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A controlled test method was used to evaluate the efficacy of injectable micelle and oral paste formulations of ivermectin (22,23-dihydroavermectin B1) against 8-week-old Strongylus vulgaris larvae in experimentally infected pony foals. The dosage level of the drug in both formulations tested was 0.2 mg/kg. Ponies were euthanatized and necropsied 5 weeks after treatment. Based on the recovery of live vs dead S vulgaris from mesenteric arteries, both formulations were greater than 99% effective. Increased weight gains and marked reductions in the severity of arterial lesions were observed in treated ponies.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a single dose of ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg), in injectable or paste formulations, against microfilariae of Onchocerca cervicalis and associated skin lesions was evaluated in 20 naturally infected horses during midsummer months in Louisiana. All horses had clinical signs of dermatitis of the ventral midline and/or limbs, shoulders, thorax, and withers. Efficacy was monitored at 21, 42, and 63 days after treatment. Procedures done at these intervals included microfilarial counts of 6-mm skin biopsy specimens of affected ventral midline, grading of gross lesions, and photography and histologic assessment of ventral midline biopsy specimens. Microfilarial numbers were reduced to 0 by 21 days after treatment in all but one horse. Active lesions improved or were resolved completely by 63 days after treatment. Total inflammation, as judged by histologic methods, was reduced in all horses by 63 days after treatment, but there was a residual population of inflammatory cells in all horses. Adverse reactions after treatment were not observed in any of the horses.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to compare the efficacy of two injectable formulations of ivermectin, Ivomec,(1) Merial (IVM reference) and Ivogell,(2) Intervet (IVM generic) in the treatment of psoroptic mange (Psoroptes ovis) in Charollais feedlot cattle. A total of 22 animals were ranked in order of the severity of mange and allocated to 11 replicates of 2 animals each. Within each replicate, one animal was randomly allocated to IVM reference product treatment (Group 1) and one to IVM generic (Group 2). Animals were treated on Day 0 and on Day 8 at the recommended dosage of 200 microg ivermectin/kg bodyweight. The pharmacokinetics profiles (pK) of both IVM formulations were evaluated in plasma samples taken from 6 cattle randomly chosen per group on Day 0, before treatment, and then at 6, 12, 24 hours and daily from Day 2 to Day 7 after the treatment on Day 0. Additionally, the severity of mange lesions was assessed and mites were counted in skin scrapings on Days 0, 8, 15 and 25. Animals were weighed on Day 0 and 25 and body weight and average daily gains (ADG) were evaluated. No statistical differences were found between the cattle of the two groups in any pK parameters, although the mean IVM plasma concentrations in cattle treated with the IVM reference product were consistently higher than those found in cattle treated with the generic compound. By Day 25, all animals in Group 1 had recovered clinically and parasitologically from psoroptic mange while cattle from Group 2 still had mange lesions and, in two animals, living mites were found in the skin scrapings; these differences were significant (P<0.001). The mean body weight of the two groups was significantly different on Day 25 (P<0.01) when animals in Group 1 weighed 20 kg more than those in Group 2. In conclusion, despite similarities in their pharmacokinetic profiles and formulations, the clinical efficacy of the two injectable formulations of IVM differed significantly in their therapeutic efficacy against psoroptic mange in feedlot cattle up to 25 days after treatment: this difference in response was reflected in an incomplete clinical and parasitological response in Group 2 and a slower growth rate.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of ivermectin oral, moxidectin oral and moxidectin injectable formulations against an ivermectin-resistant strain of Trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep. METHODS: Twenty-four mixed breed lambs were infected with 15,000 infective third-stage larvae of an ivermectin-resistant strain of T. colubriformis which had originally been isolated from a goat farm in Northland in 1997. Twenty-six days post infection, the lambs were divided into 3 treatment groups and a control group (n=6 lambs/group). Treatment consisted of either ivermectin oral formulation (0.2 mg/kg), moxidectin oral formulation (0.2 mg/kg), or moxidectin injectable formulation (0.2 mg/kg). Faecal egg counts (FECs) were determined at 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days after treatment. All animals were necropsied 12 days after treatment and worm counts were performed. Larval development assays were conducted 24 days post infection. A further 3 lambs were infected with 15,000 infective third-stage larvae of a fully susceptible strain of T. colubriformis for comparative purposes in the larval development assay. The efficacy of the moxidectin injectable formulation was also confirmed in these 3 lambs. RESULTS: The FEC reduction test at day 10 after treatment revealed 62%, 100% and 0% reductions in arithmetic-mean FECs for ivermectin oral, moxidectin oral and moxidectin injectable groups, respectively. The ivermectin oral, moxidectin oral and moxidectin injectable formulations achieved 62%, 98% and 4% reductions in arithmetic-mean worm burdens, respectively. Larval development assays showed resistance ratios for ivermectin of 4:1, avermectin B2 of 2.7:1, ivermectin aglycone of 37:1, moxidectin of 1.4:1, thiabendazole of 14.6:1 and levamisole of 1.8:1. CONCLUSIONS: The moxidectin oral formulation provided a high degree of control against ivermectin-resistant T. colubriformis whereas the moxidectin injectable formulation had very low efficacy. Ivermectin aglycone was the analogue of choice for diagnosis of ivermectin resistance in T. colubriformis in the larval development assay.  相似文献   

Ivermectin (300 micrograms/kg of body weight) was given to swine subcutaneously in the neck to test its efficacy against the kidney worm, Stephanurus dentatus. Two separate field trials were conducted using 146 swine (40 males and 106 females). Urine was obtained before and after treatment and was examined for presence of S dentatus eggs. Stephanurus dentatus eggs were quantitated in positive samples. All treated swine positive for S dentatus eggs in the pretreatment urine samples (n = 54) were negative by 14 to 21 days after treatment with ivermectin. Adverse reactions caused by ivermectin injection were not noticed.  相似文献   

The efficacy of 2 injectable formulations of ivermectin, administered intraorally at the dosage of 200 micrograms/kg of body weight, was evaluated against naturally occurring infections by abomasal nematodes in lambs in 2 controlled tests. One test (A) included 17 lambs treated with the equine formulation and 16 nontreated lambs. For the other test (B), 14 lambs were treated with the bovine formulation, and 12 were nontreated. In controlled test A, only mature nematodes were recovered, and removals were 98% to 100% for Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia circumcincta male, O trifurcata male, Ostertagia spp female, and Trichostrongylus axei. For controlled test B, removals were 99% to 100% for Haemonchus spp (immature), H contortus (mature), Ostertagia spp (immature), O circumcincta male (mature), O trifurcata male (mature), Ostertagia spp female (mature), Trichostrongylus spp (immature), and T axei (mature). Toxicosis was not evident in treated lambs.  相似文献   

Twenty-one mixed-breed pony foals, reared and maintained under parasite-free conditions, were used to test the efficacy of ivermectin in oral drench and paste formulations (200 micrograms/kg) against 11-day-old migrating larvae of Parascaris equorum. Three replicates of 4 foals and 3 replicates of 3 foals were formed on the basis of age. Foals in replicates of 4 were randomly allocated to be indicators, or to receive vehicle (control) or ivermectin paste or ivermectin liquid. Foals in replicates of 3 were randomly allocated to receive vehicle or ivermectin paste or ivermectin liquid. The recovery of larvae from the lungs, liver, and small intestines of the indicator foals showed that 99.9% of the larvae were in the lungs 11 days after inoculation (day 0 of treatment). The recoveries of larvae from lungs and small intestines of controls at 25 days after inoculation indicated that all larvae had migrated to the small intestine by this time. The mean length of larvae recovered from the lungs (11 days after inoculation) was 0.87 mm the mean length of those recovered from the small intestine (25 days after inoculation) was 3.65 mm. Using larvae recovered from small intestinal contents for calculations, ivermectin in both formulations was 100% effective against 11-day P equorum (P less than 0.01, compared with control group geometric mean of 1498.4).  相似文献   

Ivermectin, a derivative of one of the avermectin compounds, was administered at 200 mcg per kg of body weight in an oral paste formulation to 80 mixed-breed ponies of both sexes and various ages. Twenty similar ponies received oral paste vehicle. Anthelmintic activity was determined by comparing fecal egg counts taken before and 14 days after ivermectin treatment to the counts of fecal samples from vehicle-treated controls. Commonly used equine vaccines were administered at the time of treatment. Sixteen of the 20 vehicle-treated ponies had positive counts prior to treatment and 17 were positive 14 days after treatment; 66 of the 80 ivermectin-treated ponies had positive counts prior to treatment; all 80 ponies had zero counts 14 days after treatment. The eggs were identified as strongylid in all the positive ponies while three ponies also hadOxyuris equi eggs prior to treatment.No adverse reactions were attributable to ivermectin oral paste treatment or concurrent vaccine administration.  相似文献   

The efficacy of moxidectin administered by different routes, against naturally acquired infections of gastrointestinal nematode parasites of cattle, was compared using faecal egg count reduction tests on 14 commercial farms throughout New Zealand. On each farm, groups of 15 calves were sampled for faecal nematode egg count and then treated with ivermectin administered orally, or with moxidectin administered either by the oral, subcutaneous injection or topical (pour-on) route. Samples were again collected 14 days after treatment and efficacy was calculated as the percentage reduction in-group mean egg count between the pre- and post-treatment samples. In addition, efficacy was calculated for individual animals, in order to compare the variability of the different treatments. On four farms untreated control groups were run and five animals from each of the control and all of the moxidectin-treated groups were bled over time to estimate plasma–moxidectin concentrations.Averaged across all tests, the reduction in faecal egg count was significantly greater after treatment with moxidectin oral (91.1%) than following treatment with moxidectin injection (55.5%) or with moxidectin pour-on (51.3%). Low efficacies were invariably against Cooperia oncophora. The oral treatments were significantly less variable in efficacy than the injection and pour-on treatments. Moxidectin concentrations in plasma were highest following subcutaneous injection and lowest following pour-on administration. Plasma levels following oral administration were intermediate, being significantly lower than post-injection and significantly higher than post-pour-on. There was no evidence of transfer of moxidectin to untreated animals through licking. Based on these results, along with those of other studies, it is proposed that oral administration of macrocyclic lactone anthelmintics results in higher concentrations of active reaching the target worms in the gastrointestinal tract than following either administration by injection or by pour-on.  相似文献   

Twenty ponies less than 18 months of age and infected with Parascaris equorum were treated with either 0.2 mg of ivermectin/kg of body weight (n = 10) or a placebo (n = 10; controls). Five control and 5 ivermectin-treated ponies were euthanatized 14 and 35 days after treatment, respectively. At necropsy, the small intestinal contents, lungs, and liver were examined for larvae and/or adult P equorum. Significantly (P less than 0.02) higher mean total numbers of P equorum were found in the small intestinal contents of the controls on day 14 (51) and on day 35 (21) than in the ivermectin-treated ponies on days 14 (0) and 35 (3). The efficacy of ivermectin in removing adult and intestinal larvae of P equorum at 14 days after treatment was 100%. The efficacies of ivermectin in removing adults and intestinal larvae of P equorum at 35 days after treatment were 100% and 76.9%, respectively. Gross examination of liver and lung tissues revealed damage as a result of P equorum infections in all ponies. The Baermann technique used on liver and lung tissues did not yield any P equorum larvae. Adverse reactions attributable to treatment were not observed.  相似文献   

One hundred four heartworm-free Beagles less than 1 year old were studied to determine the efficacy of ivermectin chewable tablets and of 2 other ivermectin tablet formulations against heartworm larvae. At 30 days after SC inoculation of dogs with infective Dirofilaria immitis larvae, all ivermectin formulations were given orally at dosage of 6 micrograms/kg of body weight. The ivermectin chewable tablets also were given orally at dosage of 2 and 6 micrograms/kg at 30 and 45 days, respectively, after injection of larvae. Replicates of 6 or 8 dogs in each study were formed on the basis of gender and body weight and, within replicates, were randomly allocated to treatment groups. At 30 days after injection of larvae, the additional dogs (in replicates of 8) were assigned to the control group and to the group given ivermectin chewable tablets at dosage of 6 micrograms/kg. All dogs were housed individually. Necropsy was performed approximately 5 or 6 months after larvae were administered. In both trials, all control dogs had heartworms at necropsy (University of Illinois--geometric mean, 35.0; Florida--geometric mean, 26.1). In both trials, the ivermectin chewable tablet (6 micrograms/kg) and both tablet formulations (6 micrograms/kg) given at 30 days after larval injection, and the chewable formulation (6 micrograms/kg) given at 45 days after larval injection were 100% effective (P less than 0.01) in preventing development of induced infection with D immitis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The efficacy of ivermectin in oral paste formulation at a dosage of 200 micrograms/kg of body weight was tested against naturally acquired larval and adult stages of Parascaris equorum, in a controlled study. Twenty infected pony foals 18 to 27 weeks of age were randomly allocated to 2 groups of 10 each and were placed in dry lots. Foals in 1 group were given ivermectin on day 0. Necropsies and parasite recoveries from small intestines and lung tissues were performed on 5 foals in each group at 2 weeks after treatment (WAT) and on the remaining foals at 5 WAT. Ivermectin was 100% effective against adult P equorum. At 2 WAT, ivermectin was 100% effective against lung larval stages and 91% effective against intestinal larvae of P equorum. Efficacy of ivermectin against all intestinal stages was 93%. Intestinal and lung larval populations were similar in ivermectin-treated and nontreated foals at 5 WAT, indicating that the foals had become reinfected from the contaminated drylots, with larvae repopulating in the tissues 2 to 5 WAT. Apparent increases in severity of lymphoproliferative and inflammatory tissue reactions were observed histologically in lung and liver tissues of treated foals. Clear differences in clinical conditions between foals in treated and nontreated groups were not observed. However, weight gains in foals were greatest after treatment.  相似文献   

The efficacy of an oral formulation of ivermectin plus praziquantel in the reduction of nematode and cestode egg counts in horses was assessed in 273 horses under field conditions at 15 sites in North America (n = 6) and Europe (n = 9). Horses were confirmed by fecal examination to have natural infections of strongyles (100%) and tapeworms (76%). Replicates of four horses were formed at each site, and in each replicate three animals received ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg body weight) plus praziquantel (1 mg/kg body weight) oral paste and one animal remained untreated or received vehicle paste. Fecal samples were collected for fecal nematode and cestode egg counting before and 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, and 16 days after treatment. Horses treated with ivermectin plus praziquantel oral paste had significantly (P <.01) lower posttreatment strongylid and cestode egg counts (reductions of 98% or more) than controls. Combined site analyses revealed that 95% or 96% of the horses positive for cestode eggs before treatment that were treated with ivermectin plus praziquantel were negative for cestode eggs at each posttreatment fecal examination. No adverse reactions attributable to ivermectin plus praziquantel oral paste treatments were observed. The results of the studies demonstrated that ivermectin plus praziquantel paste was highly effective in reducing egg shedding by gastrointestinal nematodes and cestodes, and no adverse reactions were observed in horses treated under field conditions.  相似文献   

Efficacy of an injectable formulation of praziquantel (given intramuscularly or subcutaneously at a dosage level of 5 mg/kg of body weight) or a tablet formulation (5 mg/kg) against immature Echinococcus granulosus was studied in experimentally infected dogs. The compound was efficacious (100% clearance) if injected via either route or if administered orally.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The efficacy of one administration of moxidectin against natural infestations of the 3 common species of cattle lice in Australia: Linognathus vitull, Damallnla bovls and Haematoplnus eurysternus, was determined. A high degree of control of L vituli (too long-nosed sucking louse) was achieved with both the cattle Injection (96.7% and 100%) at 0.2 mg/kg and the cattle pour-on formulation (94.6% and 100%) at 0.5 mg/kg on the 2 farms where this louse occurred. An Injection of moxidectin at 0.2 mg/kg did not eliminate D bovis. In these trials efficacy ranged from nll to 85.2%. In contrast the pour-on formulation at 0.5 mg/kg provided consistently high efficacy (83.6 to 100%) against D bovis on 3 farms. Infestations of H eurysternus (the short-nosed sucking louse) were low and no significant difference was recorded between treatment groups In a single trial, however, lice persisted on 3 to 7 cattle In the untreated group at each Inspection, whereas none were found on any animals in the 2 groups treated with moxidectin on Inspection after treatment.  相似文献   

Sixteen helminth-free pony foals were inoculated with a mean (+/- SD) 2,000 (+/- 545.5) infective Parascaris equorum eggs (day 0). Foals were allocated to replicates of 4, and treatments within each replicate were assigned at random. Treatment administered on postinoculation day (PID) 28 included no treatment (control), 0.2 mg of ivermectin/kg of body weight, 10 mg of oxibendazole/kg, or 6.6 mg of pyrantel base (pamoate)/kg. Paste formulations of the anthelmintics were administered orally. The foals were euthanatized 14 days after treatment (PID 42) and examined for P equorum larvae in the small intestine. The mean +/- SD (and range) numbers of fourth-stage P equorum larvae recovered from nontreated foals and those treated with ivermectin, pyrantel, or oxibendazole were 1,603.8 +/- 1,026.8 (305 to 2,480), 29.3 +/- 55.8 (0 to 113), 413.0 +/- 568.1 (0 to 1,204), or 889.5 +/- 1,123.1 (1 to 2,345), respectively. Compared with the value for control (nontreated) foals, treatment with ivermectin, pyrantel, and oxibendazole was 98.2, 74.2, and 44.5% effective, respectively, when administered 28 days after experimentally induced infection with P equorum. Adverse reactions attributable to treatment were not observed.  相似文献   

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