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景新明  郑光华 《种子》1994,(3):9-12
在同样干燥条件下,中英两个大豆品种对脱水敏感性差异很大:中国品种黑河5号超干后的干裂率高达87%,而英国品种Fiskeby5号则只有17.65的破裂率,去种皮实验证明:种皮虽对防止大豆种子干燥破裂和吸胀损伤甚为重要,但决定大豆品种间干燥破损度差异的主要因素是品种固有的遗传特性。  相似文献   

银豆5号(参试名称:0430)是以晋遗31号为母本、汾豆71号为父本杂交选育而成的优质、抗病、中晚熟大豆新品种。该品种依次参加了2年区域试验、1年生产试验,增产极显著,于2021年通过甘肃省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号:甘审豆20210001。银豆5号蛋脂总和58.97%,对大豆花叶病毒表现抗病,高抗灰斑病,丰产和稳产性好,适宜在甘肃省中东部中晚熟及晚熟品种类型和相近区域种植。  相似文献   

跃进5号是山东省选育出的优良大豆品种,累计推广面积533.3万hm2(8000万亩),获国家技术发明二等奖。跃进5号在全国7个省市衍生出103个品种,其中高蛋白品种21个、高脂肪品种6个、蛋脂双高品种42个,在大豆品种改良中发挥了重要的作用。总结介绍了跃进5号及其衍生品种概况,为大豆育种和优异骨干亲本利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>龙豆5号(品系代号龙品07-176)是黑龙江省农业科学院作物育种研究所最新育成的国审大豆品种,2013年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定代号:国审豆2013003。该品种属于高油型中早熟春大豆品种,平均脂肪含量22.48%,适应区平均生育日数119d,适合黑龙江省第二积温带、吉林省东部山区春播种植。龙豆5号具有秆强、丰产、适应性广、脂肪含量高等特点,可满足油脂加工企业对原料的品质需求。1选育过程龙豆5号是黑龙江省农业科学院作物育种研究所2004年以高产优质多抗的大豆品种黑农51号为母本,  相似文献   

大豆品种绥农10号绥农10号是黑龙江省农业科学院绥化农科所以绥农4号为母本,铁7518为父本杂交选育而成。绥农10号株高中等,株形收敛,分枝能力强。高抗灰斑病,节间短,结英密,上下着英均匀,3、4粒英多,无限结英习性。粒圆形,种皮浅黄色,脐无色。百粒...  相似文献   

易泽林  唐道彬  赵良建  罗荣 《种子》2007,26(9):91-92
大豆新品种西豆5号是用西豆3号为母本,普通黑豆为父本,通过有性杂交和回交方法,经过8年8代选育而成的高产特色大豆新品种。2002~2003年重庆市区试单产138.2kg667m2,与重庆主推大豆品种渝豆1号(对照)产量相当,较一般黑大豆品种增产30%以上。生育期适中、耐旱性强、外观色泽好、商品价值高、适应性强。2005年通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定,定名西豆5号,适宜重庆市范围及相同生态区推广。  相似文献   

<正>星农5号大豆品种由哈尔滨明星农业科技开发有限公司以东82617为母本,东农1号为父本,经系谱法选育而成。该品种2017年通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定,品种审定编号:黑审豆2017024,适宜黑龙江省第六积温带上限种植。  相似文献   

利用大豆杂种优势是提高中国大豆单产的主要途径之一。而选育高产大豆杂交新品种对中国大豆产量的提高具有重要的作用。‘皖杂豆5号’是安徽省农业科学院作物研究利用‘三系’法选育的大豆杂交种,细胞质雄性不育系为‘W1101A’,恢复系为‘MR1312’。2017-2018年参加安徽省大豆区域试验,平均产量2 498.70 kg/hm2,较对照‘中黄13’平均增产8.49%。2019年参加安徽省大豆品种生产试验,平均产量2 460.75 kg/hm2,较对照‘中黄13’增产6.06%。2020年通过安徽省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号:皖审豆20200009。其主要特点是高产优质,适宜在安徽省沿淮淮北等地区作夏大豆种植。大豆新品种‘皖杂豆5号’的选育和推广对中国大豆单产的增加、国产大豆的振兴和豆农的增收具有重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

淮豆10号(原名淮03-16)是江苏省淮阴农科所于2003年育成的鲜食夏大豆新品种。该品种产量高,2005~2006年在江苏省鲜食夏大豆区域试验中平均鲜荚产量530.85 kg/667m2,比对照南农菜豆5号增产7.74%;在2007年江苏省鲜食夏大豆生产试验中平均鲜荚产量715.79 kg/667 m2,比对照南农菜豆5号增产2.10%。2008年1月通过江苏省农作物品种审定委员会审定。SMV抗性经接种鉴定,对大豆流行株系SC 3抗病,对大豆流行株系SC 7中感。田间花叶病毒抗性0~1级,为中抗。干籽粒椭圆形,种皮绿色,子叶黄色,种脐褐色,百粒干重26~28 g。鲜豆百粒重53 g,出仁率50%。口感香甜柔糯。适宜在江苏淮河流域及以南地区作为夏播菜用大豆种植。  相似文献   

超高产大豆中黄13号配套栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈桂平 《种子科技》2006,24(5):62-63
中黄13号是我国著名大豆育种家、中国农科院王连铮研究员选育的大豆新品种,2001年通过国家审定(审定编号:国审豆2001008)。2004年大豆项目组在山西省襄垣县原种场进行高产种植示范,同年10月组织全国大豆专家对中黄13号示范田进行测产,亩产312.4kg,达到大豆品种超高产产量指标。目前,该品种在全国已推广500万亩以上。  相似文献   

超干贮藏对玉米种子活力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
笔者研究了超干对玉米种子活力的影响,实验表明超干对玉米种子的活力和SOD、POD的活性影响较小,超干对其细胞膜的轻微损伤可在萌发吸胀时得到修复,故适宜超干贮藏。  相似文献   

超干处理和贮藏对番茄和辣椒种子生活力和活力的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
胡晋  龚利强 《种子》1994,(5):27-30
试验采用氧化钙为干燥剂对番茄和辣椒种子进行超平处理和贮藏,以研究其对种子生活力和活力的影响。结果表明,番茄种子水分降至3.77%、辣椒种子水分降至3.86%,未发现对种子生活力和活力有明显的影响;对不同含水量的番茄和辣椒种子室温密闭贮今6个月后的调查结果发现,超低水分种子生活力和活力较高,细胞膜能保持较好的完整性,脱氢酶活性和呼吸强度较高。由此可见超干贮藏有利于保持番茄和辣椒种子的生活力和活力。  相似文献   

A simple method for evaluation of sprout characters in soybean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soybean sprouts are an important year-round vegetable in Asia. Currently, testing of soybean lines for sprout traits is labor intensive and amount of seed required have dictated that testing generally begins after lines have been composited from a plant row in the F4 or later generations. Sprout testing requires germination of more than 150 seeds, precise watering over several days and movement of seedlings from water baths to growth chambers limiting the number of entries which can be evaluated. The objective of this study was to determine if germinating fewer seeds (10, 20 or 40) on an agar medium is comparable to sprouting over 150 seeds in the traditional method for evaluating soybean genotypes for sprout traits. Sprout growth characteristics were compared for Pungsannamulkong, a known sprout soybean, germinated on 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4% agar medium. Sprout traits 5 days after seeding 20 or 40 seeds on a 1.4% agar medium were very similar to the traditional method. There was no advantage for germinating soaked seeds over dry seeds on the agar medium to determine sprout characteristics. Evaluation of 20 dry seeds on a 1.4% agar medium of eight known sprout cultivars was comparable to the traditional method for measuring sprout characteristics for each cultivar. The agar method requires less labor, fewer seeds, no watering schedules or water baths and less growth chamber space than the traditional method to test genotypes for sprout characteristics. This allows more lines from soybean breeding populations in earlier generations to be evaluated. The agar method will improve the efficiency for evaluating soybean breeding lines for sprout traits.  相似文献   

通过对24个菜用大豆品种花荚及籽粒形成的比较,认为不同熟期类型品种间发育规律存在差异。早熟品种较晚熟品种花、荚形成发育快,时间短,脱落也快。籽粒形成主要集中在三个时期:籽粒重在中后期,荚皮重在中前期,荚重在中期。中期的生殖生长是籽粒形成的基础,也是影响产量的关键。因此在江苏徐淮地区的生态条件下,鼓粒前的花荚期长短是选择菜用大豆品种生育指标的重要因素。菜用大豆鼓粒前的花荚期以20d左右为宜。  相似文献   

Natto, a traditional soyfood fermented by Bacillus subtilis (natto), is prepared by steaming/cooking of soaked soybean seeds followed by inoculation with the bacteria and incubation. Natto soybean has increased in popularity due to its nutritional value and health benefits. Thus, the natto soybean market provides additional opportunities for farmers. The development of soybean cultivars with improved natto quality characteristics is crucial for maintaining and increasing the natto soybean market. Good‐quality characteristics of natto are determined by soybean cultivar, processing conditions and bacteria strain. Natto quality evaluation generally determined by sensory panels is time consuming. Therefore, indirect selection for natto quality based on seed traits is preferred. Seed morphological and physiological characteristics and seed compositions play an important role in producing natto of good quality. In this review, we have summarized natto processing conditions, natto quality characteristics, seed traits involved in natto quality and their genetic variation, as well as the genetic diversity in food‐grade soybean germplasms and B. subtilis strains. Information presented will be helpful for natto soybean cultivar development and natto manufacture.  相似文献   

以籼稻C38、粳稻京21、杂交稻秋优3为材料,进行种子超干储藏特性的研究,进而探讨种子耐干性的机理。通过超干水稻种子生活力和活力的比较,发现籼稻C38耐干性较强。超干有利于保持种子抗氧化酶系统的完整性,因此超干能提高种子的耐储性。对超干种子可溶性糖含量与组分进行分析,结果表明随着种子含水量的降低,蔗糖含量增高,多糖和葡萄糖含量降低,籼稻C38的蔗糖含量明显低于粳稻京21和杂交稻秋优3。用热重仪测定的种子含水量与烘干法得到的数据相吻合,用差示热量扫描仪测定束缚水/自由水的比例和玻璃化转变温度Tg,发现籼稻C38的Tg高于粳稻京21和杂交稻秋优3,籼稻C38束缚水/自由水比例大于粳稻京21和杂交稻秋优3,而束缚水/自由水的比例与耐干性成正相关。由此表明,耐干性在不同的水稻品种间有明显的差异,籼稻C38的耐干性较强。  相似文献   

In Hawaii, soybeans planted in November through January will produce yields of 25 to 50 percent compared with those planted through June. Yield components were studied for several soybean cultivars to determine which one was the most sensitive to planting dates and if there were differences between cultivars.
Soybean cultivars, Amsoy 71, Davis, Forrest, Kahala, P.I. 297,550 , and Williams were planted each month for two years. One November planting was lost, so there were 23 tests representing different environments. Each test consisted of 24 plots, six cultivars in four replications in a randomized block.
Analysis of variance of combined tests indicated significant differences between number of plants, pods per plant, seeds per pod, seed weight, yield of seed, plant height, and oil content of the seed that were due to data of planting, cultivar, and date × cultivar interaction.
Regression analysis indicated a closer relationship between pods per plant and yield during stress conditions (November through January plantings), whereas number of seeds per pod was more closely associated with yield during non-stress environments (April through June plantings).  相似文献   

In a glasshouse experiment it was examined whether narrow grading and selection from a commercial soybean seed lot cultivar 'IAS-5', could improve the uniformity of the seed crop grown from it and thereby enhance yield, quality and uniformity of seeds produced. The classes created were: Control (original seed lot); Size-graded seeds (projected area measured by image analysis 37–46 mm2); Non-cracked seeds; Yellow seeds; Size-graded sound seeds (size-graded, non-cracked, yellow, non-wrinkled, non-etched). Compared to the control, percentage of emergence, survival and number of yielding plants were enhanced in crops from non-cracked, yellow or size-graded sound seeds. Differences in plant numbers did not result in differences in crop yield. The different seed lots also did not differ in crop uniformity: time interval between stages of plant development, plant height 20 days after sowing, yield components, physical or physiological quality attributes of seeds produced, and respective coefficients of variation were similar. Fewer plants survived in crops showing a larger variation in plant height 20 days after sowing, thus reducing differences in initial plant-to-plant variation. Creating more uniform crops by additional grading or selection of commercial seed lots may therefore not be promising.  相似文献   

Soybean sprouts, a traditional vegetable in Asia, are gaining popularity in the United States. Soybean sprout demand has been supplied by natto (a Japanese soyfood) cultivars that share some seed characteristics with sprout cultivars. However, natto seeds do not meet all requirements of sprouts and are rejected by sprout manufacturers. The objectives of this study were to evaluate important seed and sprout traits as potential selection criteria in breeding sprout soybeans and to study the storage effect on soybean sprout quality. Almost all genotypes produced thicker and longer hypocotyls and higher fresh-sprouts than ‘MFS-561’, a commercial soybean sprout variety. Hypocotyl length ranged from 13.8 to 16.2 cm. Four fungi genera Bipolaris sp., Cercospora sp., Botrytis sp. and Caethomium sp. were isolated from seeds. Cracked cotyledons and abnormal seedlings were the two main constraints affecting soybean sprout quality. Correlation coefficients among all traits indicated that percentage and weight of high- and average-quality sprouts would determine sprout yield. Acceptable yield and several traits were recommended to be used simultaneously while breeding superior sprout soybean cultivars. Good sprout varieties should produce high-quality sprouts >48%, average-quality sprouts <38%, low-quality sprouts <14%, sprout yield >5.7 g/g seed, hypocotyl thickness >1.6 cm and hypocotyl length >13 cm. One-year seed storage at room temperature reduced sprout quality. V09-3876 and V12-1939 had superior seed and sprout traits and are promising lines for further evaluation for sprout production. Seed storage over time affects seed germination and seedling vigor, and fungi on seed can cause reduced seed quality.  相似文献   

为了探讨施硫量对不同基因型大豆7S和11S球蛋白亚基组成及含量的影响,寻找不同基因型大豆品种最佳施硫水平,以期提高大豆籽粒球蛋白的含量,改善期品质。选用在黑龙江省种植面积较大的‘黑农48’(高蛋白)、‘黑农37’(中间型)和‘黑农44’(高油)3种大豆作为试验材料。采用盆栽种植,每个品种设S1、S2、S3、S4 4个S处理(即每千克土壤分别施单质硫0、0.02、0.04、0.06 g)。采用SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳方法,对成熟大豆籽粒球蛋白亚基组成和含量2个指标进行研究。结果表明:在3个大豆品种中,7S球蛋白由α′、α、γ、β 4个亚基组成;11S球蛋白由酸性亚基和碱性亚基组成;各种亚基分子量在品种间的差异不显著。同一品种不同处理中均以S3水平下蛋白含量最高,对不同品种施用硫肥时,以高油品种提高球蛋白含量效果显著。施用硫肥对3个大豆品种的7S和11S球蛋白各种亚基组成都没有影响,对分子量的大小影响很小。施用硫肥对3个大豆品种中的7S和11S球蛋白和亚基含量有显著影响,适宜的施用硫肥有利于提高各品种球蛋白和亚基的含量。  相似文献   

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