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The objective of this clinical study was to report the prevalence of ocular disorders in a large population of horses from the Indian army. Both eyes of 500 horses were examined using a direct ophthalmoscope and by a transillumination procedure. Intraocular pressures were measured in several study horses. Fluorescein dye, Schirmer tear test, and menace testing were performed when indicated. Corneal culture swabs were collected from horses affected with corneal ulcers found on ophthalmoscopic examination. A total of 100 horses were found to be affected with some form of ocular disorder. The eye problems recorded were congenital eye lid disorders (2%) and included a subcutaneous cyst in the lower eye lid and slit in upper eye lid; conjunctivitis (12%); chronic interstitial keratitis (30%); a parasite in the anterior chamber (1%), which was however not removed for genus and species identification; phthisis bulbi (1%); uveitis (24%); glaucoma (13%); cataracts (3%); unilateral retinal hemorrhage (1%); luxation of cataractous lens (3%); posterior synechia (2%); and corneal ulceration (8%). Pseudomonas spp was the most common bacteria identified in horses affected with corneal ulceration. Vision-threatening ocular disorders are high in Indian army horses; this is a cause of major concern for the rider and the horse and, therefore, it is important to include ocular examination in horses as part of a routine and complete physical examination.  相似文献   

Each of 104 horses and ponies was approached for catching at pasture by the same human handler in a standard manner, either maintaining human-to-animal eye contact (EC+; n = 51) or avoiding eye contact (EC−; n = 53). A subset of 74 of these subjects were reevaluated 3 weeks later under similar standard conditions except with the eye contact condition opposite to that used in the first round. Nonparametric statistical methods were used to evaluate between subjects (round 1, n = 104) and within subjects (rounds 1 and 2, n = 74) comparisons of successful or unsuccessful catching outcome with EC+ and EC−. Catching outcomes were similar with eye contact condition. Although this study represents a single handler at one study site, results suggest that human-to-horse eye contact may not be an important influence on catching pastured horses. Certainly, further work is needed to better understand the role of eye contact in horse handling.  相似文献   

Equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) is a serious eye disease and the most common cause of blindness in horses. Until now, the cause of ERU is not fully understood. Persistent infections of pathogenic leptospires have been discussed. Chronic recurrent remitting episodes of inflammations and the positive therapeutic effects of corticosteroids have led to the hypothesis that ERU is an autoimmune disorder. The reason for a dysregulated autoimmune response may be linked to genetic factors. ERU shows similarities to human autoimmune uveitis with a genetic background. An association of the equine leukocyte antigen serological haplotype A9 with ERU in warmblood horses indicated that major histocompatibility complex I (MHCI) influences the development of ERU. The different types of human autoimmune and genetic uveitis, like Behçet's disease, systemic sarcoidosis, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, birdshot retinochoroidopathy, sympathetic ophthalmia, and acute recurrent anterior uveitis, had been associated with the human leukocyte antigen complex and genetic variants of the MHC. Furthermore non-MHC genes with a possible role in autoimmunity may also play a role in ERU-affected horses. The genes presented herein may be of interest for genome-wide association analyses of ERU-affected horses.  相似文献   

Abstract— Anagen defluxion is an unusual cause of non-pruritic alopecia in many species. Two cases are described in horses, the onset coinciding with upper respiratory disease associated with pyrexia. Skin biopsies showed typical changes with follicles containing broken hairs of irregular shaft diameter. The alopecia resolved slowly without therapy. Résumé— L'effluvium anagène est une cause rare d'alopécie non prurigineuse dans de nombreuses espèces. Deux cas ont été obserés chez des chevaux. Le début a coincidé avec une atteinte des voies respiratoires supérieures associées à une fièvre. Les biopsies cutanées ont révélé des lésions caractéristiques: follicules contenant des poils cassés de diamètre iérrgulier. L'alopécie s'est progressivement résorbée sans traitement. Zusammenfassung— Anagen-Deflux ist eine ungewöhnliche Ursache für eine nicht pruritische Alopezie bei vielen Spezies. Beim Pferd werden zwei Fälle beschrieben, wobei der Beginn mit einer fieberhaften Erkrankung der oberen Atemwege zusammenfällt. Hautbiopsien zeigten typische Veränderungen mit Follikeln, die abgebrochene Haare mit unregelmäßigem Schaftdurchmesser enthielten. Die Alopezie heilte langsam ohne Therapie ab. Resumen La defluxión de la fase anagenica del pelo es una rara causa de alopecia de tipo no pruriginoso en una variedad de especies. En este artículo se describe el caso de dos caballos, en los cuales el punto más agudo de la enfermedad coincide con afeccion de las vías respiratorias altas acompañada de fiebre. Las biopsias cutáneas demostraron la presencia de cambios típicos en los folículos pilosos que contenían pelos rotos o de diámetro irregular. La alopecia se resolvió de manera lenta sin ningun tipo de terapia.  相似文献   

Athletic horses often experience painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system, but their ability to compete can be prolonged using certain anesthetic agents. The present study investigated the ability of thermography to detect fetlock and middle carpal intrasynovial injections of bupivacaine hydrochloride in five mares. Saline injections were performed in the contralateral limbs. Thermographic evaluation was conducted at the dorsal and palmar aspects before (basal) and 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 1440 minutes after injection. The intrasynovial treatments resulted in increased limb temperature, with fetlock temperatures higher on the dorsal aspect at 15, 30, and 60 minutes and on the palmar aspect from 15 to 1440 minutes (P < .05) after the bupivacaine and saline injections. Increased carpal temperature was detected on the dorsal aspect at 60 and 90 minutes (P < .05). The present study demonstrates that thermography can be used to detect intrasynovial injections in horses.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is generally caused by Sarcocystis neurona and can produce substantial economic losses on equine production in America. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the seroprevalence of S. neurona in the main horse-production area of Argentina and associate it with the occurrence of neurologic disorders. Serum samples were collected from 640 horses in nine Argentinean provinces. Most of the samples correspond to animals ≥1.5-year-old from different breeds (n = 628); 12 samples were from younger horses. Further seroprevalence comparison was conducted from the older animals grouped with (n = 148) or without neurologic signs (n = 480). Immunoblot: proteins from 2 × 107S. neurona merozoites were used as antigen on each membrane. Reactivity to antigens with relative mobility of 7, 10, and 16 kDa was considered specific for antibodies against S. neurona; reactivity at 30 kDa was recorded separately. The overall seroprevalence for S. neurona was 26.1% (167/640), and all the provinces had positive horses. Seroprevalence of animals with neurologic signs was greater (P < .001) than what was observed in normal horses (39.2% vs. 22.1%), with an odds ratio of 2.27. Reactivity at 30 kDa was detected in 71% of all samples. This study identified a wide distribution of S. neurona–positive animals in Argentina and horses with neurologic signs having a greater seroprevalence than normal horses. Sarcocystis neurona infection should be considered for early differential diagnosis and treatment of animals with neurologic disorders to decrease the economic impact of EPM in Argentina.  相似文献   

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