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Ecological overlap may increase the risks of microbial exchange between humans and wild non-human primates. Escherichia coli bacteria were collected from chimpanzees and humans in Kibale National Park, western Uganda, in May and June 2004, in order to examine whether interaction between humans and apes in the wild might affect gastrointestinal bacterial communities in the two species. Chimpanzees harbored bacteria genetically more similar to those of humans employed in chimpanzee-directed research and tourism than to those of humans from a local village. Most humans (81.6%) and 4.4% of chimpanzees harbored at least one isolate resistant to locally available antibiotics. In isolates from both humans and chimpanzees, resistance was higher to five of these antibiotics than to Ceftiofur, an antibiotic not available in the region. These data indicate that humans and apes interacting in the wild can share genetically and phenotypically similar gastrointestinal bacteria, presumably originating from common environmental sources. Strategies to limit transmission of pathogens between humans and primates, whether that transmission is direct or indirect, would benefit both human health and primate conservation.  相似文献   

We report the results of eight years of post-release monitoring of 37 wild-born, captive chimpanzees released into the Conkouati-Douli National Park, Republic of Congo. Overall survival was high, with 23 (62%) individuals remaining in the release zone, and only 5 (14%) confirmed dead. Released females regularly interacted with wild chimpanzees. Several females appeared to have integrated into wild groups for extended periods of time, and four released females gave birth to a total of five offspring. However, encounters with wild chimpanzees were a major cause of mortality in released males, and 40-50% of released males would have died without veterinary intervention. These sex differences are in accordance with knowledge of chimpanzee behavioural ecology. Our results demonstrate that wild-born, captive chimpanzees can be released into the wild successfully, under certain specific conditions. Most importantly, careful planning and preparation is critical at all stages; a suitable release area must be identified; potential risks to existing wild populations, including the possibility of disease transmission, must be minimised; and post-release monitoring is essential. Adolescent females are the most suitable candidates for release, as they appear to be able to integrate successfully into wild communities. However, males should not be released where wild chimpanzees occur, as they are likely to be attacked and killed. Release into the wild addresses the welfare of certain individual animals, although it clearly cannot address the fate of all captive, wild-born chimpanzees. Knowledge of how to successfully release chimpanzees into the wild also has both current and potential future benefits for the conservation of wild chimpanzee populations.  相似文献   

The successful introduction of captive bred takhi or Przewalski’s horse, Equus ferus przewalskii, into Mongolia in the 1990s is a good example of the benefits of ex situ conservation and one of the few examples of the recovery of an animal after it became extinct in the wild. This is also particularly interesting because virtually nothing was known about how takhi lived before they died out, and the introductions have enabled us to study how they have settled, and their ecology and behaviour within their former natural range. In this paper, we describe the movement, home range size and shape, and habitat use of takhi at one of the release areas, the 570 km2 Hustai National Park in Mongolia. Harem home ranges varied between 129 and 2399 ha, with 80% core areas of between 61 and 1196 ha. There was no relationship between range size and harem size, or length of time since release. Initially, harems stayed near their release enclosures, but over time they established home ranges further away. There was little overlap between home ranges of different harems, but neither was there evidence of exclusive range use. The more nutritious vegetation at lower elevations was preferentially selected. Thus the present situation looks good, but, as the population continues to grow, we anticipate that there will be potential problems related to intraspecific competition for water and vegetation resources, and the potential for hybridisation with domestic horses belonging to the local people. We consider the time it may take for takhi to reach carrying capacity within Hustai National Park and emphasise that continual monitoring of the population is essential because interventional management is likely to be required in the future.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ecology of snubfin Orcaella heinsohni and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis in Australian waters. We used photo-identification data collected between 1999 and 2002 in Cleveland Bay, northeast Queensland, to estimate abundance, site fidelity and residence patterns of these species in order to make recommendations for their effective conservation and management. Our abundance estimates indicate that less than a hundred individuals of each species inhabit this coastal area. Even with relatively unbiased and precise abundance estimates population trends will be extremely difficult to detect in less than three years unless changes in population size are very high (>20% p.a.). Though both species are not permanent residents in Cleveland Bay, they both used the area regularly from year to year following a model of emigration and reimmigration. Individuals of both species spend periods of days to a month or more in coastal waters of Cleveland Bay before leaving, and periods of over a month outside the study area before entering the bay again. Because of their small population sizes and movement patterns, snubfin and humpback dolphins are particularly vulnerable to local extinction. Our results illustrate that: (1) detection of population trends should not be a necessary criterion for enacting conservation measures of both species in this region, and (2) efforts to maintain viable populations of both species in Cleveland Bay must include management strategies that integrate anthropogenic activities in surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Plant wax compounds (n-alkanes and alcohols) were used to trace C from the dominant pasture species to different water-stable aggregate (WSA) size classes to investigate if changes in the plant community composition caused by grass ley age and N amendment were reflected in the dynamics of intra-aggregate SOM. Age of the ley influenced the formation of aggregates, and fertilizer N application decreased %C and %N of the macroaggregates. Although changes in the plant community composition due to N amendment and ley age were reflected in the concentrations of plant wax compounds in the different WSA classes, the results of this study are more indicative of the direct effect of N fertilizer, than of the effect of dominant plant species, on intra-aggregate OM dynamics. The results of this study were found to support the suggestion that N amendments increase intra-aggregate OM dynamics especially in the smaller WSA size classes.  相似文献   

The decline of avian populations in fragmented landscapes is often attributed to a decrease in nest survival rates for species breeding within these habitats. We tested whether fragment size and connectivity, livestock grazing, predator density or invertebrate biomass were correlated with nest survival rates for an endemic New Zealand species, the North Island robin (Petroica longipes). Across three breeding seasons (2002-2005) daily nest survival rate for the 203 robin nests monitored in 15 forest fragments was 0.315 (SE 0.003), with nest survival rates increasing with invertebrate biomass (indexed with pitfall traps) and marginally decreasing with fragment size. Footprint tracking rates for exotic ship rats (Rattus rattus), which are likely to be the key nest predator, varied greatly among fragments, but were not a useful predictor of nest survival. We found no relationship between the number of fledglings per successful nesting attempt and invertebrate biomass. We conclude that fragment size and connectivity does not appear to be negatively influencing robin nest survival, potentially because of the already high impact that mammalian nest predators have in this unique system.  相似文献   

Fungal breakdown of plant material rich in lignin and cellulose (i.e. lignocellulose) is of central importance to terrestrial carbon (C) cycling due to the abundance of lignocellulose above and below-ground. Fungal growth on lignocellulose is particularly influential in tropical forests, as woody debris and plant litter contain between 50% and 75% lignocellulose by weight, and can account for 20% of the C stored in these ecosystems. In this study, we evaluated factors affecting fungal growth on a common wood substrate along a wet tropical elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes. We had three objectives: 1) to determine the temperature sensitivity of fungal growth - i.e. Q10, the factor by which fungal biomass increases given a 10 °C temperature increase; 2) to assess the potential for above-ground fungal colonization and growth on lignocellulose in a wet tropical forest; and 3) to characterize the community composition of fungal wood decomposers across the elevation gradient. We found that fungal growth had a Q10 of 3.93 (95% CI of 2.76-5.61), indicating that fungal biomass accumulation on the wood substrate nearly quadrupled with a 10 °C increase in temperature. The Q10 for fungal growth on wood at our site is higher than Q10 values reported for litter decomposition in other tropical forests. Moreover, we found that above-ground fungal growth on the wood substrate ranged between 37% and 50% of that measured in the soil, suggesting above-ground breakdown of lignocellulose represents an unexplored component of the C cycle in wet tropical forests. Fungal community composition also changed significantly along the elevation gradient, and Ascomycota were the dominant wood decomposers at all elevations. Fungal richness did not change significantly with elevation, directly contrasting with diversity patterns observed for plant and animal taxa across this gradient. Significant variation in fungal community composition across the gradient suggests that the characteristics of fungal decomposer communities are, directly or indirectly, influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

Livingstone's fruit bats, Pteropus livingstonii, (Pteropodidae: Chiroptera) are endemic to only two islands, Moheli and Anjouan of the Comoros Islands in the West Indian Ocean. With an estimated population of less than 2000 individuals, P. livingstonii is listed as Critically Endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List. Yet the habitat characteristics of these giant fruit bats, or flying foxes, are poorly known. I conducted field research during 5 months in 1998 focused on finding new roost sites, measuring characteristics of both roost sites and roost trees at new as well as previously identified roost sites, and recording the same characteristics for a set of absence sites. I identified six new roost sites allowing me to measure the characteristics of 15 known roost sites and seven absence sites. The study spanned both dry and rainy seasons and I found a significant increase in the number of individuals at roost sites during the rainy season. Bat roost sites were associated with presence of water, southeast aspect, steep slopes, and presence of several native tree species. Roost habitat was characterized based on biotic, abiotic and human factors. This research on habitat characteristics is contributing to the development of a conservation action plan for the Livingstone's fruit bats. However, further research on dry season roost sites and distribution as well as feeding sites is necessary in order to better understand their seasonal habitat requirements and therefore ensure the conservation of P. livingstonii.  相似文献   

African medicinal plant species are increasingly threatened by overexploitation and habitat loss, but little is known about the conservation status and ecology of many medicinal species. Mondia whitei (Apocynaceae, formerly Asclepiadaceae), a medicinal liana found in Sub-Saharan Africa, has been subject to intensive harvesting and habitat loss. We surveyed M. whitei in Kakamega Forest, the largest of three remnant Kenyan forests known to contain the species. In 174 100 m2 plots, we quantified the status of M. whitei and investigated its relationships with land use, disturbance and harvesting. With average adult densities of 101 plants/ha, M. whitei is not locally rare in Kakamega. However, the absence of flowers and fruits, together with a spatial disconnect between adults and juveniles, suggests that sexual regeneration is patchy or infrequent. Comparing among habitat types, we found that plants were most abundant in regenerating indigenous forest managed by the Forest Department, which permits some extractive uses. Conversely, plants were largest in indigenous forest managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service, which prohibits extractive uses. Most anthropogenic disturbances were not associated with M. whitei, but plant occurrence and density were higher along paths used by livestock than along other types of paths. Larger individuals appeared to be preferentially harvested, but adult plants were more likely to occur in harvested plots than un-harvested plots. This work emphasizes that restrictions on disturbance and extractive use do not automatically promote medicinal plant conservation. Moreover, harvesting may have important genetic and demographic consequences that are overlooked by studies focused on numerical losses.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the survival of inoculated beneficial fungal and bacterial strains in the field and the effects of their release on the indigenous microbial communities has been of great interest since the practical use of selected natural or genetically modified microorganisms has been developing. The aim of this study was to monitor, 4 years after plantation into the field site, the effects of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) co-inoculation with the mycorrhiza helper bacterial strain Pseudomonas fluorescens BBc6R8 and/or the fungal strain Laccaria bicolor S238N on seedling growth and on the indigenous bacterial and ectomycorrhizal communities using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The field persistence of the inoculated strains was also monitored. The seedling shoot volume estimate was statistically significantly higher in the fungal inoculated plots in comparison to the non-inoculated plots but no treatment-related changes in the quantitave or qualitative microbial measurements were observed and the inoculated strains could not be detected after 4 years.  相似文献   

The contribution of nitrifiers (ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB)) and denitrifiers to nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from arctic soils remains inconclusive. Based on preliminary experiments, we hypothesized that AOB are the primary producers of N2O in a high arctic lowland ecosystem on Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada. In part 1 of the study, flux chambers were installed in a catena to determine in situ fluxes of gases (N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2)) from 16 June to 13 July 2004. Although fluxes were low, N2O production occurred in the wettest area of the landscape when ammonium levels were high. As ammonium, but not nitrate, levels declined in the wet sedge meadow, N2O emissions correspondingly decreased. In part 2, the contribution of nitrification and denitrification to N2O production was assessed by Acetylene Inhibition Assay and 15N isotopically enriched incubations. Ammonium fertilization stimulated N2O emissions to a greater extent than nitrate, and acetylene had a greater impact on N2O emissions in ammonium-fertilized soils than in nitrate-amended soils. Stable isotope analysis indicated that at 50-55% water filled pore space, nitrification was the dominant (>80%) N2O emitting process. In part 3, molecular analyses of the two N2O producing groups indicated the both nitrifiers and denitrifiers did not differ between landforms. Our results suggest nitrifier denitrification is the dominant process occurring in these arctic soils and that the role of denitrifiers in N2O release from arctic soils needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

At the study site Tharandt Anchor Station in Saxony/Germany sap flow measurements are conducted in an old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) stand. During the study period from 2001 to 2007 several events like thinning, long and short drought periods and a winter storm significantly affected the amount of canopy water use. We show that intra-annual variation of Ec is strongly related to VPD and PPFD. While there is a non-linear relationship between daily Ec and VPD, daily Ec is limited by daily integrated PPFD indicating stomatal control of Ec through photosynthesis. On a monthly or seasonal basis, reduction of Ec is not only related to high VPD and non-saturating PPFD, but also to higher frequencies of precipitation. In comparison to this, nearly 55% of canopy precipitation and 20% of available energy were used for transpiration during the growing season. Intensive seasonal soil water measurements at the site revealed that on average about 74% of soil water removal within the rooting zone can be related to tree water uptake. A good correlation was found between annual Ec and Ecmax, usually occurring in June or July. Further, the monthly sums of June plus July were good predictors of annual Ec. Within the study period, the extreme drought in 2003 revealed a clear threshold of soil water content by 9.5 vol% and had the most pronounced effect on annual Ec followed by a stand thinning. The winter storm “Kyrill” in January 2007 had caused loss of green needles and twigs. It is assumed that the observed reduction in Ec during spring was related to the reduced leaf biomass and potentially to root damage of bended trees. Excluding the effect of extreme drought and forest management, a mean inter-annual variation in Ec of ±15% and in Ec/VPD of ±8% remained. It is concluded that lag-effects of drought and the winter storm add lacking explanation to the inter-annual variability of canopy transpiration besides the typical variation of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora is an invasive C4 perennial grass, native to North America, and has spread rapidly along the east coast of China since its introduction in 1979. Since its intentional introduction to the Jiuduansha Island in the Yangtze River estuary, Spartina alterniflora community has become one of the dominant vegetation types. We investigated the soil carbon in the Spartina alterniflora community and compared it with that of the native C3Scirpus mariqueter community by measuring total soil carbon (TC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total soil nitrogen (TN), and the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of various fractions. TC and SOC were significantly higher in Spartina alterniflora in the top 60 cm of soil. However, there was no significant difference in soil inorganic carbon (IC) between the two communities. Stable carbon isotopic analysis suggests that the fraction of SOC pool contributed by Spartina alterniflora varied from 0.90% to 10.64% at a soil depth of 0-100 cm with a greater percentage between 20 and 40 cm deep soils. The δ13C decreased with increasing soil depth in both communities, but the difference in δ13C among layers of the top 60 cm soil was significant (p<0.05), while that for the deeper soil layers (>60 cm) was not detected statistically. The changes in δ13C with depth appeared to be associated with the small contribution of residues from Spartina alterniflora at greater soil depth that was directly related to the vertical root distribution of the species.  相似文献   

The coast of Gabon is one of the most important nesting sites for the endangered leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea. In this study, hatchling orientation was recorded during natural emergences at Pongara National Park, Gabon. This nesting beach is located close to both the capital of Gabon and a developing resort area, Pointe Denis. Under natural conditions most sea turtle hatchlings emerge at night and orient to the ocean by crawling away from dark, high silhouettes landward towards the bright, low seaward horizons. Artificial lights interfere with natural cues and disrupt hatchling orientation. The relative influence of artificial lights, logs and erosion were assessed on the nesting beach in Pongara National Park using a linear mixed model. We found that the attraction to artificial lights was higher than the effect of silhouette cues landward alone, but could be balanced by the simultaneous presence of the moon. Based upon these results, we recommend combining light management in the resort area to reduce the light pollution on the nesting beach and reinforcement of natural cues landward to minimize the effect of the remaining light pollution from the capital.  相似文献   

Heavy nitrogen fertilisation is often implemented in maize cropping systems, but it can have negative environmental effects. Nitrogen-fixing, phytohormone-producing Azospirillum plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been proposed as crop inoculants to maintain high yield when decreasing nitrogen fertilisation. In this context, agronomic and ecological effects of the inoculation of maize seeds with the PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 were studied in two consecutive years. The inoculant was recovered from maize at 105 CFU g−1 root or higher. Inoculation enhanced root growth and development based on results of root biomass, rooting depth and/or parameters describing root system architecture, and a transient positive effect on shoot height was observed in the first year. Inoculation did not increase yield, but reducing mineral nitrogen fertilisation had only a minor effect on yield. This suggests that the lack of positive effect of the PGPR on yield was due to the fact that the whole field was heavily fertilised in years prior to the start of the experiment. Soil nitrogen levels decreased during the 2 years of the study, and the inoculant had no effect on residual soil nitrogen levels at harvest. Inoculation had no impact on Fusarium symptoms and concentration of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in maize kernels, but both were influenced by the interaction between inoculation and nitrogen fertilisation level. Inoculation did not influence meso/macrofaunal soil populations, but had a small but significant effect (smaller than the effect of added nitrogen) on decomposition, nitrogen mineralisation and mesofaunal colonisation of maize leaves (in litter bags). Overall, the ecological impact of seed inoculation with the PGPR A. lipoferum CRT1 was small, and its magnitude was smaller than that of chemical nitrogen fertilisation.  相似文献   

Chihuahuan Desert grasslands are important wintering grounds for grassland and shrub-adapted birds. Many species belonging to these assemblages are currently exhibiting population declines. One area recognized for its importance to biological diversity, including grassland birds, is the Janos-Nuevo Casas Grandes black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) complex in northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, an area containing 58 colonies with 30,000 ha of prairie dogs. This is one of the largest remaining prairie dog complexes and the only intact complex in the Chihuahuan Desert. In its current condition, a large percentage of this complex is of reduced value to wildlife. Overgrazing on communal (ejido) lands has resulted in areas being comprised of annual grasses and forbs. The density of active prairie dog burrows and banner-tailed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) mounds as well as avian diversity and abundance were lower on ejido lands than an adjacent private ranchland with and without prairie dogs. Few avian species used overgrazed portions of the prairie dog colony. Community similarity among plot types was low due to different management practices and differences on and off colony. To retain, and in many instances restore the biological diversity of this important region it is essential to work with local ejidos on grazing management.  相似文献   

Many fast growing tree species have been introduced to promote biodiversity rehabilitation on degraded tropical lands. Although it has been shown that plant productivity and stability are dependent on the composition and functionalities of soil microbial communities, more particularly on the abundance and diversity of soil symbiotic micro-organisms (mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia), the impact of tree introduction on soil microbiota has been scarcely studied. This research has been carried in a field plantation of Acacia holosericea (Australian Acacia species) inoculated or not with an ectomycorrhizal fungus isolate, Pisolithus albus IR100. After 7 year's plantation, the diversity and the symbiotic properties of Bradyrhizobia isolated from the plantation soil or from the surrounding area (Faidherbia albida (Del.) a. Chev. parkland) and able to nodulate F. albida, a native Sahelian Acacia species, have been studied. Results clearly showed that A. holosericea modified the structure of Bradyrhizobia populations and their effectiveness on F. albida growth. This negative effect was counterbalanced by the introduction of an ectomycorrhizal fungus, P. albus, on A. holosericea root systems.In conclusion, this study shows that exotic plant species can drastically affect genotypic and symbiotic effectiveness of native Bradyrhizobia populations that could limit the natural regeneration of endemic plant species such as F. albida. This effect could be counterbalanced by controlled ectomycorrhization with P. albus. These results have to be considered when exotic tree species are used in afforestation programs that target preservation of native plants and soil ecosystem rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The effects of timber harvesting and the resultant soil disturbances (compaction and forest floor removal) on relative soil water content, microbial biomass C and N contents (Cmic and Nmic), microbial biomass C:N ratio (Cmic-to-Nmic), microbial respiration, metabolic quotient (qCO2), and available N content in the forest floor and the uppermost mineral soil (0-3 cm) were assessed in a long-term soil productivity (LTSP) site and adjacent mature forest stands in northeastern British Columbia (Canada). A combination of principal component analysis and redundancy analysis was used to test the effects of stem-only harvest, whole tree harvest plus forest floor removal, and soil compaction on the studied variables. Those properties in the forest floor were not affected by timber harvesting or soil compaction. In the mineral soil, compaction increased soil total C and N contents, relative water content, and Nmic by 45%, 40%, 34% and 72%, respectively, and decreased Cmic-to-Nmic ratio by 29%. However, these parameters were not affected by stem only harvesting or whole tree harvesting plus forest floor removal, contrasting the reduction of white spruce and aspen growth following forest floor removal and soil compaction reported in an earlier study. Those results suggest that at the study site the short-term effects of timber harvesting, forest floor removal, and soil compaction are rather complex and that microbial populations might not be affected by the perturbations in the same way as trees, at least not in the short term.  相似文献   

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