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Stream‐dwelling fish typically feed on small prey items, such as benthic invertebrates, but maintain the capacity to opportunistically feed on rare, large‐bodied prey when available. However, consumption of particularly large prey is typically viewed as isolated events that are not organised spatially or temporally across watersheds. We assessed the occurrence of small mammals in the stomach contents of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) over 13 years in the Wood River basin, Alaska (59°34′N, 158°48′W). Shrews (Sorex spp.) were the dominant mammals observed episodically every 2–3 years in the stomach contents of fish. Notably, shrew consumption was correlated in both Arctic grayling and rainbow trout within individual streams, and across the river basin in several subwatersheds. Predators of shrews were usually the largest individuals within each population, suggesting that smaller fish are gape‐limited and that dominant fish monopolised mammal prey. On average, 24% (11–38%) of Arctic grayling >298 mm (fork length) and rainbow trout >290 mm contained mammal prey during peak years. Small mammal populations often cycle every 2–5 years with well‐known functional and numerical effects for terrestrial predators, a dynamic that may be reflected in our 13 years data set of diet contents for aquatic predators. Although numerically infrequent when averaged over time, small mammal subsidies to streams may be episodically important to the energy budgets of long‐lived consumers in freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Abstract – We studied eel population characteristics (size classes, densities and body condition) in the lower Loire River floodplain (France) to evaluate the effects of longitudinal and lateral gradients. A total of 36 sites were electrofished in June 2005. The sites were grouped first into three river segments according to the distance inland corresponding to a longitudinal gradient and secondly into three lateral connectivity categories. Results indicate that small eels, especially those ≤300 mm, were very abundant downstream but density rapidly decreased upstream. In addition, eels ≤150 mm tended to be most abundant in connected waterbodies. Conversely, the distribution of larger eels was quite uniform across both dimensions. Eel condition decreased upstream. In parallel, in downstream river segment, eels had a lower condition in disconnected waterbodies than in connected ones. Eel specialists still have only a longitudinal perception of eel habitat. Our results suggest that lateral gradients should be also taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Montaña CG, Winemiller KO. Local‐scale habitat influences morphological diversity of species assemblages of cichlid fishes in a tropical floodplain river.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 216–227. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We examined the taxonomic and morphological diversity of cichlid fish assemblages in a floodplain river in Venezuela during the dry season at two spatial scales: macrohabitats (lagoons, main channels and creeks) and mesohabitats (leaf litter, sand banks, rocky shoals and woody debris). Nonmetric multidimensional scaling did not reveal differences for species assemblages among macro and mesohabitats. The first two axes from canonical correspondence analysis based on 19 species and six physical variables modelled >61% of the taxonomic variation in assemblages from rock shoals and woody debris, and 55% of variation in assemblages from sand banks and leaf litter. Principal components analysis based on 22 morphological variables yielded two dominant axes that explained >86% of variation in the cichlid assemblages. Morphological diversity was analysed to test the idea that assemblage structure is nonrandom, with structurally complex habitats supporting more species with more functional morphological diversity than simple habitats. Average and standard deviation (SD) of the morphological Euclidean distances of local assemblages among mesohabitats tended to decrease or be constant as the number of species increased. Regressions of the average nearest neighbour distance (NND) and SD of NND with species richness resulted in low and negative slopes of species assemblages among mesohabitats. These relationships suggest that when more species are added to a habitat patch, assemblage morphospace remains approximately constant, species average similarity increases and species dispersion in morphological space becomes more uniform. Results support that cichlids partition habitat at the local scale but not at the macrohabitat scale.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We used a longline tethering method to examine the relationship between prey refugia, prey body morphology and the location and magnitude of predation mortality within an individual lake and among three lakes that differed in coarse woody habitat (CWH) and aquatic macrophyte abundances. Predation events were lowest in the macrophyte and/or CWH refuges, peaked at or just beyond the refuge edge and declined in pelagic portions of the lakes. Predation risk at the refuge edge and just beyond was positively correlated with the abundance of littoral refuge. In contrast, predation events within the refuge and in the pelagic zone were negatively correlated with littoral refuge abundance. Deep-bodied and spiny prey morphologies were less vulnerable to predation than fusiform prey lacking fin spines. The structural complexity of littoral zones and prey fish body morphology may influence the outcome of predator–prey interactions and ultimately determine fish species assemblages in lakes.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The effect of pike Esox lucius predation on the mortality of newly stocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts was investigated in the Pyhäjoki River, Finland. The number of smolts eaten by pike was assessed by estimating the size of the pike population (mark–recapture experiment) and studying the stomach contents of pike. Before recapturing the pike, approximately 39,700 smolts were stocked upstream of the 2.5-km-long (89-ha) research area. The estimated size of the >40-cm pike population was 1507 (95% CL 1012–4731) individuals (17 pike and 29.8 kg·ha−1). Pike were estimated to eat 29% of the released smolts during 1 week. The diet of the pike in the research area consisted almost entirely of smolts, whereas in the reference area with no stocked smolts, the meal sizes were significantly smaller and the importance of smolts as prey was substantially lower. Pike <40 cm had not eaten any smolts, probably indicating a size refuge for the smolts, or alternatively fear of intraspecific interactions or cannibalism of pike.  相似文献   

Models of predation and fishing mortality in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
The dynamics of fish stocks are greatly influenced by predatory and fishery removals. We describe the strengths and weaknesses of a suite of approaches that assess the scope and magnitude of fishery and predatory mortality in aquatic ecosystems. We examine: (i) empirical models for pattern detection, process exploration, and model parameterization (e.g. multispecies time series and multiple regression); (ii) qualitative process-based models of species interactions (e.g. food web analyses and loop analyses); and quantitative process-based multispecies models that include: (iii) static flow models (e.g. Ecopath ); (iv) dynamic models of either numerical abundance (e.g. Lotka–Volterra) or biomass (e.g. Ecosim and multispecies biomass dynamics); and (v) spatially explicit versions of the above. Decisions concerning a specific modelling approach should be evaluated in the context of the goals of the model and empirical database. Important considerations include model use, desired output, and management context. Four important factors to consider in model selection are the spatial and temporal extent and resolution, conservation of mass or numbers, mathematical representation of predator–prey interactions, and mathematical representation of technical interactions. We conclude that the most effective modelling exercise to achieve a given set of goals should incorporate the evaluation of multiple model configurations.  相似文献   

Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu, SMB) is a broadly distributed, economically important species in the USA and Canada. Although previous research has suggested that projected climate warming may allow SMB to thrive beyond their current northern distribution, little research has been devoted to the population‐level effects of climate change on warm‐water fishes, including SMB. We modelled the impacts of projected climate change on growth of stream‐dwelling SMB along a north–south gradient in the central USA. Using downscaled regional projections from three global climate models, we generated scenarios for thermal habitat change for four populations (in Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa and Minnesota) and used bioenergetics simulations to estimate prey consumption and growth under future projections. Bioenergetics simulations showed that prey consumption is expected to increase in all populations with moderate stream warming (2–3 °C). Growth potential is predicted to increase by 3–17% if not limited by food availability with stream warming by 2060 and was most pronounced for southern populations. For each 1 °C increase in stream temperature, SMB consumption would be expected to increase by about 27% and growth would increase by about 6%. Due to implications for species interactions, population performance and regulation of local fisheries, a better understanding of how SMB populations will respond to climate change is recommended for effective management and conservation.  相似文献   

研究了不同pH值对大眼鳜消化道不同部位蛋白酶活性的影响及在最适pH条件下与翘嘴鳜消化道蛋白酶活力的差异。结果表明,大眼鳜消化道不同部位蛋白酶的活性强弱顺序为:幽门盲囊>胃>前肠>后肠,其最适pH分别是:10.4、2.8、9.5、10.1。翘嘴鳜的胃和幽门盲囊蛋白酶活力明显高于大眼鳜(P<0.01),而肠的蛋白酶活力略低,差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

1. Lake Rodó is a turbid system, a condition attributed to algal biomass. The proximal source of the eutrophication was stormwater discharges from an ill‐defined urban area. This paper describes an attempt to restore the water quality of Lake Rodó, the first time this has been done in Uruguay. In spring 1996 it was drained, sediments were removed and stream inputs were diverted. Groundwater was used to re‐fill the lake. Due to its high nutrient concentration a re‐circulation system was designed, pumping water from associated pools covered with free‐floating plants. 2. After the lake was refilled, the system was characterized by oxygen saturation or over‐saturation, neutral to basic pH, and high phosphorus, nitrogen and silicate concentrations. Ratios of total nitrogen (TN):total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (Chl a):TP indicated that phosphorus was the primary limiting nutrient during the period of groundwater supply. Once groundwater pumping had ceased, there was a decrease in TN:TP and Chl a:TP ratios, suggesting N‐limiting conditions prevailed in some periods. 3. Before restoration, the phytoplankton community was dominated year‐round by Planktothrix agardhii; since restoration the community has been more diverse. This change has favoured grazing by mesozooplankton, and the onset of clear‐water phases in spring. 4. Abundant populations of small omnivorous fish maintained a high predation pressure on zooplankton, restricting the abundance of large‐bodied herbivores, which, in turn, allowed an increase in phytoplanton biomass and a decrease in water transparency. Based on this observation, together with the phosphorus concentration and the low abundance of filamentous cyanobacteria compared with previous studies, we suggest that top‐down control has played a key role in increasing transparency in Lake Rodó. 5. A nutrient reduction programme, by the mechanical harvest of floating plants, and a removal of small omnivorous fishes and stocking strictly with piscivores, could be key factors in the achievement of a stable clear‐water phase. However, if blooms of Microcystis or other similar genera occur in summer, additional measures (e.g. reduction of the hydraulic residence time) will be needed to improve water transparency. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract –  It is generally accepted that nutrient enrichment of aquatic systems will lead to increased production at the top trophic level (fish). We found that in the wastewater enriched Bow River, Alberta rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) biomass increased over 25-fold, and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) biomass increased 5-fold, however total sportfish biomass did not increase below the nutrient input point source. This was due to a dramatic downstream decrease in mountain whitefish ( Prosopium williamsoni ) biomass to 2% of the average biomass upstream of the municipal effluent source. The spatial pattern over a 177-km river section encompassing the city of Calgary, showed that the increase in trout abundance approximately tracked the expected nutrient concentrations in the river, but with a downstream lag of 20–30 km. Mountain whitefish biomass over the 177 km was inversely related to the dominant trout species, rainbow trout. Invertebrate abundance, macrophyte biomass and phytoplankton biomass all increased below the wastewater treatment plant outfalls. However, periphyton data were highly variable and showed no response. We propose several hypotheses as regards the factors that may have led to the decrease in mountain whitefish, based on the data from all trophic levels and the spatial pattern for fish biomass. Proposed factors influencing the mountain whitefish decline were; altered competitive ability because of macrophyte abundance, ammonia toxicity and barriers to movement (weirs).  相似文献   

  1. In the current context of climate change, benthic cnidarians of the genus Palythoa have been suggested to be resistant owing to their intrinsic biological characteristics. In tropical regions, some species are currently proliferating in areas where environmental conditions are less suitable for other organisms, even replacing hard coral ecosystems.
  2. Considering their tropical affinities, phase-shifts towards Palythoa-dominated areas could become more frequent in future climate change scenarios, leading to changes in ecosystem organization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of climate change stressors in two common Palythoa spp. with different habitat affinities within a subtropical region, and the effect upon their predator–prey interactions.
  3. The results of this experimental study demonstrated that colonies of P. aff. clavata and P. caribaeorum were significantly affected by exposure to temperature and pH conditions predicted for 2100 in the Canary Islands, during 62 days.
  4. Despite zoantharians’ lack of carbonate in their body wall, Palythoa spp. were most affected in their growth rates by lowered pH, and colonies significantly decreased in weight and size. Although all colonies exhibited symptoms of bleaching at high temperature, a reduction in chlorophyll content was also observed at low pH.
  5. Predation by Platypodiella picta crabs decreased on P. aff. clavata exposed to acidic conditions, which may compensate for the lowered ecological performance of the species in these climate change conditions. In contrast, P. picta was able to actively feed on P. caribaeorum colonies regardless of the experimental conditions.
  6. Despite being suggested as winner species in a climate change scenario, our study demonstrated that low pH negatively impacted Palythoa spp. survival. If the species are not able to acclimatize to the new conditions, changes in their populations may be expected, although their magnitude could be ameliorated by means of a decrease in predation rates.

A 10 week experiment was conducted to determine theeffects of feeding rate on growth, feed utilizationand body composition of the tropical bagrid catfish,Mystus nemurus. Catfish fingerlings with anaverage initial body weight of 12 g were fed apractical diet (36.2% protein, 16.5 kJ/g diet) atrates of 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 or 5% of their bodyweight (BW) per day in two equal meals. Watertemperature was approximately 29 °C throughoutthe experiment. Percent weight gain increased almostlinearly with increasing feeding rates up to 2.5%BW/day beyond which no significant (P > 0.05)improvement in weight gain was observed. The specificgrowth rate of catfish fed rations of 1% BW/day was0.72%/day and this increased significantly to anaverage of 1.39%/day for catfish fed 2.5% BW/day andbeyond. Feed utilization did not differ significantly(P > 0.05) between fish fed 1.0 to 2.5%BW/day but decreased when rations were increased to3.0% BW/day and above. Feed efficiency ratio was0.79 for catfish fed 1.0% BW/day compared to a ratioof 0.27 for fish fed at 5% BW/day. Catfish fed 1.0%BW/day had the lowest condition factor, hepato- andviscerosomatic indices, but the highest carcass tobody weight ratio. These fish also had lowerproportions of whole body dry matter, lipid andprotein, carcass dry matter and lipid, and visceraldry matter and lipid than fish in other groups. Therewere no significant differences in either conditionindices or relative body composition of fish fedrations of 2.0 to 5.0% BW/day. Based on the growth,feed efficiency and body composition data obtained, afeeding rate of 2.5% BW per day is recommended forM. nemurus fingerlings raised at 29 °C.  相似文献   

Eutrophication is a global aquatic environmental problem. Traditional biomanipulation targeting keystone species has been effective for restoring eutrophic lakes. In this study, we conducted monthly fishery assessments and identified keystone species in Zhushan Bay of Taihu Lake, the most representative lake in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. We built the topological structure of Zhushan Bay's food web based on feeding relationships and calculated network indices of fish groups in the food web using network analysis, combined with Key Player Problem operation. Culter mongolicus, Culter alburnus, Protosalanx hyalocranius and Salangichthys tangkahkeii were the keystone species in Zhushan Bay's food web. Culter mongolicus and Culter alburnus had the greatest impact on the food web after removal. Protosalanx hyalocranius had the fastest speed of transmitting information. Salangichthys tangkahkeii was the key baitfish with the strongest ability to determine structure of species in higher trophic levels. Our study provided a reference for scientific management of shallow lake ecosystems and biological solutions for restoration of eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Acoustic survey data were used to estimate the abundance and distribution of age-0 walleye pollock and zooplankton near the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, nursery area at two time periods in two consecutive years: the beginning of August, and mid-September, of 1996 and 1997. The 1996 pollock year class ultimately produced a large adult cohort in the eastern Bering Sea, while the 1997 year class produced a below-average adult cohort. Acoustic densities of age-0 pollock were significantly lower in August – and declined more strongly from August to September – in 1997 than in 1996, indicating that the trend to adult cohort strength was already set by August. Diet composition analyses revealed that age-0 pollock ate a much higher proportion of euphausiids in 1997 than in 1996, despite lower acoustic abundance of euphausiids in 1997. We infer that in 1996, age-0 pollock experienced greater feeding success by August, with high concentrations of copepods available for smaller fish to consume, and high concentrations of euphausiids available for larger individuals. In 1997, age-0 pollock had lower body condition in August and may have been limited by the availability of small (<2 mm) copepods. Bioenergetic modeling of prey consumption did not indicate a likelihood that age-0 pollock would begin to deplete euphausiids until late August in 1996, and not at all between August and mid-September in 1997.  相似文献   

A sustainable semi-intensive pond aquaculture technology including major carp species as cash-crop and small indigenous fish species (SIS) as food for the farmers' families is being optimized in Bangladesh. The inclusion of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), a cheap large species affordable by poor farmers, is now being considered. As part of a study on the effects of this filter feeder on polycultures including the large carps rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and the SIS punti (Puntius sophore) and mola (Amblypharyngodon mola), an experiment was carried out to test the effects of silver carp and of each SIS species on the growth, survival and yield of the large and small fish and on pond ecology.The ecology of the ponds was dominated by changes in time, strongly related to the development of a surface plankton scum at the beginning of the culture season and weather conditions. The surface scum increased decomposition processes and decreased algal development in the water body, promoted photosynthesis and ammonium release and reduced nitrification. Over those effects, the presence of silver carp in the ponds decreased algal biomass through grazing and promoted nitrification providing and resuspending particles in the water column. These effects were also produced by mola, but were evident only in the absence of silver carp. Punti stirring on the pond bottom increased nutrient flow from the sediments into the water column and promoted nitrification, but were also evident only in the absence of silver carp.The addition of 10 silver carp over the 99 large carps stocked in the 100 m2 fishponds did not affect punti and mola reproduction in the ponds, negatively affected rohu and catla growth and yield by about 20-25% but not their survival, did not affect common carp performance, reduced punti harvested biomass by 10%, reduced mola performance by about 50%, and silver carp's own biomass increased total yield and total income in about 20% each. The addition of 250 mola or punti to the large carp polycultures did not affect the performance of any of the large carps. The decreased income from selling the more expensive large carps was more than compensated by that obtained from silver carp, which increased total income by 13-24% as compared to the corresponding treatments without silver carp. This allows the option to the farmer of selling part of the silver carp to complete the cash income that would have been obtained from large carps only if silver carp would not be stocked, and consume the rest with the family.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Factors affecting long-term variation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocking success were examined in a large lake, Lake Oulujärvi, in central Finland. Brown trout were stocked in spring (late May to early June) in 1974–1991 and in summer (late June to early July) in 1992–2001. The biomass of the vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), population (prey) at release time had the largest positive effect on stocking success within both periods: biomass of adult vendace in spring and both 0+ and adult vendace in summer. Increasing the size of stocked fish had a positive effect if the vendace available at release were only adults. The increasing trend of predator-catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) [combined CPUE of northern pike Esox lucius L., burbot Lota lota (L.), and pike-perch Stizostedion lucioperca (L.)] through the study period and its negative effect on trout stocking success suggested an increasing effect of predation within the entire time series.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out in the framework of a project to develop a viable fish polyculture technology under Bangladeshi conditions that allows simultaneous fish production of small indigenous species for the farmers' family consumption and of large carp species as a cash crop. The objectives of this experiment were to assess the effects of adding punti and mola in different proportions on the large carp and on the environment, and to assess the effects of punti on mola and mola on punti. The polyculture included the large carp rohu, catla and common carp (as cash crop fish), and the small indigenous fish punti and mola (as food for the small‐scale farmer family). The total large carp stocking density was 10 000 fish ha?1, at a species ratio of 1:1:1. The total small fish stocking densities were 0 in the control and 30 000 punti and mola ha?1 in the treatments, these at rates 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2. Stocking punti and mola at the density and all ratios tested were viable solutions to obtain simultaneously large carp cash crops and small fish to feed the farmer's family. Statistically marginal differences in large carp production were obtained in stocking small fish in the different proportions. These marginal differences could be explained by food competition between punti and common carp and between mola and rohu, which had different outcomes depending on the proportions of the small fish stocked. Stocking punti and mola at a 1:1 ratio would result in more small fish for the farmer's family, while the individual size of rohu, the most expensive large carp, would be somewhat smaller, but not necessarily small enough to decrease its selling price. Stocking one of the small fish in higher proportion than the other (2:1 or 1:2) would result in less mola for the family consumption, while harvesting of common carp would be somewhat lower and of smaller fish. Since common carp is the cheapest of the large carps, this small reduction would not necessarily affect the family income in an important way. With these results, farmers would now be able to reorganize their stocking practices with large carps and small fish and decide the appropriate small fish stocking ratios to meet their needs.  相似文献   

The lethality, anaesthetic and physiological effects of pulsed cyanide (CN-) exposures to a common tropical marine fish Dascyllus aruanus were assessed. Cyanide (25 and 50 mg l-1) was applied as pulses (10, 60 and 120 s) to fish under non-stressed and stressed (by chasing and/or placing fish under hypoxic stress) conditions. Following treatment, the time until recovery and the percent survival were determined. The fish were allowed a 2.5 week recovery period from the treatments at which time four physiological end-points were measured: (1) the blood haemoglobin content, (2) the percent blood O-2 content, (3) the liver rhodonase activity and (4) the liver O2 consumption rate. The greater the CN- concentration and exposure time, the longer the recovery time. Non-stressed fish exposed to 10 s pulses of 25 mg l-1 of CN- fully recovered within 4 min whereas fish exposed for 60 s and 50 mg l-1 of CN- required up to 50 min for full recovery. Exposure for 120 s at 25 and 50 mg l-1 of CN- proved lethal. Under stressed conditions, previously non-lethal exposures (60 s and 50 mg l-1) were lethal. Of the physiological end-points, only the liver O2 consumption rate was indicative of previous CN- exposure. Under non-stressed conditions, pulsed exposures at 25 and 50 mg l-1 of CN- for 10 and 60 s significantly reduced the liver O2 consumption rates (ANOVA; p < 0.05). Under stressed conditions, the liver O2 consumption rates were significantly greater (maximum rates up to 17-fold greater) than the control fish (ANOVA; p < 0.05). We conclude, therefore, that environmentally relevant exposures of CN- can adversely effect fish and this affect can be measured 2.5 weeks post-exposure. Importantly, the combined effects of exposure and stress both increased the mortality and placed an appreciable metabolic load on the fish as indicated by the elevated liver O2 consumption rates. Handling stress in combination with anaesthetic CN- doses could in part explain the delayed mortality reportedly associated with CN- use in the tropical fish trade. The significance of the elevated liver O2 consumption rates on the survival of CN--exposed fish is unknown  相似文献   

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