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陈勇  郭丽  陈舒泛 《水产科学》2008,27(5):251-253
利用聚合酶链式反应,首次从暗纹东方纯基因组DNA中扩增Hepcidin基因的部分序列,序列分析表明,不同鱼类之间的Hepcidin基因DNA序列之间的遗传距离为0.33~1.08,所获得的Hepcidin序列,为进一步研究暗纹东方纯中Hepcidin基因的作用机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

菊黄东方鲀当年鱼种养殖阶段消化酶活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究池塘养殖菊黄东方鲀(Takifugu flavidus)鱼种生长及肠组织中消化酶活性随生长的变化,2012年5-11月进行室外养殖试验,池塘面积0.2 hm2,水深1.5~2.0 m,鱼苗体长1.2~1.5 cm,放养密度为22.5 万尾/hm2,试验用海水盐度5~15,水温为15~35℃,pH 8~9;测定当年鱼种不同生长阶段的体长、体质量、肝重、肠长等生长指标,通过生物化学方法测定了其肠组织主要消化酶活性。结果表明,菊黄东方鲀幼鱼体长、体质量与养殖天数均呈指数相关(L=27.07e0.0088t, W=1.0982e0.0262t);体长与体质量呈幂函数增长相关(W=3×10-5L3.1070),且为异速生长。不同生长阶段菊黄东方鲀肝体比、比肠长、肥满度的变化显著(P<0.05);肝体比随生长呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05),变化范围为4.15%~20.23%;比肠长则呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),变化范围为0.97%~2.33%,不同生长阶段肥满度变化为3.99%~5.11%。菊黄东方鲀肠组织碱性蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性均随生长呈显著降低趋势(P<0.05),最大值均出现在养殖40 d(83.11 U/mg与3.13 U/mg);酸性蛋白酶活性呈先下降、后上升趋势(P<0.05),最小值(0.34 U/mg)与最大值(0.86 U/mg)分别出现在113 d和166 d;脂肪酶活性随生长变化不显著(P>0.05)。研究表明,菊黄东方鲀鱼种的生长与养殖条件的改变存在密切关系;肝体比、比肠长等与鱼的发育及营养摄入存在一定关系;肠组织不是生成蛋白酶和淀粉酶的主要器官。  相似文献   


Obscure puffer fish (Takifugu obscurus) flesh, often eaten as raw fish fillet, is susceptible to softening. To investigate the mechanisms for the softening of flesh and changes in firmness, the proliferation of total microbial flora, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., and lactic acid bacteria (LAB), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN), trimethylamine (TMA), and pH were periodically assayed during storage at 0, 4, and 8ºC. Myofibril extraction and separation of puffer fish flesh was carried out and the length of the separated myofibrils was measured periodically using an optical microscope during the entire storage time. Transmission electron microscopy was also used to inspect the changes in myofibrillar characteristics of the fish flesh at the beginning and end of the storage period. The results indicated that lower chilled temperature can contribute to reduced proliferation of microbial flora and less variation in TVBN, TMA, and pH and further maintain the integrity of myofibrils and retain firmness of puffer fish flesh during storage.  相似文献   

为探究红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)延迟排卵对卵子生理生化变化及卵质的影响,人为对性成熟亲鱼推迟1~2周挤卵,并将未推迟挤卵组记为A组,推迟1周挤卵组记为B组,推迟2周挤卵组记为C组,研究推迟排卵后卵子内磷酸酶、苹果酸脱氢酶、唾液酸、总氨基酸以及脂肪酸含量等生化参数变化规律及延迟排卵与受精率的相关性。结果显示,推迟1周排卵后,B组受精率显著下降(P0.05),受精率由A组的86.66%降至57.14%;推迟2周后,C组受精率降至31.89%;卵内酸性磷酸酶活力随产卵期推迟而显著下降(P0.05),并与受精率存在显著正相关(P0.05,R~2=0.705);A组苹果酸脱氢酶活力显著高于B、C两组(P0.05,R~2=0.630),总氨基酸含量亦存在相似变化趋势,A、B组显著高于C组(P0.05,R~2=0.706);此外十四烷酸(C_(14:0))、十五烷酸(C_(15:0))、棕榈酸(C_(16:0))、棕榈油酸(C_(16:1n-7))、a-亚麻酸(C_(18:3n-3))、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)在总脂中比例均在正常组中最高,并与受精率存在显著正相关(P0.05),二十二碳五烯酸(C_(22:5n-3))、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA):二十碳五烯酸(EPA)均与受精率呈显著负相关(P0.05)。结果表明,卵子中磷酸酶、苹果酸脱氢酶、总氨基酸、脂肪酸含量与卵子活力存在相关性,在红鳍东方鲀人工授精时,在亲鱼卵子成熟后1周内进行人工挤卵最为适宜。  相似文献   

为探索养殖鱼类冷鲜品的源头"锁鲜"机制及可行性,以养殖红鳍东方鲀为研究对象,离水后分2个阶段进行品质解读,屠宰及死后处置环节为品质易逝期(QDP),冷藏流通过程为后品质易逝期(P-QDP),探讨易逝期冷却处置对后易逝期的延迟效应.健康活体离水后立即进行人道致死排血,随即置于-1℃冰海水中冷却20min,再经沥水、分割及...  相似文献   

伪雌鱼的培育是红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)全雄制种技术研发的关键环节之一,然而外源雌激素诱导获得的伪雌鱼表现出卵巢发育迟滞,降低了其育种价值和效率。为探讨红鳍东方鲀伪雌鱼卵巢发育迟滞的调控机制,本研究从孵化后20日龄开始,用10 μg/L 17 β-雌二醇(E2)浸泡红鳍东方鲀稚幼鱼,每天浸泡1次,每次2 h,至90日龄结束。在90、180和330日龄分别采集处理组(10 μg/L E2)遗传雄性幼鱼和对照组(0 μg/L E2)遗传雌性幼鱼,比较两组幼鱼性腺的组织学和形态学变化特征、下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴相关激素(FSH、LH、E2和17α, 20βOH-PROG)和基因(fshr、lhr、erα、erβ1、erβ2)及脂质积累相关基因(lpl和vldlr)的变化规律。结果显示: 10 μg/L E2可将遗传雄性幼鱼全部诱导为伪雌鱼,且伪雌鱼直至330日龄未二次反转为间性或者雄性,但其性腺系数、卵母细胞数量及卵黄生成前期的卵母细胞面积均显著小于对照雌鱼。此外, 90日龄伪雌鱼的lhr和pgr的表达量显著高于同期对照雌鱼,而17α, 20β-PROG的含量及fshr的表达量显著低于对照组;180日龄伪雌鱼的vldl表达量显著低于对照组;330日龄伪雌鱼的激素含量及基因表达量没有显著差异。综合分析伪雌鱼性腺发育的形态学、组织学和性腺轴相关激素及基因变化规律可见,足够浓度的外源E2能够诱导并维持伪雌鱼的卵巢特征,但E2浓度过高,一方面可能抑制fshr和vldlr基因的表达,从而影响脂质在卵黄生成早期卵母细胞中的积累,导致红鳍东方鲀伪雌鱼卵母细胞生长迟缓;另一方便,高浓度E2抑制伪雌鱼卵原细胞减数分裂的启动,是导致红鳍东方鲀伪雌鱼卵母细胞数量较少的原因之一。  相似文献   

菊黄东方鲀仔稚鱼的生长、发育及行为生态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在大批量苗种培育条件下,通过对菊黄东方鲀胚后发育阶段的观察、测量和摄影,研究了菊黄东方鲀仔、稚鱼的生长、发育及行为生态特点。结果显示,仔稚鱼发育分为前期仔鱼、后期仔鱼、前期稚鱼、中期稚鱼和后期稚鱼5个阶段,每个阶段由若干个时期组成,总共为17个时期。在盐度10.0~13.5、温度20.5~26.0 ℃条件下,鱼苗历时35 d 完成了从初孵仔鱼至夏花鱼种的发育。期间,鱼苗食性经历了开口和转食配合饲料2个关键时期。食物转换依次为卵黄、轮虫、卤虫幼体、中型枝角类、大型桡足类和枝角类、底栖生物和虾类幼体、配合饲料。同时,鱼苗完成了由水体中上层向中下层活动区域的转变。游泳行为经历了平游、巡游和池塘觅食巡游3个模式。鱼苗在后期仔鱼阶段特定生长率最低,为3.18%/d,中期稚鱼阶段最高,达13.31%/d。全长与日龄及积温均呈指数函数增长相关(y=aebx)。肛前长和体高相对于全长均呈有拐点的、可分段的异速生长相关(y=axb)。拐点分别出现在鱼苗16~17日龄、全长10.0 mm和16~17日龄、全长10.5 mm。在拐点前,肛前长、体高生长优于全长(b>1)。拐点后则相反(b<1)。根据研究结果,建议当菊黄东方鲀仔鱼4日龄开口时,采用S型褶皱臂尾轮虫,并保持轮虫密度(5~7 ind/mL);及时分池,时间在10~12日龄为好;下塘时间为20日龄左右;在鱼苗转食配合饲料后(35日龄),及时过筛、分级养殖等,提高菊黄东方鲀苗种培育存活率。  相似文献   

The effects of saline-dissolved or Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA)-emulsified GnRHa treatment on the induction of ovulation in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were examined. The FIA-emulsified GnRHa was first diluted in 0.25 ml physiological saline and then mixed with an equal volume of FIA. Fish were selected in the beginning of the spawning season and were allocated into four groups and were treated intraperitoneally with (a) 0.5 ml of emulsified GnRHa (GnRHa–FIA), (b) 0.5 ml saline-dissolved GnRHa in a single injection (GnRHa-1), (c) 0.5 ml saline-dissolved GnRHa in two injections spaced 1 d apart (GnRHa-2) and (d) 0.5 ml of saline (Control). The GnRHa dose in all hormone treatments was 25 µg kg− 1. All fish in the FIA–GnRHa and GnRHa-2 groups ovulated within 10 and 11 d after treatment, respectively. In contrast, only 75% in the Control fish and 60% of the fish in the GnRHa-1 group ovulated within 36 d after treatment. None of the treatments caused any pre- or post-spawning mortality in the broodstock. Fertilization, eyeing and hatching percentages of the produced progeny were normal in all the treatment groups and did not differ significantly among them. In conclusion, FIA-emulsified GnRHa can be effective in advancing the onset of and synchronizing the ovulation of rainbow trout within a two-week period, thus shortening the egg collection period, without affecting broodstock survival and egg quality.  相似文献   

通过 96 h 急性毒性实验研究水体铜暴露对暗纹东方鲀(Takifugu fasciatus)生理生化及脂代谢相关基因表达的影响。实验设置对照组、0.1 mg/L 和 0.2 mg/L (96-h LC50) 3 个铜处理组。结果表明,铜在暗纹东方鲀肝、肌肉和全鱼中的积累量随着处理浓度的提高而提高。同等浓度处理下,铜的积累量为肝脏>全鱼>肌肉。随着铜处理浓度的提高,肝脏中丙二醛(MDA)含量及抗氧化酶活性[谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX),总超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)]显著上升。急性铜暴露诱发肝脏血细胞沉积以及血窦扩张的症状。在鳃中,诱发上皮细胞增生,顶部棒状以及产生动脉瘤等症状。急性铜胁迫后,暗纹东方鲀肠道中的淀粉酶活性显著上升,但脂肪酶活性显著下降。在肝脏中,随着处理浓度的提高,淀粉酶、蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性显著降低。在 0.1 mg/L 处理组,脂肪合成相关基因(G6PD、6PGD、LPL、Fas 和 Acc)的表达量最高。但在 0.2 mg/L 处理组中,脂肪分解相关基因(HSL 和 CPT 1)的表达最高。急性铜胁迫后对转运因子 PPARα的影响不显著,但转运因子 PPAR γ的表达量显著上升。本实验表明铜对暗纹东方鲀生理生化指标及脂代谢相关基因的表达均产生显著影响,本研究为暗纹东方鲀养殖过程中铜的合理使用提供有益的指导价值,也为生产中更好地监控重金属污染提供一定的技术指标参考。  相似文献   

A minimally invasive surgical technique (MIST) for the removal of ovulated eggs from Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus was tested on broodstocks caught from the wild to determine whether it affected fecundity or hatching rates compared with the traditional stripping method of killing and removing the eggs (commonly used in hatchery). Morphological parameters of females, germinal vesicle (GV) position, weight of obtained egg, number of eggs/gram, fertilization rate, and percentage of hatching during incubation were not significantly different between the MIST and traditional stripping methods. Obtained ova were 4.8 ± 0.4 kg female−1 in the MIST and 4.6 ± 0.5 kg female−1 in traditional stripped groups, respectively; the fertilization rate was 83.4 ± 11.2% and 80.0 ± 7.2% in groups, respectively. The results of this study showed that the minimally invasive surgical technique approach is efficient, practical, and less stressful to Persian sturgeon broodstocks during artificial propagation than other reported egg collection procedures.  相似文献   

Use of egg custard augmented with cod liver oil (CLO) fed during the day, and of an overnight feed with Moina micrura, were evaluated in terms of its effects on production of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) postlarvae (PL). Four levels of CLO (0, 1,3 and 5%) were tested. Significantly higher mean (sd) productions, ranging from 11.27 (1.16) to 13.02 (1.70) PL l–1, were obtained for larvae fed egg custard enriched with CLO compared with that of 7.83 (1.58) PLl–1 for larvae fed egg custard without CLO. The development and survival of larval stages were also higher for the CLO diets. The -3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) in egg custard increased with increasing CLO level (0–5%). The fatty acid composition of postlarvae reflected the composition of the diet.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary protein and lipid concentrations on growth, spawning performance and egg quality of yellowfin sea bream, Acanthopagrus latus. Nine diets representing a combination of three protein concentrations (40, 50 and 60%) and three lipid concentrations (15, 20 and 25%) were tested with three replicates. Each replicate was stocked with 10 fish with a sex ratio of 1:1 and the average weights were 415 g and 236 g for females and males, respectively. Fish were fed to satiation twice daily. The weight gain of A. latus broodstock was not significantly (P > 0.05) different among fish fed diets with the various protein and lipid concentrations. Except for relative fecundity and survival rate of 3-day-post-hatch (3DPH) larvae, spawning performance of A. latus was not significantly affected by different concentrations of dietary protein or lipid. Relative fecundity was found to be significantly elevated by dietary lipid at 20% concentration. However, survival rate of 3DPH larvae was highest from broodstock fed diets with 40% protein and 25% lipid, 50% protein and 15% lipid and 60% protein and 15% lipid concentrations. Egg diameter generally increased with increasing dietary protein from 40 to 60% at each lipid concentration. Total length of hatchlings followed an inverse relationship with dietary protein regardless of the lipid concentration. The oil globule diameter (OGD) of hatchlings significantly increased with decreasing dietary protein from 60 to 40%. Yolk sac length (YSL) and OGD of hatchlings was generally greatest at 15% dietary lipid concentration irrespective of protein concentrations. Total length of 3DPH larvae was greatest from broodstock fed diets with 50% protein and 20% lipid, respectively. Body protein content of broodstock was not significantly affected by dietary protein and lipid concentrations. However, increasing dietary lipid generally resulted in increasing body lipid content regardless of the dietary protein concentration. Protein and lipid contents of eggs, hatchlings and 3DPH larvae were significantly affected by dietary protein and lipid concentrations of the broodstock diets. The present study revealed that the best reproductive performance of A. latus broodstock was achieved at 40% dietary protein and 20% dietary lipid concentrations based on relative fecundity, fertilization rate, hatchability and survival of 3DPH larvae.  相似文献   

为了探究低温胁迫对暗纹东方鲀肠道氧化应激、细胞凋亡及肠道微生物组成的影响,实验测定了3个处理温度 (25、19和13 °C),4个取样时间点 (0、6、24和96 h)下氧化应激、细胞凋亡与肠道微生物相关指标。结果显示,与对照组相比,随着温度降低肠道绒毛发生坏死、增生和杯细胞肿大。总超氧化物歧化酶 (T-SOD)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GSH-Px)的活性以及丙二醛 (MDA)含量显著增加。肠道微生物组成多样性降低。肠道微生物丰度发生改变,如黄色杆菌属、副球菌属、乳球菌属和双歧杆菌属的丰度随温度降低而上升,梭菌属、气单胞菌属和嗜热芽孢杆菌属的丰度随温度上升而下降。细胞凋亡相关基因 (caspase-3、caspase-7、caspase-9、p53、BaxBcl-2)的表达随温度降低升高。此外,实验发现副球菌属和嗜热芽孢杆菌属丰度的改变与肠道氧化应激、细胞凋亡均具有Pearson相关性,其可作为潜在微生物用来反映暗纹东方鲀是否处于氧化应激和细胞凋亡状态。本研究结果可为暗纹东方鲀健康养殖提供基础资料。  相似文献   

3种水质调控方式下刺参池塘初级生产力的周年变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对自然纳潮、微孔曝气、养水机池塘不同水层初级生产力及其相关参数的研究,分析养水机对初级生产力的影响。结果表明,3种水质调控方式池塘,初级生产力年均值、P/R值均以养水机池塘最高,微孔曝气池塘次之,自然纳潮池塘最低。养水机池塘、微孔曝气池塘、自然纳潮池塘的初级生产力年均值分别为(6.22±0.54)、(5.37±0.60)、(4.69±0.53) gO2/(m2·d)。3种水质调控方式下,养水机池塘30~50 cm水层和50~100cm水层初级生产力差异不显著,而微孔曝气池塘和自然纳潮池塘这两水层之间初级生产力差异显著,且养水机池塘50~100 cm的水层初级生产力显著高于微孔曝气和自然纳潮池塘。研究表明,养水机能显著提高刺参池塘50 cm以下水层的初级生产力,缩小上层和下层初级生产力之间的差距,从而提高池塘水体总初级生产力,为刺参饵料和池塘物质快速循环提供基本保障。  相似文献   

近年来包括急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)在内的多种新发疫病的流行,使我国甲壳类养殖业遭受了严重的经济损失。为了筛查导致山东潍坊某养殖场中一虾蟹混养池塘内患病三疣梭子蟹感染的可能病原,本研究采用分子生物学检测方法,对三疣梭子蟹样品进行了白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)、传染性皮下及造血组织坏死病毒(IHHNV)、虾血细胞虹彩病毒(SHIV)、致急性肝胰腺坏死病副溶血孤菌(Vp_(AHPND))、虾肝肠胞虫(EHP)、偷死野田村病毒(CMNV)、黄头病毒(YHV)和肝胰腺细小病毒(HPV)等8种病原的检测,并对样品进行了组织病理和原位杂交分析。分子生物学检测结果显示,患病三疣梭子蟹样品呈Vp_(AHPND)阳性,而呈现WSSV、IHHNV、SHIV、EHP、CMNV、YHV和HPV阴性。对样品进行Vp_(AHPND)套式PCR第二轮扩增产物的序列测定、比对和进化树分析,结果显示,扩增产物序列与致病副溶血弧菌质粒上pirA~(vp)毒力基因片段具有99%的同源性,该序列与已报道的多个致病副溶血弧菌PirA聚在进化树的同一主分支上。组织病理学分析显示,患病三疣梭子蟹的肝胰腺小管上皮细胞坏死,心肌纤维呈溶解样病变,鳃丝上皮柱突细胞明显坏死,胸神经节的神经细胞损伤严重,并且这些组织中还可见大量的细胞核固缩现象;原位杂交结果显示,肝胰腺、心肌、鳃组织及胸神经节中的病变部位均存在Vp_(AHPND)探针的蓝紫色杂交信号。以上表明,虾蟹混养池塘中三疣梭子蟹在自然状态下感染了Vp_(AHPND),并导致肝胰腺、心肌、鳃和胸神经节发生了严重病理损伤。本研究首次在养殖三疣梭子蟹中检测到Vp_(AHPND)感染并揭示了感染所致的病理变化,相关结果为揭示Vp_(AHPND)自然宿主种类和养殖三疣梭子蟹病害防控提供了基础信息。  相似文献   

The effect of thermal history (16 and 20°C) on growth of juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (initial mean weight 72.6 g, n = 157) was studied. Fish were divided into four groups, two groups remaining at constant temperature (C16, C20), while fish in the other groups were transferred from either 16 to 20°C (F16-20) or from 20 to 16°C (F20-16). Between 35 and 42 fish in each tank were individually tagged at the start of the experiment. The final mean weights were significantly higher in the F20-16 group (230 g) than in the C20 (213 g), F16-20 (211 g) and C16 (205 g) groups. The overall growth rate was highest in the F20-16 group (1.17% day−1) but comparable in the three other groups (1.00–1.04% day−1). Our findings indicate that, even at near-optimal temperature for a given size, the temperature history of the fish may influence future growth. Based on these indications, we conclude that as turbot grow larger, the temperature should be reduced to take advantage of the change in optimal temperature for growth with increasing fish size rather than rearing at constant temperatures.  相似文献   

The effect of an abrupt change in the live diet of shrimp larvae was investigated by replacing Artemia with Moina micrura. The control treatment consisted of feeding Artemia throughout the rearing period (regime A), while in the other treatments the onset of Moina feeding was arbitrarily chosen at larval stages iv (A3M), vi (A5M), viii (A7M) and x (A9M). No significant differences ( = 0.05) were observed among the treatments during larval production, mean stage development (MSD) and growth of postlarvae. The mean (SD) yields of postlarvae (PL) were 11.97 (1.98), 15.10 (2.92), 14.72(1.56), 13.51 (1.74) and 12.70 (1.40) PL l–1 respectively for the feeding regimes A3M, A5M, A7M, A9M and A. Up to stage v, the ingestion rate in the Moina treatment was as low as 0.01–0.47 larva–1 h–1 compared with that in the Artemia treatment (0.29–1.77 larva–1 h–1). However, the ingestion of Moina increased from stage vi–vii onwards.  相似文献   

The effect of extended photoperiods on growth and age at first maturity was investigated in 166 (79 females and 87 males) individually tagged Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus and in 114 (50 females and 64 males) individually tagged turbot Scophthalmus maximus. The halibut were reared at 11 °C on four different light regimes from 10 February to 6 July 1996: simulated natural photoperiod, (LDN), continuous light (LD24:0), constant 8 h light and 16 h darkness (LD8:16) and LD8:16 switched to continuous light 4 May 1996 (LD8:16–24:0). From 6 July 1996 to 9 February 1998 the LD24:0 and LD8:16–24:0 were reared together under continuous light and the LDN and LD8:16 together under natural photoperiod. The turbot were reared at 16 °C on three different light regimes: constant light (LD24:0), 16 h light:8 h darkness (LD16:8), or simulated natural photoperiod (LDN). After 6 months on the different photoperiods, the turbot was reared together on LDN for approximately 12 months until first maturation. Juveniles subjected to continuous light (halibut) or extended photoperiods (halibut and turbot) exhibited faster growth than those experiencing a natural photoperiod or a constant short day. Moreover, when the photoperiod increased naturally with day-length or when fish were abruptly switched from being reared on short-day conditions to continuous light, a subsequent increase in growth rate was observed. This growth enhancing effect of extended photoperiods was more apparent on a short time scale in Atlantic halibut than in turbot, but both species show significant long-term effects of extended photoperiods in the form of enhanced growth. In both species lower maturation of males was seen in groups exposed to extended or continuous light compared to LDN and this could be used to reduce precocious maturation in males leading to overall increase in somatic growth. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

中国境内松江鲈鱼群体遗传变异的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马召腾  刘至治  潘连德  蒋鑫 《水产学报》2012,36(7):1042-1048
运用ISSR分子标记技术,分析中国境内松江鲈鱼浙江(Z)、山东(S)、河北(H)、辽宁鸭绿江(Y)等4个不同群体间的遗传变异。从100个ISSR引物中筛选出多态性引物15个,对每群体各30个个体进行分析。每引物的扩增条带为6~17条,共得到有效位点181个,其中多态位点136个,多态位点百分率为75.14%。4群体中,H群体的有效等位基因数、Nei氏基因多样性、Shannon氏信息指数及多态位点百分率为最低,分别为1.258 5、0.153 0、0.2322、49.17%;而Y群体的相应值为最高,分别为1.479 4、0.277 7、0.411 2、74.03%;Z和S两群体的值明显高于H群体、略低于Y群体。若将4群体作为一个整体,则总的Nei氏基因多样性指数为0.269 1、Shannon氏信息指数为0.400 9,显示松江鲈鱼的遗传多样性较丰富。群体间的遗传分化系数(GST)为0.131 3,基因流(Nm)为3.309 4,表明松江鲈鱼群体间存在中等程度的遗传分化和一定程度的基因交流。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明:在总的遗传变异中,85.54%的变异来自种群内个体间,14.46%的变异来自种群间;同样,群体间存在显著(P<0.05)或极显著的遗传分化(P<0.01)。根据群体间Nei氏遗传距离构建的UPGMA树中,Z群体首先与S群体聚类、再与Y群体聚类,呈现出从南向北的地理分布格局,但H群体却单独为一支,与其他群体间的距离较远。  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with a mean (sd) weight of 120 (2) g were fed diets supplemented with astaxanthin extracted from the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma (OY1 = 50 mg carotenoids kg–1 feed, OY2 = 100 mg carotenoids kg–1 feed), astaxanthin (AX = 100 mg astaxanthin kg–1 feed) and canthaxanthin (CX = 100 mg canthaxanthin kg–1 feed) for 4 weeks. Muscle analyses at the end of the experiment indicated a significantly higher carotenoid concentration in the AX group, while CX and OY1 groups were similar in spite of the differences in dietary concentration. The measure of total muscle colour difference (E* ab) between initial samples and 4 week ones was higher for the AX fish group but showed no significant difference between OY1, OY2, and CX. The hue and the reflectance ratio (R650:R510) of fish muscle increased in proportion to carotenoid intake. Digestibility (ADC) of yeast astaxanthin in OY1 and OY2 groups was significantly higher than that in the AX group. Canthaxanthin ADC was about one sixth of that of astaxanthin (AX group). Carotenoid retention in the muscle, expressed as a percentage of carotenoid intake, was higher for the AX group than that recorded for OY1 and OY2. According to ADC, carotenoid retention showed a marked lower value for the CX group. Muscle retentions were similar for astaxanthins from both sources.  相似文献   

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