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荒漠化监测与评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球环境问题的日益恶化,荒漠化越来越引起国际社会的关注,进行荒漠化动态监测与评价具有重要的现实意义。本文综合阐述了国内外荒漠化动态监测、评价及其评价信息系统等方面的研究成果,提出了荒漠化监测与评价研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着全球热带雨林面积的急剧减少,对热带林的经营管理日益得到人类的关注。雷达系统以其全天侯、全天时、穿透性等功能成为支持森林可持续经营中信息采集的重要工具。文中介绍了用现有技术做雷达影像分析,以及这些技术应用于全球水平、国家水平和森林经营单位水平的森林资源评价和森林资源监测的潜力。  相似文献   

谷歌地球(Google Earth)是美国谷歌公司推出的免费全球地理信息系统服务软件,其以卫星照片和航空照片为底图,结合DTM数字模型,通过网络提供全球的遥感图像。以谷歌地球提供的共享空间数据和森林火灾预防、监测、扑救等数据为基础,可以对谷歌地球进行二次开发。通过森林防火的空间数据与属性数据相结合可以实现森林火场定位、火场信息查询、GPS辅助决策指挥、火灾损失评估、火灾数据统计分析等功能;能够在短时间内实现森林火灾的准确定位并提供森林火灾发生地和火场周围的地理信息,以便快速准确地引导扑火队员到达火场进行火灾扑救。  相似文献   


The cluster concept in economics contributes to new research on the forest sector's role in national and regional economies, yet incompatible cluster definitions and a variety of methodologies impede an objective comparison of findings. However, governmental statistical reporting systems are not well suited for a direct assessment of the forest sector due to classificatory and methodological shortcomings. This research presents a more standardized approach in the form of a statistics-based method for forest sector benchmarking and monitoring. The specification of the method included an extended cluster definition based on the Classification of Economic Activities in the European Union (NACE) and the validation of two suitable national statistical reporting systems. Testing the method in a case study for Germany demonstrates its capacity to provide consistent socioeconomic information on forest and wood-based industries in a sectoral, spatial and temporal dimension. In 2004, the German forest cluster accounted for 100,000 companies, 150 billion Euro gross turnover and over 900,000 employees (approximately 3.5% of the national economy) and ranked among the strongest manufacturing sectors. Individual wood-based industries indicated regional concentrations in federal states of Germany. Over the past decade, the forest sector was marked by considerable losses in turnover and employment, which increasingly deviated from the overall economic development of Germany. The research contributes to a more standardized, empirical understanding of the forest sector's role in national and regional economies, supporting rational decision making in cluster policy and management.  相似文献   

Changes in forest growth have been found in European forests and worldwide. However most observations have been derived from samples of restricted size, whose representativeness at a regional forest scale is questionable. National forest inventories provide an interesting perspective for both regional scale assessment of these trends and the investigation of their variations over environmental gradients, but have been little used.  相似文献   

全球森林资源评估方法与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了全球森林资源评估(ForestResourcesAssessment,FRA)开展情况,2005年全球森林资源评估(FRA2005)的评估内容、指标体系和评估方法;并针对我国森林资源调查与监测现状,提出了加强我国森林资源评估体系建设的建议。  相似文献   

Statistically-designed inventories and biodiversity monitoring programs are gaining relevance for biological conservation and natural resources management. Mandated periodic surveys provide unique opportunities to identify and satisfy natural resources management information needs. However, this is not an end in itself but rather is the beginning of a process that should lead to sound decision-making in biodiversity conservation. Forest inventories are currently evolving towards multipurpose resource surveys and are broadening their scope in several directions: (i) expansion of the target population to include non-traditional attributes such as trees outside the forest and urban forests; (ii) forest carbon pools and carbon sequestration estimation; (iii) assessment of forest health; and (iv) inclusion of additional variables such as biodiversity attributes that are not directly related to timber assessment and wood harvesting.There is an on-going debate regarding the role of forest inventories in biodiversity assessment and monitoring. This paper presents a review on the topic that aims at providing updated knowledge on the current contribution of forest inventories to the assessment and monitoring of forest biodiversity conditions on a large scale. Specific objectives are fourfold: (i) to highlight the types of forest biodiversity indicators that can be estimated from data collected in the framework of standard forest inventories and the implications of different sampling methods on the estimation of the indicators; (ii) to outline current possibilities for harmonized estimation of biodiversity indicators in Europe from National Forest Inventory data; (iii) to show the added value for forest biodiversity monitoring of framing biodiversity indicators into ecologically meaningful forest type units; and (iv) to examine the potential of forest inventory sample data for estimating landscape biodiversity metrics.  相似文献   

The functionally critical role of mycorrhizal fungi in forest ecosystems, and the imminent threat of climate change that may act to alter mycorrhizal functional biodiversity, means there is an urgent need for a regional to continental-scale assessment of mycorrhizal distributions. Until recently, it had not been possible to cost-effectively assess mycorrhizas precisely and accurately. A large-scale survey of ICP Forests plots would be only the first stage in answering many of the questions outlined above, but it is essential if future studies are going to address these questions with hypothesis-driven research in a cohesive manner, rather than remain independent for lack of a unified approach. The chance to utilise the vast network of biomonitoring plots at this time is a remarkable opportunity because it minimises the logistics and costs associated with achieving such an enormous effort and provides a rare stable — past and future — ground for forest ecosystem scientific investigation. In the face of rapid global change, we finally have an opportunity to accurately integrate mycorrhizal distribution data with long-term environmental monitoring, providing a basic understanding of functionally crucial organisms, and at the same time creating an invaluable resource for future research.  相似文献   

遥感技术在森林病虫害监测中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了近50年来遥感技术在森林病虫害监测领域的研究进展。将近年来遥感监测病虫害的主要方法归纳为影像分类法和影像差技术法,遥感监测森林病虫害的模型概括为3种主要应用模式:1)各类植被指数形式模型;2)采用所用通道的其他组合形式模型;3)各通道与生态因子的混合形式模型。根据分析研究提出了今后遥感监测森林病虫害研究的4个主要方向:1)热红外波段监测森林病虫害的应用研究;2)森林病虫害遥感监测物理模型的研究;3)森林病虫害遥感监测的基础理论研究;4)高光谱、高空间和高时间分辨率遥感数据的应用研究。  相似文献   


This paper presents a new approach to the conceptualization and assessment of well-being in forest-dependent communities. Studies of well-being in agrarian communities, boomtowns (communities undergoing rapid growth), and forest-dependent communities are examined to highlight common themes in natural resource-dependent community studies. Social indicators are discussed and a summary of weaknesses presented. The county, a commonly used unit of analysis, is rejected in favor of a more socially relevant unit. This new approach to well-being in forest communities begins with definitions of the terms community and forest dependence. The work of Amartya Sen, whose conceptualization of well-being focuses on the real opportunities people have and their achievements in light of their opportunities, forms the foundation of the new approach proposed here. Sen's conceptualization is broadened by focusing on the community and acknowledging the importance of a sense of place. Methodologically, this new approach adds to the evaluation of social indicators an assessment of community capacity that consists of three components: physical, human, and social capital. It also involves evaluating how residents draw on and develop these aspects of their community to meet local needs and create opportunities. This results in a well-being assessment that includes static as well as dynamic measures of how communities respond to and create opportunities to improve local well-being.  相似文献   

The combination of forest inventory and satellite-derived landscape composition and structure provides otherwise unavailable information on regional forest conditions and enables investigation of the cumulative effects of forest management over time. Forest pattern results from a range of both natural and anthropogenic factors. This study characterizes the forest pattern of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (>32,000 km2) at the watershed scale, using new national datasets of Canadian forest composition and fragmentation, and relating these to forest inventory-derived age structure. Vancouver Island is extensively forested, possessing highly valuable and productive forests, and is managed to meet a range of stakeholder interests. Forest fragmentation metrics were derived from a satellite-derived, 25-m spatial resolution land cover map (i.e., grain) to represent patterns within 1 km analysis units (i.e., extent) for the entire forested area of Canada. We summarized forest fragmentation island-wide and compared trends between forest-dominated (>85% forest) and less-forested (<85% forest) watersheds. We also explored these patterns with partial canonical correspondence analyses to determine the independent and shared relationships of landscape composition, forest fragmentation, and spatial variables with forest age structure.  相似文献   

森林生态系统碳储量及碳通量遥感监测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在全球CO2浓度持续增加导致气候变暖的背景下,森林生态系统碳储量及碳通量遥感大尺度监测成为关注热点。文中深入分析了当前国内外卫星遥感观测技术对森林碳循环评估的2种途径:1)基于遥感手段估算森林生物量并推算森林碳储量,通过碳储量变化确定森林生态系统的CO2通量。归纳各类森林生物量遥感估算方法的原理及优缺点,系统评述各类方法在大区域森林碳储量估算中存在的不确定性。2)基于CO2温室气体观测卫星遥感数据,定量监测森林生态系统与大气CO2通量,基于交换的CO2通量推算森林碳储量变化。归纳遥感手段观测森林生态系统与大气CO2通量的主要数据、方法及优缺点,系统评述各类数据及方法在森林CO2通量时空变化特征监测、森林碳储量估算等方面取得的进展,重点分析专用CO2浓度监测卫星数据,尤其是我国自主碳卫星数据在CO2柱浓度反演算法研究以及不同数据源之间的对比、验证和同化研究等方面取得的进展,总结专用温室气体遥感观测数据在森林碳储量及碳通量监测方面的优势。提出利用遥感手段进行森林生态系统碳循环定量监测的研究展望。  相似文献   

In eastern North America, white-tailed deer(Odocoileus virginianus) can have profound influences on forest biodiversity and forest successional processes.Moderate to high deer populations in the central Appalachians have resulted in lower forest biodiversity.Legacy effects in some areas persist even following deer population reductions or declines. This has prompted managers to consider deer population management goals in light of policies designed to support conservation of biodiversity and forest regeneration while continuing to support ample recreational hunting opportunities. However,despite known relationships between herbivory intensity and biodiversity impact, little information exists on the predictability of herbivory intensity across the varied and spatially diverse habitat conditions of the central Appalachians. We examined the predictability of browsing rates across central Appalachian landscapes at four environmental scales: vegetative community characteristics, physical environment, habitat configuration, and local human and deer population demographics. In an information-theoretic approach, we found that a model fitting the number of stems browsed relative to local vegetation characteristics received most(62%) of the overall support of all tested models assessing herbivory impact. Our data suggest that deer herbivory responded most predictably to differences in vegetation quantity and type. No other spatial factors or demographic factors consistently affected browsing intensity. Because herbivory, vegetation communities, and productivity vary spatially, we suggest that effective broad-scale herbivory impact assessment should include spatially-balanced vegetation monitoring that accounts for regional differences in deer forage preference.Effective monitoring is necessary to avoid biodiversity impacts and deleterious changes in vegetation community composition that are difficult to reverse and/or may not be detected using traditional deer-density based management goals.  相似文献   


The Great Lakes Forest Alliance, created by charter in 1987 at the direction of the governors of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, is a mutual aid, public/private partnership that integrates global, national and local interests by bridging the gap at a regional level. It expanded in 1997 to include Ontario. Trustees include key leaders of government and industry and citizens from a broad range of forest interests. It was designed to be as learning environment to address the resurgence of forest growth and the increasing demand for conservation, wood products and recreation. The need for the Alliance resulted in part from a perceived underrepresentation of regional forest-related issues in the national arena. The Alliance attempts to consider leading-edge strategies over the long-term in a pro-active manner, and trustees recognize the need to build respect, trust, information exchange, cooperation, coordination and collaboration among diverse interests. Among the projects that demonstrate the bridge role played by the Alliance: a regional forest resources assessment, public and private funding that supports research toward a more frequent forest inventory process, training for communities to use the collaborative learning process to address economic prosperity and environmental protection strategies and the development of sustainable forest management criteria and indicators for the region. A continual challenge is relationships among diverse forest interests across jurisdictional and institutional boundaries in a manner that promotes exchanges that build collective wisdom.  相似文献   

国家级森林资源清查的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了国外国家级森林资源清查发展趋势的4个主要特点:清查项目和内容的增加;监测的跨部门一体化和信息共享;全球森林资源监测和评价需求;新技术的不断采用。并针对我国森林资源监测体系的现状,论述了在原CFI体系基础上建立新的国家级监测体系的必要性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for complex evaluation and quantification of tree-layer species diversity in forest ecosystems—model BIODIVERSS. The model was constructed for the assessment of species diversity on a small-scale (forest-stand) level, but may be applied with advantage to regional and large-scale inventories. The probability of correct classification of species diversity degree is relatively high; e.g. with a sampling intensity of only 1.5%, the correctness of the classification by the model is already 90%. Model BIODIVERSS is a simple and practical tool. It can be used directly during fieldwork, since for its application only a pocket calculator is needed.  相似文献   

介绍了由联合国粮农组织(FAO)牵头开展的2010年全球森林资源评估内容指标、技术方法和主要结果,总结了2010年中国森林资源评估和国家报告编报情况及其成效。从我国实际出发,分析了我国林业监测统计面临的紧迫问题,结合世界各国和FAO等国际组织森林资源监测评估经验,提出了增强全国监测评估结果时效性和说服力、提升我国林业应对森林可持续经营评价、森林碳汇计量和REDD+等全球气候变化焦点议题能力的途径和措施。  相似文献   

开展全国森林生物量监测和评估,建立适合较大区域范围的通用性立木生物量模型将成为必然趋势,而如何保证不同尺度范围森林生物量估计值的相容性,是必须面临的一个问题。以南方马尾松(Pinus massoniana)地上生物量数据为例,通过利用混合模型方法,同时建立全国和区域性立木生物量方程,为解决不同区域尺度范围内森林生物量估计的相容性问题提供有效途径。从模型反映的结果看,相同直径林木的地上生物量估计值随起源、地域的不同存在一定程度的差异,其差异大小可以通过混合模型中的随机效应来估计。该方法可推广应用于其它通用性模型(如材积方程)的建立。  相似文献   

If forest health is to be approached scientifically, it must be defined and measured. Forest health is a condition of forest ecosystems that sustains their complexity while providing for human needs. We developed this broad definition becaue a wisely acceptable definition is lacking, and forest health is a focal point in discussions of how to sustain forest ecosystems in the United States. Steps for measuring forest health are: (1) select a representative set of indicators for a particular ecosystem; (2) establish baseline data, such as a historical range of variability; (3) develop standards against which to compare current conditions; and (4) establish a monitoring program to assess current conditions and modify baseline data as new trends develop.  相似文献   

针对退耕还林工程的特点和工程监测与评价的要求,以退耕还林工程区资源与环境信息为基础,遥感为实时信息获取手段,ARCGIS引擎为开发工具,VB、VC为开发语言,专家知识为纽带,构建退耕还林工程监测与评价信息系统,以实现对工程的实时监测、评估和监督,保证工程的顺利完成。  相似文献   

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