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Longline fisheries have expanded throughout the world's oceans since major commercial distant-water pelagic fleets began fishing for tuna and tuna-like species in the early 1950s. Along with the more recent development and expansion of demersal longline fleets for species such as Patagonian toothfish, these vessels are a major source of mortality to several species of seabird. Vessels can set many thousands of baited hooks in a day across many kilometres of water. These waters are often used as foraging areas by wide-ranging seabirds. Attracted by baits and offal, the birds can be caught on the baited hooks and subsequently drown. To provide a greater understanding of the potential impact of the Southern Ocean's longline fleets on seabird populations, this paper describes the trends in longline effort of the major pelagic and demersal fisheries in southern waters. The total reported effort from all longline fleets south of 30°S has been well over 250 million hooks per year since the early 1990s. However the spatial and temporal distribution of this effort has not been constant. While effort from the Japanese pelagic distant-water longline fleet declined through the 1990s, the Taiwanese fleet expanded dramatically. Likewise demersal fishing for toothfish increased markedly during the mid-1990s. These fisheries, along with substantial illegal longline fisheries, may be placing the long-term viability of many Southern Ocean species of seabird in jeopardy.  相似文献   

Commercial fishing has repeatedly been identified as a major causal factor for global declines in fish stocks. Recently, recreational fisheries have also been considered as having the potential to contribute to fisheries declines. Here, we take a global focus, contrasting the characteristics of commercial and recreational fisheries relevant to conservation and sustainability of exploited fishes in both marine and freshwater environments. We provide evidence to support our assertion that the same issues that have led to global fisheries concerns regarding commercial fishing can have equivalent, and in some cases, magnified effects in recreational fisheries. Contrasts revealed that the issues of bycatch and catch-and-release, fisheries-induced selection, trophic changes, habitat degradation, gear technology, fishing effort, and production regimes are remarkably similar among fishery sectors. In recognition of this conclusion, we present a new vision for recreational fishing that positions it on the same scale and urgency as commercial fisheries. Efforts to manage and conserve fisheries must recognise that issues and threats are similar in these fundamentally and philosophically different fisheries, as may be the solutions. Failure to recognise the similarities will further polarise these sectors and retard efforts to conserve aquatic resources. Fishing activity of any kind, whether commercial or recreational, has the potential to affect negatively fish and fisheries, as well as aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Developing effective management strategies is essential to conservation biology. Population models and sensitivity analyses on model parameters have provided a means to quantitatively compare different management strategies, allowing managers to objectively assess the resulting impacts. Inference from traditional sensitivity analyses (i.e., eigenvalue sensitivity methods) is only valid for a population at its stable age distribution, while more recent methods have relaxed this assumption and instead focused on transient population dynamics. However, very few case studies, especially in long-lived vertebrates where transient dynamics are potentially most relevant, have applied these transient sensitivity methods and compared them to eigenvalue sensitivity methods. We use bison (Bison bison) at Badlands National Park as a case study to demonstrate the benefits of transient methods in a practical management scenario involving culling strategies. Using an age and stage-structured population model that incorporates culling decisions, we find that culling strategies over short time-scales (e.g., 1–5 years) are driven largely by the standing population distribution. However, over longer time-scales (e.g., 25 years), culling strategies are governed by reproductive output. In addition, after 25 years, the strategies predicted by transient methods qualitatively coincide with those predicted by traditional eigenvalue sensitivity. Thus, transient sensitivity analyses provide managers with information over multiple time-scales in contrast to the long time-scales associated with eigenvalue sensitivity analyses. This flexibility is ideal for adaptive management schemes and allows managers to balance short-term goals with long-term viability.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies have three elements: species protection, site protection and, the most challenging component, conservation in the wider environment. Watson and Whitfield [Watson, J., Whitfield, P., 2002. A conservation framework for the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Scotland. Journal of Raptor Research 36(1 Suppl.), 41-49.] proposed a conservation framework for the golden eagle in Scotland whose main innovation, taking a lead from EU conservation Directives, was to incorporate the concept of favourable condition and its maintenance by implementing conservation policies that are regionally targeted at known constraints in the wider environment. Three criteria were suggested to judge favourable condition: a national abundance target of breeding pairs, national and regional targets for breeding productivity, and regional targets for the extent of suitable habitat which is occupied by breeding pairs. Here we refine these criteria, first to take the national abundance target and use it to set regional targets. Distribution targets were implicitly incorporated by this process because abundance targets were set regionally, with regard to the proportion of known territories which should be occupied. This allowed us to dispense with the distribution criterion as originally proposed. Our next refinement was to base regional demographic targets not only on breeding productivity, but also on indirect measures of survival (which are likely to have more influence on population dynamics). Despite apparent overall population stability over the last 20 years, the national golden eagle population failed to meet the abundance target and only 3 of 16 regions where eagles have occupied territories since 1982 were considered to be in favourable condition. The key constraint preventing favourable condition being met was persecution, predominantly in some areas managed for grouse shooting. The advantages of a conservation framework over similar approaches, such as species action plans, are highlighted.  相似文献   

Regeneration following a wildfire in a semidesert riparian woodland near the Turkwel River, Kenya was monitored from 2nd June, 1987 to 6th July, 1988. The pre-fire tree density was 417 plants ha−1 and the canopy cover was 36.5 per cent ha−1. Hyphaene compressa (a palm) accounted for 93 per cent of total density and Acacia tortilis 6.9 per cent. A tortilis contributed a pre-fire aboveground fuel biomass of 64.92 t ha−1, while H. compressa provided 23.35 t ha−1. The wildfire reduced tree canopy cover to about 7.0 per cent and resulted in a 100.0 per cent top-kill of A. tortilis and 24.0 per cent for H. compressa. Seed germination of A. tortilis and canopy density of H. compressa saplings were stimulated by the wildfire. The post-fire A. tortilis seedling density was 9 554 ha−1 compared to the pre-fire density of 213 plants ha−1. Canopy cover of palms in the burnt area increased by 457.0 per cent, while crown heights increased by 100.0 per cent between the sampling dates. Where H. compressa palms were not top-killed, recovery following the post-burn period resulted in higher foliage yield compared to unburnt palms. In reproductive palms, burning delayed fruit production although the effect may not be long lasting. The impact of wildfire on this Turkwel riparian woodland has important management implications. Elimination of pod-bearing A. tortilis by fire creates acute shortage of a critical dry season forage for Turkana livestock, while loss of woody cover results in destruction of riparian habitats.  相似文献   

Human activities, such as military off‐road vehicular traffic, disturb ground and vegetation cover of landscapes and increase potential rainfall related runoff and soil erosion. On military lands, soil erosion is of major concern in order to sustain training lands and thus there is a need for land condition maps for planning training activities and land management. In this study, we presented a conditional co‐simulation algorithm to generate annual time series maps of soil erosion status from 1989 to 2001 for an army installation. The spatial variability and temporal dynamics of land condition were analyzed. This algorithm modeled soil erosion as realizations of a random function by combining a set of permanent plot data and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images. In addition to estimation maps of soil erosion status, we obtained the maps of uncertainties including the variance of each pixel estimate and the probability of poor land condition. The results and maps are useful tools for land managers and decision‐makers to guide military training programs and to generate management plans for sustaining training lands. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historical studies were made of the changing land use (260-1995) of 14 calcareous hillsides in Upper-Normandy to investigate botanical changes over the last 200 years. Before the French Revolution in 1789, most of these hillsides were used as vineyards mixed with common sheep walks. After the French Revolution, they were distributed among inhabitants for cultivation (cereals) but they were abandoned in the nineteenth century and grazed again. Our results show that this history is correlated with important changes in the floristic composition of the calcareous hillsides between 1816 and 1995. The species richness of arable weeds and fallow-land species of former cultivated fields or vineyards decrease faster than that of chalk grassland species. The consequences of these long-term dynamics are discussed with regards to the ecological requirements and the rarity status of the species that have disappeared since 1935. We conclude with the need to take account of land use change processes, e.g. the alternation of arable fields and grasslands, to maintain the present species-richness of calcareous hillsides.  相似文献   

Deforestation, agricultural land uses and urbanization have altered stream channels and floodplains in many regions of the world, yet occurrences of post‐settlement alluvium (PSA) and benchmark pre‐settlement horizons (Palaeosols) are unreported in many tropical and subtropical developing countries. Twentieth century land uses, motivated strongly by state subsidies in the cases of coffee and cotton cultivation and soy – wheat double cropping, caused soil erosion and the corresponding formation of PSA and stream‐channel changes in small catchments of the Western Plateau of São Paulo State, Brazil. Analysis of land‐use changes suggests necessary alteration of regional environmental management for restoration planning, water quality monitoring and control of gully erosion. Narratives of regional environmental change should address the impacts of agropastoral land uses on soil and water resources, rather than concentrating on deforestation and forest land cover. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most studies of faunal habitat fragmentation are based on a human perspective of the landscape in which landscape elements are classified as habitat and non-habitat. Moreover, many landscape models that define “habitat patches” assume that the same set of patches will be suitable for all taxa or a broad range of taxa. McIntyre and Hobbs [Conservation Biology 13 (1999) 1282] recently proposed a model in which landscapes can be classified according to the amount of habitat remaining and in which the remaining habitat can correspond to a continuum or gradient of modification. The perception of a landscape as being intact, variegated, fragmented or relictual [sensu Conservation Biology 13 (1999)] will depend on the capacity of individual species to utilise modified habitat. We suggest that although the continuum concept of habitat use is reasonably well established for plants, faunal studies have often ignored the notion of a gradient of habitat use and have classified landscape areas simplistically and inappropriately as either habitat or non-habitat. Data on birds in southeastern Australia are used to illustrate how the binary view of habitat can be incorrect. Birds were sampled in landscapes that ranged from intact to relictual as defined from an anthropocentric perspective. Our data: (1) illustrated a wide range of bird responses to habitat modification including many that might have been overlooked using a simple binomial approach to habitat classification, and (2) highlighted the fact that the way in which humans perceive landscapes may not correspond to how some elements of the biota perceive the same landscape. Viewing landscapes as a species-specific gradient of states of remaining habitat and condition has important implications for undertaking studies of human impacts on biodiversity and also integrating conservation considerations in production environments. It also challenges the effectiveness of “quick fixes” such as species-based biodiversity surrogates schemes and the uncritical use of generic landscape indices to save “habitat” because the assumption that all species will conform to the same landscape pattern will not hold.  相似文献   

Knowledge of scarlet macaw (Ara macao) biology during the post-fledging period is limited, yet information about this important life stage is critical to developing effective conservation strategies. We used radiotelemetry to study the post-fledging movements and behavior of scarlet macaws from an isolated and threatened population in Costa Rica. Our results indicate that monitoring and protection of young macaws during the initial 14 days post-fledging is a critical conservation measure. We identify coastal mangrove as an important habitat for the species during the post-fledging period. Young scarlet macaws gradually developed flight and feeding skills, learned behaviors and movement patterns from their parents, and were integrated into social groups during the post-fledging period. Our results underscore the challenges facing management programs based on captive rearing and stress the importance of in situ conservation focusing on nest cavity management and protection in cooperation with local communities.  相似文献   

The unsustainable exploitation and destruction of forests is a serious environmental concern in the developing countries of Africa. One of its main driving forces is the growing population causing a growing demand for fuelwood. In Ethiopia, as in many developing countries, there is a heavy dependence on and a growing demand for fuelwood. This dependence has been contributing to a widescale deforestation, as stated in various reports. Contrary to these reports, a study in the Chemoga watershed found a slightly increased forest cover during the past four decades, which was ascribed to households' tree planting practices. The objective of this study was to examine household level tree planting activities in reference to biofuel consumption patterns in four sample villages in the watershed. The results indicate that fuelwood and cattle dung accounted for nearly 100 per cent of the domestic energy consumption, with cattle dung contributing 34 per cent of the total. Fuelwood and dung combined, per capita biofuel consumption was estimated at 511 kg yr−1, but with variations between the villages and socio‐economic groups. Supply appears to have influenced the quantity of biofuels used. The scarcity of wood for fuel and other uses has forced households to plant trees. This has contributed to the increased forest cover of the watershed at the present as compared to that four decades ago. Number of trees planted showed variation between the villages and socio‐economic groups, which is attributable to physical and human factors. In promoting tree planting, agroforesters and environmental management planners should therefore take into account local level biophysical and socio‐economic realities. This agroforestry practice is a good short‐term solution to the problem of fuelwood shortage, and also has many positive implications for environmental management and agricultural production. Thus, it has to be encouraged. Spatially aggregated, local level agroforestry practices contribute positively towards global ecosystem health. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a result of Elymus athericus (Poaceae) invasion in the last 10 years, a major change in vegetation cover has occurred in salt marshes of the Mont Saint-Michel bay (France). Such invasions are known to modify biodiversity and consequently ecosystem proprieties and functions as well as the conservation value of invaded areas. In this study, we especially focus (1) on the impact of the invasive species on the conservation value of the invaded ecosystems and (2) on the impact of mowing in the invaded parts of salt marshes. Among the various biological models, spiders were selected for the present study because they are an abundant, diversified, taxonomic group of generalist predators. Furthermore, data are available on this group since 1984, allowing a comparison of species distribution ranges in salt marshes before and after the E. athericus invasion. This diachronic approach showed that the invasion of salt marshes promoted the progression of non-coastal species, web-building spiders and cursorial spiders, but did not interfere with resident species distributions, finally resulting in higher spider densities and species richness in the entire area.The species composition, functional groups, abundances and densities of spider assemblages were also compared using complementary sampling techniques (i.e., pitfall traps, collecting by hand and quadrat technique) between natural and invaded stations in 2002 for synchronic approach. One main result is that some halophilic species decreased in abundances and densities in invaded plots, which is thought to alter the marine character of salt marsh arthropod assemblages. Lastly, mowing, by reducing non-coastal species and enhancing halophilic ones, tends to reduce the negative effects of Elymus on salt marsh conservation value. The relation between the treatments tested (invasive species and mowing) and the spider assemblages by changes in environmental variables confirms the high value of this group as bioindicators.  相似文献   

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