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林窗形成导致环境资源再分配,进而影响物种入侵、种子萌发、幼苗更新和幼树存活;林窗改变了森林空间结构和植物群落组成,增加了群落异质性,这为保持森林群落相对稳定奠定了基础,也为多种生物共存发展提供了适宜的条件。目前,关于林窗对植被更新、植物多样性影响研究较多,但至今没有一个公认的客观量化林窗定义的方法,导致研究者采用的林窗识别标准不同,无法对现有林窗研究进行有效比较,且林窗特征测定方法也尚未完善。文中对林窗的概念形成、定义发展及林窗特征(形状、大小、形成、年龄及边缘木)测定方法进行梳理,探讨目前林窗研究存在的问题,以期为未来林窗干扰相关研究提供历史脉络与研究方向。 相似文献
川西南山地云南松林林窗边界木特征研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文以川西南山地阳性树种云南松为例,调查其林窗边界木的主要特征。分析结果如下:(1)云南松林林窗边界木主要组成树种为云南松,边界木为5~9株的林窗数量最多(74%);(2)单个林窗边界木平均高度多数在18m~22 m之间(61%),平均胸径多数在35 cm~50 cm之间(82%);(3)边界木偏冠现象明显,偏冠率1均大于0.5,单个林窗边界木偏冠率1平均值集中在0.6~0.8之间(75%);(4)边界木的个体大小随林窗面积增大而增加。 相似文献
森林群落常发生一些小规模的内源干扰,从而形成林窗。林窗的形成对推动森林群落的演替更新和生态系统发展至关重要。林窗面积的大小与树木的倒伏方式和林冠冠幅及大小有关。林窗面积及林窗内位置的不同,导致其小气候和土壤理化性质等环境因子发生改变,进而影响到林窗内树种更新和物种组成、林窗植被的物种多样性及其微生物和土壤动物的种类、数量等方面。未来林窗研究重点应该放在次生林和人工林的林窗效应,林窗对森林生态系统碳储量影响机制,林窗凋落物分解因子间的相互关系、作用机理和养分循环,不同树种的林窗与最适更新面积的关系,林窗的边缘效应,林窗的土壤动物和微生物动态及过程。 相似文献
[目的]以浙江省庆元县菇木林为研究对象,探讨菇木林目标树择伐后形成的人工林窗对土壤养分含量和土壤质量的影响.[方法]在对照林分和择伐后林窗内设置调查样地,分层采集0~60 cm土层土壤样品,对比分析土壤养分元素含量和土壤pH值的变化情况.[结果]1)与对照相比,择伐6 a后林窗0~20 cm土层,土壤有机碳、全氮、水解... 相似文献
热带森林林窗湿热季气温分布特征的初步研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
林窗是群落演替的起始地,其本身的特征影响着环境因子,进而影响森林的结构、物种组成、种群动态等.利用西双版纳湿热季次生林林窗的实测气温资料,探讨该林窗气温的分布特征.结果表明热带次生林林窗4个方位不同位置的气温日变化具有2~3个峰值;日平均气温的高低顺序是林窗边缘>扩展林窗边缘>林内;林窗内气温日较差较小;林窗内不同位置相对林窗中央具有增加低温和降低高温的效应,这种增温效应(0.4~0.6℃)较降温效应(-1.4~-1.5℃)弱.其结果可为林窗小气候形成机制及森林群落的演替与更新等提供科学依据. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to test relationships between gap size, gap age and performance of the pseudoannual forest herb layer species Trientalis europaea. We also tested for a potential covariation of performance variables with light as the putative driving factor of gap size and gap age effects. The study took place in the core zone of the Harz National Park in a near-natural spruce forest at Mt. Brocken, Germany. We established 70 randomly distributed plots of three different gap age classes (<15 years, >15 and <60 years, >60 years) and undisturbed forest stands. We recorded growth variables of Trientalis (e.g. height of ramets, number of flowers and fruits per ramet and number of daughter tubers per ramet) and measured PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density). Gap sizes were assessed with GPS, ranged from 131 m2 to 16400 m2 and were independent from gap age. Population density of T. europaea was neither affected by gap size nor by gap age. However, gap age had an effect on the fitness of Trientalis ramets. In gaps, the species produced a higher number of flowers and fruits. In general, the average proportion of flowering and fruiting was very low, with 13% and 4%, respectively. In contrast, light intensity had a significant positive effect on ramet density, while the number of daughter tubers differed between 0.8 and 0.5 tubers per individual under lowest light and full light intensity, respectively. The general conclusion is that gap size had no effects on the performance of T. europaea, while gap age had both direct effects and indirect effects mediated by light. 相似文献
森林公园营建的现状与展望 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
我国森林公园的建设在近些年得到了较快的发展,但是在发展中出现了许多问题。文章较为系统地提出森林公园建设中存在的问题并指明森林公园发展的方向。 相似文献
东北地区阔叶红松林恢复的相关问题研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
东北林区现有林经营面临的首要任务是恢复阔叶红松林。栽针保阔是恢复阔叶红松林的科学理论,但还需时间的检验并不断完善。天保工程的实施为提高现有林生产力、恢复阔叶红松林提供了历史机遇,但在实施过程中还存在诸多问题,需要转变观念,正确认识。以近自然森林经营理论为指导,适当发展红松人工林具有重要意义,落叶松人工林可以通过人为诱导向阔叶红松林发展。传统意义上的封山育林不利于阔叶红松林的恢复,应由“封山”向“育林”转变。 相似文献
森林健康是森林经营的一种新理念,也是新时期森林经营的方向和目标。提出了森林健康的概念、内涵和森林健康经营的实质,分析了国内外森林健康经营的实践,探讨了森林健康经营的途径与方法。 相似文献
《Journal of Sustainable Forestry》2013,32(2-3):177-199
Abstract To be able to make the right decisions in forestry today, the long-term effect of these decisions has to be considered. Multi-objective forest landscape projection models are tools that can be used to illustrate the effect of different management alternatives in a landscape. An integrated approach facilitates multi-objective considerations and decisions. A number of modelling systems has been developed. A modelling system contains numerous sub-models, each one modelling a particular part of the forest ecosystem, the socio-economy or other aspects of interest. Models and data are intimately connected, and different methods for collecting data and their relevance for different models are examined. The sub-models interact with each other in such a way that the dynamics of a forest is simulated. This article examines different sub-models for tree growth, economy, biodiversity, forest recreation and soil, and various uses for multi-objective forest landscape projection models are suggested and some examples are presented. Almost every model is associated with variation, uncertainty, and underlying assumptions. Errors in data and models, their origin and propagation through models, are discussed. The future development of forest models and their employment in planning and decision making are considered. 相似文献