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(上接2000年第8期41页) 2 工厂化高效养羊的高频高效繁殖配套技术 2.3 一年两产或两年三产高频繁殖生产体系 高频繁殖,是随着工厂化高效养羊,特别是肉羊及肥羔羊生产而迅速发展的高效生产体系.这种生产体系的指导思想是:采用繁殖生物工程技术,打破母羊的季节性繁殖的限制,一 年四季发情配种,全年均衡生产羔羊充分利用饲草资源,使每只母羊每年所提高的胴体重量达到最高值.高效生产体系的 特点是:最多限度地发挥母羊的繁殖生产潜力,依市场需求一年均衡供应肥羔上市,资金周围期缩短,最大限度提高养羊设 施的利用率,提高劳动生产率,降低成本,便于工厂化管理. 相似文献
(续 1 ,上接 2 0 0 0年第 7期 )2 工厂化高效养羊的高频高产繁殖配套技术工厂化高效养羊是现代畜牧业的重要特征 ,也是畜牧业发展的必由之路 ,只有在养羊生产中广泛采用高效繁殖管理和母羊发情周期调控等先进技术 ,才能使养羊业发展成为工厂化生产的高效产业。绵羊高效繁殖的生物工程技术 ,是保证工厂化养羊母羊高效繁殖最有力的手段 ,也是实现工厂化高效养羊的核心技术。目前 ,已在生产中应用 ,并已发挥了重要作用的技术主要包括 :母羊发情调控 ,母羊一年两产 ,生殖免疫及免疫多胎 ,公羊生殖保健 ,优化人工授精 ,营养繁殖调控 ,母羊发情鉴… 相似文献
<正>养羊业受根深蒂固的传统放养思想的限制,标准化程度还处在很落后的状态,相比较猪、鸡等的养殖现状,落后至少20年。另外,也存在着对养羊的相关知识技术了解掌握不足,养殖技术人员缺乏,基础环节薄弱等问题。要发展养羊,必须要对传统养羊业在认识和技术方面进行全方位的调整。1转变观念要改变传统养羊观念,充分利用现代化、工厂化肉羊养殖模式。大多数人对养羊 相似文献
近年来 ,我国水产养殖业有了较大发展 ,水产养殖产量持续、稳步增长。但是随着水产养殖业的发展和养殖集约化程度的提高 ,养殖环境日趋恶化 ,病害发生率越来越高 ,危害也越来越重 ,而水产品的质量相应地不断下降。因此 ,水产动物的健康养殖问题已成了人们关注的焦点。1 健康养殖的概念自我国对虾养殖业遭受白斑综合症 (WSS)病毒病的严重袭击后 ,2 0世纪 90年代中后期国内的海水养殖界出现了“健康养殖”这一新概念。但目前对健康养殖还没有明确形成一致认同的概念。徐启家 ( 2 0 0 0 )对健康养殖的定义是 :对于可进行养殖的生物种 ,在较… 相似文献
While rotational grazing methods have an accepted role in the management of gastrointestinal nematodosis (GIN) of small ruminants in humid tropical regions, their efficacy and application in cool temperate regions is more controversial. This study evaluated GIN over 2 years in three classes of fine wool Merino sheep (lambs, hoggets and ewes) under three different sheep management systems in a cool tableland environment near Armidale NSW Australia (950m altitude, 30 degrees 31'S, 151 degrees 39'E). The management systems were High input (HI) with high fertiliser inputs, a target of 100% sown pasture, high stocking rate (13.4 dry sheep equivalents/ha) and relatively long grazing periods; Typical (TYP) New England management system with moderate fertiliser inputs and stocking rate (9.3DSE/ha) and relatively long grazing periods; and Intensive rotational grazing (IRG) with moderate fertiliser inputs and stocking rate (8.8DSE/ha) but very short (mean 5 days) grazing periods and long (mean 103 days) rest periods. Twenty sheep of each class in each management treatment were sampled monthly for faecal worm egg counts (WEC, followed by larval differentiation), and body weights with a blood sample taken for haematology every second month. The proportion of sheep with WEC above zero did not differ between management systems but the magnitude of WEC did, with sheep under IRG displaying lower mean WEC than those on the other treatments (IRG: 326, HI: 594, TYP: 536, eggs/g P<0.0001). This was despite a significantly longer mean interval between anthelmintic treatments (IRG: 144 days, HI: 77 days, TYP: 78 days, P<0.0001). The IRG management system also influenced the composition of the infections with sheep on this treatment having a significantly lower proportion of Haemonchus contortus in their faecal cultures (IRG: 59.7%, HI: 79.4%, TYP: 80.9%, P<0.05) and a significantly higher proportion of Trichostrongylus spp. Sheep on the IRG treatment also had a significantly higher haematocrit (HCT) than those on the other management systems. Despite the lower WEC and higher HCT, sheep under IRG also had significantly lower bodyweights and fleece weights overall, although this was only evident in sheep raised to adulthood prior to the experiment, not those raised during the 2-year experimental period. The results demonstrate that IRG systems with short grazing periods and long rest periods between grazing events can assist with control of GIN in cool temperate climates where H. contortus is the dominant parasite. 相似文献