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Forest management in temperate and boreal regions is often based on a strong foundation of applied ecological research. Increasingly, this has allowed the needs of saproxylic (dead wood associated) insects to be addressed. However, there has been very little equivalent research in tropical forests, where saproxylic insect faunas are likely to be much richer and where forestry is usually subject to weaker environmental controls. This study compares the saproxylic beetle fauna of old-growth, selectively logged and regrowth rainforest in the Daintree lowlands of northeastern Queensland, Australia. Old-growth levels of abundance, species richness, assemblage composition and guild structure were not maintained in logged and regrowth forest, suggesting that intact assemblages may not survive in the long-term in managed tropical rainforest. However, retaining a continuous supply of commercially overmature trees in the managed stand may prevent a repeat of the widespread extinctions of saproxylic insects witnessed in temperate and boreal forest regions.  相似文献   

Unprecedented deforestation is currently underway in Southeast Asia. Since this trend is likely to continue, it is critical to determine the value of human-modified habitats (e.g., mixed-rural habitat) for conserving the regional native forest avifauna. The impacts of ongoing deforestation on the highly endemic avifauna (33%) of Sulawesi (Indonesia) are poorly understood. We sampled birds in primary and secondary forests in the Lore Lindu National Park in central Sulawesi, as well as the surrounding plantation and mixed-rural habitats. Species richness, species density and population density of forest birds showed a consistent decreasing trend in the following order: primary forests > secondary forests > mixed-rural habitat > plantations. Although primary forests contained the highest proportion (85%) of a total of 34 forest species recorded from our point count surveys, 40-yr old secondary forests and the mixed-rural habitat showed high conservation potential, containing 82% and 76% of the forest species, respectively. Plantations recorded only 32% of the forest bird species. Fifteen forest species had the highest abundance in primary forests, while two species had higher abundance outside primary forests. Our simulations revealed that all forest birds that were sensitive to native tree cover could be found in areas with at least 20% continuous native tree cover. Our study shows that although primary forests have the highest conservation value for forest avifauna, the potential of degraded habitats, such as secondary forests and the mixed-rural habitat, for conserving forest species can be enhanced with appropriate land use and management decisions.  相似文献   

We investigated the species composition of testate amoebae at three altitudes (1000, 2000 and 3000 m) and two horizons (L and F/H/Ah) of a tropical mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador. A total of 135 species and intraspecific taxa of testate amoebae were found (36 samples). Rarefaction plots suggest that only few more species are to be expected. Species number in the L horizon was at a maximum at 2000 m (109 species) and similar at 1000 and 3000 m (75 and 71 species, respectively). Species numbers in the F/H/Ah horizon were 29, 67 and 48 at 1000, 2000 and 3000 m, respectively. The density of testate amoebae in the L horizon increased significantly in the order 1000<3000<2000 m with 3147±129, 9198±144 and 12,497±1317 ind. g−1 dry matter and in the F/H/Ah horizon with 176±25, 3118±97 and 4986±102 ind. g−1 dry matter, respectively. The significant Horizon×Elevation interaction reflects the exceptionally low abundance of testate amoebae in the Ah horizon at 1000 m. The results suggest that species richness of testate amoebae does not decrease continuously with elevation; rather, it peaks at an intermediate elevation. Further, the data suggest that diversity, but not density of testate amoebae in tropical forests exceeds that in temperate forests. Morphological features of testate amoebae reflected semiaquatic habitat conditions. The great majority of testate amoebae species of the studied tropical mountain rain forests are geographically widespread, including temperate regions; however 9 of the species (i.e. 6.7%) are considered tropical, some of these species likely represent Gondwana relicts.  相似文献   

Nest predation accounts for a substantial share of nest failure and low reproductive success in most tropical songbirds. Normally, forest fragmentation leads to an increase in nest predation pressure due to reduced cover, fewer (and poorer) nest sites and predator influxes from the surrounding habitats. To test this hypothesis, we studied natural nesting behaviour and nest success of the white-starred robin (Pogonocichla stellata) in seven Afrotropical forest fragments differing in size and level of habitat disturbance. Based on data from 12 nests, we estimate that 29% of all natural nests initiated by the robins survive to produce fledglings across all fragments. We also conducted an experiment using artificial (plasticine) model-eggs to reveal potential predators and compare relative predation rates amongst fragments. This experiment revealed that small mammals might be the major predators on robin nests at the egg-stage. In addition, it showed that the highest incidences of nest disturbance during this stage were in the most heavily disturbed fragment. This was presumably attributable to an influx of mammalian predators from the surrounding habitats as forest degradation created suitable habitats for them. Such an infiltration was recently reported in this study site. Both nest placement and microhabitat did not significantly affect depredation levels in our experiment. This suggests that depredation was predominantly incidental (i.e., predators mainly encountered nests fortuitously while foraging for other food items), where the likelihood of encountering a nest largely depended upon the prevalence of the principal potential predators - the small mammals.  相似文献   

The controls on uptake and release of CO2 by tropical rainforests, and the responses to a changing climate, are major uncertainties in global climate change models. Eddy-covariance measurements potentially provide detailed data on CO2 exchange and responses to the environment in these forests, but accurate estimates of the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) require careful analysis of data representativity, treatment of data gaps, and correction for systematic errors. This study uses the comprehensive data from our study site in an old-growth tropical rainforest near Santarem, Brazil, to examine the biases in NEE and Reco potentially associated with the two most important sources of systematic error in Eddy-covariance data: lost nighttime flux and missing canopy storage measurements. We present multiple estimates for the net carbon balance and Reco at our site, including the conventional “u* filter”, a detailed bottom-up budget for respiration, estimates by similarity with 222Rn, and an independent estimate of respiration by extrapolation of daytime Eddy flux data to zero light. Eddy-covariance measurements between 2002 and 2006 showed a mean net ecosystem carbon loss of 0.25 ± 0.04 μmol m−2 s−1, with a mean respiration rate of 8.60 ± 0.11 μmol m−2 s−1 at our site. We found that lost nocturnal flux can potentially introduce significant bias into these results. We develop robust approaches to correct for these biases, showing that, where appropriate, a site-specific u* threshold can be used to avoid systematic bias in estimates of carbon exchange. Because of the presence of gaps in the data and the day–night asymmetry between storage and turbulence, inclusion of canopy storage is essential to accurate assessments of NEE. We found that short-term measurements of storage may be adequate to accurately model storage for use in obtaining ecosystem carbon balance, at sites where storage is not routinely measured. The analytical framework utilized in this study can be applied to other Eddy-covariance sites to help correct and validate measurements of the carbon cycle and its components.  相似文献   

Stuart S. Bamforth   《Pedobiologia》2007,50(6):515-525
Decomposition occurs in the aboveground and ground litter and soils of tropical rain forests, but little is known about the protozoa that stimulate bacterial activity and turnover. I examined litter and ground soils, epiphytic bryophyte soils on tree trunks and branches, and adventitious roots of lianas attached to tree trunks, within 2 m above ground in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, within the Caribbean National Forest, Puerto Rico. Amoebae numbered 69,000–170,000, ciliates 1000–25,000, and testate amoebae 58,000–190,000 g−1 dry wt. of litter, but were reduced by 0.25–0.5 of these abundances in the underlying soils. In the aboveground soils, amoebae numbered 64,000–145,000, ciliates 1000–8000, and testate amoebae 84,000–367,000 g−1 dry wt. of soil. Eighty species of ciliates and 104 species of testate amoebae were found. About 50% of the individuals in ciliate and 33% in testate amoebae populations were small r-selected species, illustrating that functional differences between species determine community composition. Although protozoan numbers are best described as “protozoan potential” because many individuals may be dormant, the high moisture content of tropical rain forest litter and soils suggest almost continually connected soil water films (necessary for protozoan transport), and together with the large numbers and biodiversity of protozoa, suggest that a major proportion of these protozoa contribute to the bacterial decomposition channel of organic matter.  相似文献   

African medicinal plant species are increasingly threatened by overexploitation and habitat loss, but little is known about the conservation status and ecology of many medicinal species. Mondia whitei (Apocynaceae, formerly Asclepiadaceae), a medicinal liana found in Sub-Saharan Africa, has been subject to intensive harvesting and habitat loss. We surveyed M. whitei in Kakamega Forest, the largest of three remnant Kenyan forests known to contain the species. In 174 100 m2 plots, we quantified the status of M. whitei and investigated its relationships with land use, disturbance and harvesting. With average adult densities of 101 plants/ha, M. whitei is not locally rare in Kakamega. However, the absence of flowers and fruits, together with a spatial disconnect between adults and juveniles, suggests that sexual regeneration is patchy or infrequent. Comparing among habitat types, we found that plants were most abundant in regenerating indigenous forest managed by the Forest Department, which permits some extractive uses. Conversely, plants were largest in indigenous forest managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service, which prohibits extractive uses. Most anthropogenic disturbances were not associated with M. whitei, but plant occurrence and density were higher along paths used by livestock than along other types of paths. Larger individuals appeared to be preferentially harvested, but adult plants were more likely to occur in harvested plots than un-harvested plots. This work emphasizes that restrictions on disturbance and extractive use do not automatically promote medicinal plant conservation. Moreover, harvesting may have important genetic and demographic consequences that are overlooked by studies focused on numerical losses.  相似文献   

We characterized the tree seedling community within seven forest fragments of different size (3-640 ha) at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. We considered individual density, species richness, diversity, composition and functional group (shade tolerant, non-pioneer-light demander and pioneer species). We recorded 8038 individuals, belonging to 128 species and 40 morphospecies. Overall, shade-tolerant species had the highest density and diversity followed by non-pioneer-light demanders and pioneer species. Mean individual density per plot was not related to fragment size, but mean species richness per plot, total observed species richness and diversity were inversely related to fragment size, with the smallest fragments having the highest values. Species composition comparisons highlighted low similarity among fragments. Furthermore, larger fragments shared more species with the smallest fragments than between each other. Our results show that the largest fragments do not always hold the highest species richness; that small fragments comprise of high seedling species diversity, and represent a high regeneration potential for tree native species in the study landscape.  相似文献   

Knowledge about soil formation in tropical montane rainforests is scarce and patchy. We examined the altitudinal change of soils in a Bolivian tropical montane rainforest, aiming to illuminate the contribution of podzolization and hydromorphic processes to soil formation. In three transects from 1700 m to 3400 m a.s.l. we determined the pH, exchangeable cation exchange capacity, carbon and nitrogen stocks, and iron and aluminium fractions from 26 soil profiles. Three zones of different dominant soil forming processes were found: In the lower montane forest (LMF, 1700–2200 m a.s.l.), Dystropepts with high nutrient concentration and acidity were common. The pronounced change to the upper montane cloud forest (UMCF, 2200–2700 m a.s.l.) coincided with the appearance of Placorthods with more acidic conditions, deep ectorganic horizons and increasing translocation of sesquioxides. In the sub-alpine forest (SCF, 2700 m–3400 m a.s.l.), hydromorphic processes dominated over podzolization, resulting in Placaquods with low mineralization rate and nutrient concentration. This shows that due to increasing wetness and colder temperatures at high altitudes, dominant soil forming processes change from podzolization to hydromorphism soils with increasing altitude.  相似文献   

Tropical forest fragmentation affects both biodiversity and plant reproductive success when small, isolated fragments sustain a reduced diversity or abundance of pollinators. Fragmentation-related effects have been poorly investigated in the case of palms, an important structural and functional component of tropical forests. We examined the relationships between fragment size and diversity and abundance of flower visitors, and palm reproduction, by quantifying the arthropod fauna associated to inflorescences of the palm Astrocaryum mexicanum, and its fruit set, in fragments of different size. The sample yielded a total of 228,772 arthropods (10 orders, 60 species). Coleoptera was the predominant group (?50% of the species), followed by Hymenoptera (20%), while the remaining (30%) was distributed among the other eight orders. We found a predominance of pollinating insects (Coleoptera-Nitidulidae), representing 85% of all visitors. Pollinator abundance was negatively affected by fragmentation, with a 4.2-fold average difference between small (<35 ha) and large (114-700 ha) fragments. However, fruit set was relatively high (?0.7) and not affected by fragmentation during three reproductive seasons. This could be explained because small fragments retained remarkably high numbers of pollinators (1191.4/inflorescence) and by the high abundance of palms (and flowers) in fragments. Further research is needed, however, to assess if fragmentation restricts pollinator movements to plants within the fragments, leading to a reduction in genetic variation of the progeny present in forest remnants.  相似文献   

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