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The indices of soil quality have been studied in Volgograd oblast, and the reasons for the worsening quality have been identified for different groups of soils. It is suggested that information on the genetic diversity of soils, their properties, and the character of soil management should be specially collected and systematized in order to make strategic decisions aimed at soil conservation. Information should be separately collected for the soils of agricultural lands, the soils of specially protected natural territories (including the soils listed in the Red Data Book of Russian Soils), and the soils that are used for nonagricultural purposes.  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的红壤资源划分与评估   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A small scale red soil resources information system(RSRIS) with applied mathematical models was developed and applied in red soil resources(RSR) classification and evaluation,taking Zhejiang Province,a typical distribution area of red soil,as the study area.Computer-aided overlay was conductied to classifty RSR types.The evaluation was carried out by using three methods,i.e.,index summation,square root of index multiplication and fuzzy comprehensive assessment,with almost identical results,The result of index summation could represent the basic qualitatie condition of RSR,that of square root of index miltiplication reflected the real condition of RSR qualitative rank,while fuzzy comprehensive assessment could satisfactorily handle the relationship between the evaluation factors and the qualitative rank of RSR,and therefore it is a feasible method for RSR evaluation.  相似文献   

红壤资源类型划分及机助制图研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了不同比例尺红壤资源类型划分体系的设想 ,并着重介绍了大比例尺红壤资源类型划分的方法和在信息系统辅助下红壤资源综合制图技术 .  相似文献   

Years of unregulated mining activity have left hundreds of abandoned quarries across Lebanon. Satellite images show that the number of quarries and areas they cover increased, from 784 quarries covering 2897 ha in 1989, to 1278 quarries covering 5267 ha in 2005. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to assess the impact of quarrying activities on scarce Eastern Mediterranean natural resources. The assessment is based on the computation of spatial indicators such as rainfall, slope gradient, vegetation cover, soil erosion risk, and rock infiltration, using GIS to appraise critical impacts on the Lebanese ecosystem. Compared with the 1989 baseline, the area consumed by quarries in 2005 increased more than three times over former arable lands, one third for forest lands and doubled for pasture lands. Quarries additionally destroyed 676, 137, and 737 ha of productive lands, respectively. The comparison of quarry distribution with the land capability map revealed that quarries are found mainly on productive soils, consuming 1314 ha in 1989 and 2192 ha in 2005 of prime lands. A total of 87 per cent of studied quarries represent serious hazards to groundwater quality. In general, a total of 272 quarries have high impact, 657 quarries have moderate impact, and 349 quarries have low impact on natural ecosystems. Analyzed data revealed that around 62 per cent of the quarries are located in a highly unsuitable environment. This paper presents recent findings from the Eastern Mediterranean for territorial suitability assessment of quarries to be considered in the frame of natural resources and coastal ecosystems management. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究提出以逻辑思维和形象思维为一体的Web环境下空间数据共享的实现技术方法,并结合我国宏观土地资源探索了空间数据分布模式及其相互关系,实现了由空间数据获取、标准化和规范化处理再到空间数据检索查询、分析显示和下载的共享目标。  相似文献   

Monitoring natural resources in Alaskan national parks is challenging because of their remoteness, limited accessibility, and high sampling costs. We describe an iterative, three-phased process for developing sampling designs based on our efforts to establish a vegetation monitoring program in southwest Alaska. In the first phase, we defined a sampling frame based on land ownership and specific vegetated habitats within the park boundaries and used Path Distance analysis tools to create a GIS layer that delineated portions of each park that could be feasibly accessed for ground sampling. In the second phase, we used simulations based on landcover maps to identify size and configuration of the ground sampling units (single plots or grids of plots) and to refine areas to be potentially sampled. In the third phase, we used a second set of simulations to estimate sample size and sampling frequency required to have a reasonable chance of detecting a minimum trend in vegetation cover for a specified time period and level of statistical confidence. Results of the first set of simulations indicated that a spatially balanced random sample of single plots from the most common landcover types yielded the most efficient sampling scheme. Results of the second set of simulations were compared with field data and indicated that we should be able to detect at least a 25% change in vegetation attributes over 31 years by sampling 8 or more plots per year every five years in focal landcover types. This approach would be especially useful in situations where ground sampling is restricted by access.  相似文献   

Risk analysis has been employed, amongst other things, both to estimate the probability of future water demand emergencies in reservoir systems (using simulation modelling), and to estimate environmental and public health risks (using empirical data). We assert that this framework, when coupled with simulation modelling, can be applied to examine and compare the impacts of resource exploitation, land use and production strategies which may cause land degradation. Our representation of risk analysis relies on the assumption that each land use strategy is associated with a risk of the system (i.e., social system, production system, ecosystem) attaining a subjectively unacceptable environmental condition (e.g. poor human nutrition, crop failure, degradation of a natural resource) sometime during a management planning period. The research methodology entails: (1) the identification of critical variables in the social and biological environment that are affected by exploitation and management of resources; (2) the identification through interviews, surveys, and research of regions of unacceptability in these variables that determine the dynamics of local environmental degradation; (3) the translation of resource policy and practice into a computer model of impact on the resource system; (4) many iterations of simulation of the system to determine the ‘risk of failing’ in each of the critical variables. The presentation of risk probabilities to decision-makers represents a reduction of many simulations into an understandable estimate of environmental impact. More importantly, risk analysis is potentially a learning tool for human system studies, and an interface for applied social science and ecological research.  相似文献   

基于数据仓库的土壤环境监测综合挖掘模型构架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决土壤环境监测全流程优化问题,提出了监测流程综合挖掘方法,采用数据仓库和工作流挖掘技术,构建了一个土壤环境监测综合挖掘模型构架.首先,采用雪花结构建立了数据模型构架,为流程挖掘提供数据底层;然后建立了监测流程综合挖掘模型构架,给出了监测单元挖掘、监测点位挖掘和监测数据挖掘,以及综合挖掘的模型函数和参数,以局部优化和全局优化的思路实现了土壤环境监测全流程优化.研究结果对于提高土壤环境监测效率,拓展LIMS实验室信息管理系统功能,构建土壤环境监测数据仓库和专家系统提供指导.  相似文献   

随着分子生物学快速发展,尤其是高通量检测技术的应用,生物数据量呈指数级增长。作者对海量生物信息数据的异质性特征展开分析,综述XML、虚拟数据库、联合数据库和数据仓库等当前生物数据整合的主流技术,比较其优缺点,指出在建立多数据源整合系统时需要考虑的主要问题。  相似文献   

Average annual growth of 3,001 red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) trees on plots randomly located across northern New England and upstate New York shows a regionally consistent decline starting soon after 1960. Depending on location, basal-area increment in 1980 was 13 to 40% less than in the peak growth year around 1960. The growth decline occurs in all size and age classes and is independent of elevation. Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) also shows a growth decline, but the start varies by tree age. The growth decline in both species is explainable at least in part by natural growth processes, complicating the task of evaluating the effects of atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

陕北延河流域基于GLP模型的流域水土资源综合配置   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
该文基于延河流域近50 a的水、土、气等因素的动态资料,在测评流域生态环境需水和社会经济用水的基础上,运用灰色线性规划(GLP)方法,构建水资源—土地资源耦合系统模型,探讨多目标情景下“面向生态的”水土资源综合配置方案。结果表明,随着供水能力的提高,流域林果产业前景广阔,城市化进程将不断加快。2020-2030年,预计流域在低配方案下有林地、灌丛林、园地的面积将分别由1 201.51、412.87 km2调整为1 434.67和589.24 km2,建设用地面积将由346.73 km2调整为575.38 km2。  相似文献   

根据气候统计资料和4个气象站多年气象数据,分析了石河子地区光、热、水、土资源的空间分布特点,并计算分析了该区主要作物的光合潜力、光温潜力变化规律。结果表明,石河子地区光能资源丰富,高于长江中下游及同纬度其他地区;沙漠、戈壁的增温效应使其热量资源高于国内同纬度其他地区。降水量虽小,作为灌溉农业的调节用水,可基本上满足生产需要。该地区土地资源丰富,但耕地质量差。其主要作物实际产量与光合潜力、光温潜力相差很大,具有较明显的增产潜力。对光温潜力分析表明,该区产量的主要限制因子是水,其次是温度。同时根据对石河子荒漠绿洲耕地资源潜力、宜农土地光热资源潜力和水资源潜力的分析,提出了自然资源优化和可持续利用的措施和模式。  相似文献   

我国农牧交错带资源环境现状与可持续发展对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阐述了我国东部农区与西部牧区之间生态过渡带———农牧交错带独特资源与环境特征 ,指出该区应打破系统的封闭性 ,引进负熵促进系统从无序向有序、从低级向高级演化 ,调整农业产业结构 ,使农牧业系统良性耦合 ,实现资源优化配置 ,积极扩大对内对外开放 ,获取外源能量流、物质流、价值流和信息流 ,开拓新的经济增长点和就业渠道  相似文献   

Integrated data analyses are becoming increasingly common in studies of wild animal populations where two or more separate sources of data contain information about common parameters. These types of analyses provide robust parameter estimates which fully reflect all available information, as well as estimates of parameters that would be unidentifiable in a separate analysis. In this article we present an integrated Bayesian analysis of four long-term datasets (counts, two mark-recapture-recovery time series, and productivity) relating to a colony of common guillemots (Uria aalge) on the Isle of May, southeast Scotland. A complication when considering the dynamics of populations of this kind is the unobservable emigration of immature animals. In the analysis of mark-recapture-recovery data, the rate of emigration is frequently confounded with that of mark loss and it is only possible to estimate the product of these parameters. By combining all available data for the Isle of May guillemots in an integrated population model, we are able to estimate these parameters separately and thus obtain improved estimates of prerecruitment emigration.  相似文献   

遥感技术已广泛应用于国土资源调查、评价和监测等领域,而遥感数据处理与分析仍是制约其应用深度的重要因素。该文在对比分析目前资源遥感监测技术的基础上,探索了基于两个时相遥感影像的变化信息提取、基于遥感影像与基年土地利用现状图的变化信息提取和基于最新遥感影像土地利用现状信息提取等关键环节的技术方法,提出了适合工程化和规模化应用的解决方案,为遥感技术在土地资源领域的深入应用提供技术支持。  相似文献   

洱海湖滨区畜禽粪便污染与资源化利用措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对洱海湖滨区畜禽生产及其粪便污染与利用现状进行调查研究,针对生产中存在的问题,提出控制污染加快畜禽粪便资源化利用措施。  相似文献   

通过对洱海湖滨区畜禽生产及其粪便污染与利用现状进行调查研究,针对生产中存在的问题,提出控制污染加快畜禽粪便资源化利用措施。  相似文献   

不同自然植被管理措施对红壤丘陵果园水土流失的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
丘陵是“山—丘—谷”的过渡地带,生态系统脆弱,一旦植被遭破坏,极易水土流失。在红壤丘陵园地应用除草剂调控水土流失试验结果表明:与传统的清耕法相比,克无踪、草甘膦、草草克、克克草和生草法可使地表径流量分别减少47.7%,20.8%,31.4%,41.3%和45.5%;可使土壤侵蚀量分别减少52.4%,39.0%,48.1%,50.7%和55.2%;可使土壤养分分别减少50.2%,37.0%,41.8%,45.8%和60.3%。除草剂对杂草再生率影响,与生草法比较,克无踪可达67.2%,草甘膦达30.3%,草草克36.8%,克克草51.2%和清耕法55.1%;克无踪调控杂草效果分别是草甘膦的2.2倍,清耕法的1.2倍。克无踪调控杂草效果显著,有望成为红壤丘陵园地培肥与水保相得益彰的有效措施。  相似文献   

Abstract. Native woodland restoration is a conservation priority within the UK and there is an increasing awareness that a long-term strategy is required to guide this process. A GIS-based modelling approach has been developed, which links site conditions as expressed in an integrated soil and land cover dataset with the site requirements for different woodland types. There are three important aspects to the model – the parameter weightings, the added value of the integrated dataset, and the woodland categories which are described and predicted. The initial quantitative and qualitative validation has been encouraging although more is required and planned. The results indicate that for broad strategic planning purposes, predictions of woodland potential are not improved significantly when climatic factors are incorporated. The concept that soil acts as an integrator of other environmental variables is discussed alongside the practical application of the model by a range of users.  相似文献   

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