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空心刨花板投资前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空心刨花板是一种新型的人造板,主要用于木门、房屋隔断、家具、办公场所,具有隔音、保温、节能、抗冲击、阻燃、环保等特点。文章从空心刨花板的性能、成本、市场前景及风险等方面进行分析阐述,论证了空心刨花板的投资前景。  相似文献   

总结了空心刨花板的制备工艺及其物理力学性能的特点,分析了空心刨花板产品的应用前景,并提出了今后的发展方向,指出空心刨花板产品具有广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

在现代平台式轻型木结构墙体中分别填充30mm厚岩棉、33mm厚一层空心刨花板和33mm厚两层空心刨花板,形成三种不同的复合外墙,并测试三种墙体的隔声性能,得到了隔声效果的单一评价值.实验结果表明:空心刨花板复合墙体存在隔低频声差,隔高频声好的隔声特性.空心刨花板复合墙体隔声性能优于类似填实岩棉等吸声材料的墙体结构,而且其隔声性能(计权隔声量)都接近或超过40dB,符合住宅隔声标准要求.  相似文献   

空心刨花板是近年来我国人造板行业发展起来的新一代新型绿色环保材料。截至2006年3月,国内空心刨花板生产厂家仅有2家,生产线设备均为国外制造,现有生产能力不超过3万m3/a。从现在市场上销售的空心刨花板来看,产品被广泛应用于室内套装门的门芯材料及室内墙体隔断材料。针对空心刨花板市场的广阔前景,在充分消化吸收国外先进设备技术的基础上,经过多年的研制,我们成功开发出符合我国国情的1万m3/a空心刨花板生产线。  相似文献   

结构用竹木复合空心板的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据复合材料结构设计原理,以竹材人造板作为面板,以马尾松木条组成芯层,设计结构用竹木复合空心板。探索了这种板的空心率对力学性能的影响,研究结果表明:竹木复合空心板具有刚度的可设计性,其刚度的计算值与实测值存在着良好的一致性,其空心率对刚度无显著影响,对强度有极显著影响。  相似文献   

E1级空心刨花板的生产工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用施胶量、甲醛捕捉添加剂、挤压温度、挤出速度为试验因子,探讨E1级空心刨花板的生产工艺.研究结果表明:甲醛捕捉剂的添加量为2%时,板材的甲醛释放量为8 mg/100g,达到E1级环保产品.E1级空心刨花板的较佳工艺参数为:施胶量5%,甲醛捕捉剂添加量2%,挤压温度160 ℃,挤出速度0.35 m/min.  相似文献   

运用非稳态法测定银杏木空心刨花板的导热系数,同时探讨了不同厚度空气层对复合墙体传热阻的影响.结果表明,绝干时空心刨花板的导热系数为0.136 W/(m·K),可以作为保温材料;当空气层厚度<74 mm时,复合墙体的传热阻随空气层厚度的增加而增大.  相似文献   

对普通木质刨花板、麦秸刨花板及稻草刨花板进行了密度、含水率、吸水厚度膨胀率、静曲强度和弹性模量、内结合强度、表面结合强度及握钉力的测试,结果表明,麦秸刨花板在强度方面不及木质刨花板,稻草刨花板在抗弯性能上也无法满足要求,两种秸秆板的握钉力都较差。产生上述差距的关键原因是板坯的密度,另外,与原料形态、加工工艺、机械设备等也有关系。  相似文献   

研究了热压法制造竹木混合水泥刨花板工艺并对影响板材性能的因素进行探讨。结果表明:竹刨花水煮预处理后所制备的板材性能较好;本实验范围内,竹木混合水泥刨花板较合适的工艺参数为竹木比1∶3、灰木比4∶1、热压时间1~2min/mm板厚、CaCl2用量为灰重的5%、水灰比0.4。  相似文献   


Particleboard can be commonly produced by flat-pressing and extrusion methods. The elastic properties of the flat-pressed particleboard have been studied a lot, but the extruded particleboard has not had much attention. Six elastic properties of two commercial extruded tubular particleboards with different solid density were measured by a three-point bending test and electric resistance gages method. The elastic modulus in the extruded direction of the tubular particleboard is only one-tenth of the other two directions. The extruded tubular particleboard can not only be regarded as an orthotropic material but also a transverse surface isotropic material. The isotropic plane is the transverse section of the extruded particleboard which is different from the flat-pressed particle with the length–width plane as the isotropic plane. The checking of the data we measured demonstrated suitability and rationality.  相似文献   

通过单因变量两因素重复试验,以毛竹竹篾和桦木单板为原料,使用酚醛树脂胶黏剂压制竹木复合层积材,分析热压温度及板材密度对竹木复合层积材顺纹抗压强度的影响。结果表明,在试验选定因素水平范围内,热压温度和板材密度对竹木复合层积材顺纹抗压强度影响显著,板材顺纹抗压强度随热压温度的升高而增强,但145℃与160℃两水平之间差异并不显著;不同密度对板材顺纹抗压强度的影响差异显著,板材的顺纹抗压强度随板材密度的增大而增大;在其他工艺参数相对不变的情况下,热压温度与板材密度的交互作用对板材顺纹抗压强度的影响并无显著的影响。  相似文献   

将竹材用不同的预处理方法处理后,碾压、梳解制成竹束,对竹束进行断裂强度、细度的测定.试验结果表明,对竹材进行碱处理能有效地提高制备竹束的效率,采用细度和断裂强度来评价竹束的性能是可行的.竹束的细度范围为793~1445 tex,断裂强度的范围在0.73~2.32 cN/tex之间.随着竹束细度数值的增加,竹束断裂强度有减小的趋势.  相似文献   

We investigated the bending properties of composite boards produced by reinforcing both sides of corrugated particleboard with medium-density fiberboard (MDF). Thickness swelling and linear expansion (LE) were measured to assess the dimensional stabilities of the composite board. Although the apparent density of the composite board was 0.48g/cm3, its strength was found to be equivalent to that of 18-type particleboard as described in JIS A 5908. The boards parallel/perpendicular anisotropy in strength was 0.9. The modulus of rupture (MOR) of the composite board increased with board density only up to a certain density, beyond which the MOR was constant. On the other hand, the thickness swelling of both corrugated particleboard and the composite board was smaller than that of flat-type particleboard, satisfying the JIS A 5908 standard of 12%. Linear expansion (soaking in water of ordinary temperature for 24h) of corrugated particleboard was 0.7%–0.9% in the parallel direction and 2.1%–3.1% in the perpendicular direction; hence, anisotropy in linear expansion existed in the corrugated particleboard. The linear expansion of the composite board was 0.6%–0.9% in the parallel direction and 1.8%–2.5% in the perpendicular direction. Although the LE of the composite board was lower than that of corrugated particleboard, it is necessary to improve the LE of composite board for practical use.  相似文献   

Gypsum particleboard (GPB) has high thickness swelling (TS), high water absorption (WA), and low mechanical properties compared with cement-bonded particleboard. The properties of GPB were improved by adding cement. The experimental results showed that GPB with the added cement had good physical and mechanical properties compared with those of gypsum particleboard with no added cement. The TS and WA of gypsum particleboard with added cement were reduced by 10%. The mechanical properties of GPB, such as internal bond strength (IB), modulus of rupture (MOR), and modulus of elasticity (MOE), increased when the GPB was made with added cement. The properties of GPB improved relative to the quantity of cement added. With an increase of cement content from 5% to 10%, the TS and WA were reduced, and the IB, MOR, and MOE were increased. In contrast, the TS and WA increased and the IB, MOE, and MOR decreased when the cement content was increased from 15% to 30%. Thus the physical and mechanical properties of GPB were successfully improved when the added cement content was 10%.An outline of this paper was presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society in Kochi, April 1997  相似文献   

AlthoughPFresinsaregeneralIyrecognizedtobemuchdurablcthanUFresins,thcreisnotaclcardifferencebetwCcnparticlebordsbondedwiththesetwoadriesives.Infact,anumberofresearchcrshavefoundUFresinbondedparticleboardsandPFresinbondedparticleboardstodisplaythesimilarsh…  相似文献   

The tensile strength (TS) test results of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi, Carriere) lumber of varying length have shown that the length effects on TS were different between high-grade (H) and low-grade (L) lumber. In this paper, we examined the effect of knots on the TS distribution by measuring the number of knots and the knot area ratio of each specimen. There were more knots in L than in H; and the knot area ratio in L distinctly increased as the length increased compared to that in H. The correlation coefficients between physical properties and TS indicated that knots were the most influencial factor for TS among several physical properties: annual ring width, distance from pith, density, dynamic Young's modulus, and knots. We attempted to estimate the length effect parameters by introducing the concept of assumed knot strength. We thought that the length effect parameters for 50th percentiles of TS could be estimated well with fitted 3P-Weibull, and that the parameters for 5th-percentiles could be estimated well with 2P-Weibull fitted to lower-tail 10% data by the likelihood method. The differences of length effect on TS between H and L should be governed by the presence of knots. The independent model based on the concept of assumed knot strength may express the TS of structural lumber of various lengths.  相似文献   


Response surface methodology (RSM) based on a three-level, three-variable central composite rotatable design was applied to evaluate the effects of the parameters such as ratio of rice straw (Oryza sativa)/poplar (Populus deltoids) wood particle bonded with urea-formaldehyde resin in panels, species of wood veneer coating these panels and amount of adhesive in glue line on the modulus of rupture (MOR), internal bonding (IB), and thickness swelling (TS) of panels. Mathematical model equations were derived by computer simulation programming to optimize the properties of the particleboard. These equations that are second-order response functions representing MOR, IB, and TS were expressed as functions of three operating parameters of panel properties. Predicted values were found to be in a good agreement with experimental values (R 2 values of 0.96, 0.98 and 0.98 for MOR, IB, and TS, respectively). This study has shown that the RSM could efficiently be applied for modeling panel properties. It was found that the variables affected the properties of panels. Straw usage up to 30% in the mixture did not cause a significant decrease in MOR, IB, and TS. Using beech veneer and 190 g/m2 glue line had the highest MOR and lowest TS.  相似文献   

选用氢氧化铝(ATH)与硼酸锌(ZB)组成的无机复合型阻燃剂压制阻燃稻草刨花板,采用锥形量热仪法研究不同配比的ATH和ZB对稻草刨花板阻燃性能的影响。结果表明:无机复合型阻燃剂能有效减少稻草刨花板的热释放和烟释放,减少烟气中CO和CO2的释放浓度,降低燃烧过程中的质量损失速率,表现出良好的阻燃抑烟效果;ATH与ZB具有协同阻燃作用,ZB的加入能有效提高复合阻燃剂的阻燃效果,减少ATH的用量,10%的ATH用量可达到比较好的阻燃效果。  相似文献   

杨木水泥刨花板工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对杨木水泥刨花板的物理力学性能与主要工艺参数——密度、木灰比、水灰比、添加剂及添加量的关系作了研究。结果表明,密度(D)对板材性能影响最大,木灰比(W/C)次之,水灰比(W_1/C)最小;板材的主要性能如MOR、MOE、IB同密度、木灰比、水灰比的关系,可用方程Y=a_0+a_1D+a_2(W/C)+a_3(W/C)~2+a_4(W_1/C)+a_5(W_1/C)~2表示;在各种添加剂中,以氯化钙的效果最好。  相似文献   

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