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The effects of twinning, dystocia, retained placenta, and body weight on postpartum reproduction were evaluated for 3,370 single and 1,014 twin births. Females were bred by AI for 40 d followed by 20 or 30 d of natural service with equal numbers bred and calved in spring and fall. Percentage of dams cyclic by the end of the AI period was lower (P<.05) for dams birthing and nursing a single calf (92.4%) than for dams birthing twins and nursing zero (98.7%) or two (94.7%) calves. Whereas the interval from parturition to first estrus was shorter (P<.01) for dams birthing and nursing a single (56.9 d) than for dams birthing twins and nursing one (68.5 d) or two (69.6 d) calves, length of the interval was further reduced by dystocia in nonlactating dams of either twins or singles (type of birth x dystocia, P<.05). Ensuing pregnancy rates were also affected by type of birth and dystocia. Without dystocia, dams birthing and nursing a single calf had a higher pregnancy rate (79.2%) than dams birthing twins and nursing one (61.7%) or two (66.3%) calves, whereas the lower ensuing pregnancy rates associated with dystocia in dams of singles (71.9%) resulted in similar rates among dams of singles and twins with dystocia (type of birth x dystocia; P<.01). Having a retained placenta resulted in a lower incidence of (93.5 vs. 96.4%, with vs. without; P<.05) and a longer interval to (64.7 vs. 59.2 d; P<.01) estrus while reducing subsequent pregnancy rates (X = 9.6%) in 3 of the 7 yr evaluated (retained placenta x year, P<.01). Because all parous females were bred during the same calendrical period, the shorter gestation length for twin calves (275.6 vs. 281.3 d) resulted in a longer interval from parturition to conception for twin births, whereas means for conception date differed by only 2 d between dams of twins and singles. Furthermore, a reduction (P<.01) in the interval to conception occurred with dystocia in dams of singles (89.3 vs. 85.0 d, without vs. with dystocia) and of twins nursed by zero (116.9 vs. 83.5 d), one (100.2 vs. 92.8 d), or two (96.1 vs. 97.2 d) calves. Another detriment to fertility was the higher incidence of fetal mortality or abortions associated with twin vs. single pregnancies (12.4 vs. 3.5%; P<.01). However, despite the lower conception rates for dams of twins, the increased prolificacy provides an opportunity to increase total beef production with a twinning technology.  相似文献   

Continued validation of genetic markers for economically important traits is crucial to establishing marker-assisted selection as a tool in the cattle industry. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the association of a SNP (T(9)/T(10)) in the osteopontin gene (SPP1) with growth rate in a large cattle population spanning multiple generations and representing alleles from 12 founding breeds. This population has been maintained at the US Meat Animal Research Center since 1981 and subjected to selection for twinning rate. Phenotypic records for this population included twinning rate and ovulation rate, providing an opportunity to examine the potential effects of SPP1 genotype on reproductive traits. A set of 2,701 animals was geno-typed for the T(9)/T(10) polymorphism at SPP1. The geno-typic data, including previously genotyped markers on chromosome 6 (BTA6), were used in conjunction with pedigree information to estimate genotypic probabilities for all 14,714 animals with phenotypic records. The genotypic probabilities for females were used to calculate independent variables for regressions of additive, dominance, and imprinting effects. Genotypic regressions were fit as fixed effects in a mixed model analysis, in which each trait was analyzed in a 2-trait model where single births were treated as a separate trait from twin births. The association of the SPP1 marker with birth weight (P < 0.006), weaning weight (P < 0.007), and yearling weight (P < 0.003) was consistent with the previously reported effects of SPP1 genotype on yearling weight. Our data supports the conclusion that the SNP successfully tracks functional alleles affecting growth in cattle. The previously undetected effect of the SNP on birth and weaning weight suggests this particular SPP1 marker may explain a portion of the phenotypic variance explained by QTL for birth and HCW on BTA6.  相似文献   

Genomic scans were conducted with 273 markers on 181 sires from a cattle population selected for increased twinning rate to identify chromosomal regions containing genes that influence ovulation rate. Criteria used for selecting markers were number of alleles, ease of scoring, and relative position within linkage group. Markers were multiplexed or multiple-loaded on the gels to reduce the costs and labor required to obtain genotypic data. This approach reduced the number of gels by 45% when compared with running each marker independently. Male animals selected for the genomic scan sired the majority of the population. A modified interval analysis was used in a granddaughter design to compare effects of each allele within sire for 10 different sire families. The midparent deviation of the son's estimated breeding value for ovulation rate was used as the phenotype. Forty-one potential peaks were identified with a nominal significance level < or = 0.05. The 10 peaks with the highest significance levels (P < 0.02) were selected for further analysis. Markers were genotyped across daughters of the sire where nominal significance was found for each of the 10 peaks. One peak (BTA5, relative position 40 cM) was found to be nominally significant in the daughters. The nominal significance levels were P = 0.01 for the sons (n = 32) and P = 0.02 for the daughters (n = 94) of sire 784403. A combined genomewide significance value (P = 0.07) was calculated that accounted for the 10 analyses with sons and the 10 analyses with daughters. These results strongly suggest that this region contains a gene(s) that is involved in the follicular recruitment and development process.  相似文献   

Recent developments in cattle embryo transfer are discussed, particularly those that are relevant to the commercial application of the technique. Cattle twinning for beef production could offer impressive economic advantages where nutrition is not a limiting factor and intensive management is possible. Evidence is discussed which suggests that cattle twins induced by embryo transfer may hold several advantages over naturally-occurring twins.
Kurzfassung Neuere Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet des Embryotransfer beim Rind werden diskutiert. Besonderer Wert wird dabei auf Techniken gelegt, die sich für eine kommerzielle Anwendung eignen. Zwillingsgeburten beim Rind für die Fleischproduktion bietet beeindruckende ökonomische Vorteile in Beständen, wo Ernährung kein limitierender Faktor und intensives Management möglich ist. Es werden Daten diskutiert, die darauf hinweisen, daß Zwillings-kälber von Embryotransferstudien eine Reihe von Vorteilen gegenüber natürlich geborenen Zwillingen aufweisen.

Resume Les dévelopments récents en matière de transplantation embryonnaire chez les bovins sont discutés en particulier ceux ayant une appliavantages économiques là où la nutrition n'est pas un facteur limitant et l'élevage intensif possible. Il est clairement montré que les jumeaux obtenus par transplantation ovulaire offrent plus d'intérêt que les jumeaux spontanés.

Riassunto Vengono discussi i recenti sviluppi delle tecniche di transferimento degli embrioni nel bovino, soprattutto di quelli che sono importanti ai fini dell'applicazione commerciale. La produzione di gemelli per una più alta produzione carnea potrebbe offrire rilevanti vantaggi economici dove l'alimentazione non rappresenta un fattore limitante e dove è possible l'allevamento intensivo. Vengono anche discusse le prove secondo cui i parti gemellari indotti nel bovino mediante transferimento embrionale potrebbero presentare molti vantaggi rispetto ai parti gemellari naturali.

Abundance of IGF-2 receptor (IGF2R), FSH receptor (FSHR), and LH receptor (LHCGR) mRNA in granulosa cells (GCs) or theca cells (TCs) or both cells as well as estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), and androstenedione concentrations in follicular fluid were compared in cows genetically selected (Twinner) or not selected (control) for multiple ovulations and twin births. Cows were slaughtered at day 3 to 4 (day 3) and day 5 to 6 (day 5) of an estrous cycle, and ovaries, follicular fluid, GCs, and TCs were collected. The two largest (F1 and F2) E2-active (EA) and E2-inactive (EI) follicles were selected according to their E2-to-P4 ratio and diameter. Androstenedione levels in EA F1 and F2 follicles were 5-fold greater (P < 0.05) in Twinner cows than in control cows on day 3 but did not differ on day 5. Twinner cows also had greater (P < 0.05) E2 and P4 concentrations, whereas steroid levels in EI follicles did not differ (P > 0.10) between genotypes. In EA F2 follicles, IGF2R levels in GCs were greater (P < 0.05) in control cows than in Twinner cows on day 3 and day 5, whereas IGF2R mRNA in TCs did not differ (P > 0.10). On day 3, FSHR mRNA levels were greater (P < 0.05) in GCs of EA F1 and EI F2 follicles of control cows than of Twinner cows. LH receptor mRNA expression was less in GCs and greater in TCs of EA F2 follicles in control cows than in Twinner cows (P < 0.05). We hypothesize that reduced GC IGF2R expression in F2 follicles of Twinner cows may play a role in the development of 2 or more dominant follicles.  相似文献   

In cattle, sub-luteal circulating progesterone induces an increase in the frequency of LH pulses, prolonged growth of the dominant follicle, increased peripheral estradiol and reduced fertility. The objective of this study was to examine the earliest stages of development of prolonged dominant follicles, to gain insight into the etiology of this aberrant condition. Heifers were treated with an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (CIDR) from Day 4-8 post-estrus and PGF2alpha was injected on Day 6 and again 12h later (early prolonged dominant group). Follicular phase (CIDR: Day 4-6, with PGF2alpha) and luteal phase (CIDR: Day 4-8, without PGF2alpha) groups served as controls. As expected, peripheral progesterone in heifers of the early prolonged dominant group was intermediate between luteal and follicular phase groups after luteal regression (P<0.05). On Day 7, the frequency of LH pulses was higher in heifers of the follicular phase and early prolonged dominant groups than the luteal phase group (P<0.05). Dominant follicles (n = 4 per group) were collected by ovariectomy on Day 8 and were similar in size among groups (P>0.05). Estradiol and androstenedione concentrations in the follicular fluid at ovariectomy were higher in the follicular phase and early prolonged dominant groups versus the luteal phase group (P<0.01), whereas progesterone did not differ among groups (P>0.05). Granulosa cells and theca interna isolated from dominant follicles were incubated for 3h with or without gonadotropins or frozen for later analysis of mRNA for steroidogenic enzymes. Luteinizing doses (128 ng/ml) of LH and FSH increased secretion of progesterone (P<0.05) but did not affect secretion of estradiol by granulosa cells in all groups. Low (2 or 4 ng/ml) and luteinizing doses of LH increased secretion of androstenedione by theca interna to a similar extent among groups. Expression of mRNA for P450 side chain cleavage (P450scc), 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD), P450 aromatase (aromatase) and Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory (StAR) protein by granulosa cells did not differ among groups (P>0.05). Levels of mRNA for P450scc, 3beta-HSD, 17alpha-hydroxylase (17alpha-OH) and StAR protein in theca interna were similar in the follicular phase and early prolonged dominant groups (P>0.05), but lower in the luteal phase group (P<0.05-0.1). In summary, the premature follicular luteinization observed in previous studies after prolonged periods of sub-luteal progesterone was absent in early prolonged dominant follicles, exposed to sub-luteal progesterone for 36 h, and their characteristics resembled those of control follicles during the follicular phase.  相似文献   

Repeated measures of ovulation rate on puberal heifers should be an effective way to select for increased twinning rate. A reliable estimate of the genetic correlation between ovulation and twinning rates is needed to implement such selection and to predict its efficiency. Restricted maximum likelihood was used to estimate genetic correlations from subsets of data collected from the twinning project at the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. The animal model included numerator relationships among the animals and fixed effects of year-season of measurement, age at measurement, and birth group. Genetic correlations between averages of ovulation rates for three, four, five, six, seven, and eight estrous cycles and the occurrence of twins were, respectively, .62, .76, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, and .98 based on observations on 200 to 325 puberal heifers. Corresponding phenotypic correlations ranged from .06 to .26. Genetic correlations between ovulation rate in a single estrous cycle and occurrence of twins were .38, .98, and .98, respectively, for 323, 430, and 283 cows with ovulation rate measured after measurement of twinning, in the same season as measurement of twinning, and more than 1 yr before measurement of twinning. Phenotypic correlations were .00, .07, and .00. Genetic and phenotypic correlations among ovulation rates at six consecutive estrous cycles averaged, respectively, .66 and .12 for 610 heifers. Heritabilities for ovulation rates in individual cycles averaged .16. No evidence of negative environmental covariance between ovulation rates in adjacent cycles was found. These results support the approach of indirectly selecting for twinning rate by measuring ovulation rates in estrous cycles of puberal heifers.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing fetal numbers and their distribution between the left and right uterine horns on calf survival, calf BW at birth and weaning, gestation length, dystocia, and calf sex ratio were evaluated for single (n = 1,587), twin (n = 2,440), and triplet calves (n = 147) born to primiparous and multiparous females in the Twinner population at the US Meat Animal Research Center between 1994 and 2004. Cattle were distributed equally between the spring and fall breeding seasons. Fetal number and distribution in utero were determined by real-time ultrasonography at 40 to 70 d postbreeding. For cows and heifers combined, number of calves per parturition increased from 1.34 in 1994 to 1.56 in 2004. Gestation length was 6.8 d shorter (P < 0.01) for twins compared with singles (277.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 284.3 +/- 0.2 d) and 12.7 d shorter for triplets (271.6 +/- 0.8 d). Survival and BW of individual calves at birth decreased (P < 0.01) but total calf BW per dam increased (P < 0.01) as fetal number increased from single to triplet births. Twins resulting from bilateral twin ovulations had increased (P < 0.01) survival and BW at birth, a longer (P < 0.01) gestation length, and less (P < 0.01) dystocia than twins resulting from unilateral twin ovulations. Calf survival and BW at birth were 97.2 +/- 0.3% and 48.0 +/- 0.1 kg for singles, 92.0 +/- 0.4% and 39.0 +/- 0.2 kg for bilateral twins, 83.2 +/- 0.4% and 36.7 +/- 0.2 kg for unilateral twins, 73.8 +/- 1.4% and 30.6 +/- 0.7 kg for bilateral triplets, and 51.9 +/- 3.2% and 31.7 +/- 1.6 kg for unilateral triplets. Birth weight of single calves increased by 0.51 kg/d for each additional day of gestation length vs. 0.38 kg/d for individual twins. Calf BW at birth increased (P < 0.01) with age of dam from 2 to 4 yr. Twin and triplet births had a greater (P < 0.01) incidence of dystocia than single births. The ratio of male:female calves (0.52:0.48) at birth was not affected by type of birth. Postnatal calf survival was similar for all 3 types of birth. Total progeny BW at weaning for single, twin, and triplet births was 217.7 +/- 2.5, 328.3 +/- 3.2, and 378.4 +/- 15.0 kg, respectively (P < 0.01). Although most bovine females have the uterine capacity to gestate twin calves, decreased survival and BW of unilateral twins and of all triplets indicate that their growth and development may have been compromised by uterine crowding.  相似文献   

Long-term selection for increased ovulation rate (1984 to 2002) has resulted in a unique ovarian phenotype in the MARC Twinner cattle population. Ovulation rate and frequency of bilateral ovulations were examined by rectal palpation in 29,547 estrous cycles for 3,910 heifers (12 to 18 mo of age) in this population. Bilateral ovulations (one corpus lutuem [CL] on each ovary) were of interest because bilateral twin pregnancies result in decreased dystocia and increased calf survival. Ovulation rate increased linearly at a rate of 0.026 CL per year, and it currently averages 1.48 +/- 0.04 CL per estrous cycle. Concurrent with the increase in ovulation rate, the frequency of triplet ovulations increased from 0% to 2.3 +/- 0.8% (P < 0.001). Ovulation rate of both the right and left ovary increased equally at a rate of 0.013 CL per year, and mean ovulation rate of the right ovary remained greater than mean ovulation rate of the left ovary throughout the study (0.66 vs. 0.55 +/- 0.003 CL per estrous cycle; P < 0.001). Although correlations were low, ovulation rate of one ovary was negatively correlated (P < 0.001; r = -0.07) with ovulation rate of the same ovary in the previous estrous cycle, but positively correlated (P < 0.001; r = 0.13) with the contralateral ovary of the previous estrous cycle. The proportion of bilateral ovulations averaged 55.7 +/- 0.7%, a value greater than the predicted 49.5% (P < 0.001). In addition to dystocia and retained placenta, triplet pregnancies increase the incidence of pregnancies gestating fetuses of opposite sexes and subsequent incidence of freemartins; thus, selection pressure on ovulation rate may need to be adjusted in the MARC Twinner population. The proportion of bilateral ovulations in the population is greater than expected, and this may be an economically important trait, which will respond to selection and be beneficial for improving bovine reproductive efficiency. Understanding factors controlling the increased functional activity of the right ovary and bilateral ovulations may provide further insights into the mechanisms controlling follicle selection and methods to improve reproductive management of cattle.  相似文献   

Comparisons of numbers of antral ovarian follicles and corpora lutea (CL), of blood hormone concentrations, and of follicular fluid steroid concentrations and IGFBP activity were conducted between cows selected (twinner) and unselected (control) for twin births to elucidate genetic differences in the regulation of ovarian follicular development. Ovarian follicular development was synchronized among cows by a single i.m. injection of PGF2alpha on d 18 of the estrous cycle; six cows per population were slaughtered at 0, 24, 48, and 72 h after PGF2alpha. Jugular vein blood was collected from each animal at PGF2alpha injection and at 24-h intervals until slaughter. Ovaries of twinner cows contained more small (< or = 5 mm in diameter, P < 0.05), medium (5.1 to 9.9 mm, P < 0.05), and large (> or = 10.0 mm, P < 0.01) follicles and more (P < 0.01) CL than ovaries of controls. Follicular fluid concentrations of estradiol, androstenedione, testosterone, and progesterone reflected the stage of follicular development and were similar for twinner and control follicles at the same stage. Earlier initiation of follicular development and/or selection of twin-dominant follicles in some twinner cows resulted in greater concentrations of estradiol in plasma at 0, 24, and 48 h and of estradiol, androstenedione, and testosterone in follicular fluid of large follicles at 0 h after PGF2alpha for twinner vs. control cows (follicular status x time x population, P < 0.01). Binding activities of IGFBP-5 and -4 were absent or reduced (P < 0.01) in follicular fluid of developing medium and large estro-gen-active (estradiol:progesterone ratio > 1) follicles but increased with atresia. Only preovulatory Graafian follicles lacked IGFBP-2 binding, suggesting a possible role for IGFBP-2 in selection of the dominant follicle. Concentrations of IGF-I were twofold greater (P < 0.01), but GH (P = 0.10) and cholesterol (P < 0.05) were less in blood of twinners. Three generations of selection of cattle for twin ovulations and births enhanced ovarian follicular development as manifested by increased numbers of follicles within a follicular wave and subsequent selection of twin dominant follicles. Because gonadotropin secretion and ovarian steroidogenesis were similar for control and twinner cattle, enhanced follicular development in twinners may result from decreased inhibition by the dominant follicle(s), increased ovarian sensitivity to gonadotropins, and/or increased intragonadal stimulation, possibly by increased IGF-I.  相似文献   

Cattle genetically selected for twin ovulations and births (Twinner) exhibit increased ovarian follicular development, increased ovulation rate, and greater blood and follicular fluid IGF-1 concentrations compared with contemporary cattle not selected for twins (Control). Experimental objectives were to 1) assess relationships among aromatase (CYP19A1), IGF-1 (IGF1), IGF-2 receptor (IGF2R), and FSH receptor (FSHR) mRNA expression in small (≤5 mm) antral follicles and 2) determine their association with increased numbers of developing follicles in ovaries of Twinner females. Ovaries were collected from mature, cyclic (d 3 to 6) Twinner (n = 11), and Control (n = 12) cows at slaughter and pieces of cortical tissue were fixed and embedded in paraffin. Expression of mRNA was evaluated by in situ hybridization using (35)S-UTP-labeled antisense and sense probes for CYP19A1, FSHR, IGF1, and IGF2R mRNA. Silver grain density was quantified within the granulosa and theca cells of individual follicles (2 to 7 follicles/cow) by Bioquant image analysis. Follicles of Twinners tended to be smaller in diameter than Controls (1.9 ± 0.1 vs. 2.3 ± 0.1 mm; P = 0.08), but thickness of granulosa layer did not differ (P > 0.1) by genotype. Relative abundance of CYP19A1 (P < 0.01) and FSHR (P < 0.05) mRNA was greater in granulosa cells of Twinners vs. Controls, respectively, whereas IGF2R mRNA expression was less in both granulosa (P < 0.01) and theca (P < 0.05) cells in follicles of Twinners vs. Controls, respectively. Abundance of CYP19A1 mRNA in granulosa cells was correlated negatively with IGF2R mRNA expression in both granulosa (r = -0.33; P < 0.01) and theca (r = -0.21; P = 0.05) cells. Expression of IGF1 mRNA was primarily in granulosa cells, including cumulus cells, and its expression did not differ between Twinners vs. Controls (P > 0.10). Detected increases in CYP19A1 and FSHR, but not IGF1, mRNA expression along with decreases in IGF2R mRNA expression in individual follicles of Twinners support the hypothesis that increased follicular development and steroidogenesis in Twinner females result from increased extra-ovarian IGF-1 production. Furthermore, a reduction in follicular IGF2R mRNA expression accompanied by a reduction in receptor numbers would increase availability of free IGF-2 and its stimulation of follicular development in Twinners.  相似文献   

A survey carried out to determine the prevalence of visible Surcocystis spp. infection in 100 slaughtered cattle in a South Island abattoir revealed 64% infected. Although all ages, genders, breeds and export grades were infected, only host age had a statistically significant effect on the infection rate. Infections were most common in the rectus abdominis and the psoas muscles (47% and 41% respectively). Most infections were light, with less than ten macrocysts seen, though infections of more than 50 macrocysts occurred. The average macrocyst length was 4.WO.10 mm (SE) (n = 233), the average cyst wall thickness 5.3 +/- 0.2 microm (SE) (n = 45). It is thought that the actual prevalence of infection is higher than that recorded and reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey carried out to determine the prevalence of visible Sarcocystis spp. infection in 100 slaughtered cattle in a South Island abattoir revealed 64% infected. Although all ages, genders, breeds and export grades were infected, only host age had a statistically significant effect on the infection rate.

Infections were most common in the rectus abdominis and the psoas muscles (47% and 41% respectively). Most infections were light, with less than ten macrocysts seen, though infections of more than 50 macrocysts occurred.

The average macrocyst length was 4.1±0.10 mm (SE) (n = 233), the average cyst wall thickness 5.3 ±0,12 μm (SE) (n = 45).

It is thought that the actual prevalence of infection is higher than that recorded and reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Postweaning serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations and serum IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) were investigated in 68 (1992 Fall-born) and 84 (1999 Fall-born) Angus cattle selected for either high or low serum IGF-I concentrations since 1989. Relative serum levels of IGFBP were determined by [125I]IGF-I Western ligand blotting. IGFBP species of 38–42, 34, 30, and 24 kDa were identified. The 34 kDa species was identified as IGFBP-2 by immunoblot analysis. No significant line effects were observed for any of the IGFBP. In both 1992 and 1999, heifers had higher IGFBP-2 levels than bulls (P<0.0005). In 1992 calves, relative levels of the 38–42 and 24 kDa species were significantly correlated with serum IGF-I concentration. In 1999 calves, none of the IGFBP were correlated with serum IGF-I, although IGFBP-2 was negatively correlated with several measures of body weight. No significant line effects were observed for growth or serum IGF-I traits in 1992 calves. However, 1999 high line calves had higher serum IGF-I concentrations and body weights than low line calves (P<0.05). In both 1992 and 1999 calves, bulls had higher serum IGF-I concentrations and body weights than heifers (P<0.05). Thus, while selection for high versus low serum IGF-I concentrations has resulted in divergence between the selection lines and also in changes in body weights, it has not resulted in changes in serum IGFBP levels. Furthermore, circulating IGFBP-2 appears to be higher in heifers than in bulls, and also appears to be negatively correlated with body weights.  相似文献   

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