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Adsorption and desorption of terbutryne by a Ca-montmorillonite and humic acids or mixture of both The effect of pH on the adsorption of terbutryne by humic acids and a Ca-montmorillonite or mixtures ofthe two shows a certain similarity with that of clay alone. Around the area of neutral pH only humic acids adsorb terbutryne. In an acid environment the isotherms of terbutryne adsorption by humic acids and montmorillonite are types L and S respectively and reflect a different relationship between tbe adsorbant and the substance adsorbed; in the case of mixtures, isotherms of adsorption are different and reveal a synergistic effect which suggests interaction between the colloids. Desorption is generally accompanied by a hysteresis phenomenon associated with the presence of humic acids. The special relationships of clay with o.m. are likely to provide a better understanding of herbicide activity in soil.  相似文献   

R. DE  PRADO  E. ROMERA  J. JORRIN 《Weed Research》1993,33(5):369-374
The effects of the chloroacetamide herbicides acetochlor, alachlor and propachlor and the pho-tosynthesis-inhibiting herbicides linuron, prometryn and terbutryn on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and atrazine-sensitive and -resistant Amaranthus hybridus L. biotypes were investigated under laboratory conditions. Sunflower tolerated all three chloroacetamides in pre-emergence applications of 1.5–5.0 kg a.i. ha?1 in growth assays. Sunflower also survived doses of 0.5–1.0 kg a.i. ha?1 of linuron, prometryn and terbutryn, although growth reduction and chlorosis of treated plants was observed. These three herbicides inhibited photosynthetic electron transport in in vitro Hill reaction and fluorescence assays and, with terbutryn, photosynthesis recovered upon transfer of the leaves from herbicide solutions to water. The practical significance of these results for the control of weeds in sunflower cultivation in Spain are discussed. Effets d'herbicides chloroacétamides et d'herbi-cides inhibiteurs de la photosynthèse sur la crois-sance et la photosynthèse du tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.) et de Amaranthus hybridus L. Les effets des herbicides chloroacétamides acétochlor, alachlor et propachlor ainsi que des herbicides inhibiteurs de la photosynthèse linuron, prometryne et terbutryne, ont étéétudiés sur le tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.) et sur des biotypes sensibles et résistants d'Amaranthus hybridus L. en conditions de laboratoire. La croissance du tournesol n'était affectée par au-cun des trois chloroacétamides appliqués en prélevée (1,5–5,0 kg m.a. ha?1). Le linuron, la terbutryne et la prometryne (0,5–1,0 kg m.a. ha?1) occasionnaient des réductions de croissance et des chloroses sur le tournesol mais les plantes survivaient. Ces trois herbicides in-hibaient le transport d'électrons photosyn-thétique observé par des mesures de fluorescence et, in vitro par la réaction de Hill. Dans le cas de la terbutryne, la photosynthèse reprenait après transfert des feuilles des solutions d'herbicides dans 1'eau. La signification pratique de ces résultats pour la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes du tournesol en Espagne est discutée. Wirkung von Chloracetamiden und Photosyn-these-hemmenden Herbiziden auf Wachstum und Photosynthese der Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus L.) und Amaranthus hybridus L. Die Wirkung der Chloracetamid-Herbizide Acetochlor, Alachlor und Propachlor und der Photosynthese-hemmenden Herbizide Linuron, Prometryn und Terbutryn auf die Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus L.) und Atrazin-empfindliche sowie-unempfindl Amaranthus-hybridus-Biotypen wurde unter Laborbedin-gungen untersucht. In Wachstumstests tolerierte die Sonnenblume alle 3 Chloracetamide bei Vorauflaufanwendung von 1,5 bis 5,0 kg AS ha?1. Auch Dosen von 0,5 bis 1,0 kg AS ha?1 von Linuron, Prometryn und Terbutryn wurden vertragen, aber der Wuchs war beeinträchtig, und Chlorosen wurden beobachtet. Diese 3 Herbizide hemmten den photosynthetischen Elektronentransport bei Versuchen zur Invitro-Hill-Reaktion und Fluoreszenz, und bei Terbutryn stellte sich die Photosynthese nach Überführen der Blätter von der Herbizidlösung auf Wasser wieder ein. Die praktische Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse für die Unkrautbekämpfung in Sonnenblumenkulturen in Spanien wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

The effect of placing terbutryne in different soil layers with reference to different depths of sowing of peas was studied by measuring plant top growth. Increasing the depth of sowing resulted in greater plant injury by the same layer of herbicide-treated soil. Exposing the upper part of the emerging epicotyl (nearest the soil surface) to soil treated with terbutryne was more injurious than exposing the lower part of the epicotyl (nearest the seed). Uptake of 14C-labelled prometryne and terbutryne by pea seedlings during emergence and early growth was measured according to different soil-zone treatments. The absorbed amount of each herbicide decreased in the order: root system, lower epicotyl, upper epicotyl. Translocation of the herbicides to the foliage was higher from the upper than from the lower part of the epicotyl. Shoot and root uptake and translocation of prometryne were higher than of terbutryne.  相似文献   

Experiments were done to observe the pattern of early root development of radish (Raphanus raphatnistrum L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), the mobility of chlortoluron following application to the soil surface, the effect of protecting the subterranean shoots of four plant species on their response to chlortoluron and terbutryne and the relative quantities of 14C-labelled chlortoluron taken up by radish and Avenu fatua from root and shoot zone exposure. Both chlortoluron and terbutryne appear to be able to enter the plants examined, Alopecurus myosuroides, Stellaria media, perennial ryegrass and radish, through roots and shoots. It is suggested that shoot uptake is relatively more important for plants like perennial ryegrass than for those whose roots develop more quickly and invade the soil above the seed, such as radish. The quantities of radioactive chlortoluron taken up from soil containing 400 ng g?1 showed that less than 3 ng per plant could reduce A. fatua fresh weight by 17–40% while over 30 ng per plans had little effect on radish. By comparison 2 kg ha?1 chlortoluron applied to the soil surface of pots which were sub-irrigated for 3 weeks gave a concentration of 170 ng g?1 in the layer of soil 10–12 mm from the surface. It is suggested that for shallow germinating species with herbicides of physical and phytotoxic properties similar to chlortoluron, the solvent action of rainfall, together with diffusion, is enough to allow the transport of toxic quantities to the target plant although any leaching action is likely to increase activity.  相似文献   

Ce projet a permis ?évaluer des programmes de désherbage combinant ?application ?herbicides en bandes et les sarclages mécaniques comme méthode alternative à?utilisation intensive ?herbicides dans le maïs-grain (Zea mays L.). Les résultats des travaux menés au Québec en 1991 et 1992 indiquent que ?application ?herbicides en bandes (atrazine à 1,0 kg m.a. ha?1+métolachlore à 1,9 kg m.a. ha ?1 en post-levée précoce) sur le rang (40% de la surface totale cultivée) suivie par des sarclages mécaniques sélectifs sur toute la surface procurent des rendements de maïs-grain équivalents a ceux obtenus là où les herbicides ont été appliqués sur toute la surface cultivée. Il est donc possible de réduire la quantité?herbicides utilisée dans le maïs-grain sans diminuer son rendement. La répression mécanique des mauvaises herbes a été plus efficace en 1991, qui a été une année sèche comparée à 1992 qui a été froide et pluvieuse. Il ressort de cette étude qu'un traitement combinant une application ?herbicides en bandes et deux sarclages sélectifs sur toute la surface à 2 et 4 semaines après ?émergence du maïs-grain procure à la fois un désherbage adéquat des adventices et un rendement optimum du maïe. Reduced use of herbicides in corn through herbicide-banding combined with cultivations The efficacy of various weed management systems utilizing banded applications of herbicides and mechanical cultivations were investigated in order to find alternatives to intensive herbicide use in grain maize (Zea mays L.) production. In experiments conducted in Quebec in 1991 and in 1992, banded applications of atrazine (1.0 kg a.i. ha ?1) and metolachlor (1.9 kg a.i. ha?1) on maize rows (40% of field area) combined with post-emergence cultivations, achieved a similar grain yield to that obtained when herbicides were broadcast over the whole field. In this project, decreasing herbicide was not accompanied with decreasing maize yield. Mechanical weed control was more effective in 1991, a drier year than 1992 which was cool and rainy. A banded application of herbicides followed by cultivations at 2 and 4 weeks after maize emergence provided commercially acceptable weed control and crop yield.  相似文献   

The adsorption of paraquat dichloride (1,1′-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridylium dichloride) on a soluble sodium humate fraction of a Fenland soil was studied by gel filtration (on Sephadex G10 and G100) and by ultrafiltration (through an Amicon Diaflo UM-2 ultrafilter). Both methods depend upon the separation, on a molecular weight basis, of the unadsorbed molecules of herbicide from the adsorption complex (consisting of polymeric organic materials and the adsorbed paraquat). Separations were obtained on columns of Sephadex G10 (Method I) and in the ultrafiltration experiments (Method II), and isotherms were prepared from data for adsorption in water (by Method II) and in sodium chloride (by Methods I and II) solutions. Results from the two methods were comparable over the concentration range examined. The increased adsorption of paraquat by Na+-compared with Ca2+-humate is explained on the basis of the selectivity sequence of humate for exchangeable cations. Attempts to prepare isotherms from gel filtration data, for the adsorption of paraquat on two soluble model humic polymers (polyacrylic acid and a polymer prepared by the oxidative coupling of benzoquinone and ammonium chloride) were unsuccessful because binding to the gel matrix did not permit quantitative recoveries of the adsorption complexes. Paraquat was adsorbed to the same extent on each of four fractions of Na+-humate separated on Sephadex G100.  相似文献   

L'adsorption de plusieurs phcnyluré (diuron, linuron. mtox- uron, isoproturon) par des acides humiques augmente lorsque le pH diminue, Lëtablissement de liaisons hydrogène entre les molécules herbicides el les groupements fonctionnels non disso- ciés des acides humiques pourrait expliquer cet effet, Compars au calcium, au mème pH, les cations Fe3+, Al3+, Cu2+ ne modifient pas l'intensité de l'adsorption mais, compte tenu de la composition ionique des acides humiques, on peut supposer l'existence d'interactions entre les molcules herbicides et ces cations fixs sur les acides humiques.  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998, five field studies were conducted at four Portuguese wine‐growing regions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical control of vineyard weeds under Mediterranean conditions using either reduced doses of residual herbicides or only foliar herbicides. Amitrole (3440 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + glyphosate mono‐ammonium salt (1720 + 900 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole (3400 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + terbuthylazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1) and amitrole + diuron + simazine (2580 + 1300 + 1400 g a.i. ha?1) were assayed and compared with the following reference herbicides: glyphosate isopropylamine salt (1800 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2520 + 1680 g a.i. ha?1), diuron + glyphosate + terbuthylazine (1275 + 900 + 1425 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (1900 + 3900 g a.i. ha?1) and glyphosate + simazine (800 + 2200 g a.i. ha?1). The herbicides were applied during late winter. The results indicated that good control was achieved by the application of foliar herbicides alone or of reduced rates of a mixture of residual herbicides with foliar herbicides for at least 2 months. Three months after application, the efficacy of post‐emergence herbicides and lower rates of residual herbicides decreased significantly in clay soils and under heavy rainfall conditions. Convolvulus arvensis– a weed that is becoming increasingly significant in Portuguese vineyards – was poorly controlled, even when glyphosate was used. Despite this, it can be assumed that in those regions in which the trials were conducted, it is possible to employ weed control strategies that entail the elimination or a reduction in the rate of residual herbicides.  相似文献   

Marker-exchanged mutants of phoP and phoQ of Erwinia chrysanthemi (Ech) strain 3937 became more sensitive to the cationic antimicrobial peptide (CAMP) magainin II than did the wild type at a low Mg2+ concentration and at either acidic or neutral pH. At high Mg2+ and acidic pH, only the phoQ mutant, but not the phoP mutant, became more sensitive to magainin II than did the wild type; both mutants were more sensitive at neutral pH. The hyperinduction of Pel synthesis in medium containing plant extracts and polygalacturonic acid (PGA) was confirmed in the wild type but not in the mutants at low Mg2+ and neutral pH. However, Pel was hyperinduced at high Mg2+ and neutral pH in these mutants but not in the wild type. Maceration was also greatly reduced by these mutants compared to the wild type when the inoculum was precultured and then resuspended in the medium with low Mg2+ at neutral pH. However, when bacteria were precultured and resuspended in the medium with high Mg2+ at neutral pH, severe maceration was observed in these mutants but not in the wild type. Thus, at low Mg2+, PhoP-PhoQ TCS seems to be stimulated for maceration and the hyperinduction of Pel synthesis. At high Mg2+, however, PhoP-PhoQ TCS may be repressed for these phenotypes, and PhoP may be controlled by a mechanism(s) other than PhoQ regulation.  相似文献   

研发水体中酰胺类农药残留简便快捷的检测技术,对评估农药造成的水体污染和提出相应的治理对策具有重要意义。以共掺杂镧系金属离子 (Eu3+ 和Tb3+) 作为配位金属离子,分别利用水热法和微波法制备了镧系金属有机框架材料 (lanthanide metal-organic frameworks, Ln-MOF),对其结构和性质进行了表征,并采用所制备的Ln-MOF对水体中残留的5种常见酰胺类除草剂 (乙草胺、异丙草胺、丙草胺、敌草胺和异丙甲草胺) 进行了定性和定量分析。结果表明:与水热法相比,采用微波法制备的Ln-MOF样品呈蓬松的簇状、结晶度好,且具有更高的发光效率,故选择微波法制备Ln-MOF。农药残留检测试验结果表明,不同除草剂对Tb3+和Eu3+的发光会产生差别性猝灭,并使整体发射光发生变化,进而实现水体中农药的可视化检测。进一步研究发现,荧光强度比值I (Tb3+)/I (Eu3+) 与丙草胺浓度在0.1~1 mmoL/L范围时呈线性相关,线性相关系数R2 = 0.998,检测限 (LOD) 为0.08 mmoL/L。另外,该材料对于用湖水配制的除草剂溶液也具有一定的定性检测能力。本研究结果展现了Ln-MOF用于水体中酰胺类除草剂的定性、定量分析具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

Chemical degradation of carbamate herbicides deposited on various homionic clays The cheminal degradation or propyn-2-yl N phenylcarbamate on various homionic clays (Bentonite Prolabo, Montmorillonite K10; Cu2+, Ag+, Zn2+, Fe3+) was investigated at room temperature. Only copper and silver were active. The kinetics of the degradation was generally slower than that previously described for chlorbufam. Cyclization of oxazolidinone and carbamate function hydrolysis were observed simultaneously. The selectivity of the conversion was influenced by the impregnation technique, clay type and exchange cation. Isocyanate was involved as an intermediate in the carbamate function hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Influence of organic material and soil moisture content on the adsorption of aniline Adsorption of aniline is directly related to the organic content of the soil and appears to depend mainly on the humic acid content. The competitive effect of soil water in the adsorption of aniline was examined. The influence of colloidal suspensions on adsorption was such that in natural surroundings only trace quantities of aniline were found in soil liquid. In every case, desorption was accompanied by a pronounced hysteresis effect, but salt solutions (CaCl2) had the greatest ability to displace adsorbed aniline.  相似文献   

Chlortoluron, propyzamide, terbutryne and nitrofen were applied to the soil in pots with a rotary atomizer at 301 ha?1, with a conventional hydraulic nozzle at 400 1 ha?1 at several doses, or as discrete 2-μl drops applied with a microsyringe at 2-cm spacings. The test plants were Alopecurus myosuroides, Stellaria media, Chenopodium album, Avena fatua, perennial ryegrass and radish. Chlortoluron, propyzamide and terbutryne had the same activities following the rotary atomizer or conventional spray application but the rotary atomizer application of nitrofen was less effective against A. fatua than the conventional spray treatment. Chlortoluron, propyzamide and terbutryne showed appreciable activity applied as drops 2 cm apart at rates equivalent to 2 kg ai ha?1, on plants growing equidistant from the drops, but nitrofen showed no activity under these circumstances. The activity of chlortoluron was investigated at different soil moisture contents; it was more active when applied to moist soil than to dry soil which was not wetted for at least 10 h. Application method did not affect this response  相似文献   

Echinochloa colona is the most common grass weed of summer fallows in the grain‐cropping systems of the subtropical region of Australia. Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide for summer grass control in fallows in this region. The world's first population of glyphosate‐resistant E. colona was confirmed in Australia in 2007 and, since then, >70 populations have been confirmed to be resistant in the subtropical region. The efficacy of alternative herbicides on glyphosate‐susceptible populations was evaluated in three field experiments and on both glyphosate‐susceptible and glyphosate‐resistant populations in two pot experiments. The treatments were knockdown and pre‐emergence herbicides that were applied as a single application (alone or in a mixture) or as part of a sequential application to weeds at different growth stages. Glyphosate at 720 g ai ha?1 provided good control of small glyphosate‐susceptible plants (pre‐ to early tillering), but was not always effective on larger susceptible plants. Paraquat was effective and the most reliable when applied at 500 g ai ha?1 on small plants, irrespective of the glyphosate resistance status. The sequential application of glyphosate followed by paraquat provided 96–100% control across all experiments, irrespective of the growth stage, and the addition of metolachlor and metolachlor + atrazine to glyphosate or paraquat significantly reduced subsequent emergence. Herbicide treatments have been identified that provide excellent control of small E. colona plants, irrespective of their glyphosate resistance status. These tactics of knockdown herbicides, sequential applications and pre‐emergence herbicides should be incorporated into an integrated weed management strategy in order to greatly improve E. colona control, reduce seed production by the sprayed survivors and to minimize the risk of the further development of glyphosate resistance.  相似文献   

Humic acid, a natural by-product from lignite coals, was evaluated for its potential to control root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incogntia infecting banana. Hatching of M. incognita eggs was inhibited 50%–100% following incubation in 0.08%-2.0% humic acid in vitro. Exposure of juveniles (J2) of M. incognita to different humic acid concentrations significantly affected the mobility of J2 in vitro. The percent immobility of J2 increased with concentrations of humic acid up to 0.08%. In pot experiments, soil treatment with humic acid reduced the root galling in banana plantlets. All the humic acid tested concentrations (0.04%, 0.08%, 0.2% and 0.4%) significantly reduced the nematode soil density by 53.5%–56.7%, root infection by 61.9%–63.8%, egg population by 61.9%–63.8% and reproduction rate by 55.7%–56.6%. A significant improvement of growth of banana plantlets in terms of number of leaves, pseudostem height, girth, weight, root length and weight was noticed in humic acid treated pots. Humic acid did not suppress growth of the biocontrol agents Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma viride in vitro. Results suggest that soil treatment with humic acid at 0.04% not only offers significant nematode control but also improves growth of banana.  相似文献   

Glyphosate‐resistant Ambrosia trifida is a competitive and difficult‐to‐control annual broad‐leaved weed in several agronomic crops in the Midwestern United States and Ontario, Canada. The objectives of this study were to compare treatments for control of glyphosate‐resistant A. trifida with tillage followed by pre‐emergence (PRE) and/or post‐emergence (POST) herbicides in glyphosate‐resistant maize and to determine the impact of A. trifida escapes on maize yield. Field experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 in grower fields infested with glyphosate‐resistant A. trifida. Tillage prior to maize sowing resulted in 80–85% control compared with no tillage. Tillage followed by PRE application of saflufenacil plus dimethenamid‐P with or without atrazine resulted in 99% control compared with ≤86 and 96% control with PRE herbicides alone at 7 and 21 days after application respectively. Tillage or POST‐only herbicides resulted in 4–14 A. trifida plants m?2, whereas a PRE and POST programme had <3 plants m?2. Maize yield was greatest (13.1–14.2 tonnes ha?1) with tillage followed by PRE and POST herbicide programme. The relationship between maize yield and late‐season density of A. trifida escapes showed a 50% maize yield reduction irrespective of control measures when A. trifida density was 8.4 plants m?2. It was concluded that the combination of tillage with PRE and/or POST herbicides reduced A. trifida density and biomass accumulation early in the season and provided an integrated approach for effective management.  相似文献   

The baseline toxicity of 22 acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides and the cross-resistance patterns of chlorsulfuron- and imazapyr-resistant (R) lines on these 22 ALS-inhibiting herbicides were investigated using the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. The 22 herbicides consisted of 18 sulfonylureas (SU), three imidazolinones (IMI) and one triazolopyrimidine (TP). The ED50 values (doses of herbicides required to reduce dry matter by 50%) of the post-emergence-treated Col and Ler susceptible (S) lines ranged from 22 to 4822 mg ha−1 and from 17 to 3143 mg ha−1 respectively. The csr1-1 chlorsulfuron-resistant line (substitution of Pro197 to Ser) conferred a high resistance to the only TP tested as well as to nine SU herbicides (R:S ratio ≥30), a low resistance to two SU herbicides (R:S≥5 and <30) and little or no resistance to the three IMI and seven other SU herbicides (R:S <5). This result contradicts the expectation that an ALS mutation selected by an SU herbicide confers high cross-resistance to other SU herbicides. We found that the efficacy of specific ALS inhibitors was different for different species and therefore could not be predicted from our results with A. thaliana; however, the cross-resistance patterns in A. thaliana were highly correlated with cross-resistance patterns in unrelated species with the same resistance mutation. These results have implications for resistance management.  相似文献   

A simple bioassay is described in which the increase of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence of unialgal continuous, cultures is related to the concentration of photosynthetic inhibitors by a hyperbolic function. Concentrations of the herbicide terbutryne detected by the bioassay in an aquarium microcosm were generally within 2 μg 1?1 of estimates by gas chromatography. A multispecies bioassay approach is proposed, which combines high sensitivity with a wide operating range of concentrations.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of triasulfuron, metsulfuron‐methyl and chlorsulfuron in aqueous buffer solutions and in soil suspensions at pH values ranging from 5.2 to 11.2 was investigated. Hydrolysis of all three compounds in both aqueous buffer and soil suspensions was highly pH‐sensitive. The rate of hydrolysis was much faster in the acidic pH range (5.2–6.2) than under neutral and moderately alkaline conditions (8.2–9.4), but it increased rapidly as the pH exceeded 10.2. All three compounds degraded faster at pH 5.2 than at pH 11.2. Hydrolysis rates of all three compounds could be described well with pseudo‐first‐order kinetics. There were no significant differences (P = 0.05) in the rate constants (k, day−1) of the three compounds in soil suspensions from those in buffer solutions within the pH ranges studied. A functional relationship based on the propensity of nonionic and anionic species of the herbicides to hydrolyse was used to describe the dependence of the ‘rate constant’ on pH. The hydrolysis involving attack by neutral water was at least 100‐fold faster when the sulfonylurea herbicides were undissociated (acidic conditions) than when they were present as the anion at near neutral pH. In aqueous buffer solution at pH > 11, a prominent degradation pathway involved O‐demethylation of metsulfuron‐methyl to yield a highly polar degradate, and hydrolytic opening of the triazine ring. It is concluded that these herbicides are not likely to degrade substantially through hydrolysis in most agricultural alkaline soils. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Surface catalysed dégradation of carbamate herbicides on bentonites II. Chlorbufam The chemical degradation of chlorbufam on various monoionic bentonites (Cu2+, Ag+) was investigated at room temperature. A chemical degradation pathway for chlorbufam was proposed.  相似文献   

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