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Ascending paralysis developed in 3 dogs, 12 to 14 days following inoculation with a modified live virus, chicken embryo origin, low egg passage, Flury strain rabies vaccine. The paralysis began in the inoculated limb but rapidly involved both hindlimbs. Partial paresis of the forelimbs was seen several days following the hindlimb paralysis in all 3 dogs, and in 1 of these dogs the infection ascended rapidly to the brain as well. Two of the dogs recovered within 1 and 2 months, respectively, but the 3rd dog died within 5 days of the onset of paralytic signs. The fatal case was complicated by naturally acquired coincidental distemper. Serologic studies in 2 dogs and virus isolation from the 3rd dog indicated that rabies virus was the cause of the paralysis in 2 of the dogs and contributed to the disease syndrome in the 3rd dog. Virus could not be isolated from the saliva of CSF of the 2 surviving dogs. The virus isolated in the fatal case appeared to have some of the characteristics of the vaccine virus, as determined by its behavior in mice, cell culture, and embryonating chicken eggs and by its failure to produce Negri bodies in the brain of the infected dog.  相似文献   

Raccoon-variant rabies was confirmed in 7 pet rabbits and 1 pet guinea pig in New York State, and postexposure treatment was required in several adults and children. To prevent rabies virus infection, domestic rabbits and pet rodents should be protected from contact with wild animals, including double-cage housing when housed outside. Pet rabbits or rodents with any possible contact with a wild animal, particularly if the rabbit or rodent had wounds of unknown origin, should be quarantined for 6 months for observation, to prevent escape, and to avoid contact with humans, who will require treatment if the rabbit or rodent develops rabies. Bites and scratches to humans from rodents and lagomorphs should be evaluated for potential rabies exposure on an individual basis, with consideration of whether the animal was caged outside or permitted outdoors unsupervised.  相似文献   

狂犬病病毒的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
狂犬病是由狂犬病病毒引起的一种急性致死性人兽共患病,危害极大,因此,对狂犬病病毒的研究已成为一大热点。目前各国研究的重点主要集中在其病毒的分子生物学方面,以便更有效地防制本病。文章从病毒基因组及其编码的蛋白、致病机理等方面系统综述了狂犬病病毒分子生物学方面的研究进展,为该病的早期诊断、有效预防和控制该病提供理论基础。  相似文献   

狂犬病病毒全基因组进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狂犬病病毒基因进化研究能够揭示病毒流行病学特点和规律,为有效防控狂犬病提供科学依据.狂犬病病毒基因组5个基因中,目前对N基因和G基因研究比较多,N基因序列分析可用于基因分型,G基因序列分析可用于病毒免疫原性、毒力、宿主转换等相关研究.多株狂犬病病毒已完成全基因组测序,但全基因组水平的进化研究还很不足,因为基因组中的各个基因之间的相互作用,各个基因面临的选择压力不同,单个基因的进化不一定能代表病毒的进化,所以需要不断探索合适的方法对狂犬病病毒全基因组进行进化研究.  相似文献   

We conducted a seroepidemiological survey for antibodies to bovine leukemia virus (BLV), by using agar gel immunodiffusion technique, in dairy cows, water buffaloes, and yellow cattle throughout Taiwan. The positive reactors were 8.4% (376/4,459) in 1985 and 5.8% (1,277/22,190) in 1986, in 15 prefectures and 7 cities. Relatively high infection rate appeared in the northern and southern areas of Taiwan. Positive reactors increased gradually with age. The incidence of positive antibodies was 2 to 3 times higher in pasture-style farms than in housed-style farms. Among the 6,313 imported cattle, 302 (4.8%) showed positive reaction. Between 1985 and 1987, 5 cattle showed enzootic bovine leukosis among 351 sero-positive reactors in four highly positive prefectures. Survey of 134 water buffaloes and yellow cattle showed no positive reactors. This survey demonstrated that BLV-infection has increased over the years and spread throughout Taiwan.  相似文献   

Bats are essential to the global ecosystem, but their ability to harbour a range of pathogens has been widely discussed, as well as their role in the emergence and re‐emergence of infectious diseases. This paper describes the first report of coinfection by two zoonotic agents, rabies virus (RABV) and the fungus Histoplasma suramericanum in a bat. The bat was from the Molossus molossus species, and it was found during the daytime in the hallway of a public psychiatric hospital in a municipality in São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. RABV infection was diagnosed by the direct fluorescent antibody test and mouse inoculation test. The fungus was isolated by in vitro culture. Both diagnoses were confirmed by molecular techniques. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the fungus isolate had proximity to H. suramericanum in the Lam B clade, while the RABV isolate was characterized in the Lasiurus cinereus lineage. Since the M. molossus bat was found in a peri‐urban transition area (urban/peri‐urban), the possibility of cross‐species transmission of this RABV lineage becomes more plausible, considering that this scenario may provide shelter for both M. molossus and L. cinereus. These are relevant findings since there has been an increase in bat populations in urban and peri‐urban areas, particularly due to environmental modifications and anthropogenic impacts on their habitat. Thus, the detection of two zoonotic agents in a bat found in a public hospital should raise awareness regarding the importance of systematic surveillance actions directed towards bats in urban areas.  相似文献   

The effect in vitro of some cytoplasmic structure and function inhibitors on the different stages of rabies virus infection was investigated. Treatment of fibroblasts (CER) and human neuroblastoma cells (IMR-32) with substances acting on low pH intracellular compartments (methylamine and monensin) prevented rabies virus genome delivery in the cytosol. An early inhibition of viral infection was also obtained in the presence of B and D cytochalasins and trifluoperazine which interact with microfilament structures. Treatment with colchicine and vinblastine did not affect rabies multiplication, suggesting that microtubules are not involved in this process. However, the multiplication of prebound virions did not take place in the presence of inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation (sodium azide and CCCP) and of glycolysis (2-deoxy-D-glucose) indicating that rabies virus replication is largely energy-dependent in both host cells examined.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes a neurological disease in many wild and domestic animals. The neuropathology elicited by PRV is quite consistent regardless of the host with the only exception of mink, in which it is characterized by a vasculopathy rather than by an encephalitis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the underlying pathogenic mechanism(s) of PRV infection in mink by using immunohistochemistry and laser capture microdissection (LCM) on material from naturally and experimentally infected animals. The inflammatory reaction induced by PRV was minimal or absent not only in the nervous system, where we identified a low number of macrophages and a few T lymphocytes, but also in the primary replication site, the oropharyngeal mucosa; however, the number of PRV-infected cells detected by immunohistochemistry was extremely high both in the peripheral mucosa and in the nervous tissue. On the other hand, the vascular pathology included parenchymal hemorrhages of various degrees and, in specific cortical areas of the brain, fibrinoid degeneration of the capillary walls. Detection of viral antigens by immunohistochemistry revealed infection of endothelial cells of capillaries situated both in the oropharyngeal mucosa and in the brain stem; the presence of PRV DNA in vessels was further demonstrated by PCR performed on LCM samples of brain capillaries. These results can be interpreted as supporting the idea that the different pathology of the disease in mink may be the consequence of an increased endotheliotropism of PRV in this species. Infection of the vessel wall may then lead to vascular pathology and impairment in endothelial cell function, resulting in a weak immune response to infection.  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, is a neurotropic lentivirus and is associated with neuropathology in natural and experimental infections. FIV enters the brain early following experimental infection, and virus has been proposed to enter the brain via the blood–brain barrier and blood–CSF barrier, within infected lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages. However the entry of cell-free virus or the direct infection of brain endothelial cells and astrocytes of the blood–brain barrier may also contribute to CNS infection. This review explores the role played by the FIV model in the elucidation of mechanism of lentiviral entry to the brain and viral interactions with the CNS, particularly in relation to lymphotropic lentiviruses.  相似文献   

为了阐明牛流行热病毒(bovine ephemeral fever virus,BEFV)在媒介蚊形成持续感染过程中免疫相关基因的调控作用,利用白纹伊蚊幼蚊细胞C6/36从牛体传代抗凝血分离BEFV JT02L株,用geNorm和NormFinder软件分析感染细胞看家基因的mRNA表达水平稳定性,筛选获得最稳定表达的...  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody study showed persistent infection of egg-adapted avian encephalomyelitis virus in the central nervous system and pancreatic tissues of infected embryos and chickens hatched from them. The limited organ tropism of the egg-adapted virus in hatched chickens was in striking contrast to the systemic infection that occurs with a field strain. In chidkens orally infected with egg-adapted virus strains, transient infection of a few organs was found despite occurrence of viremia.  相似文献   

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