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桐花树毛颚小卷蛾Lasiognatha cellifera Meyrick是广西北部湾桐花树的主要害虫,通过室内饲养和林间观察研究,对桐花树毛颚小卷蛾各虫态的形态特征进行了描述,基本了解其生活习性及生活史。该虫在广西北部湾地区1a发生12代,世代重叠。以2~3龄幼虫在桐花树叶片上卷叶越冬,3月上旬开始羽化为成虫,1~2d后即交配产卵,平均每雌产卵量76粒。卵历期2~4d,幼虫历期11~15d,蛹历期7~8d,成虫寿命约6d;该虫有2个明显的危害高峰期,分别出现在春季和秋季。提出桐花树毛颚小卷蛾的初步防治建议。 相似文献
通过5种聚集度指标以及Iwao法的m~*-m直线回归法和Taylor法的幂法则,对桐花树人工种植区内毛颚小卷蛾幼虫空间分布格局进行分析。结果表明:毛颚小卷蛾幼虫1年中在林间总体上呈聚集分布,仅在7月中下旬和10月中下旬呈均匀分布。Iwao的m~*-m回归方程为m~*=1.069 m+1.911,显示该虫在林间呈聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,个体之间存在相互吸引关系。样本平均数(m)与方差(S~2)的对数值的关系式为lgS~2=1.339lgm+0.216,显示该虫在林间呈聚集型分布,且分布具有密度依赖性,即聚集强度随种群密度的升高而相应增大。Iwao的理论抽样数公式为N=t~2(2.911/m+0.069)/D~2。 相似文献
桐花树毛颚小卷蛾生物学特性及发生规律 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Lasiognatha cellifera was one of the main defoliators for the Aegiceras corniculatum which was main tree of mangrove, and identified as new record of species in China L. cellifera had 7 generations per year in Zhangzhou area, Fujian Province and overwintered as pupa in the rolled leaf. Adult moth emerged in last-May, mating and laying egg on back of leaf soon. Egg period lasted 5 d, larvae period lasted 13—17 d, pupa periods lasted about 6 d but overwinter-pupa lasted about 150d, adult moth life-span was 4—5 d. The periods were related to the diversification of temperature, and the periods decreased with the increase of temperature. A. corniculatum in the front of seashore were harmed seriously for the reason that they growed weakly and L. cellifera was not adept in flying. Protecting natural enemies such as bird, parasitism etc., alluring adult moth,spraying Dimilin m in 2 000 concentration when it occurred seriously will control L. cellifera effectively. 相似文献
肉桂双瓣卷蛾是一种新的蛀梢害虫,以幼虫为害肉桂嫩梢。在掌握此虫的主要生物学特性和发生规律的基础上,采用螟黄赤眼蜂防治效果好。其最佳放蜂时间为每年的4月上旬,6月上、下旬,7月中旬,8月上旬。每公顷放蜂量以75万头为宜。 相似文献
毛颚小卷蛾幼虫空间分布型的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
毛颚小卷蛾幼虫是红树林的灾害性害虫之一,主要危害桐花树(Aegiceras corniculata)。主要应用扩散系数(C)、平均拥挤度(m*)等6种指标研究该虫的空间分布情况。结果表明:毛颚小卷蛾幼虫呈现聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,聚集强度随种群密度的升高而相应增大;钦州康熙岭滩涂外滩植株有虫株率较低(10%以下),中滩25%左右,内滩最高(100%),而北海丹兜和防城港北仑河附近的红树林滩涂,从外滩到内滩有虫株率呈现逐渐降低的趋势;幼虫在10月上旬危害最为严重。 相似文献
广东木榄+桐花树群落上的白缘蛀果斑螟和荔枝异形小卷蛾研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
白缘蛀果斑螟和荔枝异形小卷蛾是红树林木榄+桐花树群落上的重要害虫,在广东省局部区域的红树林保护区,已经对木榄造成严重危害。白缘蛀果斑螟1年完成4代,第1至第3代虫历时48~66d,越冬代历时180d;荔枝异形小卷蛾1年完成5代,第1至第4代虫历时39~44d,越冬代历时188d。白缘蛀果斑螟和荔枝异形小卷蛾幼虫均危害木榄的花萼和胚轴,荔枝异形小卷蛾能够迁移到桐花树上危害桐花果实。在木榄+桐花树群落上,白缘蛀果斑螟成虫占54%,荔枝异形小卷蛾成虫占46%。林间世代重叠,以幼虫和蛹越冬。在4月下旬~5月中旬,受害花萼和受害胚轴数量有一个高峰期,而7月上旬-10月中旬,则有一个明显的低值期。白缘蛀果斑螟和荔枝异形小卷蛾种群数量消长规律与受害花萼和受害胚轴的数量变化规律成正相关,前者同样也出现一个高峰期和一个低值期。白缘蛀果斑螟和荔枝异形小卷蛾与捕食性蜘蛛数量的比例为1:0.30,捕食性蜘蛛的捕食作用不明显。 相似文献
利用大剂量性引诱剂释放器对兴安落叶松鞘蛾Coleophora obducta (Meyrick)进行干扰交配防治试验。结果表明:释放器密度为60 m×60 m区域设置1个性引诱剂释放器的防治效果比释放器密度为120 m×120 m区域设置1个性引诱剂释放器的效果好,两种设置密度下诱捕量减退率分别为98. 59%,89. 18%;校正虫口减退率分别为63. 89%,37. 96%。生产中应用干扰交配防治兴安落叶松鞘蛾时,建议在虫口密度较低时,可采用释放器密度为120 m×120 m区域设置1个性引诱剂释放器;在虫口密度较高时,可采用释放器密度为60 m×60 m区域设置1个性引诱剂释放器。 相似文献
利用赤眼蜂防治杨小褐舟蛾的初步研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
舟蛾赤眼蜂(Trichogramma closterae Pang et Chen)和松毛虫赤眼蜂(T.dendrolimi Matsumura)是杨小褐舟蛾卵期重要的寄生性天敌。1999年从吉林农业大学引进松毛虫赤眼蜂,室内试验结果表明,松毛虫赤眼蜂对杨小褐舟蛾产后1~2d内的卵均能寄生。林间放蜂结果表明,对照区寄生率为8.7%,放蜂区0.3百万、0.45百万、0.75百万、1.05百万、1.5 相似文献
Classic biological control is generally understood as an environmentally safe practice of insect pest management. We investigated the overwintering abilities of Trichogramma brassicae Bezd. and T. cacoeciae
Marchall in Tekirda Turkey. Parasitized eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zell (Lep.: Pyralidae) by T. cacoeciae and T. cacoeciae were exposed under outdoor conditions between 17 August and 9 October. Emergence of T. brassicae and T. cacoeciae for the five exposure dates occurred in the same year. An emergence of 99% was observed in the following offspring for all of the tested parasitoid species exposed on 17 September. For eggs that were parasitized later than 9 November 2003, the emergence of parasitoids was in spring, on 19 March 2004. We found that T. brassica and T. cacoeciae were able to overwinter successfully on E. kuehniella. Fecundity of T. brassicae and T. cacoeciae females that overwintered on E. kuehniella was significantly different from the fecundity of control females that were reared under optimal conditions at 25°C. Our results demonstrate that the egg parasitoids T. brassicae and T. cacoeciae are able to overwinter successfully in Turkey . 相似文献
稠李巢蛾是一种食叶害虫,以幼虫取食嫩芽、嫩叶为害,在海拉尔地区1年发生1代.主要为害稠李、杜梨、苹果等植物的叶片.以幼龄幼虫在卵壳覆盖物下越冬. 相似文献