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金佛山方竹适生土壤特性及其形态多样性调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
文章实地调查了原生地金佛山方竹的形态多样性及其适宜生长地区的土壤特性。结果表明:1)金佛山方竹适应的土壤范围较广,可适应大娄山区pH值4.0~8.0的各类型土壤;2)金佛山方竹形态多样性表明其天然林是天然杂交群体;3)金佛山方竹特殊的叶形、秆形以及丰富多彩的笋箨及鲜笋颜色,为选育观赏型竹种奠定了基础。研究结果可为扩大金佛山方竹种植面积及良种选育提供参考。  相似文献   

金佛山方竹引种栽培试验初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
优良笋用竹种──金佛山方竹是原产于贵州大娄山系及四川金佛山一带的高山竹种,通过2年种子驯化育苗,已逐步适应生长在比原产地纬度高2.5°的浙江沿海低海拔亚热带海洋季风气候,从播种、分蘖、拔节及其竹苗生长均比较正常,引种获得初步成功。  相似文献   

侧柏耐干旱瘠薄 ,是石质山区造林的主要树种之一。我国北方春旱少雨、低温 ,春季侧柏育苗发芽迟 ,出苗率低 ,苗木质量差 ,当年不能造林。根据实践经验 ,秋季随采随育可以减少贮藏种子的麻烦 ,充分利用秋季水源 ,保证苗木需水 ,特别对山区旱地育苗更为有利。秋季育苗还可提前一年供应苗木。具体技术要点 :1 及时采种侧柏种子一般在 9月上、中旬成熟 ,采种时应掌握在种壳发黄时抓紧采收。采后晒干 ,去杂备用。2 浸种催芽先用两开一凉兑成 50~ 6 0℃的温水 ,浸泡 2 4h后 ,再将浮在水面上     的空秕种子去除 ,而后把沉在水下的好种子…  相似文献   

采用5种种子处理方法进行育苗试验,分析处理方法对黄连木场圃发芽率、苗高、地径、冠幅、侧枝数、地上部分鲜质量、根深、根幅、侧根数、地下部分鲜质量等影响。试验表明:黄连木种子不宜长期贮藏,育苗的最佳时机是种子成熟采收后立即催芽育苗,其效果最好,苗木成活率高、出苗整齐;随采随播次之。  相似文献   

盐津县金佛山方竹丰产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金佛山方竹是高寒山区特有经济竹类.本文探讨了金佛山方竹的育苗、栽植、抚育管理等方面的技术措施,期望能为今后金佛山方竹的培育提供技术参考.  相似文献   

花椒 ,为芸香科花椒属东叶小乔木或灌木 ,是一种经济价值很高的特用经济树种。花椒适应性强 ,抗干旱、耐瘠薄、结果早、收益大 ,是山区堰边绿化的重要经济树种之一 ,但是 ,由于花椒种壳坚硬 ,外具较厚的油质腊质层 ,不易吸收水分 ,发芽困难 ,掌握不好育苗技术 ,往往育不出苗或苗木质量差 ,给生产上造成损失。根据实践证明 ,花椒随采随育不但可以减少贮藏种子的麻烦 ,而且能充分利用夏秋季水源 ,保证苗木需水 ,特别是对山区旱地育苗更有利。是理想的育苗方法。1 及时采种花椒种子一般在 7月下旬 (山东 )成熟 ,选择结果多 ,生长健壮 ,无病害…  相似文献   

为培育高质量的金佛山方竹实生苗,研究了种源差异和施肥措施对金佛山方竹2年生实生苗质量的影响。结果表明:1)贵州5个种源的金佛山方竹实生苗在苗龄13个月时的平均地径为3.6 mm、平均株高为27.6 cm、每株有5.4苗,在苗龄22个月时的平均地径为4.3 mm、平均株高52.3 cm、每株有5.5苗,竹苗地径和株高与其种子千粒质量呈显著正相关;2)施肥能明显提高2年生实生苗的质量,施肥11个月后,施肥苗木的地径、株高、每株苗数、走鞭率、最长鞭长分别较对照提高48.7%、80.6%、29.0%、112.6%、23.3%,生长表现明显好于未施肥苗。金佛山方竹2年生实生苗的质量因种源不同而存在较大差异,金佛山方竹栽培技术规程的制定应考虑种源因素。  相似文献   

金佛山方竹(Chimonobambusa utilrs (Keng)Keng.f),属禾本科竹亚科,是金佛山特有植物,世界稀有竹类,其竹笋味美嫩脆,闻名中外。该文通过对金佛山方竹的采种、育苗、造林试验研究,得出结论:金佛山方竹可以通过人工繁殖造林,更新进入开花期的成熟林,并经过人工种植驯化,将其生长的海拔线降低200m。  相似文献   

金佛山方竹的育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金佛山方竹因其种子稀少,繁殖困难,种苗培育是发展方竹产业有待解决的问题,采用种子育苗结合连续分株育苗技术是大量培育种苗的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

绒毛方竹是金佛山方竹的变异新品种。在阔叶林下开展了绒毛方竹播种育苗试验。结果表明,绒毛方竹种子采种后经过筛选和2次水选,放置在地板上进行摊放催芽,8 d后种子开始发芽,12 d后种子发芽率达到80%;播种后50 d和205 d的成苗率分别达到70.5%和46.7%,合格苗木(地径≥1.5 mm,苗高≥20 cm)的出圃率达到96.9%。在阔叶林下绒毛方竹播种育苗取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

Interactions between forest canopy characteristics and plants in the forest understory are important determinants of forest community structure and dynamics. In the highlands of southwestern, China the dwarf bamboo Bashania fangiana Yi is an understory dominant beneath a mixed canopy of the evergreen Abies faxoniana (Rheder & Wilson) and the deciduous Betula utilis (D. Don). The goal of this study was to better understand the role of bamboo dominance, canopy characteristics, and periodic bamboo dieback on forest development. To achieve this goal, we measured tree seedling, tree saplings, and trees, forest canopy characteristics, and bamboo cover in permanent forest (n = 4) and gap plots (n = 31) in a mixed A. faxoniana and B. utilis forest in Sichuan, China. Dwarf bamboos died off in 1983 in the gap plots, and in three of the four forest plots. Forest development was assessed for the period 1984–1996. The seedling bank in forest and gap plots increased after bamboo die-off. A. faxoniana seedlings increased more than B. utilis in forest plots; the opposite pattern characterized gap plots. The proportion of seedlings on raised micro-sites on the forest floor also changed and new seedling were more abundant on the forest floor. By 1996, bamboo seedling cover and biomass had recovered to ca. 45% or their pre-flowering values. Rates of bamboo seedling recovery were faster beneath canopy gaps and deciduous trees than beneath forest or evergreen trees. Tree mortality exceeded recruitment in plots with dense bamboo; the opposite pattern was found in the plot with little bamboo. The mortality rate for B. utilis trees (2.4% year−1) was higher than that for A. faxoniana (0.8% year−1) and forests with dense bamboos became more open over the census period. Tree mortality was size-dependent and intermediate sized trees had the lowest rates of mortality. Stand basal area increased mainly due to greater basal area gain than loss for A. faxoniana. Interactions between tree species life history, canopy type, and bamboo life-cycles create heterogeneous conditions that influence tree and bamboo regeneration and contribute to the coexistence of A. faxoniana and B. utilis in old-growth forests in southwestern China.  相似文献   

对中国云南、福建、浙江、重庆、四川、广东等地竹种进行了调查,选择当地主产具有重要经济价值的竹子开展组培快繁技术试验研究。结果表明:1)16个竹种在主产地具有较高的经济效益;2)组培外植体以播种苗枝条为最佳,其次依次为种子、无性繁殖苗枝条、成年竹枝条;3)16个竹种的组培效果表现为:马来龙竹 > 麻竹 > 绿竹 > 龙竹 > 香糯竹 > 巨龙竹 > 高氏甜龙竹 > 勃氏甜龙竹 > 版纳甜龙竹 > 筇竹 > 金佛山方竹 > 云南方竹 > 苦竹 > 毛竹 > 雷竹 > 中华大节竹;4)16个竹种组培苗的造林效果表现为:马来龙竹 > 龙竹 > 麻竹 > 高氏甜龙竹 > 勃氏甜龙竹 > 巨龙竹 > 绿竹 > 版纳甜龙竹 > 香糯竹 > 毛竹 > 雷竹 > 中华大节竹 > 金佛山方竹 > 云南方竹 > 苦竹 > 筇竹。组培技术的应用极大促进了重要经济竹种的繁殖推广。  相似文献   

金佛山方竹垂直分布及低海拔异地引种后笋产量和品质   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
文章实地调查了大娄山山脉金佛山方竹的垂直分布,并探索其在低海拔异地发展的可能性。2008年至2020年,以单竹丛为单位,对栽种在海拔2 000、1 356、1 352、1 130、1 080、720和658 m的金佛山方竹出笋情况进行逐年观测,比较其笋产量及笋营养元素含量与原生地的差异。结果表明:1)大娄山脉金佛山方竹天然资源主要分布在大娄山山脉海拔1 600~2 200 m,上线海拔2 227 m (柏芷山),下线海拔1 400 m左右,每年自然繁衍海拔下延1~3 m,个别植株通过山体滑坡及沟谷流水瀑布等外力带至海拔1 350 m或1 150 m处,并小面积蔓延;2)在海拔1 356~658 m的原生地低海拔区及异地引种金佛山方竹,除海拔658 m处的笋产量和氨基酸含量低于原生林外,其他引种地的笋产量和笋品质指标均与原生林差异不大。研究结果表明,通过选择优良单株,可以在海拔658 m以上沟谷背阴地的疏林下发展金佛山方竹。  相似文献   

竹是贵阳市的市树,将贵州省的特色资源金佛山方竹推广应用于黔中竹海森林公园,对体现贵阳市市树竹的价值具有重要意义。文章在黔中竹海森林公园中选择不同类型的林地(火烧迹地、落叶阔叶林下、常绿针叶林下及林间空地)进行金佛山方竹造林试验,结果表明,金佛山方竹造林宜选择2年生实生苗,适宜的乔木林郁闭度为0.3~0.5,栽植后前6年,每年抚育2次,第7年以后可以采笋,笋产量约167~261 kg/667 m2。研究表明,金佛山方竹在黔中竹海森林公园适合的林地中能够生长良好,既能造景又能发展林下采笋经济,值得进一步推广栽植。  相似文献   

Seasonal and substrate effects on first-year seedling establishment of major conifer species (Abies mariesii, Abies veitchii, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis, and Tsuga diversifolia) were assessed in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan. Older seedlings (≥1 year) were more abundant on woody debris (WD), such as fallen logs, than on soil. It is known that this preferential seedling establishment on WD is determined by the first-year seedling establishment. The present results indicate that first-summer seedling survivorship clearly contributes to the creation of such seedling–substrate associations, because mortality during the first-summer was greater on soil than WD but that during the first-autumn/winter was not different. Although the standardized mortality rate of current-year seedlings on WD was not so different among the three seasons, that on soil significantly decreased in the winter; indicating that soil is not an unsuitable substrate for seedling survivorship during snow-covered winter. Thus, it can be concluded that biotic and abiotic factors enhancing seedling mortality on soil are most active during summer, and seedling–substrate associations seem to be determined mainly during the first-summer soon after seedling emergence. Furthermore, the first-year survivorship of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis, which has smaller-sized seeds/seedlings that are disadvantageous for early survival, decreased with progressing WD decay toward soil. This suggests that the properties of WD also affect current-year seedling survivorship, especially for species sensitive to substrate properties. In conclusion, initial survivorship affects seedling bank dynamics, and such early dynamics are greatly regulated by the highly heterogeneous substrate availability on forest floors.  相似文献   

Acer velutinum Boiss is a valuable tree species native to Iran, and its seeds possess physiological dormancy that hampers seedling production in the nursery for large-scale reforestation efforts. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal dormancy breaking treatments for A. velutinum seeds. We conducted a factorial experiment involving six seed lots collected along an elevation gradient from 300 to 1800 m at 300 m interval and four cold-moist stratification periods (0, 4, 8 and 16 weeks) at 4℃ and 70% relative humidity. The result shows that the germination of cold-moist stratified seeds was significantly (p < 0.0001) higher than the control for all seed lots. The highest germination capacity was recorded after 16 weeks of cold-moist stratification for all seed lots (68% 88% depending on the seed lot) except those collected from mid altitude sites (600 and 900 m) that germinated equally well (≥ 75%) after 4and 8-week of clod-moist stratification compared to the other seed lots. The mean germination time was significantly shorter (12 to 19 days, depending on the seed lot) for seeds stratified for 16 weeks than for untreated seeds. It can be concluded that: (1) cold-moist stratification for 16 weeks is the best pre-sowing treatment for breaking dormancy in A. velutinum seeds; and (2) seeds should be collected from mid altitude sites (600 and 900 m) to get more than 80% germination within 15 days, and these seed lots even required shorter cold-moist stratification period(eight weeks) than other seed lots.  相似文献   

金佛山方竹是中国西南地区特有竹种,云南省镇雄县有金佛山方竹林面积为3.23万hm2。多年来,由于竹农过度采笋,而忽视竹林的科学经营,导致大面积竹林低产低效。文章分析了镇雄县金佛山方竹低效林的成因,提出了具体的改造措施,评估了低效林改造效果,以期为提升竹林质量、提高竹林生产力提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为解决竹子种子长期保存问题,以马来龙竹、云南龙竹、巨龙竹、金平龙竹、麻竹、长节勒竹、云南箭竹、棉花竹、爪哇巨竹、大泰竹、笻竹、方竹和毛竹13种竹子的成熟种子为材料,通过研究不同低温、低温下不同储存时间、不同含水量、不同发芽设施和不同基质对种子发芽率的影响,来判断竹子种子保存的适合条件。结果表明:1)除笻竹和方竹的种子外,大多数竹种的种子在低温储存5个月内,随着温度由10℃逐渐降低到-16℃,种子发芽率会有不同程度的增高;2)在-16℃条件下,随着储存时间的延长,种子发芽率会有所下降;3)种子含水量会在很大程度上影响种子的发芽率,含水量超过在一定临界值,随着含水量的增加,种子发芽率会显著下降;4)选择不同的种子发芽设施也会影响种子发芽率,生产中宜选用具有微喷灌条件的温室进行育苗;5)在无菌红土、黑土和蛭石这3种基质中,蛭石是竹子播种育苗的适宜基质。  相似文献   

云南甜龙竹(Dendrocalamus brandisii)是优异的笋材两用大型丛生竹种,但常规无性繁殖技术培育的苗木因价格高而极大地阻碍了该竹种的推广栽培。文章以云南甜龙竹种子萌发的无菌苗为外植体,研究植物生长调节剂对试管苗快速繁殖及生根的影响。结果表明:丛生芽诱导的最佳培养基为MS+6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)3.0 mg/L+萘乙酸(NAA)0.7 mg/L,诱导率可达86.33%;最佳继代增殖培养基为MS+NAA 0.3 mg/L+6-BA 6.0 mg/L+噻苯隆(TDZ)0.001 mg/L,增殖系数可达4.90;最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+NAA 2.0 mg/L+吲哚丁酸(IBA)4.0 mg/L,生根率可达71.45%。研究结果可为云南甜龙竹工厂化育苗提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The establishment of invasive plant populations is controlled by seed input, survival in the soil seed bank, and effects of soil surface disturbance on emergence, growth, and survival. We studied the invasive vine Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. (Oriental bittersweet) to determine if seedlings in forest understory germinate from the seed bank or from seed rain. We also conducted a greenhouse experiment to investigate the role of leaf litter mass and physical texture on seedling survival, growth, and allocation. In the understory of an invaded mixed hardwood forest, we measured seed input, seedling emergence with seed rain, and seedling emergence without seed rain. Mean seed rain was 168 seeds m−2: mean seedling emergence was 107 m−2, and there was a strong correlation between seed rain and seedling emergence. The ratio of seedlings to seed input (0.61) was close to the seed viability (0.66) leaving very few seeds to enter the seed bank. Seed bank germination under field conditions was low (1 seedling m−2). Soil cores were incubated in a greenhouse to determine seed bank viability, and germination from these soil cores did not occur. To determine how litter affects seedling establishment and growth, we measured seedling emergence and biomass allocation in a greenhouse experiment. Seeds were placed below intact and fragmented deciduous leaf litter in amounts ranging from zero to the equivalent of 16 Mg ha−1. Seedling emergence was not affected by fragmented litter, but decreased to <20% as intact litter increased to 16 Mg ha−1. Increasing litter resulted in greater allocation to hypocotyl and less to cotyledon and radicle, and this effect was greater in intact litter. C. orbiculatus seedlings achieve emergence through forest floor litter through plasticity in allocation to hypocotyl growth. The low survival of C. orbiculatus in the seed bank suggests that eradication of seedling advance regeneration and adult plants prior to seed rain may be an effective control strategy. However, the intact forest floor litter of an undisturbed forest will not prevent seedling establishment.  相似文献   

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