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The composition of humus in leached chernozems differs from that in gleyed podzolized chernozem-like soils in the northern forest-steppe zone of European Russia. Leached chernozems have the fulvate-humate humus. Gleyed podzolized chernozem-like soils have the humate-fulvate humus. A more aggressive composition of humus in the latter soils is caused by their overwetting and the development of gley processes under conditions of a stagnant-percolative soil water regime.  相似文献   

The soil cover of Tra-Tau and Yurak-Tau shikhans (monadnocks) has been examined. Leached and typical medium-deep chernozems are developed on colluvial fans on the footslopes and on the lower parts of slopes, whereas typical calcareous thin slightly and moderately gravelly chernozems are developed on the upper and medium parts of slopes. The leached and typical chernozems of the footslopes correspond to zonal soils of the adjacent plain areas, though they have some specific features related to the local topographic conditions. These soils are somewhat thinner than plain chernozems and are characterized by the perfect granular water-stable structure, the high content of humus of the humate type, the high content of exchangeable cations, strong acid-base buffering, and high enzymatic activity. These features predetermine their high tolerance towards technogenic impacts. The concentrations of highly hazardous substances of the first toxicity class (mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium) and of moderately hazardous substances of the second toxicity class (copper, zinc, and nickel), as well as the concentrations of low-hazardous elements (manganese and iron) in these soils do not exceed provisional maximum permissible concentrations of these substances in soils irrespectively of the slope aspect. No changes in the physicochemical and biological properties of the soils under the impact of technogenic loads from Sterlitamak industrial center have been identified.  相似文献   

Data on radiocarbon ages of different fractions of humus (humic acids, fulvic acids, and humin) in the profiles of chernozems are analyzed. A chronoecological grouping of humus in modern and buried (fossil) soils is suggested. An increase in the radiocarbon age of humic substances down the soil profile has a stepwise character. It is shown that the 14C content in chernozems decreases down the soil profile more somewhat slower than the 12C content. The dependence of a decrease in the humus content of buried soils on the age of burying is traced for a time span of 800 ka.  相似文献   

Temporal changes of eroded soils in the southern Cis-Ural region (Republic of Bashkortostan) depending on their agricultural use during the period from 1975 to 2011 were studied. In the northern foreststeppe zone, the development of erosion processes was retarded upon the use of soil-saving management practices and grain-fallow-grass crop rotations. In slightly eroded light gray forest soils (Eutric Retisols (Cutanic)), the thickness of humus-accumulative horizons and the content of humus increased; the conversion of cropland into permanent fallow was found to be the most efficient measure to control soil erosion. In podzolized chernozems (Luvic Greyzemic Chernic Phaeozems) and typical chernozems (Haplic Chernozems) of the Cis-Ural steppe, the content of humus in the plow layer under grain-row crop rotation and classical soil management decreased, especially in moderately eroded soils. The development of water and wind erosion on slopes depended on the slope shape: the texture of soils at different degrees of erosion on slopes with free runoff became coarser by one gradation after 35 years; in the presence of linear obstacles in the lower part of slopes, the content of fine fractions in moderately and strongly eroded soils increased.  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies of changes in the content and fractional-group composition of humus in leached chernozems (Luvic Voronic Chernozems, WRB 2006) of the Trans-Ural forest-steppe since the beginning of their plowing are considered. These soils are characterized by the high humus pool (up to 500 t/ha in the virgin state and up to 430 t/ha in the plowed state) and the high degree of the organic matter humification. Humus is of the fulvate–humate type in the upper 30 cm and of the humate–fulvate type in the deeper layers. From 1968 to 2006, the total pool of humus in the 1-m-deep soil layer of the plowed chernozems decreased by 8.5% in comparison with the initial virgin soils. The rate of dehumification reached 1.0–1.4 t/ha per year. The long-term plowing of leached chernozems also led to a smaller content of nitrogen in the organic matter (the C/N ratio increased from 11.5 to 13.6). The relative content of free humic acids (HA-1) and humic acids bound to clay minerals (HA-3) increased, whereas the content of calcium humates (HA-2) decreased. The composition of fulvic acids in the plow horizon was characterized by the rise in the content of aggressive (FA-1a) and mobile (FA-1) fractions, while the amount of fulvates bound to calcium (FA-2) decreased.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of mineralization (biological mineralization) of organic matter in chernozems has been studied. A decrease in the content of Corg with time can be considered an index of the organic matter mineralization. It is suggested that the humus horizons of modern chernozems contain the pools of organic matter of different ages: easily decomposable organic matter, labile biologically active humus, stable biologically active humus, and relatively inert humus. The composition and mean residence times of these pools and their contribution to the total organic matter content have been estimated. The particular types of the biological mineralization have been determined on the basis of the comparison between the velocities of mineralization (M) and humification (H) processes: total unidirectional mineralization (M ≫ H), equilibrium mineralization (M ∼ H), nonequilibrium mineralization (M> <H), and zero mineralization. The separation of subtypes is based on data on the relative rates (%) of the organic matter mineralization. On the basis of available experimental data on chernozems buried under kurgans and in loess sediments (with the age of up to 800 ka), the quantitative relationship of the humus content in the buried soils on their age has been found; it has an exponential shape. During the first 100 ka after the soil burial, the soil humus content gradually (with a slowing intensity) decreases from 100–75 to 6.5% of its content in the virgin chernozems. Then, 100–1000 ka after the soil burial, the soil humus content remains approximately constant (6.5% of the initial level, or 0.3% of the soil mass). The rates of mineralization have been estimated. It is shown that the elemental composition (C, H, N, O) of humic acids remains relatively stable for a long time due to the regeneration of the chemical structure of humus (matric restoration of humus). It is suggested that several different forms of humus related to pedogenesis should be distinguished in the biosphere. The renewable humus in the equilibrium state with the environment is typical of the open biospheric (soil) systems. The fossil humus, whose content decreases with time, and whose composition remains stable, is typical of the semiclosed and closed systems. With time, it transforms into residual humus, whose content and composition remain stable. The fossilized organic matter in the fossil soils and sediments of the past geological epochs (Mesozoic and Paleozoic) considerably differs from the renewable, fossil, and residual humus.  相似文献   

The humus state of rainfed chernozems affected by local waterlogging was studied. The total humus content in the hydromorphic chernozems increases, as well as the content of fulvic acids, whereas the content of nonhydrolyzable residue (humin) decreases. A significant increase in the portions of the third fractions of humic and fulvic acids is observed. The role of the fine silt and clay fractions in the binding of humic substances increases in the lower horizons of locally hydromorphic soils. The increase in the content of fulvic acids (fulvatization) is mainly due to their predominance in the clay fraction. The latter is specified by the significant narrowing of the Cha-to-Cfa ratio, the lower content of the nonhydrolyzable residue, and the increased content of the clay-bound (3rd fraction) fulvic and humic acids. The composition of the humus in the fine silt fraction of the studied soils is characterized by an increased amount of humic acids of the second fraction with a decrease in the relative content of fulvic acids.  相似文献   

The total mercury content has been determined in gray forest soils, chernozems, chestnut soils, and in different parent materials in the Transbaikal region. The mercury content is below the clarke value in the intrusive, effusive, and alluvial soil-forming rocks (0.004–0.024 mg/kg). In the humus horizons of the soils, it reaches 0.011–0.026 mg/kg, which is higher than the clarke value for the pedosphere. The mean background content of mercury in the soils of the Transbaikal region is 0.018 mg/kg. No significant positive correlation between the mercury content and the humus content of the soils has been revealed.  相似文献   

The development of forest-steppe and steppe chernozems on the Dniester-Prut interfluve in the Holocene was studied on the basis of data on the paleosols buried under archaeological monuments of different ages. The parameters of the mathematic models of the development of the soil humus horizons in different subtypes of chernozems were calculated. They were used to determine the rate of this process and the age of the soils formed on the surface of Trajan’s lower rampart. The climate-controlled changes in the character of the soil’s development in the Late Holocene were differently pronounced in the different subtypes of chernozems. The suggested differentiation of the trends in the development of the humus horizon in the studied chernozems corresponds to the differences in the soil-forming potential of particular areas (as judged from the energy consumption for pedogenesis).  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies (1957–2007) of the changes in the morphology of soil profiles and in the reserves and fractional composition of the humus in the soils of the Ingulets irrigation system are discussed. After 50 years of irrigation, the boundaries of the genetic horizons shifted downward by 15–30 cm. The redistribution of the humus took place: its content decreased to a low level in the plow layer of the irrigated and rainfed soils and significantly increased in the layer of 60–100 cm so that the reserves of humus in the layer of 0–100 cm somewhat increased and corresponded to a moderate level. The distribution of humus in the soil profiles was characterized by the gradual lowering down the soil profile. The concentration of nitrogen in the humus of the irrigated southern chernozems was very low. The degree of humification of the soil organic matter was high. The humus was of the humate type in the upper horizons and of the fulvate-humate type in the lower horizons.  相似文献   

The physicochemical conditions and morphological features of solonetzic process in soils of chernozemic solonetzic complexes were studied in the area of solonetzic experimental station no. 1 in the Kamennaya Steppe area in 55 years after a single application of ameliorative measures (earthening, gypsuming, and manuring) and cessation of the annual plowing. It was found that the modern soil-forming factors favor the development of soil processes inherent in native chernozems and solonetzes prior to their plowing and amelioration. They cause the restoration of the humus horizon in chernozems and the morphological differentiation of solonetzes after the cessation of plowing. Active postameliorative and postagrogenic restoration of solonetzic features is related to the preservation of the physicochemical conditions (the low concentration of salts and the presence of exchangeable sodium) in the soil profile. The humus horizon of chernozems applied over the surface of solonetzes is characterized by the appearance of solonetzic features under hydromorphic conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of bioclimatic conditions related to the elevation above sea level on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of humus in mountain soils has been studied. It is shown that changes in the water and temperature conditions with the altitude do not exert significant effect on the humus content in mountain- forest soils, because the total amount of soil organic matter mainly depends on the composition and state of the vegetation cover. The humus content is the highest in meadow soils formed on mountain plateau with excessive moistening, which determines the formation of dense grass cover and the temperature regime favorable for humification. The percentage of Cha in the composition of Corg and the optical density of humic acids (HAs) are the qualitative parameters of the soil humus status changing with the altitude. The intensity of humus coloring of the soil depends on the content and optical density of HAs. A comparison of color intensity in the mountainous meadow chernozemlike soils and plain chernozems has shown its significant dependence on the hydrothermic conditions.  相似文献   

It is shown that the water content in the upper part of chernozems in Western Siberia in the late fall period exceeds the field capacity. An ice-rich barrier is formed in the humus horizon of these soils at temperatures below zero in the cold period. This barrier has both negative and positive effects. Being impermeable for snowmelt water, it favors the development of erosion processes. At the same time, it prevents infiltration of snowmelt water beyond the soil profile with the formation of a percolative water regime (favoring soil leaching) in the chernozems.  相似文献   

The high degree of base saturation and high cation exchange capacity with an appreciable dominance of calcium are related to the high carbonate content in parent rocks, high content of humus in chernozems, and abundant fine material in their profiles. These are characteristic features of prevalent soils in the Kamennaya Steppe. Almost all soils of monitoring and experimental plots have an appreciable spatial variation in exchangeable bases. The obtained data indicate that the content of adsorbed calcium in the exchangeable complex of the soil decreases with increasing shares of adsorbed magnesium and partially sodium.  相似文献   

Agrochernozems of a catena (local divide, backslope, and footslope positions on a gentle slope of southern aspect) on the fields of Belgorodskoe farm were studied. The soils are developed from lithologically heterogeneous sediments with temporal accumulation of precipitation water above the lithological contact. A close correlation between the morphology and properties of the soils and the character of their water regime in different positions of the catena was found. Agrochernozems of the divide belong to the migrational–mycelial type of forest-steppe chernozems according to their humus profile, water regime, and slightly differentiated distribution of carbonates. Agrochernozems on the backslope with a higher ground moistening have a more contrasting water regime with the topsoil drying in the summer, a sharper decrease in the humus content down the soil profile, and a distinct carbonate-accumulative horizon with a smooth upper boundary, which makes them closer to the type of steppe agrochernozems. The soils of the footslope are characterized by alternation of the percolative and exudative water regimes; these soils are classified as quasigley agrochernozems with a shortened humus horizon and with dispersed and pendant forms of pedogenic carbonates. The character of moistening, morphology, and properties of the studied soils allow us to state that their genesis is controlled by the local ecological conditions with minimal influence of erosional processes on the slope.  相似文献   

The biological properties of chernozems in the south of Russia worsen under the impact of contamination with Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb compounds. The tolerance of chernozems towards contamination decreases in the following sequence: ordinary chernozems > typical chernozems > southern chernozems > leached vertic chernozems. This sequence is specified by the soil reaction and the organic matter content. The high humus content determines the high buffer capacity of chernozems towards contamination with chromium, whereas the high pH values ensure the soil tolerance towards contamination with copper, nickel, and lead. With respect to their adverse effect on the biological properties of the chernozems, the studied heavy metals can be arranged into the following sequence: CrO3 > CuO > PbO ≥ NiO.  相似文献   

The trends of the soil-forming process and the changes in the main physicochemical properties of leached chernozems under different phytocenoses (virgin land, cereal-row crop rotation, and sown perennial grasses (Galega + Bromopsis)) were studied. In the cereal-row crop agrocenoses, as compared to the virgin land, the thickness of the humus horizon increased, and the depth of effervescence remained the same. The reaction of the leached chernozems in the phytocenoses did not change, and the sum of exchangeable bases increased in the following sequence: sown perennial grasses < cropland = virgin land. The humus content and its reserves in the 0- to 20-cm soil layer of all the agrophytocenoses were almost the same, and the total nitrogen content decreased in the following sequence: virgin land = cropland > perennial grasses. On the contrary, the total phosphorus content, its mobility, the phosphorus capacity and reserves, and the sum of the mineral phosphates increased in the same order. The highest content of exchangeable potassium was found in the soils of the virgin land and the lowest one, in the soils of the cereal-row crop agrocenosis. The perennial grasses consumed the greatest amounts of potassium and nitrogen and the spring wheat of the cereal-row crop rotation, those of nitrogen. The removal of nitrogen was 1.6–1.8 and 2.3 times greater than the losses of phosphorus and potassium, respectively.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the 14C content in the humus of chernozems in 1900?C2008 are considered. The elevated 14C content in the atmosphere because of nuclear weapons tests has led to the contamination of humus with bomb radiocarbon. In 1966?C1968, the 14C reserves in the profiles of chernozems exceeded the background ones by 15%; in 1978, by 12%; and, in 1998, by 2%. By the year of 2008, its reserves became equal to the background ones. The 14C distribution along the soil profiles changed. By 1978, the 0- to 30-cm-thick soil layer became free from radiocarbon due to its self-purification; however, at depths of 40?C70 and 100?C115 cm, its weak accumulation was registered. By 2008, the whole soil profile was free from 14C. The main mechanism of the soil self-purification from radiocarbon is suggested to be the constant substitution of fragments of humus compound structures for those of fresh organic matter entering the soils with the 14C content being in equilibrium with the atmospheric one, i.e., due to the renewal of the carbon in the humus. The rate of the carbon renewal and its migration in the soils are assed based on the 14C concentrations in the humus.  相似文献   

Mismanagement of chernozems results in a decreasing humus content at the expense of the carbon of the nonhydrolyzable residue (the humin fraction). This conclusion is proved by the original data obtained by the authors and by other scientists. It is also shown that the newly formed humus is dominated by the carbon of nonhydrolyzable residue. These facts attest to the presence of labile humus compounds subjected to mineralization in the humin fraction of chernozems.  相似文献   

A sequence of dark gray forest soils developing under a virgin broadleaved forest and under croplands used for 100 and 150 years was studied in the southern part of the forest-steppe zone on the Central Russian Upland. The application of multiple study methods for these objects made it possible to trace the evolutionary changes in the soil properties during the 150-year-long period of regular plowing. Several important trends in the soil development under the impact of the cultivation were revealed: (a) an increase in the thickness of the humus layer (according to the measurements at 20 points for each of the objects), (b) an increase in the amount of mole tunnels, (c) a decrease in the coefficient of the textural differentiation of the soil profile (with respect to the clay content), (d) an increase in the contents and reserves of the major nutrients upon a stable pool of humus in the upper meter, and (e) some alkalization and carbonization of the profile. Powdery accumulations of carbonates and whitish calcareous coatings on the faces of prismatic peds appeared at a depth of more than 130 cm. The plowed soils contained thin deep fissures, the surface of which was covered by dark-colored clayey-humus coatings at the depth of 50–110 cm. The radiocarbon age of the humus in these coatings was 500–1000 years younger than the age of the humus in the soil mass between the fissures. This set of features attests to the evolution of the plowed dark gray forest soils into chernozems under the impact of plowing.  相似文献   

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