleared xeric site in Baraga Co., in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Seedlings inoculated with C. umbonata failed to form mycorrhizae and were not outplanted. Inoculation treatments did not affect shoot or root weight at outplanting. Red pine inoculated with L. bicolor averaged 21% and 19% greater survival compared with control seedlings after one and two years in the field, respectively. Other inoculation treatments failed to increase seedling survival for either tree species. Jack pine demonstrated higher overall survival than did red pine for both years in all corresponding inoculation treatments.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Pinus sylvestris, P. nigra ssp. laricio, and P. mugo vars mughus, rostrata and pumilio were inoculated at their cotyledon stage with aeciospores of Peridermium pini from north-east Scotland. Infection was determined by the presence of both mycelia and haustoria in free-hand or paraffin sections. In the second growing season, infected seedlings showed symptoms such as stem-swelling, development of spermogonia and aecia, and death. In a second experiment, young P. sylvestris seedlings from seven seed sources collected in Great Britain were inoculated and the infection were examined after 6 weeks. In the samples of 50 seedlings from each source, 30–70% seedlings were infected.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - The impact of biodiversity loss on the functioning of forest ecosystems has become a central issue in ecology. Most reports of the positive effects of tree...  相似文献   

The released excess anthropogenic nitrogen and carbon produces habitat enrichment, as exemplified by the modification of one-storied pine stands by introducing deciduous species into the understory or second story. In this study, we discuss the validity of pine stand modification by pitfall-trapping epigeic carabid beetles. Two hypotheses were formulated: (1) proportion of late-successional species is higher in assemblages inhabiting pine stands with understory or a second story than in one-storied pine stands; (2) plant litter composition affects carabid beetle assemblages more than other environmental variables. Additionally, characteristic carabid species of the respective pine stand types were identified. GLMM analysis revealed a higher proportion of late-successional species in pine stands with understory or a second story than in one-storied ones. NMDS separated those pine stand types. RDA analysis indicated that pine litter and humus had the strongest effect on carabid beetle assemblage structure in one-storied stands, being drier and thicker in this stand type than in the others. Indicator value analysis identified two characteristic non-forest species in one-storied stands The study revealed that the introduction of understory and particularly a second story into pine stands increased carabid beetle diversity and the proportion of late-successional species, confirming the validity of pine stand modification.  相似文献   

以健康黑松(Pinus thunbergii)幼苗为材料,用非伤害性刺激,如冷冻和伤害性刺激,如:烧伤、刺伤、化学伤害等引发了植物体内的波形的变化,研究表明,非伤害性刺激能在幼苗体内引起动作电波的传递,伤害性刺激除了能引起动作电波的传递外,还能引起较为复杂的变异电波的传递并对这种现象进行了讨论。图4参28。  相似文献   

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