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Growth and yield responses to plant density (6.75 × 104, 9.75 × 104 and 12.75 × 104 plants ha–1) and stage of transplanting (30, 35 and 40 days after sowing) of winter oilseed rape cultivar HO 605 were investigated in two field trials in the 1996/97 and 1997/98 growing seasons at Zhejiang University Farm, Huajiachi Campus, China. Results revealed a progressive decrease in leaf area per plant in response to increasing plant density and delayed transplanting, though leaf area m–2 and leaf area index were higher in high-density plants. Number of effective branches and pod per branch decreased with increasing plant density and delayed transplanting. There were no significant differences in the mean seed weight among treatments. Although the average number of seeds per pod was significantly lower for high-density plants and delayed transplanting, the economically highest seed yields were realized in relatively high-density plants. Seed oil content was negatively affected by increasing plant density, but no significant differences were observed with delayed transplanting. The highest seed yields of 1730.7 and 1748.1 kg ha–1 with no significant differences were observed for plant densities of 9.75 × 104 and 12.75 × 104 plants ha–1, respectively, transplanted at 35 and 30 days after sowing.  相似文献   

Among the common agricultural crops winter-rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.) is considered to be especially susceptible to varying environmental conditions. The commonly used stability statistics, which measure these fluctuations, are based on the yields of genotypes in different environments. An improvement of stability analysis may be obtained by an additional estimation of stability using yield components rather than absolute yield values. Relationships between stability of seed yield (SY) and stabilities of plant densities (PD) and of single plant yield (SPY) were examined for four winter-rapeseed varieties, their six F1's and their six F2's. Environmental variance was applied to estimate phenotypic stabilities. Furthermore, generations were compared for their stability in SY, PD and SPY. Regarding all genotypes and generations the correlation coefficients did not show any relation between stability of SY and stabilities of PD and of SPY (r = -0.04 and r = -0.17). Comparing generations the F2 showed a higher stability of SY than varieties and F1, But no consistent results were obtained regarding PD and SPY. The pattern of the heterotic effects of stability of yield components PD and SPY were different from the respective pattern of SY. Eg although possessing desired heterotic effects in stability of PD and SPY some crosses showed undesired heterotic effects in stability of SY. Therefore, a theory of multiplicative heterosis of stability should be developed in analogy to the corresponding theory for yield.  相似文献   

In this study a stochastic approach, based on several simplifying assumptions, is developed that allows an estimation of the effects of nonregular spatial patterns of the distribution of individual plants on yield per area. In this approach, two random variables were attached to each individual plant: single plant yield and individual space per plant. The latter can be estimated, for example, by the area of Thiessen polygons. Yield per area is calculated theoretically by the expectation (=mean) of the ratio between individual yield and area. Based on the logarithmic relationship between single plant yield and individual space per plant, yield per area can be broken down into three additive terms: the first term depends only on the mean of individual plant areas, while the second depends on their mean and variance simultaneously. This second term is the product of the variance and a factor which depends only on the mean. The third term is a function of the mean and of higher order (≥ 3) central moments of a fractional linear transformation of individual plant area. Finally, these theoretical concepts were applied to 17 experimental data sets of three cultivars of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) with measurements for single plant yields and individual areas for the Thiessen polygon tesselations. Since yield per area is theoretically defined by the expectation of the ratio between individual yield and area, it is estimated by the arithmetic mean of the individual yield/area‐ratios. The agreement between this estimate and the sum of the estimated terms from the aforementioned additive decomposition of yield per area is particularly good. For the 17 data sets, percentages for these additive terms of approximately 71.4 % up to 98.4 % (mean: 89.0 %) for the first term, 1.6 % up to 20.0 % (mean: 9.8 %) for the second term and 0 % up to 8.7 % (mean: 1.2 %) for the third term are obtained. As a consequence it may be concluded, that yield per area can be explained mainly by dependencies on the means of individual plant areas while the variance of individual plant spaces is of only minor importance. The effect of the third term is insignificant. These results clearly indicate an answer to the main issue raised in the paper, namely the importance of seeding density as opposed to seeding accuracy/uniformity: nonuniformity is of limited influence and seeding density is the main correlate of yield/area. Seed placement accuracy of seeding technology therefore plays an only minor role.  相似文献   

The effects of stand establishment and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield stability of winter oil-seed rape ( Brassica napus L.) were investigated in two field experiments in north eastern Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). During six years of testing from 1984/85 to 1989/90 three sowing dates (10 Aug, 20 Aug, 5 Sept) as combined with three plant densities (60, 100, 140 plants/m2 in autumn) were compared. Although seed yield did not respond to the main effects of these treatments, the two-way classification resulted in significant differences from the average yield. August sowing combined with lower plant densities caused comparably high yields, while delayed sowing was somewhat effective only with higher plant density. Highest yield stability was achieved at early sowing when combined with lower plant densities. From 1986/87 to 1988/89 nitrogen top-dressings were applied during early March, at start of stem extension and shortly before start of flowering at five locations. 200 kg N/ha in one dose resulted in lowest yield performance and enhanced instability. Contrastingly, the 240 kg N/ha treatment advanced yield stability regardless of split regimes. Nevertheless, split application to 100 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha also guaranteed that high yield performance and optimum yield stability were reached simultaneously and, that the total nitrogen input could be limited to 200 kg N/ha.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜每角粒数的全基因组关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
每角粒数是油菜重要的产量构成因子,增加每角粒数有助于提高油菜的籽粒产量。利用Illumina 60K SNP芯片对496份具有代表性的油菜资源进行基因型分析,考察该群体在2个环境中的每角粒数,利用MLM和GLM模型进行全基因组关联分析。结果表明,本群体在2个环境中每角粒数的广义遗传力为57.7%。利用MLM和GLM模型分别检测到9个和20个位点,所有MLM位点均得到GLM结果的验证。6个位点与前人定位的QTL重叠,其中2个位点得到2次验证,其余14个是新位点。在7个位点附近找到了候选基因,其中在C09染色体的位点Bn-scaff155761-p74980附近找到已克隆的油菜每角粒数基因BnaC9.SMG7b,在其余6个位点附近找到GRDP1、SPATULA、HVA22D、DA2等已知的拟南芥每角粒数基因的同源基因。本研究结果有助于解析油菜每角粒数的遗传基础及其调控机制,为每角粒数的遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at Samaru, Nigeria to study the influence of nitrogen fertilization and plant density on the agronomic performance and nutrient concentration of maize ( Zea mays L.). The treatments were factorial combinations of five nitrogen fertilization rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha) and three plant density levels (25000, 50000 and 75000 plants/ha).
Nitrogen fertilization up to 150 kg N/ha enhanced grain and stover yields and increased kernel number and weight up to 100 kg N/ha. Nitrogen supply also increased maize ear length. Increased N fertilization rates increased concentrations of N, K and Mg but had no effect on P and Ca concentrations. Higher grain yield was closely associated with higher N concentration in ear leaf; with 0.1 % change in N concentration causing 177 kg/ha change in grain yield. Increased plant density increased stover yield up to 50 or 75 thousand plants/ha but depressed kernel number and weight and ear length.  相似文献   

种植密度与留叶枝对棉花产量和早熟性的互作效应   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
为实现合理密植与叶枝利用的有机结合,研究了种植密度与整枝对棉花产量和早熟性的影响。结果表明,密度和整枝对棉花产量有显著的互作效应。去叶枝情况下,以低密度(3.00株.m-2)的产量最低,中高密度(5.25~7.50株.m-2)的产量较高;留叶枝条件下,以中低密度(3.00~5.25株.m-2)的产量较高,高密度(7.50~9.75株.m-2)的产量较低。去叶枝条件下,中密度(5.25株.m-2)比低密度皮棉增产9.7%,而留叶枝条件下,低密度与中密度的产量相当,比高密度(9.75株.m-2)增产15.3%。密度与留叶枝可以单独或协同影响生物产量、经济系数和产量结构,对皮棉产量有显著的互作效应。低密度条件下保留叶枝似可弥补密度不足引起的产量损失,而中、高密度条件下,去叶枝仍有益处。  相似文献   

化学打顶对棉花群体容量的拓展效应   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
以常规人工打顶为对照,在大田条件下设置不同种植密度(18万、22.5万和27万株·hm-2),研究化学打顶对棉株形态、群体器官数量和经济产量等的影响.结果表明,化学打顶棉花株高显著高于人工打顶,平均高出17%,中上部果枝显著变短,尤其是上部果枝平均比人工打顶短75%.冠层中部透光率平均提高约13%.在相同密度条件下,化...  相似文献   

Ten quite different European winter rapeseed cultivars were grown in a 3-year field trial at one location. The traits grain yield and biomass were measured based on single plant measurements (first year) or on plot basis (second and third year). Individual harvest indices were calculated.
Besides a general discussion of the experimental results for this collection of winter rapeseed cultivars the main aim of the present investigations was an examination whether these experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical conclusions on harvest indices which have been published in this journal in three preceding publications.
Hence the investigations of this paper are divided into the three chapters: 1) Calculation of mean harvest indices, 2) Variability of harvest indices and 3) Correlations among harvest index, grain yield and biomass. In all three chapters the agreement between the empirically obtained and the theoretically expected values is quite good.  相似文献   

Irrigated field experiments were conducted in the Marmara region of Turkey in 2002 and 2003 to compare alternate 40 : 25 cm row spacings and conventional 65 cm with four different plant densities (65 000, 85 000, 105 000 and 125 000 plants ha−1) of three corn hybrids (DK-585, ADA 95–10 and C-955) in some morphological traits and forage and dry matter yield. Morphological traits such as plant height, leaf per plant, stem diameter, ear per plant and ear percentage were measured, forage and dry matter yield was also determined in this study. Hybrids, row spacings and plant densities significantly affected some morphological traits, forage and dry matter yield at 0.01 level. Later maturing hybrids tended to produce taller and thicker stemmed plants. Row spacings and plant densities did not affect plant height. Average stem diameter increased significantly with population density. Row spacings did not influence leaf number, whereas leaf number increased slightly with plant density. On average, all corn plants had slightly more than 1.0 ear per plant in our experiment. Row spacings and plant densities did not affect significantly number of ear per plant. Early maturing DK-585 had the highest ear percentage whilst late maturing C-955 lowest. Yields usually increased with hybrid maturity. When averaged across years, row spacings and plant densities, late maturing C-955 performed significantly better in forage and dry matter yield in all experimental years and combined years. The studies showed favourable advantage for alternate 40 : 25 cm rows over conventional 65 cm row spacings at all plant densities. Average forage and dry matter yields were greater for alternate 40 : 25 cm row spacings than for 65 cm row spacings. However, strong hybrid × row spacing interactions for both forage and dry matter yield were detected.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted on the winter wheat cultivars Arminda and Okapi , using two seed rates (80 and 160 kg/ha) and three N applications (40, 80 and 120 kg/ha).
The cultivars did not differ in total dry matter production but did differ in grain yield. The difference in grain yield was mainly attributable to a higher harvest index (HI).
Increased plant density reduced HI; it resulted in more shoots per m2, but in a lower grain yield. The reduction in grain yield was caused by fewer kernels per ear and a lower 1000-grain weight in both cultivars.
A higher rate of N increased total dry matter production and grain yield, except in Okapi at the high plant density. The number of kernels per ear increased, but 1000-grain weight fell.
The higher the N applications, the higher the N-content of the roots was.
Total N yield was greater in Arminda than in Okapi. The cultivars differed in the amount of nitrogen they took up after anthesis.
The content of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) differed between the cultivars, N treatments and growth stages. Carbohydrate formed before anthesis accounted for 23 % of Arminda's grain yield and for 10 % of Okapi's grain yield.
The content of cell-wall constituents (CWC) depended on cultivar, growth stage and the rate of the N dressing. Differences in CWC were more pronounced in Arminda than in Okapi. During leaf, stem and ear development there was a strong increase in content and amount of CWC. Concomitantly, WSC decreased. This implies that a large consumption of WSC is necessary for the formation of CWC. The competition for the WSC, necessary for CWC and shoot and ear development influences kernel initiation. Per unit of dry matter Okapi contained more CWC than Arminda. This was not in agreement with differences in straw sturdiness.  相似文献   

玉米产量-密度关系年代演化趋势的Meta分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为明确中国玉米产量-密度试验结果的年代演化趋势,进一步探索提高玉米产量的突破方向和理论依据,汇集从1950s到2000s中国玉米产量-密度的文献结果,拟合产量-密度抛物线模型,剔除异常后进行直方图、相关、通径等Meta分析。结果表明,1950s和1960s玉米产量明显低于1970s和1980s,1990s以来产量持续增加,2000s最大,为10.5 t hm-2,1960s以来年均增益150 kg hm-2。最佳密度年代均值在4.5~6.8株 m-2之间,呈现1950s 和1960s<1970s 和1980s<1990s,但是, 2000s却小于1990s。单株产量年代均值在0.08~0.17 kg之间,呈现1950s>1960s和1970s<1980s,且1990s以来持续上升,2000s上升幅度更为明显。1990s以来密度偏离最佳值引起的减产幅度呈现上升趋势。在持续增加密度的同时,通过育种和栽培途径提高单株产量,是玉米更高产的努力方向。  相似文献   

为揭示主要农艺性状对白菜单株产量的影响,以16份白菜新品系为试材,对其单株产量与8个农艺性状进行相关分析、偏相关分析、多元逐步回归分析和通径分析。结果表明,各性状中变异系数最大的为最大叶叶柄长,其次为单株产量;最大叶叶宽与单株产量达到极显著正相关,株幅与单株产量达到显著正相关;偏相关分析中单株产量与8个农艺性状均呈正相关,其中叶片数和最大叶叶宽与单株产量呈极显著正相关,其余偏相关系数较大的依次为最大叶叶柄厚和株幅;多元逐步回归分析表明Y(单株产量)=-1480.847+31.562X5(最大叶叶宽)+26.028X3(叶片数)+13.425X2(株幅)+429.535X8(最大叶叶柄厚)为单株产量性状的最优回归方程式,决定系数R2=0.930;8个农艺性状对单株产量性状的直接通径系数均为正值,排名前4的性状依次为最大叶叶宽>叶片数>最大叶叶柄厚>株幅。因此,在白菜丰产新品种选育中,应重点做好最大叶叶宽和叶片数性状的选择,同时兼顾最大叶叶柄厚和株幅等性状。  相似文献   

The actual yields from multilocation variety trials are commonly analysed as a two-way table (rows = varieties, columns = locations) of mean yields. In this paper, relationships between the recently proposed new stability parameter 'variance of relative yield' and the two stability parameters of the 'classical' joint regression approach in stability analysis, are investigated. The variance of relative yield as a measure of stability exhibits an undesirable dependence on the mean yield of the respective variety. Generalizations and improvements of some recent results and conclusions of Piepho (1994) are discussed.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken on four W. German (AD201, Belinda, Korina and Elvira) and five French (Cresor, Brutor, BRO, BRIO and Orpal) spring rapeseed varieties, for evaluation and to study their performance and productivity under Fayoum (Egypt) conditions during two successive winter seasons (1982/1983 and 1983/1984). In order to make clear identification for different plant characters, some genetical parameters were estimated.
In the first season, the nine varieties were arranged into a randomized complete block field experiment with four replications. In the second one, the experiment (with the same design and replication) included only six cultivars, after elimination of three winter-type (Belinda, Korina and Elvira) that failed to reach flowering because of unique cold temperature requirements. Therefore, the present study was restricted with the remainder six varieties.
The varieties exhibited considerable differences in all the characters studied. AD201 was earlier, higher seed- and oil-yielding variety than other tested ones. Its superiority could be attributed to increased number of pods/plant, seeds/pod and seed yield/plant. The second yielding variety was BR1O followed by Cresor, BRO and Brutor. While Orpal was inferior in all characters except for seed index. Data showed that fruiting zone length reached nearly half the mature height for each genotype.
Remarkable amount of genotypic variation and high heritability estimates were recorded for all studied characters. Quantitative analysis indicated that number of seeds/pod, early flowering, seed weight/plant, possessed high heritability values combined with high genetic gains and wide genetic variations. By these characters, discernible improvement could be easily achieved through phenotypic selection in relatively very short time.  相似文献   

种植密度对棉花分离世代产量性状表现及育种选择的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过裂区设计对F2代4个群体在三种密度下表现进行了研究,子棉产量、皮棉产量在不同密度、不同群体间存在显著差异;F2代群体与密度间存在互作,不同群体要求的适宜密度不同。F2代群体间单株结铃数差异显著,单株结铃数在不同密度差异显著,随密度增加单株结铃数减少,但小区总结铃数呈增加趋势;密度与群体间存在互作,密度的大小对4个F2群体的单株结铃数影响程度不同。F2代4个群体间衣分差异显著,但单铃重、衣分在不同密度下差异不显著,且互作不显著。种植密度对不同群体的育种选择具有较大影响。  相似文献   

Yield stability is an important trait of crop cultivars. There are different concepts and measures of stability, and new ones are constantly being proposed, leaving the practitioner with an ever growing collection of measures to chose from.
In order to facilitate the choice it is useful to study the relationship between stability measures. This paper compares the well known ecovalence to a new measure, the variance of relative yields. It is argued that under rather restrictive conditions the new measure is essentially equivalent to the ecovalence, while in most cases it displays an undesirable dependence on genotypic mean yield. It is concluded that the ecovalence is generally preferable.  相似文献   

Drought stress effects on leaf gas exchange, cell membrane stability, seed yield and yield attributes of synthesized Brassica napus L. cv. Bangla kale and Bangla cabbage were compared. Drought stress treatments were imposed at early vegetative, late vegetative and flowering stages by withholding watering. Bangla cabbage produced greater pods/plant, larger seed size, greater total dry matter/plant, seeds/pot, and 17% greater yield than Bangla kale. The seed yield in plants stressed at early vegetative, late vegetative and flowering stages were 59, 74, 88% lower respectively, than watered plants. Drought stress reduced leaf photosynthesis by 67 to 97%. Bangla cabbage had 68% greater photosynthesis and 56% greater stomatal conductance than Bangla kale under stress at flowering stage. Leaf temperature was 1 to 2°C higher in stressed plants than watered plants. The cell membrane stability (CMS) increased up to 83% at flowering stage under stress compared to 21% under watered conditions. Although Bangla cabbage had high seed yield, yield attributes and photosynthesis under stressed conditions at flowering stage, its CMS values were lower than those of Bangla kale.  相似文献   

不同密度下主茎亚有限型大豆株型及产量的变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究主茎亚有限型大豆株型及产量的变化规律,以窄行密植大豆品种‘合丰51’为试验材料,研究不同种植密度条件下大豆品种株高、茎粗、主茎节数及节间长度、倒伏率以及产量的变化规律。结果表明,随着种植密度的增加,株高呈不断增加趋势;茎粗呈不断下降趋势;主茎节数变化幅度不明显,节间长度不断增加,株高增加为节间伸长所致;倒伏率不断增加;产量呈先增加后降低的趋势。上述性状均与种植密度相关性达到极显著水平,并在40 万株/hm2条件下达到最高产量,说明窄行密植大豆品种‘合丰51号’具有较高的密植潜力。  相似文献   

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