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2012年6—11月,在新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区(卡山保护区)采用痕迹截线等方法,共收集狼粪便278份,采用粪便分析法研究了狼的夏秋季食性。结果表明:夏季和秋季,该区域的主要有蹄类蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚在狼食谱中的相对频率仅为1.94%和3.10%,而野放普氏野马相对频率达到了1.42%。2010年春季的严重雪灾,导致野生有蹄类种群数量锐减,这是狼捕食较少蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚的主要原因,同时也说明狼已经对普氏野马在卡山保护区的野化进程中起到了一定的作用。狼的主要食物为植物、沙鼠和昆虫,其相对频率分别为30.19%,19.35%和13.55%,且夏秋季的食物组成差异不显著(Pearsonχ2检验,P=0.192,>0.05;似然比χ2检验,P=0.131,>0.05),狼的食物生态位宽度比较窄(Bsta=0.28)。狼的食性研究有助于明晰狼与有蹄类,特别是放归普氏野马之间的关系,为普氏野马野放保护管理和监测提供了基础数据,为保护区内狼的数量调控提供本底资料。  相似文献   

一、Ⅰ级保护的兽类(14种):紫貂、貂熊、新疆虎(认已绝灭)、雪豹、蒙古野驴、西藏野驴、普氏野马、野骆驼、野牦牛、普氏原羚、藏羚、高鼻羚羊、北山羊、河狸。二、Ⅱ级保护的兽类(17种):豺、棕熊、藏马熊、石貂、水獭、草原斑猫、荒漠猫、猞猁、免狲、麝、马鹿、藏原羚、鹅喉羚、岩羊、盘羊(大头羊)、雪兔、塔里木兔。  相似文献   

不同季节鹅喉羚昼间活动节律特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年10月至2008年10月,采用焦点动物取样法,在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区观察了鹅喉羚的昼间活动节律.共观察鹅喉羚有效个体1 917只,采集行为数据319.5 h,将鹅喉羚的行为分为采食、移动、警戒、休息和其他5种类型.结果表明:采食是各季节鹅喉羚最主要的活动类型,每天有2~3个采食高峰,一般出现在晨昏和正午...  相似文献   

据《大自然》杂志1985年第1期所载《我国保护动物名录》,新疆列入名录的动物共87种,占全国保护种数的三分之一强。其中一类保护动物20种,包括野骆驼、野马、蒙古野驴、西藏野驴、野牦牛、河狸、藏羚、赛加羚、新疆虎、雪豹、貂熊等11种兽类和斑嘴鹈鹕、藏雪鸡、白鹳、自肩雕、黑颈鹤、角鸊鷉、黑鹳、游隼、白鹤等9种鸟类。二类保护动物67种,其中爬行类1种,鸟类53种,兽类13种,主要有棕熊、马鹿、北山羊、鹅喉羚、盘羊、天鹅、四爪陆龟、雪兔、水獭、紫貂、草原斑猫、兔狲、麝、普氏原羚、白额雁、黑琴鸡、灰鹤等。新疆深居内陆,地区辽阔,是我国一独特生态地理区,成为保护珍稀、濒危动物种质资源的天然基因库,中国科学院新疆生物土壤沙漠研究所已开展新疆内陆干旱区濒危、珍稀动物的考察研究。为了推动动物保护工作,该所将陆续发表有关研究成果和学术论文,并对新  相似文献   

卡拉麦里山有蹄类保护区鹅喉羚的采食地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006-2007年,通过野外直接观察采样的方法,研究了新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类动物保护区内鹅喉羚的采食地特征。Mann-Whitney U检验表明,春夏秋三季鹅喉羚采食地内的植物种数、植被盖度、植被高度和可食生物量均显著高于对照地中相应成分。主成分分析表明,影响研究区内春夏秋三季鹅喉羚采食地选择的关键环境因子是食物因子(植物种数,可食生物量和各季节大宗食物密度)、警戒因子(坡位和植被盖度)、温度因子(坡向和植被高度),以及水分因子(富含水分的食物)。冬季鹅喉羚经受严重的放牧干扰,采食地呈现为生存而被迫选择局部次适宜区域栖息的特征。  相似文献   

采用入户面对面访谈的方法,调查普氏野马野放区的社区牧民对保护区的认识、保护野放普氏野马意识以及积极主动参与保护等。结果表明:① 野放区4个乡镇社区牧民对调查涉及的保护区及普氏野马的认识有显著的差异,但对保护普氏野马持有积极肯定的态度;② 野放普氏野马和家畜争夺草场的矛盾,与各乡镇到野放核心区的距离具有相关性;③ 随着到野放核心区距离的增加,社区牧民保护野放普氏野马的意识逐渐减弱;④ 社区牧民对野放普氏野马等野生动物保护法律普遍了解较少。根据调查情况及卡拉麦里山保护区自身的特点,因地制宜地采取科学合理的措施,从而逐步理顺社区发展与保护之间的关系。  相似文献   

鹅喉羚Gazella subgutturosa又名长尾黄羊、羚羊,为国家二级保护动物。它生活在亚洲中部荒漠地区,对荒漠地区干旱贫瘠的自然环境适宜性强,广布于荒漠盆地和山地。分布鹅喉羚的分布,从阿拉伯半岛、巴勒斯坦至高加索,到伊朗、阿富汗、巴基斯坦,以及前苏联中亚地区,蒙古和中国西北部。已记录6个亚种,中国境内分布有4个亚种,即青海柴达木  相似文献   

为了深入了解国家二级保护动物新疆鹅喉羚叶尔羌亚种(Gazella subgutturosa yarkandensis)种群的遗传现状,运用非损伤取样技术,从主要分布区中收集的58份粪便样本和15份肌肉样品中提取基因组DNA,采用10个特异微卫星位点来评价该区域的鹅喉羚种群的遗传多样性。经多次重复提取和重复PCR扩增后,发现58份粪便样本来源于49只不同的鹅喉羚个体。10个微卫星位点的平均的个体识别率(DP)值为0.918,累积个体识别率(CDP)值为0.9992。总共检测到57个等位基因,平均等位基因数(A)为5.7±1.3375(5~8);平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为4.72±0.6903(3.68~5.76);平均期望杂合度(He)为0.685±0.0296(0.5862~0.7627);平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.719±0.0583(0.661~0.819)。除了和静种群在0ar FCB304位点上和且末种群在BM1818位上偏离Hardy-Weinderg平衡之外都基本遵守此平衡。以上结果显示该分布区鹅喉羚种群具有较高的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

刘刚  胡德夫  赵莎莎 《干旱区研究》2011,28(6):1051-1056
从染色体、血型和血液蛋白(酶)、线粒体DNA、微卫星DNA和MHC等遗传标记方面,综述了近年来国内外对普氏野马(Equus przewalskii,EPR)遗传多样性的研究进展。提出了自己的看法:近交衰退依然存在,EPR的遗传多样性不够丰富,而且EPR与家马(Equus caballus,ECA)的亲缘关系尚有争论。历...  相似文献   

鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa)为IUCN红皮书保护物种,国家二级保护动物。该种可分为6个亚种,分布于西亚、南亚和中亚及其邻近地区;我国境内4亚种,分布于新疆准噶尔盆地、塔里木盆地、昆仑-阿尔金山,内蒙古西部,甘肃西部,青海柴达木盆地,宁夏荒漠区;新疆是鹅喉羚的主要分布区,有3亚种。新疆昌吉州平均密度为雄=1:1.05,成:幼=2.4:1,母:仔=1:1.4。鹅喉羚犄角有效成份与赛加羚犄角相同,但氨基酸总含量约低8%,为潜在的“羚羊角”替代品。天门冬氨酸含量增加可能与运动相关。该种雄性染色体为33、32或31,雌性为32、31或30,这种差异可能是由于染色体间融合和易位所致。犄角年龄环纹可作为年龄鉴定的依据。最后,对饲养繁殖、疾病防治、致危因素和保护对策等方面的研究成果作了综合评介。  相似文献   

There are many patterns of coexistence in communities, including partitioning based on spatial, temporal, or food niches. This study considered the partitioning of food between two ecologically similar and sympatric species, the tamarisk gerbil and the midday gerbil, in the Terek-Kuma Lowland of the Republic of Daghestan. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the diets of both gerbils were revealed. The species have relatively wide diets; the tamarisk gerbil’s diet consisted of forty-six plant species, and the midday gerbil’s diet consisted of fifty plant species within the study areas. Thirty plant species were present in the diets of the two gerbils. The dietary breadths of both gerbils were similar. The dietary overlap of the two gerbils ranged from low to moderate (average Pianka’s dietary overlap index, 0.476?±?0.08). Finally, under conditions in which food resources are sufficient, the moderate abundance of gerbils and the high diversity of habitats and microhabitats in the study areas allow these two species of gerbils to coexist in a common location.  相似文献   

We investigated the composition of the diet of the multi-mammate mouse, Mastomys natalensis, within irrigated rice and fallow field habitats at set time periods related to rice crop growth stages. In both habitats, vegetative plant material, i.e. leaves, stems and seeds, were the most abundant components of the rodent's diet, while other food types (invertebrates, fruits) were observed only in low quantities. We conclude that vegetative plant material and seeds were the main types of food consumed not only due to their relatively higher abundance in the environments under study but also because of the highly specialised herbivorous/granivorous nature of the dominant rodent species, M. natalensis. Thus, the introduction and expansion of continuous rice-cropping using irrigation in Tanzania is likely to be severely constrained by the presence of M. natalensis. In our opinion, field hygiene, including the removal of alternative food resources and nesting sites for M. natalensis near cropping areas, may help to both lower rodent population numbers and reduce immigration potential. Non-chemical rodent control methods such as trap barrier systems developed for lowland irrigated rice in south-eastern Asia should, we argue, be evaluated for their effectiveness under African conditions.  相似文献   

猎物对普通草蛉发育和繁殖能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同猎物对普通草蛉[Chrysoperla carnea(Stephens)]幼虫生长发育和成虫繁殖能力的影响,研究了普通草蛉幼虫取食棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)、萝卜蚜[Lipaphis erysimi(Kaltenbach)]、榆长斑蚜[Tinocallis saltans(Nevsky)]、截形叶螨(Tetranychus truncatus Ehara)、枸杞木虱(Poratrioza sinica YangLi)和麦蛾[Sitotroga cerealella(Olivier)]卵共6种食物时的生长发育和成虫繁殖能力。结果表明:幼虫取食棉蚜发育历期最短,为(9.66±0.13)d、取食麦蛾卵发育历期最长,为(11.35±0.26)d;取食麦蛾卵时蛹期最短,为(7.33±0.16)d、取食萝卜蚜时蛹期最长,为(8.85±0.25)d;幼虫取食棉蚜死亡率最低,为(20.05±0.2)%、取食萝卜蚜时死亡率最高,为(31.25±0.52)%;幼虫取食截形叶螨不能完成幼虫期生长发育;幼虫取食棉蚜时蛹最重,为(8.27±0.20)mg,取食枸杞木虱时蛹最轻,为(7.28±0.18)mg;幼虫取食枸杞木虱时羽化率最低,为(69.29±0.79)%、取食萝卜蚜时羽化率最高,为(77.25±1.94)%;幼虫取食麦蛾卵时雌虫寿命最长,为(71.54±1.87)d、取食榆长斑蚜时雌虫寿命最短,为(57.35±3.66)d。幼虫取食不同食物对普通草蛉成虫产卵前期和产卵量无显著影响。幼虫食物是影响普通草蛉生长发育和繁殖能力的重要因素之一,普通草蛉幼虫取食棉蚜最适合其生长发育和繁殖。  相似文献   

In most arid and semi-arid regions of the world, domestic livestock and native wildlife share pastures, and their competition for forage and habitat is thought to be a serious conservation issue. Moreover, unmanaged grazing by livestock can cause the population decline in wild ungulates. The diet of an animal species is a determining aspect of its ecological niche, and investigating its diet has been one of the initial steps in basic ecology study of a new species. To get an approximate understanding of the interspecific food relationships of argali(Ovis ammon darwini) between sexes, and sympatric domestic sheep and goats, we compared the diet compositions and diet-overlaps among these herbivores, i.e., male argali, female argali, domestic sheep, and domestic goats in the Mengluoke Mountains of Xinjiang, China by using micro-histological fecal analysis. Female argali, male argali, domestic sheep and domestic goat primarily consumed forbs(43.31%±4.86%), grass(36.02%±9.32%), forbs(41.01%±9.18%), and forbs(36.22%±10.61%), respectively in warm season. All these animals consumed mostly shrubs(female argali: 36.47%±7.56%; male argali: 47.28%±10.75%; domestic sheep: 40.46%±9.56%; and domestic goats: 42.88%±9.34%, respectively) in cold season. The diet-overlaps were relatively high among all species in cold season with values ranging from 0.88 to 0.94. Furthermore, Schoener's index measured between each possible pair of 4 herbivores increased from the warm season to the cold season. The results illustrate that the high degree of diet-overlap of argali and domestic livestock(sheep and goat) may pose a threat to the survival of the argali in cold season. From the viewpoint of rangeland management and conservation of the endangered argali, the numbers of domestic sheep and goats should be limited in cold season to reduce food competition.  相似文献   

Laboratory assays were done to evaluate the effect of Melia azedarach L. (Rutales: Meliaceae) seed extract on nutritional indices and gut enzymes acid phosphatases, alkaline phosphatases, adenosinetriphosphatases, and lactate dehydrogenase of the rice leaffolder (RLF) Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Larvae were fed a treated rice-leaf diet containing the seed extract and their midgut was used for enzyme determination. Laboratory experiments showed that the seed extract suppressed the larval activity of C. medinalis even at a low dose. Gross dietary utilization (efficiency of conversion of ingested and digested food) of RLF decreased after ingesting the treated rice-leaf diet. Food consumption, digestion, relative consumption rate, efficiency of conversion of ingested food, efficiency of conversion of digested food, and relative growth rate values declined significantly. As compared to the control, consumption of the extract containing rice-leaf diet resulted in a 69% reduction of the acid phosphatases activity, a 71% reduction of the alkaline phosphatases activity, a 46% reduction of the adenosine triphosphatases activity, and a 52% inhibition of the lactate dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

传统的节肢动物群落多样性研究主要关注物种的丰富度、群落结构及其动态变化,难于深入解析多物种间的复杂作用关系及生态功能的内在驱动机制。节肢动物食物网组建及结构分析,可以评价不同营养层级物种间的相互作用,进而阐明天敌生物控害作用等食物网功能的调控机制。该文系统梳理了农田节肢动物食物网的组成和评价方式,介绍其结构与功能关系,并结合食物网理论在害虫生物防治中的应用实践,总结物种内部作用和外界环境变化对食物网结构及功能的影响,深化了对食物网结构介导的天敌控害功能的认识,为优化农田害虫生物控制理论提供了参考。  相似文献   

Details are given of the methods of analysis used in the determination of Organophosphorus pesticide residues in each of the food groups into which the total diet samples were divided. Residues of only 6 pesticides were detected. Malathion was the most commonly found, mainly in the cereal foods group of the diet, but all the residues were at low levels.  相似文献   

棉酚和单宁酸对棉铃虫幼虫生长和消化生理的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
作者利用昆虫人工饲料测试了棉酚和单宁酸对棉铃虫幼虫生长、营养指标以及中肠主要蛋白酶活力的影响。结果表明,棉酚和单宁酸均能显著地抑制幼虫的生长,但二者之间无交互作用,其中单宁酸的作用较棉酚强。含3%棉酚或单宁酸的人工饲料,饲喂4龄幼虫48h后,可引起幼虫近似消化率减小和食物转化率增大,但食物利用率无显著变化。棉酚在离体条件下对类胰蛋白酶和类胰凝乳蛋白酶活力有不同程度的抑制作用,但在活体条件下,上述酶活力无显著变化,仅有中肠总蛋白酶活力下降。单宁酸在离体条件下对类胰蛋白酶有抑制作用,而对类胰凝乳蛋白酶活力无作用:在活体条件下,仅总蛋白酶活力和弱碱性类胰蛋白酶活力显著下降。由此可知,棉酚和单宁酸对棉铃虫的生长抑制作用与幼虫中肠蛋白酶活力和食物消化率的降低有关。  相似文献   

遗鸥是蒙古高原荒漠—半荒漠生态条件下的特有鸟种,是国际公认的濒危鸟种,具4个相对独立的繁殖种群,遗鸥鄂尔多斯种群的春、夏季主要栖息、繁殖地是鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地,2006年遗鸥的繁殖地在湿地的红碱淖尔湖,所以4月-10月对鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地的红碱淖尔底栖动物的组成和分布及月动态变化进行调查,并且对水生昆虫的成虫和幼虫的蜕皮壳数量进行调查,以及对遗鸥在春、夏季繁殖期的觅食特点进行调查。结果表明:红碱淖尔的底栖动物种类少,只有9种,且都是水生昆虫,豆娘和摇蚊是优势种,占底栖动物总生物量的90%以上。遗鸥食物种类少,繁殖地生态环境脆弱,典型相关和多元线形回归分析显示,豆娘幼虫是遗鸥繁殖期间的主要食物,5~7月高峰期的摇蚊幼虫是遗鸥重要的食物补充来源。遗鸥与豆娘幼虫、遗鸥与摇蚊幼虫是捕食与被捕食关系,种群数量存在着消长关系。  相似文献   

Since 1964, the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, has reported residues of pesticides and other chemicals present in the average diet of the young adult male. The present report is the first in a series of market baskets whose purpose is to monitor the average diet of infants and toddlers for the same residues. Ten market baskets were collected in 10 cities which ranged in population from less than 50,000 to 1,000,000 or more. Averages and ranges of residues found are reported by food class. Results of recovery studies of known residues and chemicals within various food classes are also presented.  相似文献   

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