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在畜禽疾病的治疗过程中,为了获得更好的疗效或便于使用药物,常将数种药物配合在一个处方中,这就要求兽医临床工作者了解各种药物的配伍禁忌。配伍禁忌就是某些药物在一起发生的不良反应,如药效降低甚至失效或变成有毒物质。研究药物配伍使用及产生配伍变化的原因、原理与防止和克服配伍禁忌的方法,达到提高药剂生产质量与临床疗效的目的,是药剂技术的重要内容之一,在生产实践中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在畜禽疾病的治疗过程中,为了获得更好的疗效,常将两种或两种以上的药物配合在一个处方中。配伍禁忌就是某些药物在一起发生的不良反应,如药效降低甚至失效或变成有毒物质。1药理性方面药理性配伍禁忌即两种或两种以上药物互相配伍后,由于药理作用相反,使药效降低、甚至抵消的现象。属于本类配伍禁忌的药物很多,如中枢神经兴奋药与中枢神经抑制药、氧化剂与还原剂、泻药与止泻药、胆碱药与抗胆碱药等。因此,只有正确掌握药物的药理作用,才能在临床用药时避免配伍禁忌的发生。当某一药物中毒而应用药理作用相反的药物进行解救,即不属于配伍禁…  相似文献   

根据笔者多年从事兽医临床所积累的经验,就兽医临床常用药物的配伍禁忌作一介绍,仅供参考.  相似文献   

在畜禽疾病的治疗过程中,为了获得更好的疗效或便于使用药物,常将数种药物配合在一个处方中,这就要求兽医临床工作者了解各种药物的配伍禁忌。配伍禁忌就是某些药物在一起发生的不良反应,如药效降低甚至失效或变成有毒物质。  相似文献   

辛丰 《中国猪业》2009,4(11):62-62
在畜禽疾病的治疗过程中,为了获得更好的疗效或便于使用药物,常将数种药物配合在一个处方中,这就要求兽医临床工作者了解各种药物的配伍禁忌。配伍禁忌就是某些药物配合在一起使用发生的不良反应,如药效降低甚至失效或变成有毒物质。  相似文献   

1 不能同时混用的药物 含有机酸的中药:山楂、乌梅、五味子、女贞子不能与碱性药物氯霉素、氢氧化铝、胃舒平混用,与磺胺药、庆大霉素、红霉素不能同用.用后使药物失效.  相似文献   

在生产实践中,同时使用2种或2种以上的药物可提高疗效,消除或减轻某些毒副作用,适当联合应用抗菌药也可减少耐药性的产生。但多种药物同时使用出现毒副作用或者不能达到理想效果。同时使用2种以上的药物,其在体内组织、器官或作用部位均可发生相互作用,使药效或不良反应增强或减弱。因此在联合用药时应该了解药动学和药效学的相互作用,以及药物的物理和化学作用等,也是临床兽医必须注意的。  相似文献   

<正>药物配伍是在药剂制造或在临床用药过程中,将两种或两种以上药物混合一起称为配伍。在配伍时,若发生不利于质量或治疗的变化的则称配伍禁忌。药物配伍恰当可以改善药性性能,增强疗效,如  相似文献   

在畜禽疾病的治疗过程中.为了获得更好的疗效或便于使用药物.常将数种药物配合在一个处方中,这就要求兽医临床工作者了解各种药物的配伍禁忌。配伍禁忌就是某些药物在一起发生的不良反应.如药效降低甚至失效或变成有毒物质。研究药物配伍使用及产生配伍变化的原因.原理与防止和克服配伍禁忌的方法.达到提高药剂生产质量与临床疗效的目的,  相似文献   

副作用是指在常用治疗剂量时产生的与治疗无关的作用或危害不大的不适反应。有些药物选择性低、药理效应广泛,利用某一作用为治疗目的时,其他作用变成了副作用。由于治疗目的的不同,副作用又可成为治疗作用,如马痉挛疝可用阿托品缓解和消除疼痛,这时抑制腺体分泌便成了副作用。副作用往往很难避免,临床用药时应设法纠正。  相似文献   

Canine fucosidosis: clinical findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical course of canine fucosidosis, a neurovisceral lysosomal storage disease, is described from observations of 31 affected English Springer Spaniels. The diagnosis of fucosidosis was suggested by the development of multifocal neurological signs in the second year of life and confirmed by a deficiency of alpha-L-fucosidase activity in plasma and leucocytes. The progressive motor and mental deterioration was similar in all dogs and no affected animal survived to four years of age. Alpha-L-fucosidase activity in plasma was <0·05 μ/1 in all cases. The activity in leucocytes and other tissues was < 5 per cent of that of normal dogs. Vacuolated leucocytes occurred in cerebrospinal fluid, blood and bone marrow. The enlargement of peripheral nerves which is observed at autopsy could be detected by palpation of the ulnar nerve in advanced disease, however the results of electrodiagnostic studies were within normal limits. The clinical signs and pathological changes were found to be remarkably consistent from case to case making it an excellent model for investigating therapeutic strategies in human lysosomal storage disorders.  相似文献   

Sixty cases of canine sialocoele were reviewed from the records of the Sydney University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Poodles, dachshunds and Australian silky terriers were significantly over represented in the survey when compared to the hospital sample population (P&0.01). No other statistically significant breed, sex, or age trends were noted. Neoplasia was associated with sialocoele formation in three cases. The sialocoele location was cervical (42), sublingual (four), pharyngeal (four), not recorded (one) or in more than one site (nine). Thirty-five of 39 surgically treated cases were managed by extirpation of the mandibular and sublingual salivary glands together with drainage. Few complications were recorded. Forty-two per cent of the cases had received previous veterinary treatment in the form of drainage alone. Drainage of saliva from sialocoeles without removal of the offending salivary glands is inappropriate.  相似文献   

Two clinical cases of canine dysautonomia are described. Two young female neutered dogs were presented with clinical signs including vomiting, diarrhoea, faecal tenesmus, dysphagia and urinary retention. Decreased tear production, dry mucous membranes, bilateral Horner's syndrome, decreased anal sphincter tone and gastrointestinal hypomotility were also observed. Presumptive diagnoses of dysautonomia were made based on the clinical presentation and investigations. Postmortem histopathological examination in one of the cases demonstrated marked depletion of neuronal cell bodies in the intestinal myenteric plexuses and parasympathetic ganglia, confirming the diagnosis in this case. Criteria for aiding the antemortem diagnosis of this rare condition based on clinical observations and diagnostic testing are proposed.  相似文献   

The literature relating to allergic contact dermatitis in dogs is reviewed. Common potential allergens, possible immunological mechanisms and clinical signs are discussed. The authors' approach to the diagnosis and management of these cases is presented.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of hip dysplasia include lameness, gait abnormalities, reluctance to exercise, and pelvic limb muscle atrophy with compensatory shoulder muscle hypertrophy. Because these clinical signs are not pathognomonic for CHD, a thorough orthopedic and neurologic examination is recommended for all patients with suspected CHD. Specific maneuvers, including the Barlow, Ortolani, and Barden's signs are useful to characterize the degree of coxofemoral laxity, both as screening tools in young puppies and as diagnostic aids in clinically lame dogs. None of the signs are definitive diagnostic tests for CHD, but they should be performed as sequential maneuvers in the veterinarian's workup for suspected CHD. Pelvic radiography is mandatory to definitively diagnose CHD but should not be the first step in the workup, because other diagnoses may be missed or concurrent conditions may coexist with dysplasia.  相似文献   

Sixty‐three dogs with newly diagnosed lymphoma underwent complete staging and received the same chemotherapy. Diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma was the leading histotype (44.4%), followed by peripheral T‐cell lymphoma (20.6%). Indolent lymphomas accounted for 30.2% of cases. Most dogs with aggressive B‐cell lymphoma had stage IV disease. Dogs with indolent and aggressive T‐cell lymphoma had more often stage V disease and were symptomatic. Liver and bone marrow were predominantly involved in B‐cell and T‐cell lymphoma, respectively. The clinical stage was significantly related to substage, sex and total lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) levels. Aggressive B‐cell lymphomas were more likely to achieve remission. Median survival was 55 days for aggressive and indolent T‐cell lymphoma, 200 and 256 days for indolent and aggressive B‐cell lymphoma, respectively. The prognosis of advanced indolent lymphoma does not appear to be appreciably different from that of aggressive disease. Familiarity with the various histotypes is critical to make the correct diagnosis and drive therapy.  相似文献   

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