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温度和含水率对红松木材中应力波传播速度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为分析应力波在木材中传播的影响因素,研究应力波传播规律,在实验室内,采用Arbotom应力波测试仪测试60个红松无疵小试件在不同含水率(从绝干到饱湿)和不同温度(-30,-20,-10,-5,0,5和20℃)下的应力波传播速度。在此基础上,分别分析应力波传播速度随含水率或温度变化的规律,探讨导致应力波传播速度变化的原因,并建立三者之间的回归模型。结果表明:含水率和温度是影响木材中应力波传播速度的2个重要因素。应力波传播速度随含水率增加或温度升高均呈逐渐下降趋势。在含水率32%(纤维饱和点附近)以下,传播速度随含水率增加下降幅度较大,反之则较小;当含水率低于50%时,传播速度随温度升高呈线性下降趋势;当含水率高于50%时,传播速度在0℃上下有一明显的跳跃。含水率、温度与应力波传播速度之间的二元线性回归模型拟合优度较高,决定系数R2均高于0.95。  相似文献   

对苇河林区1986年~2005年红松开花结实物候期进行观测,找出红松开花结实的变化规律,指出红松开花结实各物候期的最适温度。  相似文献   

温度对意杨木材弯曲性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文讨论了在60~180℃的温度范围内,老杨素材、防火材和他水材的抗育强度(MOR)、抗弯弹性模量(MOE)、静曲破坏功和韧性系数(Zb)随温度的变化规律。结果表明,三种试材的抗弯曲性能均是MOE素材>MOE防火材>MOE饱水材;MOR素材>MOR防火材>MOR饱水材。素材的静曲破坏功随温度的增加呈明显下降趋势。她水材的Zb值变化较大。  相似文献   

水分胁迫对美国山核桃苗木生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
美国山核桃(Carya illinoensis(Wangenh.)K. Koch.)又名薄壳山核桃、长山核桃,属胡桃科(Juglandaceae)山核桃属(Carya Nutt.)[1-2].  相似文献   

本文是关于针叶树木材弹性特性研究的理论分析。设定针叶树木材细胞主要由管胞和射线组成 ,根据管胞和射线细胞的解剖构造特征 ,建立了两端劈尖、矩形截面、中空的管胞模型与长方体状、中空的射线细胞模型。沿用MP层 (胞间层 初生壁 )内与 3S层 (次生壁的S1、S2、S3层 )内力学性质相同 ,而MP与 3S层间力学性质相异的假定 ,利用管胞和射线细胞模型 ,导出了管胞和射线细胞纵向弹性模量的计算公式。同时 ,根据管胞和射线细胞在针叶树木材中的排列规律 ,结合线形弹性体串并联的特性 ,进一步给出了计算针叶树木材试件宏观纵向弹性模量的方法。本项研究从木材细胞的结构和弹性特性出发 ,分析研究针叶树木材的宏观弹性行为 ,一方面可以获得关于针叶树木材弹性特性的认识 ,另一方面可以用于针叶树木材纵向弹性模量的计算和预测。  相似文献   

固定式承载索挠度对弹性模量影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛伟 《林业科技》2001,26(1):53-54,52
假设承载索两端固定装置的弹性变形为零,即两端固定装置为绝对刚性体。考虑承载索挠度弹性变化,从理论上探讨承载索弹性模量的变化规律,推导出承载索弹性模量公式。  相似文献   

木材干燥过程含水率和温度变化的数学模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木材干燥过程存在着热质互换和能量的转移,这为从热力学的角度研究木材干燥过程提供了前提条件,因此提出利用热力学原理分析木材干燥过程含水率和温度变化规律的数学模型.首先建立描述含水率和温度变化的高阶非线性偏微分方程组,然后采用有限元分析原理将方程组离散化,再经过一系列数学运算得到方程的收敛解,具体方法为牛顿迭代法,最后通过对木材含水率和温度变化情况仿真结果的分析,验证该方法的可行性及数学模型的准确性.  相似文献   

对从10.9%吸湿到25%再吸水到33%,接着蒸发回到25%再解吸回到10.9%的一个循环内多点含水率(MC)下的意杨酚醛树脂单板层积材(P-PF-LVL)静曲弹性模量(MOE)的测试分析结果表明:仅一个周期(MC 10.9%~33%~10.9%)的增水和失水,就导致P-PF-LVL产生了31.36%初始MOE的永久性损失,其中,源自于热压压缩永久性厚度回复的有4.61%;初始MOE最大可下降56.66%,初始厚度最大可增加4.84%,其中,热压压缩的永久性厚度回复有2.76%.P-PF-LVL的纤维饱和点为25%左右,其特征与一般实木有所不同.研究结果有助于结构用LVL的设计、制造和性能控制.  相似文献   


This study assessed variation in modulus of elasticity of trees and logs of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees. The study used 192 sample trees (c. 90–150 years) selected from 24 clear-felling forests in central and southern Sweden. Modulus of elasticity (MOE) assessed with transit-time technology on standing tree stems at 0.5–2.0m on the southern and northern side of each tree varied from 8.6 to 17.6 GPa. No systematic MOE difference was found between the southern and northern side of tree stems. The sometimes large MOE variations seen in some individual trees are probably a result of wood variation and wood defects. MOE assessed with resonance-based technology varied between 7.4 and 14.1 GPa for logs cut at similar height (<6.0 m). Models of MOE variation were derived from factors related to growth conditions at stand and tree level, with an R 2 adj of c. 0.46–0.62. The models indicate that growth and tree attributes associated with and/or creating less stem taper would yield trees with higher MOE.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effect of temperature gradient on moisture movement during highly intensive drying, such as microwave-vacuum drying, the profile of the temperature and moisture content in sealed wood whose opposite faces were subjected to temperature gradient for a short time was measured. The ratio of the moisture content (MC) gradient to the temperature gradient (dM/dT) was calculated and the factors influencing moisture movement under nonisothermal conditions were discussed. The results indicate that moisture moved in wood from the warm surface to the cold one even if opposite faces of the sealed wood assembly were exposed continuously to different but constant temperatures for a short period. The moisture content on the cold surface was higher than that on the warm surface. The moisture content gradient opposite to the temperature gradient was established, and the dM/dT was below 0.9%/°C. The temperature in the sample and the distance from the hot surface of the sample was strongly linearly correlated. With an increase in temperature, initial moisture content and experimental time, the dM/dT was significantly increased. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(2): 96–100 [译自: 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(2): 96–100]  相似文献   

This study investigated the dynamic modulus of elasticity (DMOE) of wood panels of Fraxinus mandshurica, Pinus koraiensis, and Juglans mandshurica using the natural frequency measurement system of fast Fourier transform (FFT). The results were compared with the static modulus of elasticity (E S) tested by a mechanical test machine. The results show a significant correlation between E S, transverse vibration DMOE (E F), and longitudinal vibration DMOE (E L). For all of these species, the correlation between E S, E F and E L is more significant than the individual species, which indicated that the FFT method is universal. The correlations between E S and sample’s density (ρ) are significant, but the correlation coefficient of E S and ρ is lower than those between E F, E L and E S. The E S of wood is more accurately tested by the analysis based on FFT measurement than by the estimation based on density. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2005, 41(6): 126–131 [译自: 林业科学, 2005, 41(6): 126–131]  相似文献   


To enable use of round Scots pine timber in structural frameworks it is necessary to estimate the mechanical properties of the material. This paper presents data on density, bending strength and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of 533 debarked Scots pine logs with diameter from 75 mm to 250 mm sampled from 10 sites in southern Norway. The results show that round timber can have high values of bending strength and MOE, depending on the sites from which the trees have been collected. Some of the variation in bending properties can be explained by visual characteristics, but since a significant proportion of the residual variance is related to sites, criteria for visual strength grading have to be conservative to be valid across all sites. The potential for machine grading based on measuring MOE is better since this model is more accurate and the random effect of site is smaller.  相似文献   

The dynamic and static modulus of elasticity (MOE) between bluestained and non-bluestained lumber of Lodgepole pine were tested and analyzed by using three methods of Non-destructive testing (NDT), Portable Ultrasonic Non-destructive Digital Indicating Testing (Pundit), Metriguard and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the normal bending method. Results showed that the dynamic and static MOE of bluestained wood were higher than those of non-bluestained wood. The significant differences in dynamic MOE and static MOE were found between bulestained and non-bluestained wood, of which, the difference in each of three dynamic MOE (Ep. the ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity, Ems, the stress wave modulus of elasticity and El, the longitudinal wave modulus of elasticity) between bulestained and non-bluestained wood arrived at the 0.01 significance level, whereas that in the static MOE at the 0.05 significance level. The differences in MOE between bulestained and non-bluestained wood were induced by the variation between sapwood and heartwood and the different densities of bulestained and non-bluestained wood. The correlation between dynamic MOE and static MOE was statistically significant at the 0.01 significance level. Although the dynamic MOE values of Ep, Em, Er were significantly different, there exists a close relationship between them (arriving at the 0.01 correlation level). Comparative analysis among the three techniques indicated that the accurateness of FFT was higher than that of Pundit and Metriguard. Effect of tree knots on MOE was also investigated. Result showed that the dynamic and static MOE gradually decreased with the increase of knot number, indicating that knot number had significant effect on MOE value.  相似文献   

采用Pundit、Metriguard、FFT等三种无损检测方法和常规弯曲法对加拿大扭叶松(lodgepole pine)蓝变与非蓝变实木板材的动态及静态弹性模量进行检测和比较研究。结果表明,蓝变材三种动态弹性模量及静态弹性模量均高于非蓝变材;对比分析表明,蓝变材和非蓝变材的动态及静态弹性模量存在差异,其中动态弹性模量差异均达到0.01显著性水平,静态弹性模量差异达到0.05显著性水平,并且心、边材及密度值不同是导致以上差异的主要原因。相关性分析表明,动态与静态弹性模量间相关性达到0.01显著性水平;尽管三种无损检测方法测量结果存在差异,但它们之间仍存在密切相关性,FFT 技术测量的准确性高于Pundit和Metriguard;板材中结子数影响木材动态和静态弹性模量,随着板材结子数增加弹性模量相应地降低。  相似文献   

Hygroexpansion of wood during moisture adsorption and desorption processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate the shrinking and swelling behavior of wood at a non-equilibrium state, the moisture sorptlon processes of wood under constant and changing conditions were studied. For the static sorption experiment, Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) specimens were subjected to the adsorption processes at 25℃, 10 different relative humidity environments and the moisture contents were measured at distinct time intervals of adsorption processes. For the dynamic sorption experiment, the specimens were exposed to periodically and linearly varying relative humidity between 45% and 75% at 25℃. Moisture content as well as radial and tangential dimensional changes in response to the changing relative humidity were measured. The main results from the experiments indicated that: the moisture sorption isotherms of Chinese fir at equilibrium state and different stages of adsorption processes could be characterized by S-shape curves. From the non-equilibrium state to the equilibrium state, the sigmoid moisture sorption isotherms changed from smooth, gradually increasing values to a steep rise at 100% humidity. Furthermore, under dynamic conditions with a constant temperature and a linearly and periodically varying relative humidity, the moisture content as well as radial and tangential dimensional changes of the specimens generally waved but lagged behind the relative humidity change.  相似文献   

Reduction in the rotation ages of softwood saw-log plantations in South Africa is causing increased proportions of low stiffness sawn lumber at final harvest. It has been shown for some species that the microfibril angle (MFA) of the S2 layer of tracheids is strongly related to the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of wood, even more so than wood density, especially in wood formed during juvenile growth. The objectives of this study were to describe the variation in MFA in young Pinus patula trees and to determine the relationship between MFA and the dynamic MOE of sawn P. patula lumber. Thirty 16- to 20-year-old trees from six compartments from the Mpumalanga escarpment were processed into discs and lumber. The MFA, density and ring width were measured at two height levels using Silviscan 3. The average annual ring MFA varied between 7° and 29°; the pattern of variation depended mainly on height level and the ring number from the pith. The MFA in P. patula followed the same within-tree variation trends as in New Zealand-grown Pinus radiata but the average MFA was lower in absolute terms and differences between height levels were less pronounced. The MFA and density exhibited highly significant Pearson correlations of 0.73 and 0.70, respectively, with board dynamic MOE. A multiple regression model, which included MFA, density and ring width, explained 71% of the variation in the dynamic MOE of boards. A sensitivity analysis on the model showed that MFA and density had approximately similar influences on predicting the dynamic MOE of Pinus patula boards.  相似文献   

The dynamic shear modulus and the loss modulus of Betula alba, Ulmus parvifolia, Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Fraxinus excelsior and Pinus sylvestris wood were measured using an inverted torsion pendulum within a wide temperature range. The glass transition temperature of the lignin–carbohydrate complex and the decomposition temperature of the wood cellulose were estimated. The temperature band from 170°C to 240°С shows the transition of the lignin–cellulose complex from the glassy to the rubbery state. Mechanical properties of different types of wood are affected by moisture and anatomical differences, but glass transition and decomposition temperatures are the same. More than 5% of moisture in the wood stored at normal conditions were found. After drying, the increase of dynamic shear modulus of wood over the entire region of the glassy state was observed. The intensity of maximum peak of dynamic loss modulus is also increased due to activation of the segmental motion of macromolecules of the ligno-carbon complex. The decomposition temperature of the cellulose crystallites was unchanged for specimens containing moisture and for dried specimens.  相似文献   


Acetylated wood is now commercially available and designed to be used in certain outdoor applications as an alternative to preservative-treated wood. Fastener corrosion can be a concern in preservative treated wood when the wood remains wet for long periods. However, little data on the corrosiveness of acetylated wood exists beyond the product literature. Here we examine the corrosiveness of commercially obtained acetylated wood and compare it against unmodified (untreated) southern pine (Pinus spp.). Corrosion rates of plain carbon steel, hot dip galvanized steel, and stainless steel were calculated gravimetrically after a one year exposed in the wood. Four different moisture conditions were examined: 90% relative humidity (RH), 95% RH, 100% RH, and a fully water saturated condition. When compared to literature data on the corrosion of fasteners in preservative treated wood at 100% RH, the acetylated wood had much lower steel corrosion rates than all preservatives examined; the measured corrosion rates for galvanized steel were lower than all preservatives except chromated copper arsenate. These measured corrosion rates across a range of moisture conditions can be used to inform the selection of appropriate corrosion resistant fasteners when building with acetylated wood.  相似文献   

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